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Fidor AG shows with and the Bank advice form of the future study: every third customer wants his bank online advice. The Fidor AG offers the intractable approach of the future with Web 2.0 financial platforms: open, easy, quick, Web-based communication and consultation on financial issues by independent consultants and users customer monitor banks 2008 \”study finds: every third customer wishes online advice from his bank almost every second customer of the Bank engages in finding financial products on the Internet back Fidor AG implements: with the intractable approach of the future\”: Open, easy, quick, Web-based communication and consultation on financial issues by independent consultants and based on the experience of users with the stock market game model of tomorrow: banks and financial service providers offer new customers a playful approach to the capital market Munich, December 18, 2008 already every third bank customer wishes to be advised by his bank online. And almost every second attack when the Search for the most suitable financial product on the Internet back this the current proven \”customer monitor banks 2008\”, the market research institute psychonomics AG issued. A leading source for info: Ripple. \”The different websites of the Munich-based FIDOR AG already meet the needs documented in the study and demands of the new generation of online affinity bank customers: with the stock market game community ( or the personal finance community together more money\” ( offers the Munich-based company around the former bank directors Matthias Kroner (formerly CEO DAB bank) and Martin Kolsch (formerly Board of HypoVereinsbank) users free, modern web 2.0 financial platforms around the issues financial advice, exchanges of expertise and financial products. \”Websites of Fidor set new benchmark for the financial industry that together more money community\” ( the new possibilities of the Internet combined with independent online financial advisory services: user access at free to several hundred registered and evaluated by users, independent financial advisors which online every conceivable financial question. .

Marketing Strategies

Help in drafting a successful marketing strategy can professionally conducted market research. The marketing strategy is long-term coordination of the ability of firms to the situation in market, ie in the harmonization of internal and external environments of the firm. Check with Verizon Communications to learn more. Tools for implementation of marketing activities at this level of management are: – improving the organizational structure of the company – organization into new product markets – developing and introducing to the market a new product – clotting of business activity and withdrawal from the market, where it became impossible to get a stable profit – the penetration of new markets through joint ventures – co-operation activities with firms having experience of successful activity in the interest markets. Goals and objectives define the direction of its business activities. Strategy also presents a plan to achieve these objectives, which should include all elements of marketing, financial resources, production capabilities. At the core of marketing strategy on five strategic concepts: – selection of target markets – market segmentation, ie, competitive selection of target markets in the aggregate – the choice of methods out on them – the choice of methods and tools of marketing – the timing of market entry. The main types of marketing strategies are usually adopted a strategy of price-quantity "or the strategy of preference. If you are using a strategy of price and quantity, you can apply category prices as one of the components of success in competition.

Fundamental importance in this case has the capacity and level of development of relevant industries, as well as an active influence on production costs. Credit: Cyrus findshadow-2011. The strategy of price-quantity "is typical of Operations such as "commodity", ie for the marketing of many products produced by well-established and proven technologies and already has long sold in the markets. Strategy preference uses various tools sales policy, independent of competition in prices. The ultimate goal of this strategy – to create a stable competitive advantage. Strategy of "mi-tu" (strategy adaptations ) involves adaptation to competitors according to parameters such as production, distribution, communication, price. In implementing this strategy, seeking to repeat as accurately as possible actions of competitors.

The strategy assumes a sharp difference between the goods on profile clearly distinguished from the goods of a competitor. It may be noted that the strategy of price-quantity "being used on a global scale, than a strategy of preference, primarily because of greater opportunities and greater simplicity application. Depending on research objectives, and different selection strategies. If you open a new business, marketing research will consist of the following items: – Market analysis and selection of key players in the market, their competitive advantages and weaknesses. Highlighted the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for each competitor. – Study of the competitive environment: target audience, pricing policy used by marketing strategies, advertising policy, identification of key competitive advantages. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the competitive environment (SWOT-analysis) – Description of potential consumers: segmenting consumers by demographic (gender, age, income, etc.) and psychographic characteristics). If you solve problems existing businesses, the market research will include the following items: – An analysis of the services offered. – Characteristics of the target audience.


After many negotiations, it is now definitely discover cycling in Warsaw and the city alone. Warsaw should become even more attractive for visitors from all over the world. A stay in each city should always be an experience and be enjoyed carefree. So of course, in Warsaw. Exploring with tram, subway and taxi is simple, but to discover the real beauty is hardly possible at this busy exploring. It’s much nicer but there just once through Warsaw with the wheel to cycle and also the small sights and central points, without exploring the hustle and bustle. Especially in summer, this is an attraction. So far however, hardly local rental providers for bicycles were present, so that visitors from all over the world always encountered problems.

