To the six days of the month of August of doismil and five to the nineteen hours and thirty minutes, in the Avenue Joo solemn Castle emculto with the congregated members and of the church, the shepherd President daigreja Marivaldo headquarters Rodrigues Macedo gave ownership to the worker Josias RibeiroSantos as leader spiritual of the related church. The Josias worker soon to aoassumir intensified the restoration campaigns spiritual, familiar efinanceira of the brothers in the cult of teras intitled of cult of the victory, comotambm prioritized the evangelizao ministry, was also the Josias worker quedeu beginning the works of evangelizao in the town Old Iron the 40 km of nomunicpio Buriticupu of Luzia Saint, that later was paralyzed had constanteschuvas since the works were carried through to the outdoors. Aindasobe leadership spiritual of the Josias worker the church acquired a land of 18,2 meters of largurapor 36,5 metrosde length with a small construction in wood with 105 meters quadradosconstrudo and in day 22 of January of a thousand ache and six (sunday) were carried through oprimeiro cult in this new address having been read Ageu cap.2 and versicle 9, pelovice Claudenor moderator Alves Blacksmith. Nasceento headed for the worker Josias Ribeiro Saints the dream of raising umgrande temple for we adore and to glorify Mr. Jesus, dream this quecomeou its initial kick in day 28 of November of 2006 being made olanamento of the basic rock with the reading of Gnesis 28:18,19 ' ' Then Jac per the demadrugada morning was arisen, and took the rock that had rank for pillow, it put and it for column, and it spilled oil on of it. called the name that Betel place; nomedaquela city before was luz' '. after that one oraoagradecendo the God for the chance given of we construct a palace with afinalidade of we congregate ourselves for we adore and to exaltar them the only alive God to me the Deusde Israel. . Oracle will not settle for partial explanations.