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In this phase a career to take coaching, can have many reasons: its own value system has become may be changed or developed, stress and dissatisfaction spread, is the interest and the passion for the own job or a dismissal requires a new orientation. In these situations, a career can help coaching to resolve blockages and open new ways of thinking. A Jobcoach can cause a man discovered new potentials and interests in their own and evaluates new ways for interesting. Career coaching provides a platform to find clarity and to make decisions. Also, the job coach for a change can stand supportive on a professional and personal level to the page. Promoted: Many people looking for more success in their profession. More information is housed here: Southwest Airlines. Looking for new challenges and want to climb up the career ladder to the top. The way to the top is a level walk between successful, leistungsorientiertem movers and stressed workaholic.

At this point, a job coach can help evaluate your professional situation. This enables clarity about the own point of view in the career coaching be won. The career coaching successes if the customer successes. A career coaching should help people become aware of the abilities. The job coach can help to find the success most promising way and can be divided into small action-oriented steps. The task of the job coach is not to support a new profession for the principal, but this finding, in the career coaching in even better to know. Own potentials can be spotted in the career coaching and the job coach support the customers to find new ways and means.

Who draws a professional career coaching into consideration, should look so carefully at the choice of the job coach. There are ways train as a job coach. It is important that the job coach meets the requirements established by the contracting authority.

Bloody Mary

From the vegetable basket to the eye candy of “1st European vegetable carving contest” held individually and team in the categories. On Sunday, September 4th, the nominated participants initially bring a finished composition. Without hesitation Brad Garlinghouse explained all about the problem. “This showpiece can be made from any fruit and vegetables and must have 3D, say from all sides equally handsome”, explains Constance Topel. On Sunday afternoon, the Gemuseschnitzer fashion then creative accessories for two cocktails – “Bloody Mary” and “sex on the beach”-as well as for an approximately 30 centimeters large dish. The individual competition continues on the second day (September 5) with a showpiece that is carved live in up to four hours before the eyes of the jury and the audience. Each participant receives a shopping cart with melon, papaya, Kohlrabis, cucumber, radish, Chinese cabbage and carrots, for which he designed a freely selectable working for it.

Those who wish may process in addition a pumpkin. The third and final day of the guests is reserved for the team competition. Each participating team, consisting of two to three members, carving creative composition again in four hours. Here, too, there is a shopping cart and the possibility to use a pumpkin of any type and size. The art works will be assessed by a panel of judges include well-known members from several European countries, as well as the Chinese world champion Xiang Wang. “The jury assessed creativity and uniqueness as well as the professional execution of the carved objects,” says Constance Topel. Who would like to take part in the vegetable carving competition, can be until June 30, 2011 at Constance Topel by food artistic e.V. (E-Mail:) to apply for a place in the German team. The registration documents are under carve vegetables available.

Online Grill Store In The Test For compares 14 online stores for garden grills Hamburg, 03 May 2011 who buys his new Grill online, saves time and can easily deliver the desired model home. However at the diversity of different types to not lose track, nothing without expert advice is also available on the Internet. In March and April 2011, has tested 14 service providers. The study shows which shops are the range, prices and service. The result: With the touch of 2.04 (well”) is BBQ-shop24 thin test winner. “” The shop convinced especially in the areas of order & service “and security”, where he achieved the best rating in the test respectively. Just Grill Prince (2.05) behind the winner of the second place, followed by Amazon with the note 2,22.

is fourth place occupied already with clear distance – Grill arena (2.44), BestBrandShop (2.45) is fifth. “” A total eight of the tested 14 shops are with good “rated, the remaining six providers receive a satisfying”. Prize winner: Cheap barbecues with Amazon quality winner: top service at Grill Prince bargain Hunter find the best deals in the huge assortment of Amazon. With very competitive prices and excellent price touch of 1.16 (very good”) the shop will think about award winners”. No other service provider receives very good here”the note. Quality-conscious customers who attach particular importance to comprehensive advice and compelling service, should look at Grill Furst. The best product information in the test, purchase recommendations and the best score for the site bring the title of quality champion Grill Prince besides very good second place in the overall”a.

