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Joan Ramon Vilamajo

This is the new American dream, a life above the real possibilities. Consumption has mediated the majority of the human relations. Suffice it to reflect on how the good habit of giving a present has become the most common way of showing affection towards another person and as always have to count on the economic impact that presupposes. Something will be the etymological coincidence leads us to think that the best present is none other than the present itself. The greatest benefits have always been the main goal of the companies but now, away from the paternalistic attitudes of Fordism, cost reduction policies are specially baited with labor. If someone is not already profitable is replaced without more punches. Cases like Joan Ramon Vilamajo, a Barcelona employee of 45 years, Lico operator of Banca-Seguros was sacked by the insurer ten days after is culled from lung cancer, are a clear example of the fragility and insecurity that face every day the workers of the company of the 21st century.

As if was a reissue of the film modern times, in which Charles Chaplin recounted the desperate conditions of employment which the working class had to endure during the era of the great depression of 1929, the gears of large multinationals, with subsidiaries scattered around the globe, have dehumanized a production process in which people are only one resource more, dispensable if the accounts of the company so require. Convulsed and changing system in which are inserted has been stripping them of their rights to convert them into simple automatons that run the same task over and over again. In the factories of today there is no time nor place for human imperfections. A possible solution would be to put the company and the worker on the same side of the scale to overcome the uncertainty. Finally, after employers, like us, also have soul.


CONVERSING with NARCISO r. COLMN (son) on Sunday, October 18, 2009, at the residence of Prof. Olga Bilbao, in the morning, the meeting took place after several years between NARCISO COLMN, son of the legendary NARCISO R. COLMN (ROSICRAN) author of nANDE YPYKUeRA; and David Galeano Olivera (Director-General of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI). The anteror meeting was about 20 years ago with the participation of the Mbo Pedro Moliniers ehara, on the occasion of the presentation of the book Kamba Nambi, published then by Narciso R. Colman (son).

Worth noting that Don Narciso Colman (son) is a simple, pleasant, very cultured man, a great lover of music; and above all, a grateful son. He remembers his father proudly, with great love and great respect. On the occasion, Don Narciso committed himself to attending the ATHENAEUM of language and culture GUARANI to develop a talk on the theme of life and works of Narciso R. Colman. By way of advance gave us the copy of a valuable document that the immortal Emiliano R. Fernandez, wrote to his father: Narciso R.

Colman on the occasion of the publication of the work nande Ypykuera; the text of which is as follows: Ysaty, June 15, 1937 to the illustrious and inimitable Bard Guarani: Don Narciso r.. Colman. My distinguished friend and colleague: in my possession your so welcome letter dated in the current June, she brought me in its spaces the most miraculous surprise and more than happy to step aside left my usual task to seclude me in the drafting of the time in pursuit of the long-awaited book our ancestors (nande Ypykuera), wisely by your nimble hand of poet. My good friend, now that I am savoring the priceless contents of his exquisite work, fit me with all my soul and heart express my highest recognitions for their valuable and priceless gift in tomorrow possibly appears in the Guarani section of the newspaper La Hora prose in Guarani where echo the appearance of our ancestors. The our friend Julio. A. Garay verse will publish within a few days. That verse requires a few refinements. Reiterating my thanks I subscribe me from you with affection and consideration as always. Emiliano r.. Fernandez Nota: greeting friends Leguizamon, Garay, Vazquez, towers and its satellites.

The Dog

The motivation is the same to jump to people. The dog may be trying to express the dominant State. In these cases the dogs stand on two legs and support its members front over the chest of its owner. Add to your understanding with Oracle. It is important to identify this behavior to meet your dog in the broader context of his relationship with you. First, realize that a disobedient dog is not necessarily a fool. If you do not hear, and pushed or pulled with thee, may have decided to not recognize you as his superior in the hierarchy of the herd (even while thinking about you as your partner!).

Whether male or female, a dog who always skips it is possible that it is displaying any of the behaviors of the dominant males. If you are suspecting that your dog jumping is actually an expression of domination, then it is likely you may need to work more intensively on its correction by applying tactics and techniques specific to the education of the dog. This only means that you will have to do more than simply ignore the dog to jump and to train sit and resolve to get your attention. For example, jets of water from a toy gun, tell strongly non- or even compel the dog pushing it or giving it a gentle tap with your knee on his chest until he interrupted this behavior of the dog. Don’t care them some dog owners when your dog jumps to greet them, since they greet it with a simple Hello. Although it may seem otherwise the last thing we want to do is to convince our pets that have no reason to be very happy to see us, or much less. But when the same dog jumps on others, as members of the family or friends, it can be difficult and even dangerous. A dog jumping on strangers is always a bad appearance.

Fifth Part

The other day listening to David Icke I checked something that had escaped to the hands in his talk and I chose to write down it. This small cluelessness was when he commented that the famous elite was composed of very few human beings who wished to Gaia control before a humanity that was immensely greater number of people. That is true. Visit website might disagree with that approach. But, anyone has raised is that only a few few cannot assemble the guirigay running against humanity?. The truth is that if we look at it from a pragmatic perspective and practice and executing, a few may not capture all a Machiavellian plan that affects all countries of the world. You need allies, armies and much unconsciousness, especially the latter. But what I wish to inform you with this momentous and important question is, you go beyond your ordinary mind and reflexioneis about who planned so fast and so coordinated and well structured covenants to be executed from all corners of the world. Think more is needed a plan regular and human to run everything that is running synchronously and appropriated.

