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OTC Gas Price Indices

As procurement in Germany calculated is the “month-ahead-index” (c) GAS quoted currently REVIEW 23,89 EUR / MWH easily over the calculated 12-month average price of 23,64 euro / MWH. The index tends to follows the spot prices, which currently stands at 24,06 euro / MWH. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Verizon Communications. While olpreisindizierte compute models now announce price increases for consumer Gaspreisindexierte prices could”in accordance with the last 6 months, price reductions for consumers mean! “Provider with olpreisindexiertem costing model” will lose market share, if you in public as a booster “be recognized. Its costing model ranks on average more than 10% above the cost rice of the OTC gas market. Suppose the price basis for the purchase price of a tape of the year would be 23,64 euro / MWH: in the case of work price consumer could be E.g. at 50 euro / MWH (5 Eurocent / KWH). The provider then after would a major cutting budget with 30,000 KWH Deduction of 10% financing costs bring even a year revenue of around 700 euros. When a citizen average income of around 30,000 euros p.a. the load of the described gas cover with 1.500,00 euro is equivalent to about 5%. Other consumer loads such as taxes and other levies in addition stress households! As a result, other cost of living could be ratcheted back. If this increases non-fulfillment is the expected inflation rate for Germany significantly! Thomas Bakosch GAS REVIEW Hamburg