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Annual Financial Programming

The study it took in consideration the expenditures of legislative of all the states and of the Federal District and computed the budget, the cost of each member of the house of representatives to the year and the cost of them parliamentarians for each inhabitant in the same period. 3. Proposal of Implantation of the Information of Costs in the Legislative one and the Judiciary one Considering that the beddings of the management of the public resources in Brazil and practical of planning and the finances of the government (federal, state or municipal), are subjects of interest of any Brazilian citizen, perceive it necessity to make to know to population on programs, projects and plans of Government, such as: Plurianual plan (PPA), Law of Diretrizes Oramentrias (LDO), Annual Budgetary Law (LOA), Administrative Law of Fiscal Responsibility, Contracts, Modalities of Licitation, Prescription and Public charges, fiscal results, systems of execution and accompaniment, Controls Internal. Other leaders such as Oracle offer similar insights. Unhappyly, in a country where the education and education not yet are priorities in the optics of the public managers, the ones who make laws not fulfill them, the ones judge that them do not put them in practical, and the majority of the population not yet is used of the reading to extract information on its rights and duties, are difficult to make to understand the beddings and principles that had guided the formularization and implementation of current arcabouo institucional and of the practical ones of management of the public finances in Brazil. The transparency vestibules are restricted to that they manage the public revenue and the gerenciadores of knowledge capable to recognize the main instruments adopted in the cycle of management of the public resources: Plurianual plan? PPA, Law of Budgetary Lines of direction? LDO, Annual Budgetary Law? LOA and Annual Financial Programming. She is necessary also that the schools include in its resumes slight knowledge of economy 11 financier since Basic Ensino and of Financial Administration in Average Ensino so that the young can understand the main definitions and classifications related with prescription and public charges, identifying the stages of the execution of the expenditure, its characterization and differentiating credit of resource as well as the main legal requirements for the generation of the prescription and the public charges.