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Giveawine AG With Marc Sebben As New Sales Manager

Giveawine restructured the sales and passes the proven expert Marc Sebben the line. To meet future growth requirements, Giveawine reorganized the sales organization, passing Marc Sebben the head of sales Switzerland and Germany. Marc Sebben, since August 2008 in the company as a key account manager, takes over the management and responsibility of the sale of the Giveawine AG. Jean-Paul Saija, previous head of the area, leaving the company at the end of 2009 Mr Sebben in the last months important customers for Giveawine won. With Marc Sebben we found a designated successor. Thanks to its strategically-oriented approach he will pursue Giveawine especially in the business customer segment and be largely responsible for the growth targets”, says Marc Schmid, CEO of Giveawine AG. Giveawine AG Giveawine, founded in the spring of 2006, is the leading premium gift platform for companies and individuals.

The rising young company headquartered in Glattbrugg offers high quality products from the gourmet and enjoy world (wine, spirits, cigars, chocolates, gift baskets, etc.). In addition to the private individuals-oriented E-Gift / E-shop solution is for companies an innovative online gift tool for customers and employees with an own, tunable to the needs gift platform available for free. Intranet-shop solutions for staff round out the offerings. Selected dealer are responsible for the delivery of the goods in the Switzerland, Germany and Austria.