' ' The inflation is speeding up in almost all the 185 country-members of the FMI. In Brazil, a component exists whose influence is difficult to evaluate, that it is the increase of the demand. (&) The ideal is to have disciplines fiscal and to adopt measured prompt to control crdito.' ' (ANABB, Article of Economy, Walnut, Baptist Pablo, Jr, director of FMI, on-line, 26/06/08). The crisis of the inflation of commodities, centrally of foods and the oil, reaches in full poor and knocks down myths, as of that Brazil, for its ample one food production, its localization as great exporter of commodities agriculturists and its almost self-sufficiency in the oil production, would be immune infects to it of this situation. The logical one is simple, therefore the Brazilian model is of the exporting agroindstria, come back to search great profits in the international trade, but also total vulnerable to the turbulences of the international market, as the consequences of the contraction in the North American economy, or the speculative shocks, as now it seems will occur in already called commodities so spoken. The unfoldings in the economy on account of the crisis of the prices of the fuel, that stops some analysts is shock of the oil, what it seems, its inevitable effect of I infect in the set of the economy and in the general inflation duly it is not entered, especially in the optimistical governmental propaganda. The combination of inflation with trend of increase of the interests, in a economy without any mechanisms of defense of the corrosion of the purchasing power, is in the root of the increasing cycle of strikes and mobilizations of diverse categories of the diligent classroom, as in the recent strikes in diverse states in the transport sector. To contain the inflation, it is bet in the brake of the consumption, in the strangulation of the credit.
Tax Exchange
One third variant occurs when goals for the real tax of exchange are fixed, that can be imprisoned around a fixed value, or to follow a predetermined trajectory. In the same category if it incases, with an amplitude of very narrow fluctuation, the regimen of ' ' zones of cmbio' ' or ' ' bands of cmbio' ' , mentioned previously (PASTORE and PINOTTI, 2000). In any one of the variants of the fixed exchange, if to exist full freedom of movements of capitals, the monetary politics completely loses its effectiveness for the objective to determine the levels of income and job, that only can be reached using the tax policy. Some effectiveness of the monetary politics can be recouped, however, with the imposition of restrictions to the movements of capitals, that together with the esterilizadas interventions of the Central banking can keep the tax domestic of interests persistently above of the International. The controls are applied, in this in case that, on the ingressions of capitals, and not on the exits. Litecoin may help you with your research.
The popularity of the fixed exchange, between some economists, comes of the assumption of that beyond acting as nominal anchor, stabilizing the prices, it serves to impose disciplines to the fiscal authority. With one bigger tax of interests of what the tax of economic growth, dficits primary persistent produces a growth explosive of the public debt, that can be truncated wants with the fiscal authority obeying its intertemporal budgetary restriction, wants for the capitulation of the monetary authority, that starts to monetizar dficits, generating the inflationary tax. Exactly in the floating exchange, when the nominal anchor is the monetary one, the prices also will leave of being steady when the public debt will have reached limits from which the financing of dficits only can occur with the monetary expansion (SARGENT and WALLACE, 1986). Amongst some defects that if can attribute to the regimen of fixed exchange, it is its incapacity to prevent that the countries adopt which it they import the ocorrentes economic cycles in other nations.
In the truth, the value that the producer receives for the sales of its force of work – called wage -, corresponds to the necessary one to guarantee only its proper reproduction. to this extration of excess inside of the process of production it is added another one, that occurs in the sphere of the consumption. As the producer does not receive parcels from the merchandises that it produces, but an addition in money, it needs to use this money to buy the merchandises, in order to be able consumiz them, a time that in the capitalism economic goods do not exist that are not merchandises. However, it does not make it for the value that they possuam when of its production, but yes for what they will have after to pass for the sphere of the distribution and to arrive at the one of the consumption, adding on-prices. Larry Ellison is often quoted as being for or against this. Thus, if the value in currency of the wage of a worker corresponds the 10, and of the merchandises that it produced the 50, when the producer will be to buy them for its consumption, its value will be of 100, what it will reduce the value of its real wage only the 5. This double extration of economic excess that the capitalism operates, explains the necessity of the free producer and to be dispossessed of the means of production, with the implication of its transformation in wage-earner (cheapest them work forms), at the same time where it assures the reproduction of the capital in the scope of the proper act to produce. The volume of the production can be increased.
