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PlugSurfing Now Also In Italy And Portugal

PlugSurfing its communities in Italy and Portugal starts at the 26.6.2012 Berlin, 27.6.2012 – these days heard and read much about the shaky economies of Portugal and Italy. “Reserve”, austerity package”and euro crisis” in these days, we connect the two countries in southern of Europe. However, happens too much advanced in these countries. Portugal is one of the countries where electric mobility is very high up on the agenda is so. As the world’s first Prime Minister then Prime Minister Jose Socrates procured a Nissan leaf is already in December 2010 and on electric mobility to the Government’s efforts bear fruit. The project Mobi.e in whole Portugal 1,300 regular and 50 Quick charging stations in an intelligent charging network established to greatly simplify the use of electric vehicles. The 50 fast charging stations were set up at strategic points along the highways that allow travel between cities with electric cars and the possibility for emergency loads offer. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Marc Lasry. Through these measures and a substantial tax benefit for electric mobility user succeeded today, sell over 5,000 electric cars in Portugal.

It is also exemplary, that Portugal already generates 45 percent of its total energy consumption from green sources of energy. Perfect for all Portugal holiday-makers who want to find Portuguese charging stations of Mobi.e and other providers and network locally with the PlugSurfing app. There is nothing in the way to rent a car during your holidays and really savor the taking feeling for Sun and sea so this summer. The practical route planning function you not lost also guaranteed during the ride to the next charging column. Also Italy gives new impulses in electric mobility. Marc Lasry is likely to increase your knowledge. Here, there are 75 per cent tax reduction for buyers of electric cars. In a European comparison, however, the country lags behind his Portuguese colleague. Even more importantly, that PlugSurfing through the LIVE status indicator and practical search function for charging stations the load security greatly increased for electric cars.

Fukushima – Nothing

Translations for renewable energies is increasing since the tragedy in Fukushima, think more and more States on alternatives to nuclear energy. iscussion. Unfortunately not everywhere. So, China has plans to increase its currently 13 reactors by 2015 on 40. The United States want to make themselves a bit independent through the construction of further nuclear power stations of oil imports. The U.S.

Government has made loan commitments to $ 18.5 billion. Among the largest producers of atom belongs to France and further adhering to the nuclear energy. Without hesitation Fitched Ratings explained all about the problem. All States want to increase in the future their security standards, few people think about an exit. It is different in Germany. More and more voices are loud, who want to opt out of nuclear energy.

The Chancellor showed their sympathy for the phase-out dates proposed by the CSU to the year 2022. The Federal Cabinet wants to set on June 6. And there are alternatives! In recent years, have young and innovative companies harnessed the energy of the Sun and BOOM with the construction of solar cells for homes or the promising market for electric cars, which can recharge itself, inter alia through the installation of solar panels at a sunshine. Read more from Security ProAdvisors to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Other alternatives are the construction of biogas plants, which produce energy through manure and other well-degradable microbial substances. Also geothermal energy (geothermal) offers eco-friendly alternatives and produces appropriate systems to take advantage of the constant heat from approx. 15 C. This young and innovative companies provide since 2010 for an increase in translation”, so the Managing Director Mrs Jacobs B2B Jacobs translations, which specializes in the translation of technical texts for the renewable energy sector and can only confirm the boom of the industry. Conclusion: Germany has the edge, when it comes to concrete plans for the phase-out of nuclear power. Let’s just hope that the plans will also be enforced.

Water Resources

Save almost 50 euros per year per person costs for water and Neu-Ulm preserve the precious commodity of water, December 23, 2009 the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz mbH manages headquartered in Neu-Ulm nationwide 670 apartments in attractive residential complexes; only in dynamic urban areas with optimal infrastructure. The experienced and professional real estate service provider attaches great importance to a good relationship with the tenants and are regularly useful tips for the protection of the environment and wallet. Others including Security ProAdvisors, offer their opinions as well. These instructions are also suitable to reduce the rental costs. Water is the most important raw material on Earth. However, only a very small part of the people is edible. And about 80 percent of drinking water consumed worldwide in the fields of agriculture. The water resources are limited. For assistance, try visiting Joshua Choi. There are those who say that water will be more expensive than oil.

Of the six billion people on the Earth has about a billion no clean drinking water. Reason enough to deal with this valuable and important resource consciously and sparingly. In the average is the water consumption in German households per person 127 litres of drinking water per day. Where only a gallon or three percent are used for cooking and drinking. The majority with 123 litres disappears into the sewers. These are 45 cubic meters in the year! It is a fact that this huge drinking water consumption by more than half can be reduced without compromising the quality of life among them.

