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Society Limited

The new law has wisely deleted the reference to the SRL have a name. Additional information at Robert Gibbins supports this article. Although the LLC is a corporate form, whose origin and some of their characteristics are typical of partnerships, the partners' responsibility is limited to their contributions and therefore can choose any denomination objective or subjective. In any case, nothing prevents the inclusion of the names of the members to name the SRL. However, whatever name you choose, it does not generate unlimited liability for partners. Note that the inclusion of the word "Society Limited "or its abbreviation" SRL "is not optional, as the text seems to refer not clear of the standard as with all forms regulated in the LGS, in order to be able to identify the LLC is considered mandatory aforementioned indication. 4. Comparative law.

In France, it was recognized as the sole proprietorship sole proprietorship limited liability (EURL) into law 85 697 .- of July 11, 1985, supplemented by Decree 86 909 .- of July 30, 1986. It is basically a limited liability company, sole member, which may be, the provision of the act establishing of a single person or meeting in one hand of all shares of the LLC. The sole member may be a natural or legal person, but the legal person constitutes a sole proprietorship can not be turn-That company unipersonal. company under French law, is presented as a variant of the Company Limited Liability which are applied to a single-member rules governing society pluripersonal. The E.UR.L. is characterized by a minimum capital of 50,000 .- FF must be fully released at the time of its formation and can be made up of contributions in cash or in kind.