The small food production, with the deficiencies of the supplying system, pressured the prices wholesale of the products agricultural, that chagavam if to raise above of the General Index of Preos (IGP) during the 1960/1964 years of. To face the supplying crises, the federal government was armed of legislation and of extraordinary instruments, it reorganized the sector I publish, creating the Brazilian bell of Alimentao (COBAL) and the Brazilian bell of storage (CIBRAZEM), and still strengthened the controlling and fiscalizador paper of the SUNAD (THIN, 1997, p.217). The great structural problems of Brazilian agriculture continued not being equated or decided, and the omission more notable says respect ace interdependent questions of the relations of work and the agrarian structure. One of estimated basic of the agricultural politics in vigor the time inhabited in the belief of that the intent agrarian structure did not represent none empecilho to the increase of sectorial production and of the productivity. The decade of 1950 was marked by the emergency of the social fights in the field and by the organization of the social movements of peasants and agricultural workers, demanding above all the land redistribution and the instauration of the labor laws. The foundation of the ULTAB – Union of the Farmers and Agricultural Workers in Brazil, of 1954 and the organization of the first league peasant in Pernambuco, in 1955, was the initial landmark of this movement, that would culminate with the foundation of the CONTAG – National Confederation of the Workers of Agriculture in 1963. In the same year, it was promulgated, the statute of the agricultural worker, extending to the agricultural workers some of the rights that much time has had been granted to the urban workers: professional register, remunerated weekly rest, vacation, Christmas bonus, and others. As for the agrarian reform, the resistance of the congress, beyond the inhibiting devices of the land dispossession, enrolled in 1946 constitution, had a conduction of the debates to an institucional impasse and nothing it was materialize. .
Plan Crossed
However the majority of the firms was not projected to evolve, does not wait to reach same competitividades for itself and they are not interconnected, therefore the reorganization needs the governmental intervention, that can be carried through of three forms; one in identifying and removing the obstacles to the advance, another one that it would search to facilitate to some initiatives and changes and finally the one that would combine previous with promotion and the aiming of changes route to a consensus platform. However the level of governmental action implies in the definition of all a development form that would start to guide the actions of the economic agents, opening a vast field of possibilities, where the only one half of insertion in the new standard of development depends on the permanent necessity of renewal and innovation. The insertion of the Brazilian economy in any trajectory of growth and economic development had found great challenges in the 80 decade of and beginning of the 90, had the structural problems, where the macroeconomic politics did not obtain to control the inflation, generating instability, acceleration of the inflationary process, fiscal and financial crisis without precedents. In the search of a rearticulao of the Brazilian economy in the new world-wide scene of transformation, they had been implanted the Plan Crossed in 1986 and the Collor Plan at the beginning of 90, with the objective of a combat to the inflation, however both had failed. Years 90 had marked the attempt of insertion of the Brazilian economy in the construction context and adequacy of national institutions. But, for in such a way, the economy would be necessary to count on a stability environment, being that such was the function of the Real Plan, implanted in 1994, where the capacity to generate, to introduce and to spread out innovations started to exert basic paper for the survival of the company.
National Plan
The end of the exclusive source of resources for the basic education will be able to have consequence for the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE), that it has the basic education of quality as the priority, as well as, for the National Plan of Educao (PNE) that it has among others objective, the global rise of the level of escolaridade of the population and the improvement of the quality of I teach in all levels. Therefore, the reform tax goes to weaken the financing of the basic education, it arrives in port fragilizando it of the necessary resources for the reach of the goals and the objectives established in these plans. The PNE says that the question of the financing of the Education, is ' ' requirement for the full exercise of the citizenship, for the human development and the improvement of the quality of life of populao.' ' However this ideal is placed in xeque with the reform tax, therefore the reform can make impracticable the deep entailed resources to the social ones. The Wage-education is one of the resources managed for FNDE, representando37% of the resources of the Deep one, in 2008. The collection also has a quota that it is repassed to the states and cities. Deep the social ones had been created in a model where the reserved resources to execute certain politics were managed by advice of on the same level composition. In them, representative governmental and not-governmental they are added to follow and to fiscalize public politics.
For having resources originated in the collection of taxes or contributions especially created to feed them, these deep ones are formed by financial as profits, gross revenues, faturamentos flows, leves of payments (Rock, 2002). They have in common a relative stability in the captation of resources, leaving to depend on resources of the fiscal budget. With the reform tax, the education to start to depend on the dispute for the resources of the fiscal budget, that nor always has as priority the expenses in the social areas, fragilizando with this the future of the PDE and the PNE.