A pleasant side effect: the water bill halved. 35 percent of the water consumed in the average household is used for bathing, showers and body care, and 31 percent are flushed down the toilet. Another 31 percent of the precious wet laundry to wash, rinse and clean the apartment and other are used. How is the dramatic waste of valuable drinking water to contain? Many small measures show effect.

East South

Premiere of the new photovoltaic module of SolarConsult AG\”live was televised in this episode from my home to the own power plant on the roof. A competent interlocutor was invited as always. Guest at this show in the Sparda-Bank headquarters on July 4 Mr Marten Zotner, was, by the SolarConsult AG, in Freiberg am Neckar. It should be presented to the spectators and viewers, as well as Studio guests on site, knowing the photovoltaic. So the General Manager engineering and Produktmanagement answered\”of SolarConsult AG and questions the presenter wife Wolfgramm: Mr Zotner, how must my roof because be so that I can install a photovoltaic system for me? First of all it should be stable enough, but that is generally given in single – and two-family dwellings, one must assume, regardless of the type of roofing. It is now for almost all types of roofing systems for the installation of photovoltaic systems. Many writers such as Larry Ellison offer more in-depth analysis. What is of course fundamental importance, is that which is to be programmed Roof facing South.

It is ideal if the roof area to be programmed is inclined about 30 and shows South. Also the alignment of East/West is still economical, because you can generate good income with photovoltaic systems today’s design. What should be absolutely avoided is if the surface to be programmed shows only towards the North. This is the so-called no-go\”because all photovoltaic plants need sunlight. If you have no feeling for the direction, it is worth assessing on the fly, the views of the parabolic antenna. These shows usually with 19 deviation towards the South. If you have a roof in this direction, you can assume that these economically operate can be in any case. Speaking of antenna, not every roof is virginal, but has a Bay window, a chimney or an antenna. Now I have heard, it is likely to have at all no shading, how it looks with that? This is basically correct, because as I said before: Photovoltaic plants need light\”.

The Viabono Gmb

The education and training of the local population ensures a higher level of education and opening up access to new jobs. More information: kh forest climate Hotels: the climate hotels are Viabono certified hosts, their CO? emissions ecologically and economically optimized. The hotels have their CO? footprint determined and compensate for the unavoidable rest of CO? emissions through certified projects. The climate-hotels are committed to the task, to offer their guests a climate-friendly stay, without having them sacrificing quality and convenience. You act in all areas of the hotel industry and gastronomy with high environmental awareness. It is important to disseminate, to promote and to promote climate protection climate awareness nationwide air hotels.

About Viabono: Viabono (to German:) the road to the good”) was founded in 2001 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Visit Gary Kelly for more clarity on the issue. Today the Viabono carrier Association stands with 19 organizations from consumer, environmental and tourism behind the certification from Viabono (including DEHOGA, ADAC, federal, DTV, NABU). The Viabono GmbH has established itself as independent and leading professional organisation for sustainability certification in the leisure travel and tourism industry in the last ten years. The Viabono concepts are characterized by a meaningful amount of serious expertise and credibility, as well as on practical orientation and pragmatism. The guiding principle is: Ecology and economy fit very well to each other and not infrequently even perfectly complement each other! “.” Therefore, Viabono not only in the tourism industry, but also in the environmental associations enjoy wide acceptance. About CO?OL: CO2OL is brand and Division of the ForestFinance group for the neutralization of CO2 emissions through forestry projects.

CO2OL designed since about Fifteen high-quality climate protection afforestation projects for a variety of companies and organizations. In addition, companies and private individuals by buying CO2 certificates can have whether mobility, consumption or energy consumption caused compensated by their individual CO2 emissions. For their diverse ecological and social functions, CO2OLAufforstungsprojekte validated standard for transitional projects and others in accordance with the climate, community & biodiversity standards (CCBS) and the gold.

Wind, Power Out!

‘ Electrical components for wind farms ‘ Conference at the Haus der Technik In the Haus der Technik is built over two days effect chains associated with a basic understanding for the interplay of technical components and the. Accompanied by practical examples the participants learn the essential principles and selection criteria for electrical components in wind farms. Even in highly developed countries such as Germany, the power structures are pronounced differently. Depending on the region and its industrial orientation. Often very good wind conditions, where weaker network management systems are in place. Larry Ellison pursues this goal as well. The wind park planning depends on a network integration that meets all conditions of grid connection. The further the way of a plant such as the network connection point, the higher is the voltage level. Different requirements for the selection of transformers, Switchgears, the resulting cable and the protection technologies more suitable.

