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Brazilian Clepsidra

But and if it was not spontaneous mobilization of the people, determined for the human feeling, to the default of the government stirring up it the action. What would be of this city, so rich of galas and superfluous goods, and so needy in its infrastructure of submoradia, subalimentao and primitive conditions of work? (…) ‘ ‘. The stretch above was removed of the article ‘ ‘ The days escuros’ ‘ , of Carlos Drummond De Andrade, published in the Post office of the Morning, dated of 14/01/1966. To say that Drummond exceeds the secular borders, and remains current until the present, is not no newness, but it is peculiar to discover that the description of Drummond, made has 46 years if it fits perfectly in what we live currently. This only evidences the stagnation that our country presents with regard to this subject that in them terrifies all year: rains. In the year of 2011, we witness one true slaughter in the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro.

Thousand of deceased, missing people and homelesses. One year after the tragedy, the sad dying scene remains. A shunting line project was discovered of mounts of money that would be destined to the serrana region, but part of this money was sent of illicit form to the forbidden companies to participate of licitations. The case runs in camera proceedings and what it seems the no step was taken, nor with regard to the victims nor with regard to the defendant. The fact is that we enter in plus one year with decurrent tragedies of rains and none prevention politics was taken.

She is clear the lack of urban planning, the lack of fiscalization of the civil defense and the total esquecimento where the Brazilian citizens live. a newness appeared in day 09 of January – it was announced (after the disruptions of the levees in the state of the River and landslides in Minas Gerais) the creation of a team of geologists of the Geologic Service of Brazil and hidrlogos of the National Water Agency (ANA) that they had acted more in the areas reached by rain. Moreover, the government announced that it will make anticipation of social programs to the reached families, and also of the FGTS, disponibilizando of R$ 444 million to take care of to the States and reached cities (if this in fact will be materialize, is to wait to see). It remains to know until when the article of Drummond it will be current and until when we go to live in a country where the regencial word is the corruption.

Municipal System

With the purpose to detect spaces or phenomena that represent risk to the health and the life. Without hesitation Southwest Airlines explained all about the problem. From a situacional diagnosis it is possible to prioritize action, to define objectives and programs, to organize resources, to articulate with other internal sectors and external actions and taking of decisions with the focus in taking care of the necessities of health of a population. The traditional performance of the sanitary monitoring if has summarized to the attendance of the spontaneous demands, that is, without planning nor programming. What it is very little ahead of its paper of promoter of the health and prevention of damages. It is basic to think a Sanitary Monitoring that has the diagnosis of its area on the basis of profiles epidemiologists, with potential defined risks, objective and goals, standardization of activities and inspections, systematic evaluation of the results. To get good results and to fulfill to the paper of promoter of the health and prevention of damages, the sanitary monitoring must organize practical its by means of programmatical priorities; beyond taking care of the denunciations, questionings and claims, that allow to give an adequate reply to the real problems. Moreover, a well elaborated plan of action must include the fiscalization functions not only, but also of educational character and awareness of the population, involving the community, the rendering of services, producers, professionals of the health and all those that are involved in the programming of action of AIMS AT. The envolvement of the basic unit of health with action of education, monitoramento of the problems and solutions the local level. city of Divinpolis (MG) is in the condition of Full Management of the Municipal System for NOB 96, what it means to say that the city is qualified to offer services of low, average and high complexity. Although the autonomy of the city to develop its action, is important the participation of the State in joint activities of assessorship character technique and contributing for the knowledge transference technician for the city.

Portugal Raises Taxes

Gravel 153.300 EUR incomes with a temporary rise of 2.5%. Freeze the salaries of workers in the public sector between 2012 and 2014. Get more background information with materials from litecoin. The goal is to meet a deficit of 5.9% this year. The Portuguese Government presented Wednesday a battery of measures to meet the deficit target of 5.9% this year and 3% in 2013 including a temporary rise of 2.5% of taxes exceeding 153.300 euros annual rents, as well as the taxation of enterprises with profits exceeding 1.5 million euros, and the freezing of the salaries of officials between 2012 and 2014. Within the scope of the measures of fiscal adjustment by the increase in the tax base shelled at press conference by the Portuguese Minister of economy, Vitor Gaspar, Portugal will introduce a temporary worsening of the taxation of those taxable persons with higher yields, that Minister encrypted in an additional 2.5%, compared with 46.5% currently levied higher rents to 153.300 euros. Likewise, the adjustment plan considers a rise of 3% of the contribution of enterprises to the IRS (similar to Spanish income tax) with profits exceeding 1.5 million euros. On the other hand, the Portuguese Government foresees a reduction of tax exemptions, as well as a streamlining of its structure.

Public salaries frozen with respect to public administration, Passos Coelho’s Government acknowledges that not it will meet this year its reduction target of 3.6% of civil servants, so it aims to offset the planned reduction of employment increasing between 2012 and 2014, which increases the need for trimming of public employment to 2% a year during this period. Also, the austerity programme aims to combine a greater degree of mobility in the administration. In regards to Dnsa, the Government expects to cut in at least 10% the number of military personnel until 2014. In a complementary manner to the reduction of the number of civil servants, to ensure expenditure weight ctiva decrease of staff in the GDP, is recommended to freeze of wages in the public sector. It will not grow until 2013 beyond its goal of reducing the deficit to 3 per cent in 2013, the Portuguese Government aims to go further in the next two years and relies on trimming the fiscal imbalance to 1.8% in 2014 and to 0.5% in 2015. On the other hand, expected that lusa public debt will grow from 100.8% of GDP this year to 106,8 percent in 2013, when expected to reduce up to 105% in 2014 and 101,8% in 2015. Also, the luso Executive predicts two more years of recession of the Portuguese economy (- 2.2% this year and – 1.8% next) to return to positive territory in 2013, when it calculates that the GDP will increase by 1.2%. Source of the news: Portugal raises taxes to the rich and freeze the salary of officials

GmbH Hohenstaufenring

Positive after slight loss in 2009 first quarter 2010 Cologne, April 29, 2010. Despite a decline in sales, Pro sky Germany has mastered the crisis year 2009 well. The specialist for customized aircraft Charter and line tickets for group flights now optimistically on the current fiscal year. In the first quarter of 2010, the team of Pro sky already was able to increase sales by 10 percent compared with the previous year. The recession of the last year had affected the aviation industry. An effect that without a trace over Pro sky, the specialists for custom flies, also went.

The preliminary annual accounts for 2009 therefore shows a slight loss of 67,000 euros (EBIT). Losses are desirable for any company”, explains managing director Armin Truger. In this phase, Pro sky but also showed how resistant to crises the company is positioned. Although sales declined by 50 percent to around 10 million euros, we have pronounced deliberately no operational redundancies and for a slight loss for the year in purchasing.” For the owners of an important point, because in the Pro sky company philosophy the earnings, as well as employee satisfaction as indicators for the success of next to each other on an equal footing. Pro sky released more financial figures, when finished in the middle of the year the final annual financial statements for 2009.

In the first quarter of 2010, all indicators point at Pro sky again upwards. The number of project requests and sales also have risen significantly”, Armin Truger is pleased. The market for corporate events attracts again. Pro sky benefits from its excellent position in this sector and increased the number of requests by 12 percent and sales by 10 percent. Our company is solid and is available in full-strength team to meet the rapidly growing demand for individual flight programs for corporate events very well”as Armin Truger. Pro sky serves worldwide customers in four business areas: aircraft Charter, line tickets for groups, airport & Inflight services and Pro sky media, Spezialmittler media services along all phases of air travel. At the time, Pro sky is represented with offices in Cologne, Paris and Sao Paulo.