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Consumer Confidence

To the few, the consumer still retakes the confidence, shaken for the crisis. Test of this is that the perspective of improvement of the economy grew for the third consecutive month giving continuity to the trend of gradual recovery of the confidence, according to Sounding of Expectations of the Consumer divulged in the day 26 of May for Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV). In May, the reliable Index of the Consumer (ICC) increased the 1.3% in relation April, passing of 99,2 for 100,5 points. However, the pointer still meets in distant platform of the registered one in September of the last year (110,2 points). The ICC of May were calculated on the basis of interviews in more than 2 a thousand domiciles, seven capitals, enter 30 of April and 20 of May. It is divided in others two pointers: the Index of Expectativas (IE) and the Index of Situao Atual (ISA). In May of 2009, as much the evaluations on the present situation how much the expectations for the next months had become more favorable. The Index of Situao Atual (ISA) it was raised in 1,1%, of 97,4 for 98,5 points.

The Index of Expectativas (IE) advanced 1.6%, of 100,7 for 102,3 points the biggest level since September of 2008 (108,2). Amongst the questions that compose the Index of Current Situation, it had improvement of the present evaluation in relation to the local economic situation. Between April and May, the parcel of consumers who evaluate the situation as good was raised of 7,3% for 7,8% of the total; of they judge that it bad was scrumbled of 52,1% for 49,2%, according to the FGV.O question that, separately, more influenced in the evolution of the ICC in May was what it deals with the expectations in relation to the local economic situation in next the 6 months. In the comparison with the previous month, the ratio of consumers who foresee improvement increased of 26,3% for 28,0%; the parcel of that they project worsening diminished of 23,5% for 20,6%.Para the FGV, the improvement does not mean the end of the uncertainties of the consumer how much to the economic scene. One of the points negatives, say, are the expectation in relation to the evolution of the work market. According to research, the percentage of interviewed that they make a positive evaluation of the work market is in only 24.3%, little above of registered 24% in April, but in very low a historical platform still. Another bad data are the perception of the consumers on financial the current situation of the family, who fell 1.5% for 100,7 points in May, the lesser platform since March of 2007.

According to FGV, the month of April strong were influenced by an exaggerated euphoria of the consumer, stimulated mainly for the low income families. The good notice of the month passed, as the reduction of the Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI) in the material of construction and products of the white line, and the announcement of the Program of Habitation ' ' My House, My Vida' ' they had explained the optimism. In May it had adjustment enters the expectations of the consumer and the real scene of the economy, therefore, the tax of the ICC went up less. Of any form in crisis times, ties up to is considered victory