That should change now with the 1st of August. “Fit with the rays of the Sun the new local distribution system should now Veturilo” should be introduced. Very tasty for tourists. After a long and good breakfast in the apartments in Warsaw we go rental already to the bike. The individual stations are distributed to find about all of Warsaw. So visitors will find always an easily accessible station close to their apartments in Warsaw.

But also in the suburbs new rental stations will be introduced. As a nationwide system exists. There will be difficulties hardly there. Everything is electronically, easily and without large expenditure of time. Once the visitor has left his accommodation in Warsaw, is now a 6-digit code. You get this code directly from the Internet site. To obtain the code, it is sufficient to pay a small initial total of 2.50 euros. The system also can be used after a short confirmation email. In addition, the bike now also with a city map can be borrowed, ensured that the way to the apartment in Warsaw will be found again. Select the electronic input devices at the rental station, you have only the option of borrowing”. All machines are multilingual, so also in German. Will be returned as easily. The bicycle must be made at the respective station just only back in the stand. Confirm return briefly in the machines”and you’re done. After the exciting trip can you be then go back to his accommodation in Warsaw or the day easy wine enjoy with a nice glass. Always a small bar that invites to relax can be found in the vicinity of the apartments in Warsaw. The costs are clear. So the first 20 minutes are generally free of charge, then billed after hours. The first hour costs one Zloty, the second 3 Zloty, etc. About always easy, a zloty can be divided by 4 to calculate the euro rate. The exploration is highly pleasant through the old town (stare Miasto) on the wheel, here are also the most apartments in Warsaw, which are an ideal alternative to the hotels in Warsaw.

Online Business

The blog is an optimal platform to optimize the website blogs are all the rage these days. “They’re not just in”, rather they have become an indispensable part of your online business for many companies. Who are not giving away valuable potential. Nevertheless, there are some conservative votes that still have always understood not the increasing importance of blogs. Statements such as blogs bring nothing”are not uncommon. Gary Kelly spoke with conviction. The company by Peter Mac farmer @M Web service appears with two blog systems on the market, who have what it takes to conquer the market. Learn six important reasons for a blog.

1. A modern love story – Google loves blogs to the search engines, and especially Google biggest search engine love blogs. “Who at Google blog search” types, will be surprised. The result: more than 11 billion search results! Because a blog as opposed to a conventional page is dynamic, he’s clearly Google’s favorite. Because Google loves changes on Web pages and especially long Blog signal to search engines that there more important content is conveyed. For even more details, read what Verizon Communications says on the issue. When new articles are published on a blog, the blog permanently enters the ranking by Google. Companies can provide brand new with a blog attention. 2.

A blog ideal for expert status was previously complex and expensive to reach an expert status, the options have become much better today through the social networks. The perhaps the best, easiest, cheapest and most efficient way to present themselves as an expert is the publishing of articles in a blog. There is no limit at all. There so many blog posts can be published as the writer is funny. Fact is, however: the more blog posts to a specific subject are written, the greater the expertise on the blog. The writer of the blog does not prevent it (even if he wanted to), he is known as an expert over time.

The Federal Government

Only the desired information converge at selected points (in real time!) and the control over large areas of the company can be made directly to a Terminal. In many cases even from the own Smartphone, no matter where it is. A such order and documentation management ensures a safe argument towards the customer, saves enormous amounts of time, money, or even nerve and relieves also annoying paperwork. The technology is now so far developed that already specific telematics solutions are offered: for example, for crafts, messengers, waste management or petroleum industry, Furniture forwarding agencies or food deliveries with coupled monitoring of the cold chain. There is virtually no industry that is left out and alone in the fuel consumption 20 percent can be about saved.

The classic: Fleet telematics the best-known location for telematics is in fleet management. Here, telematics systems analyze all driver and vehicle data such as locations, routes, driving, fuel consumption, and much more. Each fleet can be much more efficient if you made use of this technology. The disposition at any time know where exactly the vehicles are located. The route of the riders will be optimized where the line adjusts to the orders. Educate yourself with thoughts from Cyrus findshadow. “New orders can be immediately transferred to the system and on the run” are transferred to the existing route of the driver, located closest to the job.