Not horizontally, for incorporation of more diligent and big area productive, but vertically, for introduction of innovations techniques that allows that the productivity if raises, using the same number of producers with equal physical dimension of the used area for the production. what it is basic, as any innovation technique implies the increase of the productivity, its introduction will make automatically that if it extends to the difference in value, between what the producer receives and what it produces. Here it is the basic reason of the form manufacter of production to be characteristic of the capitalism, and not to be adopted, if not when two daily pay-conditions had been carried through: the concentration of the means of production at the hands of the bourgeoisie, and the constitution it proletariat with its force of work as only merchandise salable. The capitalism does not carry through the full job. In contrast, it takes the formation of what army of reserve of man power, that is constituted by kept workers dismissed, or same for producers not yet completely destitute of the ways of reproduction is called, located mainly in the agricultural areas. Hear other arguments on the topic with Coupang. Its constitution obeys a double intention: to allow to the rotation of the man power, selling at a loss the wages and making it difficult the formation of the proletariat in a block coeso, and also to guarantee a strategical reserve for the future expansion of the system, or for its reinforcement at times of retraction of the demand.
Federal District
Moreover, it is important to point out that the expenses tributaries of the government are related to the specific action (excepting the cases of the Union, States and Cities) and not ace entities. Difference between Immunity and Exemption Tax ' ' expenses tributrios' ' , treated in previous topic, they will appear in the legislation Brazilian tax as ' ' immunities or isenes' '. Many are the maken a mistake consideraes that define the two situations as equal, however, a good definition of the subjects in prominence is of basic importance to know which the duties and obligations of each institution. Then the immunity definition is determined by the Federal Constitution, through article 150, interpolated proposition VI, alneas ' ' b and c' ' , I contend the following writing: : ' ' Without damage of other guarantees assured to the contributor, it is forbidden To the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Cities, (…), to institute taxes on: ) Patrimony, income or services ones of the others; b) temples of any cult; c) patrimony, income or services of the political parties, also its foundations, of the syndical entities of the workers, the institutions of education and social assistance, without lucrative ends, taken care of the requirements of lei.' ' In other words, immunity tax is the fiscal resignation or prohibition of collection of tribute established in constitutional headquarters. Of one it forms generic, it occurs when the constitutional rule hinders the incidence of the rule of law of taxation, creating a public law to demand that the State if abstains to charge tributes. Soon, what it is immune cannot be taxed for ability absence tax for in such a way. On the other hand, the Exemption is determined by Law. Conceptually it is determined for the legal dismissal of the payment of tributes. One notices that, as is determined by Law, it can be revoked by another complementary law.
Fixed Income High
Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo commodities agriculturists is with light high in the prices of the maize, coffee, soy and wheat, with the retaken one of exportations for supplying of the international supplies, but the climate of estiagem in the regions South and in the State of the Mato Grosso of the South, it harmed part of the harvest, with production projections 134,6 million tons of grains foreseen for this year. The Bunge Group, intends to be one of the 3 processing greaters of sugar cane-of-sugar and alcohol for the next decade, the company is also announcing a series of investments to conquer and to extend its slice in the Brazilian food domestic market. According to Minister of Agriculture Reinhold Stephanes announced increase of the area cultivated in the 0,9% country, that he will guarantee the internal supplying of foodstuffs, as the increase of the production of rice, beans, wheat and maize. The market of interests in the long run, with expiration in January of 2010, points 10,99% taxes, this sample clearly pressure that will be made for the reduction of tax SELIC, that today is in 12,75%, with projections of fall in the next meetings to the COPOM (Committee of Monetary Politics). Papers of Vale and Petrobra’s will have gradual return of values, as well as in elapsing of the year. It will in the long run have a recovery in the price of action with rescue, 2010 and 2011, in short term the actions of the electric sector are with high search. The oscillations in the Brazilian stock market had diminished, but the economic impacts in U.S.A.
are uncertain, what it can provoke some exaggerations in 2009. The Fixed Income, the Public Saving and Papers are interesting for investments at the moment. It looks mixing wallet of investments. The dollar goes to vary, as the oscillations of the stock market in the world, high in the stock markets of the Europe, fall of the dollar and vice versa, are not a good option of investments. The gold became interesting, but the bureaucracy and the high charged taxes make it difficult the access to this type of investment. The prices in the attacked one with fall of 0,33% in January and 0.82% in December, already the light retail with high provoked by the changeable education with increase of 0,83% in January of 2009. The taxes of interests in fall bring more monetary relief in the next months.