Access User
Acquisition of material technician, research and development of products and suppliers, act of contract of services (indirect right-handers and), commercial negotiation, analysis of supply proposal, projection of costs, analysis of costs TCO, I register in cadastre, evaluation of performance of quality of supply. Attendance to the internal and final customer. Contributions: Implementador of the process of evaluation of quality of supply. Currently, perfected and used for the company. Immediate head: Sandro Motta BADEN BRAZIL (HOFFMANN) Function: Storekeeper Period: The 09/06/2003 07/06/2004 developed Activities: Administration of equipment warehouse (audiovisual and Computer science) of average transport and all the pertinent tasks the function, such as: Act of receiving of merchandises, control of supply, inventories, critical analysis and of suppliment reports, manuscript of fiscal documentation, accompaniment of order, attendance to the internal customer. Contributions: Responsible direct for the depurative work of obsolete materials, having as effect the otimizao of the cost of storage of the company. Immediate head: Alexander de Carvalho OTHER EXCELLENT EXPERIENCES? HOTEL BLUE TREE COVE DOS REIS? ISO (current VILLAGE GALLEY 14001 ECHO RESORT) – Supervisor of warehouse – 2002 the 2003? NEW HOTEL WORLD – In charge of warehouse – 2000 the 2002? TV GLOBE – Storekeeper – 1994 the 1998? HOTEL LE MRIDIEN COPACABANA (current IBEROSTAR) – To assist of warehouse – 1991 the 1994 COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION? Full user Microsoft Office (Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point, Access)? Full user electronic spread sheet Lotus 123? Intermediate user of the AutoCAD converter? Full user of operational systems WMS, cm, Microsiga? Intermediate user of the operational systems SAP (Module MM), RM, GKO has freighted? Experience in certifications ISO 9001/14001? Expertise in the management of teams (to multidiscipline and heterogeneous)? Experience in verticalizados supplies
Thus it is more easy to touch the company. Many guarantee that they do not feel difference some making a social action or supporting some institution that needs same aid being to the side of it. This position unhappyly still is majority in our country. The position of the master whom it only demands profit. In such a way, since the leader is of utmost importance in the management of people, it is preferable to see them socially acting of active form instead of seeing defending them only to the interests of the shareholders. I soon wait to see this scene as last and to remember that one day the companies had thought thus.
E, in the future, to be constrangida when reading an article of these begging pra that some day, the companies wake up and change its vision stops with the world that is inserted. REFERENCES ASHLEY, Patrician Almeida..
Standardized Qualification
A bakery of the city of Juina – TM is about a case study, using. With the main results, one concludes that the standardization, training and qualification of hand of direct workmanship had resulted in significant effect of beneficial character, of diverse natures and levels, that managed proactively can result in the attainment of exclusive competitive advantage for the company and consequences profits of market, credibility and improvement of relationship with internal agents external. The boarding proposal if showed efficient e, in short term, resulted important had been exactly reached. This boarding can be extended to other food companies with similar operational characteristics. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Standardized product, training and qualification of hand of direct workmanship 1.INTRODUO the basic one for the companies is to be prepared for ‘ ‘ moment with cliente’ ‘. Standardized products, training and qualification of the direct man power are the basic tripod.
It must try to learn with the strong points of each sector and to occupy the existing chances. Through these information it searchs to extend and to develop the knowledge on the Process of standardization of the products, training and qualification of the direct man power through theoretical referenciais and of the practical application. It can be used as source of information for the company, since it demonstrates the importance of the efficiency of this process and as to reach it.
Retailers. Emptying of information of inside of its business can cost expensive to the internal planejamentos of the company. World-wide known, the Wikileaks, site headquartered in Sweden, have published for opened access, diverse confidential documents in the which outflow information of companies or countries. In the day the day of work the existence of ' ' LEAKS' ' inside of the companies, they are real facts, the emptying of improper information is constant. How much it is said that the information not only leaked was for loss of internal document, but of said and repeated words.
Let us see two examples: 1 – An entrepreneur or manager goes to excuse a collaborator, to receiving this collaborator in the room, says: The company is passing for difficulty, the sales had fallen, is lowering expenditures, enters as much other information that are said there. 2 – An entrepreneur or manager does not want to effect definitive purchase, to receiving the supplier in the room, says: The sales are few, this week are weak, not vendi nothing of this product, my supply you full, it enters as much other information that are said there. When the communication is made of this form, the emptying of information existed, worse that this, false information that denigre the image of the proper company. the former-collaborator for the market comments: She leaves why the company seems that she goes to close, the business is bad, not vende more almost nothing, is cutting everything for there the supplier for other suppliers comments: It is knowing d? that company? Care when vender pra it, does not have customer, all week is weak, until perhaps cannot eliminates fulfill it of the heading Leaks means ' ' vazamento' '. The continuation of the emptying of false information of its business will be able to take its company to the failure. They think about this. (Jnior Faj, Consultoria & Lecture,)
Federal Government
The creation system was superextensive where the properties do not possuam at least surround bordering. Extrativista visa was an activity practically that the proprietors congregated the animals only one time per year for marking and sales of oxen livings creature for Manaus, AM. Of the point of view technician it was necessary of four the six hectares for each head of bovine, the natality tax varied enters 35 40% and the animals taken abate for it to the 48 55 months with 134 kg of carcass. From 1976, with the opening of the federal highway (BR 174) binding to capital Boa Vista of Roraima the Manaus, capital of Amazon more intensively initiated the process of occupation of the areas of forest in nesting projects. In 1980 it had, also, financing for opening of areas in forest for plantation with annual cultivos and pasture, as strategy used for the Federal Government for the setting of the man in lots of land in that one bioma. While in the savannah areas the phase predominated of creates, for production and sales of year-old calves weaned destined for the phases of recria and fattening in areas with pasture cultivated in the deforested areas. For 1990 return, 160 the abated bovines possuam about kg of carcass, since the base of the feeding was pasture of quicuio of the Amaznia (humidicola Brachiaria). In 2007 the mineral use of supplements was intensified, in some cases, with proteinado salt, mainly, in the period with lesser pluviomtrica precipitation occurrence, the 220 carcasses had started to reach kg..