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No Fear Of The Wrong Entry Time

Market report SWISS SELECT asset management AG – July 2008 while the German kicker to Jogi Low past have taken at least close to the European Cup, are the stock and bond holders, from countered to stay in football jargon, classic. About 20 percent Germany’s main stock market index DAX lost in the past six months and has let investors in the first half of any joy. Unfortunately, the development of the German stock market is no exception. A look at major global share markets shows that almost all markets crumble. 12.83%, the Dow Jones industrial lost in the first half of the S & P 500 average eased DM 15.65%, the Euro STOXX 50 lost 23,79% and the Hang Seng China enterprises even 25,52%. The month made a decisive contribution to these results, by the way June. Down 9.37% of world stock market index MSCI World EUR had its biggest one-month drop since the bear market year 2002.

This association alone brings back memories of dismal trading hours. And this time can apparently even European bonds as the safe harbor\”for investor funds act. The SALB European GBI also eased in this miserable first half of the year. With a loss of 3.55%, European bonds no longer are a safe investment option. Also additional concerns on the current high rate of inflation in Germany by 4%. The nervousness among investors increases significantly with the scary rising price of crude oil (H1 + 48,94%!). Because of the influence of this indispensable raw material for the global economy is too large.

The capital – and high guaranteed Hedgezertifikat SwissSelect warranty 26 (WKN BC0 EHF) not entirely spared from this turmoil. The volatility of the rates increased slightly, so that the certificate over the term of the first half with 2.33% negative. However, this result makes also clear that the hedge funds very carefully selected for this certificate can much better deal with a such difficult market period, as Classic investment vehicles, whose developing too much is linked to the General market turmoil.

Create Safe Deposit

Fixed-term deposits test has to analyze a report of Stiftung Warentest for the deposit insurance as private deposit investors usually a great emphasis on the security of own investments. Several bank failures, to remind himself about on the collapse of the Icelandic banking sector, German investors have unsettled, who wanted to seek their fortunes in other European countries. There have been, and often more attractive interest rates offered. In which country can you invest safely? The prestigious Stiftung Warentest has compared the deposit insurance in Germany and some other countries. Fixed-term deposits test, the consumer portal specialized in fixed-term deposits, reportedly, plants are harmless for all possibilities by the Stiftung Warentest tested up to a height of 50,000 euro.

And in addition is a deposit guarantee, which can be for the average investors of small – and medium-sized sums become considered more than adequate for most German banks. Only investments abroad you should be the exact conditions of a hedge in the Case of a bank failure look. Apply for building and loan associations and savings banks and other conditions, three countries were in addition to the various German hedge fund, for private and public banks, compare. In the Netherlands, Austria and the United Kingdom, Stiftung Warentest recommends maximum investments of EUR 50,000. The summary of the analysis of the Stiftung Warentest for the deposit insurance can be found on fixed-term deposits You will also find there current judgment on the fixed deposit offers of the most direct banks.

Construction Money Specialist

Munich-Unterfohring / Regensburg – on March 1, 2009 launched the partnership in construction financing between the compexx Finanz AG and construction money BS specialists AG. Thus the product world and the consulting services of the BS building money specialist AG, are the over 40,000 customers and over 600 qualified financial managers of compexx Finanz AG under the joint sales brand “compexx finance service” available. Thus the product world and the consulting services of the BS building money specialist AG, are the over 40,000 customers and over 600 qualified financial managers of compexx Finanz AG under the joint sales brand “compexx finance service” available. “The construction financing plays a significant role in our product range. We see huge potential in the financing business. So that we can develop this potential, we put up us now optimally with the common sales mark for the upcoming growth.”explained Jochen Schramm, CEO of compexx Finanz AG.

“The independent mediator on the ground will be more in the future To gain market share in the financing of construction. Only who today professionally turns up in construction financing, will benefit from this development. We are very pleased to that the compexx Finanz AG offering will exploit this opportunity with our white-label for themselves,”explains Marcus Rex, Board the BS building money specialists and added:”The cooperation brings together on one side the distribution strength of independent financial services provider and the concentrated competence of an independent construction financing agent.”compexx Finanz AG – brief portrait the compexx Finanz AG with headquarters in Regensburg was founded in July 2005. Meanwhile, approximately 600 financial manager in about 50 branches serve 40,000 customers in whole Germany. These financial managers work independently and are able, depending on the individual needs of our customers from a variety of products over 30 product partners free to choose. The financial managers work compliant comply with the new EU directives on brokers and it new insurance contract law. BS construction money specialist AG – brief portrait the construction money Specialists are independent, specialized construction financing sale! In Germany more than 80 locations, the construction money specialists offer competent and independent personal contacts around the estate. This, the construction money specialists serve their customers engaged and individually on site, also at weekends and on request in the living room of their customers.