The public sector withholds 40% of offers of credit in Brazil, therefore, the responsible administration on the part of the government, mainly in the question of conservation of the job and reduction of the interests charged in the system, as spread bank clerk, can stimulate the economy from the next months. The volume of unemployment in January and February is very high and will scare the best optimists, but the return the acts of contract happen from the next month. Some companies are studying strategies of terceirizada financial management, of which, the private banks are the interested greaters, for being plus an operational prescription chance. She will have great search for competent professionals in the area of finances for all Index of Prices to the Ample Consumer
World War
Enormous farms were managed by the proper farmers, who exerted fort influence in the social matters and politics. This caused the income concentration again. In middle of century XIX the railroad was constructed, where if it gave the access to the port of Saints, it detaches that in the decade of 1821-30 the coffee was responsible for 19% of the total of exportations of the country and in 1891 this edge increased for 63%.
The port of Saints, in 1894, becomes the most important exporting center of coffee of the world (BAER, 1996). In the end of this century the economic center moved stops So Paulo, together with the coffee economy. Some attempts in the production of manufactured by the local economy had not been successful, had to the politics of open doors adopted by the government, that facilitated the importation of manufactured of better quality of the Europe. In Brazil industrialization was initiated delayed from the decade of 1840, as the following topic. The BEGINNING OF INDUSTRIALIZATION With the main objective to increase the prescription tax, the government approximately increases its tariffs of importation in 30% in the year of 1844.
In consequncia the first txteis companies appear. From then on the State stimulates the production, supplying exemption of taxes in the importation of maquinrio and raw material. In the year of 1852, Brazil possua 64 plants and workshops, being they of diverse branches: articles of leather, soap, txteis, clothes, beer, casting, glass, amongst others. The first period of industrial development in Brazil was dominated by light industries, being responsible for 57% of the industrial production in 1907 and 64% in 1919 (BAER, 1996). The productive capacity of Brazil increased in the eight years that had preceded the World War I.
Applied Economic Research
With this information, the researchers carry through collections of data in the commerce and the too much establishments that carry through sales of products or services for consumers. With the information of prices gotten in the research in field and with the weight of each one of the item in the budget of the families, by means of calculations if he gets the inflation for the period measured for the IPCA. The IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) recently carried through a work where it in recent years presented the variation of the prices of the products and services measured by the IPCA. In accordance with this study, that grouped the composition of the products and services in foods and drinks (with weight of 22,3%), services (with 23,0%), monitored (with 31,5%) and industrialized (with 23,1%), of 2000 the 2010 inflation in 2002 only exceeded the goal established for the government. Since 2005 that the goal of the inflation is of 4,5% with tolerance of 2,5 percentile points up and down in this year and of 2 percentile points in the other years. The industrial products that in 2001, 2002 and 2004 had been superior to the inflation goal, since 2005 come presenting always inferior increase of prices to center of the goal. The monitored ones, that they are basically public services that had been privatized such as telephony, water, public energy, transports, had had well different behaviors of 2000 the 2005 and 2006 until the moment.
In the first period, the increase of the prices was always superior to goal of inflation and in as the period, always inferior. The main reason of this change in the behavior of the prices of these services was the alteration of the method of readjustments of the tariffs waked up since the privatization. This change more took the application of index adjusted for the reality such as the use of spread sheets of costs. The services in generalities had only had a more compatible behavior with the superior band of the inflation goal during last the ten years, having exceeded this limit in 2010. The behavior of food and drinks in last the eleven years has varied very, since 20.7% in 2002 to an increase of 1,7% in 2006. To control the inflation is basic, however, if it does not have to forget it growth the economy and generation of income and wealth in our country. Factors as the exchange tax that in recent years if has kept below of what if it can consider as adequate if on the other hand have helped to hold the increase of the prices, for another one have soldier on barrack duty the economy to grow more strong, notadamente by means of increase of the exportations and the reduction of the importations of consumption goods and services. Moreover, as the astronomical interests that Brazil is practising currently to hold the inflation have corroded the public finances and flooding the country of dollars that still more raise the costs for the Brazilian government. This necessary politics of changes that lead to the moderation of the inflation, adjustment of the tax of exchange for a platform that does not harm the Brazilian exporters and diminishes the brutal cost of Brazil is having at the moment with the reserves in foreign currencies that do not stop to grow.