Intellectual capital? The competitive advantages of this intangible asset Luciano Vitor Segatto So Paulo University – UNIP, So Paulo, SP. Summary In an environment of intense competitiveness, the necessary staff of marketing of much creativity to work a product, in way to take it the consumers and to locate anticipating it the competition. In the companies who apiam the management of the knowledge, the Intellectual Capital has fort influence in the elaboration of the campaigns of Marketing, creating new strategies product to enter it in the marked one and to conquer the consumer. In this article to the diverse ideas and positionings of consecrated authors will be shown, in the attempt to provoke a reflection on this important subject, that nor always is remembered by the organizations. The article is composed in five parts: final introduction, development with theoretical basement, consideraes, bibliographical suggestions for future studies and references. Word-key Marketing; Intellectual capital; Strategy. Introduction Currently, with the wild advance of the technology and the results of the globalization process, the information is a crucial item in the formularization and implementation of a successful strategy of marketing. One of the great challenges for the marketing professionals is to make use of information with precision and to discover new latent markets, that is, a segment discovered, whose demand can be materialize will have placed for sale an adjusted product, therefore in a market of this type the demand is not zero before offers of the product, what it becomes basic the marketing professional to understand until point the competition takes care of the necessities of the consumers. It is perceived that this new reality comes demanding changes of paradigms and concepts in all the marketing areas and the companies search, with this, to adapt its flows of information traditionally, increasing the degree of envolvement of the department of marketing in activities associates to other functional areas.
Company Gifts
The purpose of giving something away customers or business partners, has a purpose. Giving gifts to your clients to strengthen ties in business and at the same time shows that you appreciate them and value. This marketing tool can generate positive results for your brand.But it turns out that the majority of companies use this tool, but without a strategy of Fund.Do do before this premise, we can choose between this infinite options?, or how to design a memorable gift that makes us highlight and so strengthen ties with your buyers?We will mention five rules that will help you to express something more than affection. It is giving gifts to your clients to strengthen business ties. Rule 1.
A useful gift. Not something heap obsequies as pens that usually end up in the bottom of a desk drawer. Better, choose gifts that people of truth be used frequently. For example, if your client work in logistics and works in an area of little natural light, most likely you will appreciate most a flashlight of good quality, rather than one of those typical calendars all company gives. If we want to obtain best results, we advise us with a company specializing in promotional items.These professionals are always familiar with innovative products, different features and prices. Rule 2.
Be significant. Sometimes knowing some aspect of the life of our customer, may be related to the gift that we are going to deliver. This work will be easier if we maintain close contact with our customers and learn more about them as well. In this way, if the person is fond of sport, a good option is to give sports clothing or souvenir of your favorite team. Recalls that a personalized gift is more significant than a rule printed with the logo of your company. Rule 3. Practical gift.Like all people receiving gifts that help them simplify some aspect of his life or his work.
Evaluates Segmentation
Before exactly that a company can effectively commercialize the products of them with the consumers, it must understand fully what you want and need that definitive product. However, what it is desired of a product is not the same for all in a market, therefore, real differences between the preferences of products exist. Therefore, the companies must be intent to these details of the differences of desires. After identified potential segments of market, these would have to be analyzed. Diverse forms exist of segmentation, but nor all are effective. The segments need to be: Measurable? It tends to be possible to measure the size, power of purchase, and other characteristics of the segments. The preferences of differences for the products must be identifiable and capable to be measurable.
Substantial – the segments are enough great and/or lucrative Accessible – the segments can be reached and be served with directed programs; You differentiated – the segments are conceptually distinct and differently answer the diverse programs and elements of marketing-mix. Clear differences in the preferences of the consumer for the product must exist. You set in motion – efficient programs can be formulated to attract and to serve the segments. The process to select, to segment, to analyze and to sketch a profile of a potential market for better atingiz it with a made up of customizado marketing is the process of election of the white market. (Penny M. Simpsom, 2001). The process is composed for eight tasks that are interrelated. Below it follows the eight tasks: 1) It identifies the total market; 2) It determines the segmentation necessity; 3) It determines the bases of the segmentation; 4) It traces the profile of each selected segment; 5) It evaluates the potential profitability of each segment and selects segments to direct itself; 6) It selects the positioning strategy; 7) It develops and it implements a made up of adequate marketing; e, 8) Monitors, Evaluates and Has controlled.
Media Winners
Madrid, February 24, 2010. The Agency’s media Zenithmedia failed today the Zenithmedia Award for innovation in media that organizes for the third year together with the Department of advertising and Marketing of the Universidad Nebrija de Madrid. On this occasion the winners have been Delgado Manuela, Borja grace and Maria Martin, during his fourth University, presented a media strategy for the product chicken roast of TELEPIZZA, made from a real briefing. Southwest Airlines may find it difficult to be quoted properly. As award the organization gives these students two free registrations to attend the prestigious top media course organised by the Association of media agencies. His work has been selected among all those presented for being the most creative in the use of conventional and non-conventional media, because they have been able to follow the strategic line brand and for the viability of the proposal. In addition the jury took into account the suitability of the idea to the advertising message and the product that was. Here, cloud computing expresses very clear opinions on the subject. He has been a finalist, the couple formed by Daniel Palacios and Jose Miguel Moragues.Juan Angel Rodriguez, Marketing Director, Telepizza, has been delighted to participate in this initiative and pleasantly surprised to see the quality of the works presented.
Without a doubt these students are facing a promising future; We need people so committed and creative in his work the awards for innovation in media, which is already in its third edition, aim that students learn about and experience the work that play media within the world of communication agencies, as well as give them the opportunity to develop their skills in this sector. For this reason, throughout the course have taken place several seminars taught by various professionals Zenithmedia and its division of special actions Breikinruls. With this contest, Zenithmedia intends to also promote rapprochement between University and company in order to develop activities that stimulate the sector, foster their progress and offer students a complement to their training in the face to improve your future Professional.
Subscriber Lists
Many times entrepreneurs believe that anyone who belongs to your subscriber list is eligible to buy what they have to offer. This, to a certain extent is true: when a Subscriber joins a list of sucriptorees, usually because he accepted automatically access to her and gave your permission to send mail to your Inbox. But this is only half of the work itself, it is actually the beginning of the process of e-mail marketing strategy. And not just one page of capture or a good incentive. People are looking for value in each of our deliveries, in our blog, in our emails and in our publications of Fabebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Until a person deliver their mail on a subscription form are rethinks what your have to offer you, who you are, what your story and if really deliver value in what they offer.
Whenever you send an email to your list of subscribers assume the commitment of sending a message of quality, because otherwise you’ll be putting your company at risk. Although persons belong to your list of subscribers, they can cause a problem if at the time of accessing your mail report it as SPAM, instead of clicking and open the message they sent to the folder of unwanted messages. The only way that this does not happen is deliver quality information and to achieve a direct and close communication with your prospect in each shipment of mail that you carry out from the beginning of your email marketing campaign. By which create a smart marketing strategy by email should be your main goal when you insert your subscription on your web site form. If you think you don’t have enough knowledge, it seeks advice from experts that you den techniques and secrets of how to start your campaign for not making mistakes from the beginning. I advise you to do a rethink as attract more subscribers and achieve to grow your list of subscribers: delivers a mail of value and not take risks!