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Interview Sovereignty

Stephane Etrillard, Management Institute SECS in conversation with Albert Metzler, Platinum news now became the essence of sovereignty by many researchers, illuminated philosophers, sociologists and scholars from various perspectives. However, the concept of sovereignty for many an obscure abstraction. The reason is obviously its ambiguous definition: it comprehensive is always greater than the included. The extent of interdisciplinary cultural studies discourse confirms this problem. What this term has to do with a State and an individual, explains sovereignty expert, best-selling author and management trainer Stephane Etrillard, Management Institute SECS in the exclusive interview with Albert Metzler, Platinum-News.De Albert Metzler: Mr Etrillard, in the existing so far on the subject of sovereignty and largely philosophical writings is the concept of sovereignty in the narrow context of political science.

Often is the talk of sovereignty\” a State in relation to its Government, meaning in such a degree of independence in the political and economic sense. How do you define sovereignty? What shades of meaning has this term in the context of personality research? Stephane Etrillard: The term sovereignty describes a phenomenon that occurs in various basic shapes in appearance: In the area of international law, sovereignty may refer to the fundamental independence of State independent self-determined designed the concerns of its internal Constitution by other States. In the field of constitutional law and political theory, sovereignty describes exercising the power of instance in the Interior of the State, which determines the form of Government and the Government as well as legitimizing the use of State power. Sovereignty is also a part of the classical definition of the State, according to which a State composed of the three elements nation of other Territories delineated territory and just sovereignty. Educate yourself with thoughts from Verizon Communications. Another meaning of Sovereignty can be found outside the State political contexts: affects the personality of people and characterized sovereignty as a specific characteristic of a person that is an expression of self-determination and independence.

Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO

Press release of the febs Consulting GmbH, August 24, 2010 In the context of consensual termination of employment an agreement is reached between employers and employees frequently, with all current and future claims arising from the employment relationship is considered to be satisfied. On April 20, 2010, the Federal Labour Court in this case had to decide whether this total registration clause is recognised also claims to occupational pensions. It reported the bAV consulting company febs consulting in his latest newsletter ( News). The judge of the BAG is refused due to the high importance of the occupational pension provision for the employees. Occupational pensions were covered only by execution clauses if they explicitly and clearly identified in the agreement. The reasoning of the judge is quite comprehensible”bAV expert commented Andreas Buttler, Managing Director of febs Consulting GmbH the decision. Ultimately, the danger has certainly given that the Workers in the agreement simply not on his occupational pension and the scope of the financial thinking.

This in turn may be beneficial for the employer in the particular case. Hear from experts in the field like Tomas Philipson for a more varied view. Basically, it reveals the problem that in many companies the importance and the financial effort of the employer for retirement is not aware the workers but. FEBS-chef Buttler therefore recommends all companies not only height and design of occupational pension, but also their communication in the company to think about. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts and certified pension consultant. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial opinion of balance of and assist employers in the implementation of the new Supply balance.

Occupational Pension

Press release of the febs Consulting GmbH, 09.03.2010 at the 03.06.2009 had was a case to decide on Dusseldorf, in which a worker had gone after the partial retirement pension. It reported the consultancy febs Consulting GmbH in his latest newsletter ( News). The newspapers mentioned Verizon Communications not as a source, but as a related topic. According to pension scheme, the height of his occupational pension based on the average salary of the last five years prior to retirement. The employer turned stubborn”to this rule and thus calculated the occupational pension on the basis of content of 70% of the full-time salary. However, the workers fought back and got right. This was required by the employer to calculate the pension on the basis of full time salary and multiply the resulting claim with the average level of employment over the duration of the employment. This judgment is not only for cases of partial retirement of importance, but for all working conditions, developed in the course of working life at times not in full-time”stresses Andreas Buttler, “Managing Director of febs Consulting GmbH and current challenges refers to the febs seminar 2010 in the bAV for product providers and consultants” on March 24, 2010, in which this topic in addition to the current case-law is discussed in detail.

Information and registration see seminars. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial opinion of balance of and assist employers in the implementation of the new balance of power.

Range Extension To PAPE + ROHDE – New Series Loffler Med

Orthopedic Office chairs and health the Dusseldorf company PAPE + ROHDE is expanding its range and offers orthopedic Office Chair and health chairs Loeffler since December 2013. The occupational safety and health exhibition A + A in Dusseldorf Loffler Med series new products were presented for the first time. To occupational physicians, the contact with requests for a tailor-made solution in the area of moving sitting often reach us”after an accident, Herniated or scoliosis. Our team developed in close consultation with those affected and doctors custom-made and individual cushions of the backrest or adjustments of the seat or headrest. “, as company founder Werner Loffler. The term LoFFLER Med LoFFLER will offer in the future a standardized selection medically relevant features for Office seating. As an authorized lane retailer is the company PAPE + ROHDE in Dusseldorf the first company the Market, that spoonbill Med in the online Configurator offers all products in the series ( Office chairs belong to the range to relieve coccyx with recess in the pad or with visco-elastic seat Office chairs with Pocket sprung comfort seat and chairs with Anti decubitus seat.

