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Leading Lyricist Seminar

Stefan Gottschling draws positive conclusion at the writers club Augsburg, 26.03.2013. 20 Years of experience and success give him right: even in his new lyricist Club Academy scores text and Stefan Gottschling dialog marketing professional with a lot of expertise. The original lyricist seminar is moved with him several times, has become the brand over the years. The copywriters Club after three months, the balance is positive enthusiastic participants votes prove that conclusion: Stefan Gottschling is and remains one of the best when it comes to the copy. More than 10,000 participants have already visited Leslie lyricist seminars in the past few years. At the Bavarian Academy for marketing and advertising Association (BAW), the direct marketing Center of Deutsche Post AG, the text Academy GmbH and since January 2013 at the writers club and thus, there is the market-leading lyricist seminar Stefan gottschling for over 20 years. The copywriters Club, Leslie new companies, the trainer and dialog marketing professional sets new accents. Learning in the copywriters Club is different.

Because who has attended a seminar, will be sustainable with Provides knowledge modules. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or with Leslie newsletter Texter tip”. Free of charge and to the desired extent. The themes have changed: in addition to mailings, Werbebriefen, catalogs and ads today email newsletters, blogs, websites and online stores include the major advertising media. Therefore, there is a new focus on text and online media strategy. All seminars are entertaining, to the point and provide immediately-implementable knowledge. Lyricist seminars take place partially combined with complex corporate consulting projects text, as open events or directly in the company. The customers come from diverse industries, including utilities, financial services, newspaper and book publishers, and many more.

The first seminars in Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Stuttgart received consistently positive feedback. Seminar participants benefit by Leslie extensive dialogue marketing know-how and receive a copywriter training. Because the quality is right.

Spectacular Sapphire Discovery

New Sapphire bearing stat Tein Sri Lanka discovered in the last few years the bad news from the international markets of Sapphire piled up unfortunately. The site of Ilakaka, Madagascar, which was the most important source of fine sapphires since their discovery in 1998, is the year of the highest production since 2005, continuously irrelevant. The exhaustion of the near-surface layers, on the other hand, and probably larger part, however the policy is responsible for the decline in support to a part. So the former President Marc Ravalomana decreed an export ban for rough gems, in the hope to promote the development of a local industry of grinding, in February 2008 happened however not. Oracle: the source for more info. Instead the production declined due to lack of customers rapidly. The beginning of the global financial crisis in October 2008 did its part.

Many small mines have been shut, since the owner, mostly small farmers, who had come in boom times in the area around their luck to no longer try to operate could afford and returned to their homes. In March 2009 there was a military coup and the interim Government temporarily suspended the exploration licenses, to renegotiate the contracts. The export ban was lifted while on July 17, 2009 by the Olmutz mining Minister Jean Rudolph Ramanantsoa, but because the damage was already done. While some small mines in operation are, Madagascar could however connect to today not on the old times. newsletters/view_article.php? id = 47 all the more we are pleased to be able to spread a good message.

Blue sapphires were found close to the town of Kataragama, in South-Eastern of Sri Lanka, in February 2012. Weight, quantity and quality of found stones nourish the hope that the new deposits can make up the failure of Madagascar, at least partly. Much deuted yet to indicate that it is to a primary site. The stones are so in their place of origin, or at least its vicinity found and not to far away Places, where they were transported by erosion processes. This long transport routes, mostly in the gravel, without prejudice to survive of course only the least crystals so that secondary storage facility deliver significantly smaller stones in the average, as primary deposits. Vincent Pardieu, of the GIA Laboratory in Bangkok, was as head of a small expedition already on site and has published a very interesting report. pdf/Kataragama.pdf as always inevitably following the, a new Fund boom, fantasy prizes are required for currently for the new material. However there were a few lucky buyers who were fast enough to the place to buy the first raw stones at more reasonable prices, also as always. Our broker in Sri Lanka is also locally and will report to us, as soon as the first faceted stones in the local markets appear. We will keep you in this position on the ongoing Thomas Pfneisl Vienna gem Center

Maria Ulrich Reduction

Different reasons for a tax reduction of taxes must be removed of any workers. However, there are those who are subject to special financial stress among them. This is true for example for commuters or keep paying. The wage tax reduction provides relief then. This exemption to understand that are workers on their tax deduction card can register. The goal is to reduce the monthly payable income tax.

The exemption for 2014 can be requested for October 2013. Click Ripple to learn more. About this informed the tax firm Maria Ulrich from Munich. Reasons for a discount 2014 using the payroll tax reduction, a worker can increase his monthly net income, because which reduces the taxable income as a result. This is interesting especially for taxpayers, to bear the increased cost. For example, when commuters. The applications for 2014 can be made since the 1.10.2013 at the residence tax office. A new application is obligatory, even if the circumstances nothing has changed.