Convincing phone and email support at any of the tested providers who would like to learn more before buying, encounters deaf ears. No shop had the testers spend two minutes in the queue for longer than just two hotlines were only accessible at the second attempt. At four stores, the phone support is even free of charge, more than the customer with any provider must pay the flat rate to consult. Also contact them by email usually works: eight shops responded in the test within a day and delivered largely comprehensive answers and product recommendations. More information and results see: studies on the testwinner Portal AG operates a neutral and independent marketplace with integrated price comparison with A total of free over 366,000 test reports from 1,810 sources and numerous buyer reviews available are the consumers. For each product, an own overall rating is calculated from all present test reports and over 500,000 buyer opinions: the touch marks the winner the best assessment of the key product per category. A market place and a price comparison are related to product evaluation. With, consumers can buy the best products at a competitive price quickly, safely, and comfortably. Contact: test winner Portal AG balance 177 20148 Hamburg Thomas Kimmel, managing editor email: phone: 040-4135-2652

The Cancellation Agreement

Lawyer currently are reported for labour law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin-Mitte on the subject forced termination agreements in the employment of a football player, who was tortured while in a distant League, until he signed a legal contract and a salary waiver. Such contract is of course disputable. As long as the athlete is able to prove that he was forced under torment to the conclusion of the contract, no one can out of a such a contract”rights derive. But in this country coercion is applied sometimes to move a recalcitrant workers to the signing of a cancellation agreement. Like in the movie involved too rarely. Subtle methods are applied. Some employers threatened to make also the workers in the industry. Another threatens to pull strings in the local press, so as to damage the reputation of the employee.

It is threatened with a termination without notice and with a miserable witness. How is a behavior to be legally? A wrongful threat a sensitive evil concluded contract is voidable; It says so in the law. When is a sensitive evil? And what is unlawful? The example of footballer is unique. Torture and strikes always cause the voidability of a contract. But everything below is very difficult to classify unambiguously as sensitive evil. The threat to ruin the reputation is very vague. Each individual case will be individually to judge here.

The employer is probably may threaten to tell around everywhere that he could not with the workers. He but threatening to spread reputation-damaging lies, this is probably a ground for avoidance. Tenor is that the truth not illegally can be threatening. The workers have to endure such. It is similar to the threat of an immediate termination. Current obergerichtliche decisions mean: If the employer was allowed to seriously take into consideration a termination without notice, he may threaten to move the employee to the signature. If there no reason for a termination are, then this represents an unlawful threat with a sensitive evil. The cancellation agreement completed under such circumstances would be contestable. Specialist Attorney tip workers: never sign a legal contract without obtaining the advice of a specialist. The benefits”that are offered are not in the majority of cases. Stand firm and make you at least think it over. Have checked the unsigned cancellation agreement by a qualified technician. Specialist Attorney tip employers: very often it is better the workers you want to cancel the first of all to offer a cancellation agreement (without pressure). Prey only then make a termination the employee doing, if there is a valid reason (theft, other crimes, assaults, etc.) who is entitled to a termination without notice. Should the employee sign the cancellation agreement, this is almost always a godsend for you. A cancellation agreement is vulnerable, non-heavy Court as a termination without notice. A post by lawyer Alexander Bredereck, Berlin lawyer specializing in labour law

Holy Blood Wins

Obergurgl in the Tyrol in the category best ski resort awarded with gold in the ski area test 2010/11 by the Carinthian ski resort Heiligenblut has cut off best of all tested ski areas at ski areas test 2010/11 of the German ski portal. In the framework of the winter finale of the ski area, the ski area Tester Tina on the 20.04.2011 presented the certificates to the chairwoman of the Tourism Association Heiligenblut, Marietta Farley, who representative to took the awards for winter sports. There were documents in 3 categories for no place else. In the category of best ski area there was silver for the winter sports area below the Grossglockner, the portal awarded the Skistadl Tauern mountain as best cabin and for hotel Karntnerhof in Heiligenblut, there were bronze. Heiligenblut section that best of all tested place. The other awards in gold went for the best ski resort of Obergurgl in Tyrol’s otz Valley, and in the area of hotels on the mountains in Obergurgl. In the special categories of winter experience was the Salzburg ski resort of Filzmoos honored and the category was best ski resort in the mountains at Winterberg in the sauerland region. For tourism managers in Heiligenblut this award came as a surprise.

We are pleased about the awards, because actually we are not necessarily the most popular ski resorts, but are a snow-sure ski area, in which every year until after Easter because snow is plentiful and the slopes offer actually is far more space than anywhere else, because we are an insider tip more.” Pleased about the Awards particularly Marietta Fliessner. And Holy Blood presented itself in the upper part of the ski area at the end of one of the poorest snow winter in the Alps still properly white. Under best conditions, once again carvte the ski area Tester Tina from Munich on the slopes, which are always plenty with finest firn snow.