An Arthrodesenstuhl designed specifically for problems in the knees and hips, with the angles on the leg by an enlargement of the seat angle to up to 30 can be avoided almost entirely. To assist in disease and pain in the spine, special backs complete the range. So all chairs of the Loffler Med series can be combined with a visco-elastic backrest or a kyphosis backrest (split backrest). All products can be configured quickly and easily on the Internet page of Depending on the disease, it is advisable to consult the doctor, to clarify, what requirements must meet the ideal Office Chair. Who the Configurator would not use may be different from the PAPE + ROHDE team seek advice by phone or at the exhibition in Dusseldorf.

Mercedes Echerer Reads

Reading actress Mercedes Echerer in the AUDIAMO with the producer of Austria’s largest audiobook production of the year in the conversation may come the audience, if on the 30th September 2011 is the actress Mercedes Echerer in the AUDIAMO guest. Under the motto “you want Mercedes Echerer reads” the audience may want topics from the collection, which then live submits Mercedes Echerer. Can come directly with the producer of Austria’s largest audiobook production of the year in the conversation the audience, when the 30th September 2011 from TV and stage-known actress Mercedes Echerer with a unique cross section from ‘Europe answer’ is in Austria’s audiobook action AUDIAMO to guest. Under the motto “you want Mercedes Echerer reads” the audience may want topics from the 10 audio books collection, which then live submits Mercedes Echerer. The actress Mercedes Echerer is listening, who has appeared in the Wieser Verlag Publisher and producer of the audiobook Edition of Europe. Europe listening is a literary and musical journey of discovery across Europe.

Different European regions and cities are presented on CD by local audience favorites, which have a special relationship to the respective area. Europe answer has emerged from the successful book Edition in Europe Select (Wieser Verlag). “The first season is already available and includes the following titles: Athens, Budapest, Bucharest, Dalmatia, Linz, Moravia, Styria, Tyrol, Vienna and a Special Edition Europe”. What: Hear with Mercedes Echerer where Europe: AUDIAMO, Kaiserstrasse 70, 1070 Wien when: September 30, 2011 time: 18:00 admission free! Asked to place reservation. Either by E-Mail at or by phone at 01/699 95 31 96. The AUDIAMO team looks forward to your visit! Mercedes Echerer Mercedes Echerer was born in Linz and is bilingual (Hungarian and german) grew up. For more specific information, check out Gary Kelly.

More by the way she graduated, because she already had her at the State Theatre in her native town found artistic vocation and – much to the chagrin of their teachers – almost every day on the job at the theatre. Learning by doing was the basis of their training, the Anna Vaughan and Prof. Susi Nicoletti; refined. Echerers path led from Linz, Salzburg, Vienna (CATS) was at the Theater an der Klagenfurt and Graz to Vienna first engagement in the capital, then it was ensemble member at the Wiener Volkstheater and theater in der Josefstadt also on the Kuniglberg (ORF) to moderate the feats. Since spring of 2011, she is hostess at the coffee shop Sunday (o1). About AUDIAMO of the audiobook retailer AUDIAMO is Austria’s first audiobook action, completely dedicated to the spoken word. The shop in Vienna’s Kaiser street offers a continuous range of nearly 8,000 titles of all genres and for all ages and is headquarters for the audiobook shipping all over the world. Press contact Gunter Rubik Kaiserstrasse 70/2 1070 Vienna, AUSTRIA, Tel. + 43 (0) 1 699 95 3191 EMail

Apprenti Rises

A long-awaited cooperation is now reality Aachen/Braunschweig, 20.07.2011. “At the fair future staff” met Sandra Dirks, owner of apprenti ( and Ali Yildirim, Managing Director of CoboCards GmbH for the first time personally know. It has immediately sparked on a commercial basis. A collaboration both arrested in the eye. After 10 months, the turnout for a cooperation could be placed now. Sometimes you should bring just the necessary patience as a Start-Up”, commented Ali Yildirim. Gary Kelly may not feel the same. “Woman Dirks, however, which educates trainees but also senior executives with their imaginative and interactive seminars, is just pleased: the learning platform with their digital flashcards and mobile apps is an ideal complement to our online and offline seminars, as well as to our scripts”.