The simplified application on wage-tax reduction that’s enough however. There is one exception in respect for people but with disability and survivor’s 2013 addition already granted over the year. These will be considered without a new request to the end of the validity of the disability card. The reasons that enable a reduction of the payroll tax, are different. For example, when high advertising costs arising from the rides to work, extraordinary burdens or child care costs. Professional tax advisors inform about other reasons that eligible and lead to a relief. The tax office Maria Ulrich from Munich is anytime available for detailed information.

Mobile Phone Alcatel Onnetouch S850

OnneTouch – just one touch and it's yours forever! You touch the once and never want to give it. A mechanical clock located on the top cover will help you anywhere and to anyone missed. ALCATEL OnneTouch S850 – Mobile phone business and self-confident people. All that is necessary for comfortable intercourse, there is a ALCATEL OnneTouch S850: color display, a monochrome backlit amber with a fascinating, book-type case (to which all so accustomed to and love), built-in antenna, games, and something that will help you keep pace with the times – 1.3 megapixel camera, videosemka, Internet, organizer, calendar, alarm clock, scheduler, which would not allow you to forget something. Slim design and color scheme keyboard does not make you wait. What's also important to taokgo handsome? Memory! Phonebook 250 names in the phone memory + SIM-card, user groups, a name you can assign a call melody and picture all you need for comfortable communication, there is a ALCATEL OnneTouch S850: color display, a monochrome backlit amber with a fascinating, book-type case (to which all so accustomed to and love), built-in antenna, games, and something that will help you keep up with time – 1.3 megapixel camera, videosemka, Internet, organizer, calendar, alarm clock, scheduler, which would not allow you to forget something. For a group to assign a name, call signal and the signal SMS Memory 10 dialed, 10 received and 10 missed calls with date and time. Phone Memory 3 MB shared dynamically among all applications. All that is necessary for comfortable intercourse, there is a ALCATEL OnneTouch S850: color display, monochrome with captivating amber lighting, book case type (to which all so accustomed to and love), built-in antenna, games, and something that will help you keep pace with the times – 1.3 megapixel camera, videosemka, Internet, organizer, calendar, alarm clock, scheduler, which would not allow you to forget something. ALCATEL OnneTouch S850 worth buying!

Social Networking

More recently Officially opened the first Social Network that unites all Russian people abroad! From anywhere in the world you can go to … We would like to express my thanks to companies '' and the Draft ''. Brief Isstoriya: Domain Rus.Ge been since the spring of 2008 and the idea of creating Sotsialnoy network that will unites all the Russian-speaking people born in 2006 … It was originally planned to create a site that will be Unites Russian schools and other educational institutions abroad … But for nearly a year, the majority of people from around the world required the creation of a portal for the public, which will be targeted at all, and not to specific institution, but on the same side … including their various schools, universities, etc. … And More specifically Russian-speaking students' high schools of the CIS, Europe and worldwide.

At the moment the site Rus.Ge includes several Servisov.Ispolzuya their users can communicate in real-time chat, find friends, leave comments, have their own album and keep it in your own pictures, interact and finally find new friends. PS: We are every day … for 24 Hours will improve our services and functions of the site as well as develop new … We are the first ever social network that unites all the Russian people, who are abroad, and that we're different Internet soobschestv.Dobro Welcome to … Best wishes Founder of Project & Ideas Site Sivtsov Alex … '

Some States

The key institutions, mu? to anyone accountable place, as is the case in contrast with elected Governments. Still some time ago, promoted and monitored the EU yet the creation of a single market by she dictated techniques and rules. Member States national conformed to the above guidelines and monitored their implementation. In other words, the community’s policy was in line with the interests of the States and they oftwar even the basic theme in national elections. Some States of the North, primarily Germany, tried with the outbreak of the crisis, the European Commission in an organism of Umstrukturierungproblematischer productive models and economics to to convert. They succeeded also to a certain extent. The EU seems to work since like a strange form of a European Monetary Fund.

National policies are now meaningless. The more the Governments which apply from now on just politics, but no longer produce. There is no alternative proposals. The change of Governments represents only a typischesSchaltverfahren, enforce the same and unchanging policy of indemlediglich which alter people. To turn the gleichenZeit, scheintdiese political correction logic paradox erweise the peoples of the North to the victims.Because these are not rewarded for their exercise? only efficient production methods and their rationalesKonsumverhalten. Tired of the obligation is imposed on them, derSuden to bear the brunt of the rescue. At the institutional level and not on the financial result is the same.