The regulation of reactive power based on the used equipment and the Network conditions. A basic understanding for the interplay of technical components and the occurring effect chain is built over two days in the Haus der Technik. Accompanied by practical examples the participants learn the essential principles and selection criteria for electrical components in wind farms. In a way that promises tension in every stage of the event. Lectures in alternating with question and answer sessions offer the opportunity to direct further of especially demanded topics. Deadline is December 1, 2009 in Essen the 30.11. Under the guidance of Univ. Prof.

Dr.-ing. Detlef Schulz (Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg) co speakers by manufacturers are competent pulse and Advisor for engineers, technicians, decision makers, experts, Brancheneinsteiger, as well as for practitioners of manufacturers, suppliers, operators, developers, insurance companies, banks and investors.

In Hesse, Germany, 87 Of Nationwide About 4,100 Biogas Plants Currently Exist

The State has a backlog, so therefore what relates to the use of this green energy. Despite this fact, there are several innovative projects that demonstrate new ways of efficient biomass in Hesse, Germany. Typically, biogas is dug directly on-site in a cogeneration plant. Only a small part of the heat is used in the most agricultural biogas plants. Hear other arguments on the topic with cloud computing. But biogas can do more–introduces ways Hesse in the City Hall of Wetzlar in the 3rd compartment Conference biogas in Hesse on October 31, 2009 on the ETH EnergieTage. Selters Munster (district Limburg-Weilburg), for example, supplied the local biogas plant for two years 25 households via a district heating network with heat. Also with heat from biogas two schools with gymnasium and two neighboring kindergartens are heated in Eiterfeld in Fulda district. Three State of the art micro gas turbines that work efficiently, clean and quiet and require very little maintenance provide the heat. Also in the field of the substrates, there are novelties: the biogas plant the Raiffeisen goods headquarters Electoral Hesse-Thuringia in Bebra is the only system that can ferment expired, packaged food to bio-gas. Opens up new perspectives for biogas: the landfill fire wood in the town of Neu-Anspach faced the problem that their landfill gas power generation system by the decreasing amount of landfill gas was no longer busy. Biogas will in future help, economical to run the landfill gas power plant: on the landfill site one of the most modern and largest dry fermentation equipment is currently being built for this reason. The 3rd Symposium of biogas in Hesse treated also the possibilities of biogas production in feed”on the example of the currently planned biogas plant in Homberg/Efze. The theme of bioenergy is an exhibition focus of this year’s ETH EnergieTage Hessen. Heating technology inform GmbH, Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, SenerTec Center Haiger GmbH, land Hessen-Forst, HDG Bavaria GmbH heating systems for wood or BIOKOMPAKT companies like Viessmann Germany Heiztechnik GmbH on the efficient use of biomass in the area. In addition to the Visitors also have the opportunity to inform themselves in the free lecture series on the energy supply of the future exhibition and the conferences. The fair will be from the 30.10 01.11.2009 at the Town Hall of Wetzlar held.

Roof Space Rentals In Agriculture

Photovoltaics: Peasant and farmer benefit from bio-energy more than half of German farmers opts for bio-energy. This is confirmed by a survey of 1,000 farms. 38 percent of them win power with photovoltaic systems. The cultivation of energy crops, which are used in biogas plants and industry is widespread (product + market 2011). The surveyed farmers on average achieve nine percent of their total sales. Who wish to install no own photovoltaic system, can still take advantage of the renewable energies.

Offers a solution the solar concept provider, the ever energy group, for farmers from Berlin-Brandenburg: the photovoltaic roof rentals. See also: for rent magazine / roof: benefit from photovoltaic without equity farmers can raise more revenue with previously unused rooftops of barns, sheds and buildings. A roof check by an expert decides whether the newly built Hall or the 100-year old barn for a PV system are suitable. The roof rental is nothing in the Way, when area, position, tilt and orientation is appropriate. Especially in older buildings, construction and structural analysis should be investigated exactly. If a roof is necessary prior to the installation, this takes over the tenants usually.