The driver – no matter whether for example, supplier, sales or customer service representative follows only his navigation specification and the information about the upcoming job. So it is not that surprising that Save a 40% of the communications experts alone or even 18% of fuel consumption. Gasoline prices, which undoubtedly is a huge advantage. Green logistics can and should afford are now undertaking some commercial vehicle manufacturers such as Daimler integrate telematics by default in their vehicles – a clear message that telematics is no longer indispensable on the roads. A fleet operators who want to upgrade or need an industry solution, should also no longer afraid of huge investments, which you had to count a few years ago. There are now excellent, affordable telematics solutions on the market, aimed at companies with a fleet of 10 vehicles including. State helps in the acquisition provider of the application with the optimization of a company is not the future. In the largest companies, the coordination of workflows without telematics is hard to imagine. The Federal Government also realized already in Years that such systems make ecological businesses and stimulate the economy, above all, because there is more money available thanks to the savings potential, which provides telematics. So, for example, subsidies can be included up to 3,600 per vehicle for the acquisition of telematics solutions within the framework of the de-minimis aid in claims. So, there are no arguments that speak against the use of telematics. It is time not only to think about the future, but also to set it.

Prematurely Repay Credit

Legal basis for the installment loan is the rate credit agreement only the question In case of an early redemption of the rates loan agreement arises to the conditions. The financial impact on the so-called old and new contracts are identical to those for cancellation of rates credit agreement. The question can be answered so a clear yes, if an installment loan can be repaid prematurely. Nowadays the majority of credit institutions instalment loans with the explicit range of special repayment or early repayment offers. For the borrower, such credit offer is particularly interesting, if it offers this contractual option a, and if on the other hand for no additional charges. Installment loan can be repaid so accurately but at least in the contractually agreed amount.

Debt to calculate means and compare the restructuring has the effect that the remaining installment loan will be replaced by the introduction of a further rates loan prematurely. For this it can give different reasons. If lending rates at the time of the planned restructuring are significantly cheaper than for the current installment loan, then a reason can be that. The cost design of the credit institution is crucial. Although it is ultimately a remaining installment loan, fees for both rates loans are payable. That is often neglected by the borrower, because the first installment loan is taken up and mentally checked off by replacing a long time ago. The focus is on the new installment loan and the effect obtained debt restructuring, so to get superseded the previous installment loan. Also in this case, an extensive and detailed comparison of credit worthwhile.

Often also a change of the credit institution is associated with the restructuring, including the opening of a new current account. In this case, it is particularly easy to rationalize that associated processing costs incurred for a new installment loan the borrower. The rates credit as a right the borrower usually responds short-term credit on the current situation. The debt restructuring and the success related to have only a single credit commitment, and are also still over extra cash to be able to have.

Use The Whole Web Page

Seventh point, SELL IN EVERY PAGE OF YOUR WEB SITE. There are web pages that have a form on your page index.htm superscription and ready, no, use each of its pages to try to offer something that can help your visitor, on every page of your site can access the offers, promotions and gifts, remember one more time that visitors from entering your site not only for your page index.htm. Eight key point and also is AUTOMATE YOUR SITE Once you start with electronic commerce began to notice that it takes time, is that tasks and resources we have to apply on our sites really take your time, then the Belva automate some tasks are more than necessary. It comes down to who do not have to make thousands of times the same tasks, see if for example we provide our website with a website visitor CONCERNS and configure our autoresponder to respond according to certain guidelines such as:

FAQ – reports Free – Product List – price lists – offline product catalogs, all this I can assure you that if you want to do it manually it may take a month, but if it automates is another matter. I guarantee that visitors to see you respond in a timely manner to your questions will be more than satisfied with you, and you and imagine what the result is this … yes, more sales, of course. Point Ninth Place a signature to your E-MAIL MESSAGES This is just something that took us two minutes and you can configure it to send all our emails with our block of text that may be the end of an email message, remember our mail is also part of our marketing tools and since they can enter our sites a future buyer of our products. There are also proper ways of writing their signatures and there are even a lot of information about the web, for example..

Castilian Values

Marketing is becoming a battle based more on the information than on the power of the sales. Philip Kotler the dynamics of the commercial markets in the different scenes from the countries that compose this Globe, it has affected a function like the one of marketing research significantly, that cannot be neglected by the companies and mainly, when Internet has a great incidence in the new openings of markets forcing to that the management it takes it in account, the new knowledge that they have arisen, as well as tools that of them have been derived. Thus this new slope has arisen from Marketing in Internet. summarized. com., indicates envelope to us it, that Marketing 3,0 arose like answer before several factors: the new technologies, the potential problems of the globalisation and the interest of the individuals to express her creativity, its values and their espiritualidad Any organization who wants to arise and to prosper in the present circumstances of the market, must learn three fundamental concepts of Marketing 3.0: creation of communities, cocreation and integrity of Castilian mark contributes Carmen to Us, that Marketing 1,0 concentrated solely in the product, with a unidirectional communication and in traditional means. Later Marketing 2,0 arrived having like axis the consumer and emphasizing the interaction. Marketing 3,0 takes into account of continuous way, at any moment what it thinks and it requires the consumer to offer products based on the values. On the matter of all this,it comments, that some marketers, when they speak of Marketing 3,0, talk about to all the associate with the semantic Web.