In a first step the friendly trainer and proprietor wants to offer first IHK examination relevant learning cards for merchants in retail, vendors and Hnndelsassisten/Interior. In the course of the next few months should be expanded gradually. Contact: Ali Yildirim Augusta Street 62 52070 Aachen mobile: 0178-4675647 E-Mail: Web: CoboCards was launched in January 2009 by Tamim Swaid, Jamil Soufan and Ali Yildirim headquartered in Aachen in life. CoboCards will highlight the advantages of micro learning (Microlearning) and pushes it in the age of collaboration. United as first, Internet-based and collaboratively usable learning platform for microcontent CoboCards learning with the advantages of Web of 2.0 primary objective is providing an intuitive platform, on which can be learned alone or in a team and taught. All learning processes take place online, there is no local installation required. Users can create virtual flashcards, correct, comment and online each query. In addition, there is the mobile addition for the Apple iPhone and all Google Android

Pan-European Day Of Action For Oral Communication

HoREX supports day of speech therapy on March 6 with nationwide test action response and basic requirements for the community with other people are listening. To draw attention to the importance of oral communication, European day of speech therapy will take place on March 6 to the now eighth. “In Germany is the day of action, of itself this time primarily the subject of stuttering” is dedicated to numerous associations of speech therapists, ear nose and throat doctors and hearing care professionals supported. With the members of the HoREX of hearing acoustics EC, one of the leading performance communities of German listening acoustic market are once again. Invite on the occasion of the day of free hearing tests.

In case of need, without any obligation of modern hearing aids can be tested. Read more here: Larry Ellison. The nationwide over 380 companies our community take the day of speech therapy as an opportunity to highlight the importance, which has an intact sense of hearing for the quality of life”, so Tannassia Reuber,. Chief Executive Officer of HoREX. Speaking and listening are not only part of our daily communication. They are above all a fundamental base for the community of people.” Already for the second time after 2011, the HoREX supports the day of speech therapy with own contributions.

In the week around March 6, the Member companies of the community inform everywhere in the country about the important issues and about the background of the day. And they advertise to invite the support of the general public, by encouraging everyone to, people from the own environment with obvious difficulties in listening to a hearing test. Already in the past year, this offer in many places encountered great interest; “and we certainly hope that it will be again this year,” so again Tannassia Reuber. The listening tests, which you get for free in our stores, indicate whether the hearing is present or not. In the Obtain case the possibility for some time without any obligation in own daily life to try out modern and nearly invisible hearing solutions.” Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry. Today, nationwide over 380 listening acoustic master specialist businesses belong to her. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX provides future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification to its members. Learn more at for more information about the day of the speech, see

SATURN Sets iGrip

Pforzheim, July 2012 AIV is new partner of by Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG and brand is MEDIA SATRUN markets with the premium iGrip from the 3rd quarter of 2012 equip and supply. Pforzheim, July 2012 – AIV is the new partner of the manufacturer Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG and will mark iGrip Q3 2012 equip Mediamarkt SATURN with the premium and supply. HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is the leading manufacturer of universal and model specific mounting systems for Smartphones (such as iPhone), mobile phones, navigation devices and Tablet PCs (E.g. iPad) for the car, motorbike and bicycle.

IGrip under the brand name”innovative products offered, the highest quality, functionality and innovative design MADE IN GERMANY” stand out. Markets take care of AIV is iGrip as distribution partner the premium brand”for all MEDIA and SATURN. We are pleased with AIV GmbH & co. KG accessories specialists in the areas of car, mobile, and home as a partner for our premium brand iGrip to have won. “” By the Assembly of the Saturn and media markets another important step we make our brand iGrip “to increase awareness”, says Harald Richter, CEO HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG). First and foremost, the persons is addressed, which would accommodate its high-quality device elegantly and safely in the vehicle and use.

In this product range, we have placed very high value on appealing, multilingual product packaging, virtually take over a self explanatory function at the point of sale”said Harald Richter, CEO of HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is the leading manufacturer of fastening systems for electronic equipment in the vehicle. As a supplier of the first hour, develops and manufactures Herbert Richter for the mobile navigation industry and for many cell phone manufacturers fixing systems for their devices. HR (Herbert Richter) products are also worldwide shop systems leading carrier (operator) and Retailer offered. As a globally recognized, innovative driving force in design & functionality, the company HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is universal car accessories, storage and mounting systems for more than fifty years. At the site in Pforzheim, m of production and warehouse space quality products MADE IN GERMANY are over 40,000 m”designed and manufactured. HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) provides premium brand iGrip”as a partner of RIM (research in motion) type-specific fastening systems for the built for BlackBerry’ program at. There is a solution for almost every BlackBerry. An active vehicle docking station is used for all iPhones (with or without protective sleeve) under the “made for iPhone” program offered. Herbert Richter is an official licensee of Apple Inc.. AIV GmbH & co. KG is the accessory specialist and sales professional in the fields of navigation, GSM, and new media. The range of car accessories is the root of the company for more than 35 years, and the base of the AIV. AIV is at MSH for many years a recognized partner and exclusive ranges. IGrip is the ideal complement of the portfolio of the company of AIV, staffed with a dedicated sales force in retail stores like Media Markt and Saturn.