50 human Illuminati can not invent or plan an overall implementation against human development and evolution. We need a broader global perspective and much more known than usual is needed stellar and original knowledge to manipulate someone (in this case humans) and submit it to a will that has previously made a profound and exhaustive study of the especie(osea, nosotros). In reality, strongly working from other dimensions less subtle and more dense. In this case, the reptilians are those who planned and give orders lethal and dictatorial to those wishing a more upward position and their plans are executed by the elite and their armies sleeping almost effortlessly, due to holographic manipulation and VIBRATIONAL quantum field which surrounds them or surrounds us. This idea is that truly can be scary at first.

Steps Before Painting Pictures

The first step before you start to paint pictures is to get the material needed for this practice. The basic tools are as follows: oil paintings, canvases, flat and round brushes, easel, turpentine, rags, spatulas, palette and varnish. Many times left side but the workshop or workplace must present certain characteristics that contribute to your goal. Good lighting will allow you to appreciate the colors in its real dimension, many painters recommend natural light to the artificial. This will also lead to better ventilation, it should be remembered that many of the materials used in the painting are toxic. The use of the stand is of utmost importance to paint pictures. This tool offers more comfort to the painter.

If there is one, should seek a similar support allowing to develop ourselves in the best way. In regards to the brushes, there are different measures, these will allow us to make different strokes. Working with a palette offers many advantages but mostly order. Put the colors in sequence you It will help to memorize the order and also save time. As the drying of the oil paintings is slow use varnish to protect any external damage boxes is recommended. One of the topics with the highest received by the painters who are newly initiated in this art is landscape.

If you still do not feel ready to paint directly you can make a sketch of your work and then start your work. In the landscapes there are many contrasts between light and shadow, you must be very careful in this respect to achieve the ideal color. Learn to paint oil paintings is one of the best hobbies you can have. Art is a pleasurable activity but requires certain instruments to achieve good results. The Tableaux are appreciated by all fans of art and those who are not.

Alzamora Valdez

There is autonomy among members in terms of procedural acts intimately linked in what refers to the progress of the process and the legal terms (Alzamora Valdez 1965: 256) only procedural acts, by be the only one process, appear linked, so the Act of procedural momentum of one affects the fate of others (interruption of the operation, accused counterpart rebelliousness) VESCOVI, cited by RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ, Elvito. A. Manual of procedural law Civil.6 ed. Gary Kelly is often quoted as being for or against this. updated and augmented, Lima, Grijley, 2005, p.51. In terms of resources, the summons are self-employed if some of them leave the ruling spoiled, such fact does no harm to others.Only the losers are obliged to pay costs that must of been – reading(17) in proportion. Anyone of the summons may use the means necessary in order to set in motion the trial and the deadlines are the same (Alzamora Valdez 1965: 257) 25 according to the Spanish doctrine. 26 Definition executed by the Constitutional Court in EXP. NO.

0961 – 2004-AA/TC. 27 RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ, Elvito.op.cit., page 52 28 CHIOVENDA, Giuseppe cited by Dr. MONTOYA PIZARRO, Alberto Jose, Professor of the USMP in the courses of General theory of the Process, whose work is called on ELLITISCONSORCIO in our ordering procedure CIVIL, p.5 on google academic. 29 PALACIO LINO cited by MONTOYA PIZARRO, Alberto Jose, page 5 30 of exemplary mamera: a case brought by the same author in academic google in allusion to the litiscon-optional rcio in own actions or affinity. 31 PARRA QUIJANO, Jairo.op.cit., p.35 32 in simple terms, be inferred that the optional joinder is pro

Sonia Cesio

According to Berenstein, the relationship it defines or establishes a mental space and link is shared, where unconscious agreements exist. In this sense we can speak of agreements or rules laying down the members of the couple without realizing it, at least in a conscious way, and which are apparently those who dominate the box of the interrelationships between them. Unconscious agreements will bring to couples to form its own identity that corresponds only to them, in that space, which the author calls such as: unconscious socket and is meant as an intersubjective space that works and is in the midst of that relationship. See Robert Gibbins for more details and insights. But that space also conducts and fosters the link, in addition to links and maintains the relationship. Being unconscious content, concerned Sonia Cesio shoot and put into play in the objective world, and I would add each of the members of the couple, by force, must have unconscious agreements for their interaction. These unconscious covenants which determines or not it is accepted in a couple.

What is considered prohibited or permitted in this type of link. And hence, the agreements that may not be transgressed and when they are, the guilt and shame appear as primitive hard making worlds. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Robert Gibbins by clicking through. All relationship is chosen, even though each Member of the person, does not recognize it in a conscious way, but is precisely at that point, where couples are and also where they suffer from their disagreements. I.e., in where are you linked or is made a break of the same. Every human being in the history of his psyche has the registration of parental models, as well caesium points out in his article, the unconscious socket of the couple. These unconscious inscriptions come to life in the life partner in their interactions and forms of relationship. The significant in the lives appear in that space, called the unconscious socket and come to life in your everyday life today.