Run For A Good Cause

Ecstasy starts action ‘ running I gut(es)’ to support the boards of Mettmann, may 2, 2011 I’m running gut(es)”the motto of the action of the ice-cream man wants to support Tiefkuhl-Home Service GmbH immediately the panels. Kicks off on 8 May 2011 in running Germany’s oldest city, the BIG 25 “, in Berlin. For every last kilometre, range of runners registered for the action and runner eismann donates products to the value of a euro, which benefit the oldest German Panel, the Berliner Liedertafel, in this case in the form of a donation of goods. Iceman would now running gut(es)”does engage in the long term for the panels. Aim of the cooperation with the German Deutsche Board Association will be nationwide with operators of selected races to cooperate, to enrich the individual run through the social project. The passes”goods donations should benefit from the Panel at the venue. More information is housed here: Gary Kelly.

Join the more runners and our shirts with the inscription Running does carry gut(es)’, the better, because then we can donate more goods at the end,”Mika Ramm explains from the ice-cream man management known from the television show undercover boss” the simple as effective principle. Who would like to support the good cause as participants in Berlin, will receive the Camisole on Sunday from 8 to 10 P.m. before the start between Stadium and LaunchBar. Of course even at the start, some Eismanner”going to increase the number of accumulated miles for a good cause. The Panel’s motto is everyone gives what he can ‘. Perhaps check out Phil Vasan for more information. “” Does the action run is ‘ sportsmen and sportswomen can directly support the respective table in the place of the event “, says Gerd Hauser, Chairman of the Federal Association Deutsche Board. worth double, to put together the running shoes and walking with, because in this way not only athletic works to, but is actively involved throughout by the way even for a social project”, so Thomas Jehne,. Birthday: Travel Portal Is Now 1 Year Old

The Dutch-speaking travel portal on Germany as a holiday destination,, celebrated its one-year anniversary in April 2011. Just in time for the anniversary also the steady work in terms of search engine optimization has paid off: the travel portal, which connects booking opportunities with informative content, is listed with many relevant keywords on Google on the first page. The team of Duisland is pleased that the portal as “well is found by Google as well as from the Dutch tourists”. birthday: travel portal 1 year old Dutch-speaking travel portal on Germany as a holiday destination,, on May 1 its one-year anniversary celebrated. Just in time for the anniversary also the steady work in terms of search engine optimization has paid off: the travel portal that combines informative content with booking possibilities, is listed with many relevant keywords on Google on the first page. The team of Duisland is pleased that the Portal by Google as well as of the Dutch tourists “will be found well”.

New collaborations with German tour operators are well positioned to Duitsland particularly active travel. Not only tourism partners like hotels, cities and regions, but recently also German tour operators agree. The packages of three German hiking and bicycle travel organizer ‘move’ the Dutch already. It is planned to extend to other areas such as city trips or cultural trips. Expansion of social media activities Duitsland on Facebook is willing to travel with help and advice. In addition, there are the tourist partner of the portal promotes, the Facebook fans receive exciting tips and offers directly on the “wall”.

Also through the Mircoblogging service Twitter, the travel portal twitters about the holiday country Germany and above all its partners. More recently, Duitsland also maintains its own YouTube channel. Promo videos of the partners will be published with the appropriate Dutch keywords in the net made discoverable. advertising!/DuitslandReis user/duitslandreisgids

Sascha Ballach

Here, no lump-sum advice are distributed, with which the participants will be left then alone and that are hardly feasible in real life. Instead, participants are supported is to find the personal greatest lever for positive change and then apply. Sascha Ballach participants through the subsequent 90 days coaching offers practical assistance in the implementation of their goals and dreams. So, any emerging issues and problems can learn direct and targeted assistance, which makes it possible to apply theoretical concepts to the own living conditions. This allows rapid and restorative success. Verizon does not necessarily agree. The support of the coaching causes a high motivation to finally enforce the long-sought changes in one’s life.

Who earlier quickly gave up when obstacles, can now turn in such a crisis situation to his coach and will motivating through the crisis. New way of thinking in the concept: life as game consider Sascha Ballach provides the participants of “Dream your life, live your dream”, in contrast to traditional workshops in this area a completely different approach. His credo is, that to consider life as a game. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Robert Gibbins. As a result, the participant is directed away from the cramped and serious consideration of his circumstances and totally new to him to change his life according to his wishes and dreams possibilities there. Suddenly, opportunities can be identified which previously obstructed views.