With their home loan experience, the construction money specialists are their customers as a personal home loan coach available. Contact: Peter Dorfner, product management, compexx Finanz AG Tel. 0941 / 56815-0,, Marco Brandt, Director marketing and PR, BS construction money specialist AG Tel. 089 / 121033-100,,

German Fund

Pioneer first big loser in the fund industry of the September 2008 was the worst single month for the German fund business for years. The currently published October figures sit another. The October 2008 is the worst month since release of sales data by investment funds in Germany. Coming Alpha has published currently the detailed analysis of the sales data of funds by 3rd quarter 2008. It is already clear that there is a clear trend to safety-oriented products. Retail funds, funds of funds, worth secured funds and real estate funds are the three strongest sales fund categories with distance.

Overall, but no year-end business against the backdrop of the introduction of the flat tax as of January 2009 is observed. Also, the analysis of fund data for the first three quarters 2008 shows that Luxembourg funds in the paragraph (+ 21.1 billion euros) are dramatically superior to the German Fund (EUR – 4.1 billion). Furthermore, it is to see the pure number of mutual funds are steadily. The consideration of the Funds of funds reveals, that pioneer asset management and DWS are the addresses with the highest outflows by September 2008. These and many other findings are the coming Alpha publication fund market”prepared, which is available free of charge under. Coming alpha will analyse the data of October 2008 also in detail and report. For more information we are personally or via email at available. Here at..Fondsmarkt_November..pdf you can download the entire pdf.

Profitable Trend

The secondary market for capital life and pension insurance is booming except no make and cancel the sale of Kapitallebesn – or pension insurance is often more lucrative. Often sell better a booming secondary market has developed for life and private pension insurance there are several way to separate from its capital life and pension insurance: is a possibility – you can sell it. For a real secondary market has developed into, on which the policies are traded. The sale has two big advantages over dismissal: buyers pay usually more money, than who would receive insurance for cancellation its police. The reason is, that the insurance in a premature termination submits cancellation costs not incurred in the sale. And up to December 31, 2008, the payment is tax-free. (Who announces his capital life and pension insurance within the first 12 years pays capital gains tax plus solidarity surcharge on the income (around 26Prozent) and in addition) maintain a death protection. Because if the insured person dies, the insurance company will transfer the originally agreed sum of death to the company that has purchased the contract.

This then deducts its costs incurred up to that point. These include of course, the purchase price was paid by the company to the former policyholder, the premium payments accrued after that, as well as an interest on this award. The rest will be paid to the heirs of the insured person. The buying companies set certain criteria for the purchase of capital life and pension insurance: firstly a minimum surrender value. Depending on the buyer or factoring – company 1,000 euros, normally from 10,000 euros.

Second requirement: in turn, depending on the buying company, the remaining term of the contract. Unit-linked insurance will nor acquired as direct insurance. Finally, they pass on the name of the company. In addition an once sold life and pension insurance can no longer be purchased back. From point of view many consumer protection associations makes the sale of a capital life and pension insurance – from the point of view of the yield – in any case meaning. In a short time you have cash – you get paid more money, and has insurance coverage. Not to forget: the monthly released posts can be used better. More information on, by the way: also savings and funds have to sell on the secondary market. R.Ulmer

Financial Communication At The Highest Level

The beclever werbeagentur AG is one of the few agencies with an emphasis in financial communications and the emission marketing. Gottingen the full-service agency of beclever werbeagentur AG ( offers all advertising functions in the print media and the online media. For years, the Gottingen creative hotbed has one of its priorities in the area of financial communications. For companies who want to generate capital for their companies on the financial market, a professional appearance is the Foundation for a successful IPO”, so Kirsten Winkelbach, Board the beclever werbeagentur AG. Especially in the financial sector and in the Investor Business professionalism and honesty is needed. In addition, a competent agency is required on the legal side. We know the legal requirements for prospectuses, for example”, so next Winkelbach. With a competent network partner together with their network partners, the beclever advertising agency can successfully AG financial communications of companies on the capital market Not Acceptable!

Federal Government

Savers can get a lot of the current financial crisis: high interest on their balances and a guarantee of their deposits by the Federal Government. The exchanges currently groan under the impact of the financial crisis. No Bank knows what explosives still inside its balance sheet and those of other institutions. All parties are accordingly overprotective when it comes to short-term loans of loans. Accordingly, banks around the world among the losers of the financial crisis. But where there are losers, winners also are not far. These include clearly savers who have applied their money on the day – or fixed-term deposit accounts of domestic banks or still want to create.

The credit crunch between the banks namely ensures that interest far above the ECB interest rate is paid on such accounts currently. The day money is added to the daily availability in phases like this a must-have for many savers. Even that almost disappeared believed passbook is currently experiencing true dominance, and that not of return aspects, but from psychological reasons. Customers on the Bank leave the money on a savings account. The passbook as a personalized savings certificate, however, can take you home.

In times in which banks (almost) represent failure and States shortly before the financial collapse, this perceived security is an effective marketing tool. And so it is not surprising because even savers billions to banks and savings banks make month for month. While the perceived security is not so far-fetched. Savings are subject to as well as day and date Money accounts of the statutory deposit insurance and are secured with membership of the managing financial institution in one of the liability federations or associations about the backup system. Third stage is considered to be the guarantee of our Federal Government for several weeks for balances private savers to accounts of domestic financial institutions. Safer is currently hardly, because even with federal securities ultimately only the Federal Government to be repaid can guarantee what he Yes currently offline I’m also in sight, savings and time deposits.