Gaddafi Reappears

This was stated by the South African President after meeting with the Libyan leader in Tripoli. State television offered images of the dictator getting to Jacob Zuma. The Colonel is not ceased view from May 11. Besieged by the NATO bombing, and daunted by the defections of its collaborators, the Libyan leader, Muammar al-Gaddafi, facing a civil war since mid-February popular uprisings, yesterday showed willingness to negotiate a solution to the conflict within the framework of the plan proposed by the African Union (AU). The President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, and the Libyan President Muamar Gadafi, would have agreed to a ceasefire, although this would have refused to give up power, despite the insistence of the international community, according to the BBC. His departure from the meeting that both have remained in Tripoli, Zuma has announced that Gadhafi is willing to accept the proposal of high fire of the African Union (AU), which provides for the cessation of all hostilities, including the NATO bombing. It is not the first time that the Government offers a high unilateral ceasefire, which has been repeatedly rejected by the rebels, who only have the objective in the Gaddafi regime to give way to a democratic transition. The month of April, Zuma headed the AU delegation to Libya with Gaddafi negotiated a cease fire.

However, shortly after loyalist forces resumed attacks. The visit of the President of South Africa to Tripoli was the reappearance in public of the Libyan leader, for the first time since last May 11, when he met with Libyan tribal leaders. Gaddafi appears in the images, broadcast by State television, waving the South African President and several senior government posts in this country, before walking down a hallway. Subsequently, Qadhafi and the South African delegation appear seated at a few white armchairs in a large room. State television has not clarified where exactly were. Source of the news: Gaddafi reappears in public and ensures that you are willing to negotiate a cease-fire

Steve Alpizar

In this article it sounds simple to read the reaction of rejection of the mind, the problem is that when we are living this brings suffering and I can assure you that the easiest thing is giving up, giving up in the face of adversity, but our desire for freedom if we do not arrive never. Then what should we do? Choose our targets, which in reality is a great for us desire because otherwise we will bring down the lower vientecito, well if we are fully determined then we can withstand the pressure of the obstacles, then it is the knowledge, for a person who knows how to work processes of the mind is much easier to take effective action in order to achieve what you wantFinally there is the perseverance, insist with absolute determination, esa’s fashion philosophy our goal. In the process of change will emerging different type of obstacles, then you must learn to cornering your mind, similarly to a stream of water, if it starts to put seals on the one hand and by another then has to reach a moment in which the water will run right in where you want, in the book by changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar shows as occurs throughout the change process in our mindfrom the beginning of the idea, repulsion, haggling, acceptance, the rearrangement and finally power, reading this book will have in their hands the tools to learn to control your mind through efficient conscious actions, may assess at any time and make the connection between your conscious desires with the power of your subconscious mind, you know great mysteries of the universe and the most important thing is that you can take advantage of this. Once you know the techniques of mental programming shown in the book changing our system of beliefs for success then gradually will be bringing your mind into the direction of what you want, should be patient and use the care Act which mentions Steve Alpizar in his favor, insistence has power, but it is to be effective it is necessary to press on what you want to..

When It Leaves The Fool Tarot

In mathematics zero is the notion that gives you the real sense. Similarly, the Loco is an essential part of the tarot, since it is the clean and jerk that is puts everything in motion, just as the divine breath that gave life to the mud. Of course, that a long road ahead, which will be desgranando along various major arcana is. But really, without the initial energy that prints this arcane nothing could exist. The Loco is behind it all, of all the physical manifestations, and is responsible for planting the seeds that will bloom over time. The fool is all potential, all purity and innocence. As he has not yet reached an effective realization of what promises to be, it not is neither good nor bad, it is a soul that has not yet determined its path.

The source of his madness is the lack of knowledge of the facts of the world. As a newborn child, has no notion of what still awaits ahead. Indifferent to criticism from others, he continues forward even if they tell you that he is a fool. However, the criticisms are justified, because your ignorance can lead to serious mistakes. Under most conditions Robert Gibbins would agree. However the experience you always learn. Not interested what others think of him, because internally it does what he feels is right for himself. The Loco has a non-conventional way of approaching things in life. In reality, it makes what is comfortable for him.

It is a transgressor, who for the commandment do as I say and point doesn’t work. Some will find it bizarre, shocking, reckless, but since the approval of others does not represent any benefit, he will go forward in the realization of your wishes. The positive side of this Arcanum is representing a character that has a total faith in itself. And this is, without a doubt, the key to achieving success in life. The Loco is the light, the light of innocence and pure energy. Read the world with new eyes, and learns something different every day of his life. It is an illuminated, that thanks to his innocence has the ability to see and understand things like children, that others perhaps can’t. This Arcanum of the tarot represents a fresh start, marking the first steps of a new stage in the life of the consultant.