(no title)

Innovative Skero cover as a party invitation the Vienna online agency LimeSoda if AgenturmitarbeiterInnen run in the run-up to Christmas in Dirndl and leather trousers through the forest and schuhplattelnd from Wainwright himself, then may only mean: LimeSoda invites you to the celebration of Christmas. For many years, the Agency produces elaborate videos, which then set the theme for the Christmas celebration. This special feature: The employees engage themselves as actors. And when it comes quite thick even as a singer. “” Cabin party vs. alpine hut, mountain hut party themed “covert LimeSoda Skeros summer hit cabin party”-musical adaptations, yodels and new texts included. The story is quickly told: jaunty Dirndl attracts GAMS-Buam in a barn.

A dispute is arbitrated via Schuhplattler and slaps dance and then all the mountain hut with a slight Hip-Hop twist party: we would have never believed this success. Now every year hundreds of fans waiting for Facebook on the new video and apparently even our forgive us “Customers this bullshit: you come appropriately dressed at our party”, LimeSoda-GF Philipp Pfaller describes the situation. And as long as it’s fun, the team will search keep ideas. Videography 2004: Working img/projects/limesoda_eigenprojekte_weihnachtsmailing_2004 / 2005: PIMP watch? v = 2006 FB1gbjB7LeE: Easter Bunny img/projects/limesoda_eigenprojekte_weihnachtsmailing_2006 / 2007: I come also to watch? v = 2008 1LJa7erDAP4: everybody dance now watch? v = bOhd6eo-n88 2009: last thriller 2010: mountain hut party directed by: forest Safavian ( about LimeSoda passion was at the beginning of LimeSoda. The founding members of Philipp Pfaller, Bernd Pfeiffer and Florian Pluer actually were a rock band.

As one of the first bands of in Austria, they put a website on the Internet. Soon, it was clear, that the site came significantly better than the music. No problem for creative minds. Bass, Guitar and drums in 2002 ended up in the basement, and the rehearsal room in a backyard Hernalser mutated to the one-room online Development Office. Today 18 online specialists for renowned national and international clients working on the same site. The spectrum ranges from online consulting about screen design, development to all facets of online marketing. What remained of the band, is the passion. Press contact corporate data Florian Pluer (partner) email: Tel: + 43 699 17 54 41 06 LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH Syringgasse 5, 1170 Vienna tel/fax: + 43 1 4078701-0-50 Internet: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: user/limesoda49

Christmas Destination Ideas: Better To Plan Well

Christian destination ideas are of several kinds. Men may love to spend a few days with their parents. Men may move for favorite destination for which they should plan well in advance. Christmas season is the period when some men move quietly to any distant destination. It is really healthy to move to any holiday spot away from the working place which creates boredom because of repeated works in the same manners. This is why some of the known faces are not available during the Christmas season. The question is where one should go or which sites one should select as Christian destination ideas.

It is not always easy to decide as one does not go alone and, for the same reason, one does not take the decision. The destination is expected to be a common choice. Men in great number have common program during the Christmas days. They just pack up and move for the house of their parents who live generally in some village or in any distant town. These men button their nostalgic peace and comfort, because other members of the root family do so get together to spend the holidays. In one sense, it is a very nice choice.

This is another way to inhale pure oxygen spending a few days with the parents and other nearest relatives and ex changing experiences of sufferings and mirth with them. Christmas holiday ideas vary from person to person. There are people who favor hill stations whereas others love to walk through the sea beaches. Hill stations or sea beaches, whatever the spot may be, are miles away from their usual residence. This satisfies their hidden romantic spirit. The open sky above and the vast tract of land in any direction act as unknown dear friends. It is again important to note that hotels are overcrowded during Christmas days. Men who want to move quietly to any distant favorite destination should be prepared for the program well in advance; otherwise, they would be in trouble and they would have to spend a lot. It is another thing that the airlines are badly busy in those days. It is difficult to get any reservation unless the tickets are not collected in time. This is to mean that the persons who have vacations in their mind should be ready to plan for it earlier. Jordan Jacob is author of christmas destination ideas. For more information about christmas destination ideas, honeymoon destination ideas visit