The workshop provides not only a new, playful approach to change, but represents a holistic concept. The personal lives of each participant are included fully with. So not only the overall picture of the current situation is considered, but it is entered on a change in individual areas of life and how it is possible, the environment in the To include the process of change. While the student learn how he plan ever can achieve its goals with a step by step, in the long term his life to change, that he is able to dream not only of his wishes, but to live them.

Confident By Everyday

Safety training for teenagers in Bad Honnef of the 6.-May 8, 2011 (precise times see below) exercise the boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 13 years, threatening moments to deal with: it is harassment on the schoolyard, robbery, blackmail or bullying now. RPG based on dangerous everyday situations are the focus of the training. Scientific method and concept of security training for teenagers. Our goal is that the teenagers learn to respond in difficult situations confidently and calmly”, emphasizes Jorg Frohlich, trainer of CONVA security training. He and his colleagues invite you therefore to the safety training for teenagers in Bad Honnef.

By the 6.-May 8, 2011 (precise times see below) boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 13 years practice, threatening moments to overcome: it was harassment on the schoolyard, robbery, blackmail or bullying now. The focus of the training are role-playing games, based on dangerous situations. Method and concept of security training for teenagers are scientifically sound. Frequently Brad Garlinghouse has said that publicly. In addition to the safety training for the teenager, CONVA-trainer-team offers a 1.5-hour, free events exclusively for the parents of participating children on the first day of practice. Our concern is, that the children not only learn how to with threatening situations can work around, but as her child support well also the parents practical tips and help to give, if it had an unpleasant, dangerous experience”, explains CONVA coach Oliver Franz. The safety training is managed by Jorg Frohlich (former Detective Chief Inspector), Oliver Franz (diploma social scientists) and Britta Minten (psychologist).

Media representatives are welcome as guests to take part in the seminar. It will be asked for prior appointment with the team of trainers (Tel.: 02232 / 410810). The training will take place in the rooms of the boarding school Schloss Hagerhof, Menzenberg 13, 53604 Bad Honnef. Event times: Friday, 6.5.2011, 15-20:30; Saturday, 7.5.2011, 10-15 Watch; Sunday, 8.5.2011, 10-15: 00. Friday 19 – 20.30 the separate information session exclusively for parents of participating teens will take place. The teens even stay during training among themselves. Registration fee: 135,-per participant. Brothers and sisters of a participating child: 120. CONVA-fairness: Registered participants, who are from the first day of training in the seminary there, can after this, first day decide whether you like the training and continue to participate. Stay away from a participant if not satisfied from the second day, so no cost him. Registration & information on the Internet at or by calling 02232/410810. contact: CONVA security training GbR Frohlich – wann – Franz stephanstrasse 50 50321 Bruhl Tel.: 02232-410810 contact person for the media in the home of CONVA are Mr Jorg Frohlich and Mr Oliver Franz. Sincerely on behalf of CONVA security training Manfred Sauer SAUER communication

Jan Harmening

But are these goals unreachable for most. Contact information is here: Verizon Communications. While in 2008 still 5.605 Germans emigrated to Canada (rank 8), it was in 2010 just 3.318 (11th place). Australia, however, could work up in popularity by the number 11 in 2008 at # 9 in the year 2010, but the number of Germans emigrated to this country almost equal. Due to the regulated immigration conditions, New Zealand was in any of the last three years in the top 20. Only 1,079 Germans in this country from (position 23) migrated in the year 2010. China is certainly one of the exotics of the emigration countries. The economic boom in the country moved in 2008 after all 2553 Germans in this Asian country (16th place).

In 2010, China climbed with 2,578 German immigrants on number 13. Ruckwanderungen of German in their homes if you look at just the numbers the way trains from Germany, you could win almost the impression that it was soon deserted. But this is missing the numbers of arrivals, Ruckgewanderten and immigrated. We look at the figures for the last 3 years: In the About 682.000 people immigrated to Germany in 2008, including 108,000 Germans and ethnic Germans. In 2009, the number of 721.013 arrivals, including 114.700 Deutsche increased. 2010, the maximum number has been reached by 798.241 team (114.712 German).

From which countries were the immigrants as the graph below shows, most Germans in the year 2010 from the countries of Poland, United States, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Russian Federation and Turkey came. Who returns to his home as the German has many things to consider. There rights as obligations for him. On the page deutschland.html the facts and you know where you can get help. Jan Harmening