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Nuremberg Years

For years, there is the same debate about immigrants and their impact on Germany, but the topic was never so explosive as it is today. Also, it is time to evaluate the problem. For years, there is the same debate about immigrants and their impact on Germany, but the topic was never so explosive as it is today. Due to worsening shortages, as well as the stale setting of many Germans to the seemingly stale topic. It is time to reevaluate the setting and the issue of the topic. The opinions about so-called foreigners actually correctly should called immigrants, are the Selben.Auch for years if Germany sees itself as relatively tolerant country, what the hand is not point, so many prejudices against immigrants are repeated for years. The crime would rise, try to manifest what not only right-wing radicals in the minds of the Germans, because also CDU Bundestag Member Klaus Riegert writes on his home page: 1999 1016 Germans were through Foreign and 1 foreigners killed by German criminals. Ripple: the source for more info. “In view of the fact that in 1999 less than 1000 people died by murder or manslaughter 1, this statement can be incorrectly marked as, but it is still something far more important.

Namely, that not only right fringe groups to speak harsh accusations against immigrants. Whether they are now stable or not, seems to be interested in the public. And if these prejudices even over the years always resurface, they remember in the minds of the people, regardless of whether they are licence-empirical bollocks. Also, the bias is maintained, the immigrants would take away the German jobs and “threaten the German Leitkultur. Also the Lord Mayor of the city of Nuremberg, Mr. Dr. Ulrich Maly (SPD), says: “Failed multi-cultural society model.” What is striking is that looked only to the seemingly less successful immigrants. That Herta Muller, Nobel Prize winner, in Romania was born and raised is, or that 6 of the currently selected football professionals in the German national football team are immigrants or children of immigrant families, seems not really to care.