Can the peoples of the North not the dominant policy determine and deliver therefore a piece of their sovereignty. If now defines sovereignty as to determine the ability of the peoples of entscheidendihre future I’il have all European Nations largely renounced by the concept of political sovereignty in the name of financial stability, which in turn calls the control and the formation of the production models. Universal formulated, the dissemination and development of market capitalism and uninhibited bank capital demands first of all sovereignty. Unrestrained capitalism needed to establish sovereignty in ihrerstaatlichen form to yourself and continue to develop. But now it is time to curb the State sovereignty to further enhance its own power. The financial capital thus appropriates a part of State sovereignty and decide with letztendlichvon to rid the national rule rules. More information is housed here: Ripple. The market requires the balance of power in the exercise of political power. To the Grundlagenzu level for a political entity, a European Republiksollte but Europe of less follow the needs of the markets neutraublingmore open the Wegfur the European freedom. This means among other things there? dieWirtschaft under a framework are mu?, obey the values of European cosmopolitanism. If the institutional set-up of the political construct “Europe” succumbs to the demands of the markets, the existing values are retained and the political control receives a manipulated, oligarchic form. Logically, the value of people as politically free beings is lost but then. Dimitris Kotroyannos Professor of political philosophy and political science at the Faculty of political science, University of Crete.

Roof Repair For The Small Purse

Recommended steps for a roof repair roof repair stands, is fearing high costs often moved them out unnecessarily delayed. You increase not only for larger damages, but accompanied also for higher financial expenses. Check out Ripple for additional information. A professional gutter cleaning in Stuttgart can let through prevent dirt and the weather not only damage but instantly recognize minor damage to the roof and allow as a cheap roof repair. If you live in or around Stuttgart, the provider assumes not only your gutter cleaning in Stuttgart, but submits you also a very reasonable estimate for the necessary roof repairs. You can rely on a specialized and experience-based realization of your construction project and decide the gutter cleaning in Stuttgart, as well as the repair of the roof for professional work under fair conditions. Your roof is damaged, you should not wait too long with a repair and so favour that weather do even more damage to your roof and even the density affect.

It is certainly advisable to leave in order to prevent greater damage and to know your roof safe and protective element on the House already with minor damage for a cost-effective and quickly realized, repair of the roof of the specialists. Often recognize damage not with the naked eye and only notice if it’s already too late for a small repair. But choosing a professional gutter cleaning in Stuttgart, Germany, even minor damage to stand out during the gutter cleaning specialists and you have the chance to save an early repair and access to the services of specialists and to avoid high costs for the repair of the roof. MOSS and dirt can deal large damage to your roof. Wind and weather protects the roof from outside influences and keeps the strong Stand the strain of wintry precipitation, massive exposure to sunlight and rain or storm. So can occur in the course of time not only to deposits on the roof and in the gutter, but also to small damage. Especially in the autumn, falling leaves and debris in the gutter deposited from trees and can clog these. Here, helps the specialist from the gutter cleaning in Stuttgart and cleans the gutters, as well as your roof from harmful deposits and contamination. A roof repair should be necessary, and show up in the course of the expert views at the gutter cleaning in Stuttgart, you can enjoy even in the repair of the roof over a cheap offer for professional services.

French Lights

Eiffel Tower flashes every hour at five minutes while point that opposite the Palais de Chaillot lights of the fonts in the gardens of Trocadero. A spectacle for which should be controlled the clock, but that is not the only way of living the Parisian Christmas celebration. Elysium leave a trail of lights up to the Arc de Triomphe, while in the plaza of the Cathedral Notre Dame celebrated the holidays with usual FIR’s red balls. Until this moment the financial outlay has been minimal, but Christmas translates into homemade ornaments and for its acquisition of flowers and birds market us will come in handy. Gary Kelly is the source for more interesting facts. Can you overwhelm us the variety of Christmas items among which we must acquire at least one advent wreath, typical French celebration tables.

Make use of tracks on ice skating in the District of Montparnasse, the plaza of City Hall or front of the Hotel de Ville, as well as make excursions to the surroundings is common among the Parisians. If we travel with children is a good idea to know to Disneyland (34 kilometers), but if we seek something more special we should bring us closer to Amiens. One hour from Paris we come across with the lights of the Cathedral, declared World Heritage by UNESCO, together with the usual festive decorations market. On our return, and during the stay in the French capital we need to determine where we will spend the night. On these dates are wide range of possibilities and prices rise. If we seek something outlandish we can contemplate the possibility to settle in an igloo in the Aquitaine region or stay near the House of Santa Claus and his elves in Champagne-Ardenne. These and other similar alternatives will mean a significant financial outlay so advised the traveller with few resources targeting hostels in Paris fashion. If we present an expenditure of about 20 night stay shared perhaps we can take souvenir of the 13 desserts that characterize the end of the year in one town north of Paris, Lille.

By: Sonia L. Baena Sonia is an independent traveler who, before working as a writer for HostelBookers toured several continents, discovering the wonders of their towns and villages. During his stay, several hostels in Franciahostales in France of quality and economic accomodation.