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Acuity With The Authoritarian Doctrines !

Psalm 105: 15 Hands off, he said, to my anointed, not with harm to my religious dictators prophets. those rebels call those emerging from under its control system. This is just a method of manipulation to pressure people should not be taken into account since in Scripture, God calls only to those rebels who disobey the divine ethical precepts. If a person decides to leave a religious organization is not guilty of any wrongdoing or breach of its commitments, then, Yen where’s the rebellion? The term “maverick” are usually applied to people when they refuse to be complicit in unlawful manipulation of doctrinal and authoritarian leaders. It is surprising that those ministers and sects that are out of spiritual authority, have the rebels called cynicism of those sticking to the Scriptures the question, calling for reforms to authoritarian practices, they refuse to participate in illegal and unreported. In other words, there are religious systems rebellion, and rebels who call those who act in accordance with the authority of the teachings of Jesus.

Increible! Ironically, the New Testament itself is the rebel calls to those ministers and religious groups in addition to her numerous fraud, immorality and disobedience to the Gospel of Christ, condemn the innocent, calling them “rebels”. Dear People of God, we must never fear the charges of “rebellion” that ministers come from living in a dishonest or immoral or who have strayed from the teachings of Christ. They have no divine authority. And to tell the myth that we should not question the anointed. One of the favorite lessons to instill fear and keep people’s consciences captive and without using his reason, is based on the text of the Old Testament: “…