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Excellent Sustainability Report

Environmental and social sustainability an integral part of the business plan as the first provider of forest investment in Germany ForestFinance presented a sustainability report. Since formation, climate and environmental protection, social responsibility and fair working conditions are cornerstones of our corporate philosophy. In its first sustainability report, the Bonn party of sustainable forest investments shows how governance in an international company can succeed. On the ecologically and socially sustainable investment products of the ForestFinance trust group in Germany over 8,000 customers. Over 3,500 hectares of forest are managed sustainably in Panama and Viet Nam. ForestFinance among other things was the only German company with the “FSC Global Partner Award” awarded in the field of “Financial Services”. FSC is the world’s most famous “eco-labelling” for environmentally and socially responsible forestry. Sustainability report and business report as a means of transparency: “transparency is an important issue for us,” all divisions pulls”so Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of the ForestFinance group.

“Since 2004 we alternate our customers therefore send forestry and activity reports. 2010, we have made a further step with the annual publication of our key ratios. “The sustainability report brings us the target of a possible transparent presentation of the overall Group again closer.” This commitment was recognized by the Institute for ecological economy research (IoW) 2011 characterized the report to one of the best 40 sustainability reports in small and medium-sized companies of in Germany in a preliminary assessment. The final evaluation will take place in 2012. Sustainability and social responsibility begin in our own company: Although ForestFinance also outside the company for non-profit initiatives such as a water supply project and a tropical forest trail engaged in Panama, is the focus of the report on sustainability within the company. According to Assenmacher has its reason: “we support non-profit organizations in the project regions with donations, in addition we are committed locally, for example in environmental education.