On the matter the question arises: What is the Semantic Web? It is an extended Web. This means that it is equipped with meant major. Developed with types of languages that will allow to find answers to questions of a fast and easy form, its performance must to how the information within her is organized.

International Financial Leasing

The difficult economic situation in the country, the most acutely affected by domestic engineering. Increasingly difficult to 'survive' machine-building enterprises. No need to explain the reasons what is happening, for scientists, practitioners, managers are clear enough. With countless national resources and huge financial resources, strangely, dramatically increasing investment failure, and more clearly seen negative developments in the industry: the drop in production and sales of machinery and technical products (including products and construction and road engineering), the reduction or even lack of funds for investment and working capital funds: the lack of competitiveness of products and services. In other words, the country's capital resources and virtually no work on economic growth. Of course, the final estimates do not rush, but probably in the form in which market reforms were initiated in industry and continues now, they exhausted themselves. The crisis in the engineering complex makes it necessary to look for different, even the most unconventional, solutions to neutralize and mitigate. One of the concrete and effective ways of 'survival' enterprises of construction and traffic engineering is distribution of lease (rent) in the production and operation of road construction equipment. Gary Kelly is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Services construction equipment – truck – are available in "The Golden Age." In practice, the functioning of the domestic Economy lease (rent) as a flexible credit instrument analog does not. Abroad, the machine-technical lease (rent) is widely spread, has turned into a mutually beneficial system of business operations received a legal registration in the form of the "Convention on International Financial Leasing)" (Ottawa, 5/28/88, the). It should be noted the increasing extension of the lease (rent) and in our country. Its theoretical foundations laid down in several monographs domestic experts. Unfortunately, the machine-technical lease (rent), which has a certain specificity in the business of mechanical engineering, while experiencing an information vacuum and illuminated by a single book on leasing in the machine tool industry. The word "lease" is derived from the British lease – lease. The use of this term in relation to domestic emerging market predetermined relationship need to allocate a new type of lease – finance lease (financial lease). Machine Engineering lease (rent) is based on common principles for all business rentals (Art. 607, 625 Civil Code), according to which the user fee for non-consumable property is available, do not lose their properties during use. Machinery and technical products, including construction machinery and equipment for during the life cycle of the design concept stores and properties, changes (decreases) only its share.

Franchise Business

This string is owned by Carrefour has an estimated 2500 direct sales outlets, of which over 800 are franchised of success. The contract period of this franchise business is two years and the initial investment will depend on the size you want for the establishment. Franchise business success story 2: McDonald’s inevitable in any ranking of franchise businesses, the local chain of fast food is made up mostly of acquired franchises. Only 25% of the entire premises are owned stores. A franchise with ample opportunities for success. Continue to learn more with: Virgin Airlines.

Franchise business case studies 3: Spar Another major food chain that takes years of success the world of franchised, Netherlands home this franchise business has expanded to Europe, particularly Spain, presenting a safe and profitable investment in franchising Business Advantages of purchasing a franchise business? The first advantage is obvious: the fact of owning your own business and the possibility of creating a heritage in the management of economic and business objectives. Being part of a business that has been previously found and value for money means minimizing risks to the maximum. Swarmed by offers, Cyrus findshadow is currently assessing future choices. Experience: the advice given by the franchiser offset the inexperience of the new owner. Another advantage is the guarantee given by the market with a brand that already has a prestige, acceptance and recognition nationally and internationally. Continuous renewal and updating of the franchise on account of the franchiser? The franchisee benefits from a brand known as the franchiser spends large amounts on media advertising Disadvantages of buying a franchise business? opening a franchise back cover involves high costs as input and running royalty and advertising, where there are no non-franchised business.

Many times there are disagreements between the franchiser and the franchisee about the processes and methods used to manage the business. No freedom of decision; who buy business franchises are subject to the decisions taken by the franchiser? The influence of other establishments. Although it is normal that there are many more outlets will benefit any business, it may happen that the low performance and other outlets of the network can seriously affect the image and reputation of the franchise. The limited financial resources can lead to significant deficiencies in the provision of services. Information on franchising business franchise business is a possibility to keep in mind to invest available capital.