Schufafrei Car Financing

Summer time is time convertible! It is still spring but in my opinion it summer like or? And what does that mean? Roof down and the wind through the hair blow can be, there is nothing better! You have even no convertible dream but the half life? Their current financial situation, income would cover a loan without any problems? Well what are you waiting for, still look out of the window! Now or never on car financing calculator which has always the top current credit offers clearly displayed so that no problems conditions, credit rate etc could read. We have also the right product for all with negative Schufa. We provide special schufafrei loans where the Schufa falls score not in weight. Of course it can happen that man, woman with a neg. Entry in the Schufa files has struggled. Usually the youth accumulated debt which entry led to the Schufa. The Schufa is not included in us. Nevertheless, schufafreie loans are high on the level of ordinary loans.

As well as you choose with or without Schufa with us will find the best in any case. All credit requests are of course free of charge and does not oblige you to complete of a loan. Summer time is convertible for those among us that the exquisite pleasure during hot periods a to have open 😉 Still no summer is, of course, but it feels ever so Alexswl hope for a long time to buy a convertible but shy away from financing or have a negative entry with the Schufa. All no reason to discard his dreams! We assist you with the implementation of your dream, unless the long dream car or the world journey that you are looking for a whole lifetime. Choose the car and we’ll take care of the rest. Mean, you sacrifice 5 minutes of your valuable time to fill out the free, no-obligation loan application and within 48 hours, we will create a first credit offer. The offer is unique, created on the basis of your personal and financial situation.

We want to of course make sure that our customers despite loan stay financially flexible. Used or new cars the choice is yours, the proposed credit is completely free to use. Try our car finance calculator which compiles deals for the top banks, so have the favourites at a glance. Who currently has the best interest or the longer maturities? Inform the conditions free of charge. People with negative Schufa characteristics or negative Schufa score have usually no chance of getting a loan from your local bank or dealership. After the Bankenkriese, the banks are still cautious with regard to the granting of loans. We offer special Schufafrei loans where the Schufa score does not matter. Dear previously pay inform as in hindsight too much. Our schufafrei loans is not great differ essentially. No charging usurious interest rates or prepayments as at some unserious providers in this industry. Our partner forgives loans for 35 years, and I think this fact speaks for itself. Convince yourself and visit us online, we would be pleased. Enrico GAIKWAD

Rental Deposit Insurance

Security deposit insurance makes it possible s who is looking for a new apartment, should be aware of many parameters to select of the right property or new home. But not only the location, the facilities and the monthly rent is crucial, often the amount of the deposit accounts for much. Perhaps check out The online portal reveals how it can look.

The security deposit insurance is the secret. Tenants who complete such in its insurance, need be to bail from this no longer deterred to more worry, and be. The amount of the deposit the landlord is free and can include up to three monthly figures. This money is paid at the beginning of the lease and the landlord. It serves this as a hedge in case of damages caused by the tenant in the occupied rental property. In the excerpt, a part or all the money can be used for repairs. No deficiencies exist, the tenant Gets the deposit refunded.

In the case of a security deposit insurance eliminates this provision. Instead, the insurance of the renter for the policyholder guarantees. The cost of such insurance are quite lower than the usually deposit. Should then in the pull-out complaints collected by the landlord, this initially pays the insurance. The tenant must costs incurred later reimburse the insurer. Such a solution reduces the financial burden at the time of the move.

Issue Tomorrow

AFA AG: poverty – not an issue by morning the AFA AG warns of impending poverty in Germany for many years and strongly advises to the private pension at an early age. Since this week, all those should prick up their ears, have previously pushed the poverty in old age as a subject of the future to the side. The Federal Statistical Office has published new figures. Then, the old-age poverty increasing sharply in Germany. Last year depended on almost 465,000 pensioners on assistance from the State. 6.6 Per cent are more than in the year before. This figure is a new record. A glance on the statistics, that especially women from the West German Federal States are affected.

Absolute leader is actually rich city Hamburg. Here, the proportion of welfare recipients was 6.2 per cent both in men and in women over 65. It followed with 5.5 percent and Berlin Bremen 5.3 percent. Least frequently depended on pensioners in Saxony and Thuringia on the basic insurance. In the two provinces, the rate was one percent. “The issue of poverty in old age is Future sadly even more look as already. I can advise everyone in good time to think about tomorrow and to provide private. Our top asset depreciation Fund policy is recommended immediately, which was awarded with the title of best retirement this year by the financial magazine FOCUS MONEY “, says Stefan Granel, the AFA Board in Berlin.

The AFA AG has developed a short video titled “Retirement plans instead of poverty”, which explains in simple words and images, what matters in the private old-age provision. The video is available at: about AFA: the general financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG) is an independent financial sales with seat in Berlin and Cottbus. The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are trained according to the recognized directives. In addition, they are registered in the EU register of brokers and work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 Young entrepreneurs. New office locations are planned in all Germany.