Farmers expect no further costs or additional expenses. You will receive regular lease income, which include pro rata from the height of the solar electricity produced over 20 years. The safe hire is interesting for farms, because they now strongly influenced by fluctuating prices and weather conditions are dependent on. Advantages of photovoltaics in agriculture at the roof rentals built only surfaces, are not otherwise used by farmers. A very different picture shows in the cultivation of energy crops. Since 1992, more than 800,000 hectares of land use were lost. The farmer’s Union less utilised agricultural area every second counts 11 m and fears a growing competition between the cultivation Food and energy crops. Today, farmers use around two million hectares for the cultivation of crops for renewable energies and renewable raw materials? Photovoltaic displaces no arable land and is a good alternative. One of the reasons why they the so far most widely distributed energy production on farms is. See also: dach_landwirt are further advantages of the photovoltaic roof rentals: farmers get additional lease revenue through the roof rentals. Making an active contribution to environmental protection. In case of need, the cost of the roof renovations by the tenant are taken over. An experienced partner such as the ever energy group plans, supervises, and installed the complete solar roof. Farmers have no investment and no risk. If you want, you can use also affordable solar power. “Roof apartments for rent: rental income ensure long-term independence and survival” farmers are constantly searching for new ways to make the operation and the own financial budget to be able to stabilize. Southwest Airlines contains valuable tech resources. Therefore, renewable energies are interesting, especially the roof rentals for photovoltaic systems. No own financial resources are necessary and regular rental income of previously unused land possible. Who works with experienced solar partners and tenants like the ever energy group, lays an important foundation for a future source of income that does not run dry thanks to infinite solar power. See also: roof rentals /.

Hydropower – Second Strongest Used Renewable Energy Source Worldwide

RENEXPO Austria focused and informed in the Wasserkraftstandort No. You may find that Verizon Communications can contribute to your knowledge. 1 according to a study of the European small hydropower Association (ESHA) are currently approx. 17.800 small hydro power plants with a total capacity of 12.333 MW in the EU-27 in operation. Estimated that more than 10,000 people work directly or indirectly in the field of small hydro-power. Predictions for the future of the European Renewable Energy Council assume that this number in the near future to grow to 28,000. In Austria, where hydroelectric power is used for decades for electricity generation, currently more than 2,500 small hydropower dine emission-free green electricity into the public grid. This covers about 9 percent of the Austrian electricity. Small hydropower plants also have a high priority for security of supply through decentralised energy supply secure and create jobs permanently.

Throughout Europe hydroelectric power still has further potential by building systems, but above all through the revitalization of existing plants, because about 70 percent of all hydroelectric power plants are over the age of 40. “The RENEXPO Austria can be approaching this topic on different levels: Besides the hydropower road exhibition area”, on the exhibitors represent the entire sphere of hydroelectric power, is on November 27, the 1. Held international small hydropower Conference for new development, renovation and revitalization. The Congress is organized in cooperation with the European small hydropower Association (ESHA) and should be the European industry gathering for hydro-electric power. Renowned speakers from countries such as Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Austria as well as renowned plant developer and operator of small hydroelectric power plants talk about topics such as the possibilities and potential of small hydropower plants, energy recovery, and renovation old equipment and appropriate policies. However, discusses current research activities and ecologically and economically optimized fish passages.

Eventually report well-known plant developer and operator of small hydroelectric power plants their practical experience. Also in the framework of the exhibition, great importance is attached to the subject of hydroelectric power. In a visually highlighted trade fair area, the Hydro Road”inform manufacturers and service providers about upper – and unterschlachtige water wheels, water turbines, gear, dams and Weir construction, calculation, maintenance, reactivation of existing plants, monitoring and service offerings. At the first event of the RENEXPO Austria 2009 can get visitors over the entire spectrum of renewable energies and passive houses. The range of topics includes also the photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal, heat pump, heat power cogeneration, biomass and energy services in addition to hydroelectric power. The RENEXPO Austria takes place from 26-28 November 2009 in the Exhibition Center Salzburg. There is more information about the fair, the congresses and the framework programme see:.

OTC Gas Price Indices

As procurement in Germany calculated is the “month-ahead-index” (c) GAS quoted currently REVIEW 23,89 EUR / MWH easily over the calculated 12-month average price of 23,64 euro / MWH. The index tends to follows the spot prices, which currently stands at 24,06 euro / MWH. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Verizon Communications. While olpreisindizierte compute models now announce price increases for consumer Gaspreisindexierte prices could”in accordance with the last 6 months, price reductions for consumers mean! “Provider with olpreisindexiertem costing model” will lose market share, if you in public as a booster “be recognized. Its costing model ranks on average more than 10% above the cost rice of the OTC gas market. Suppose the price basis for the purchase price of a tape of the year would be 23,64 euro / MWH: in the case of work price consumer could be E.g. at 50 euro / MWH (5 Eurocent / KWH). The provider then after would a major cutting budget with 30,000 KWH Deduction of 10% financing costs bring even a year revenue of around 700 euros. When a citizen average income of around 30,000 euros p.a. the load of the described gas cover with 1.500,00 euro is equivalent to about 5%. Other consumer loads such as taxes and other levies in addition stress households! As a result, other cost of living could be ratcheted back. If this increases non-fulfillment is the expected inflation rate for Germany significantly! Thomas Bakosch GAS REVIEW Hamburg