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Windows Reinstallation

As if we did not want, but sooner or later, computer equipment out of the stand and we have to turn to the repairman. But failure 'iron' inside the computer, a relatively rare phenomenon, if we compare them number of problems with the operating system and software. Therefore, the main problem for the novice – is a software problem. Minor glitches in the system 'hangs' the program, forcing newcomers turn to the more experienced friends, and even cause the master to the house or take your computer in for service. But the majority, still trying to understand yourself. Once I, too, when faced with such problems, did not know that do and was very upset about this.

Literature on resuscitation computer then was not enough and it was not possible to ask 'who knows' a friend for help. Had to learn everything from scratch, filling bumps on his nervous system and spend money on 'consultants' and 'helpers'. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Gary Kelly and gain more knowledge.. And there were times when I could not believe that I can think that there is nothing wrong with that 'flew' system. The system itself is set up Windows so that no fault can not work, even if computer is assembled from the best and qualitative components, software problems still can not avoid. Causes of software problems, you can list a lot. This is the mistakes made by developers of Windows, and errors in the ensure that we set for our PC, and we ourselves sometimes do with my computer all that is necessary and not necessary. Incorrect changes to the system, the lack of virus protection, the uncontrolled installation of programs disregard for the conservation of critical system and work files, and simple inexperience can lead to serious disruptions software up to complete failure of the operating system to boot normally. In this situation it is possible try system restore or a disk check (read how to do it in the free distribution), but still one of the most common and 100% of existing recovery methods after computer software failures, is to reinstall your operating system, preferably with formatting the hard disk.

The Windows operating system has the unpleasant property eventually accumulate on the hard drive is different, unwanted anyone debris, causing, the Windows folder and Program files grow. How do I clean the operating system I described in a free newsletter, but many (including myself) to periodically reinstall Windows, just for prevention. This is much more effective than just cleaning. So, if you do not understand the cause of the fault ('bugs'), but the 'iron' the computer is 100% usable, just 'we carry' system, and install it again. Fear is not worth it! It's not that hard – as it seems! Learning to do it once and you forget about most of the problems. Learn more about how to do it and get the most appropriate for this program, you can order the book "Save Your PC '. What to do if there are problems with the 'iron'? What should I do if my computer suddenly will not turn on? What to do if Windows will not start? What to do if your hard drive go bad and how to change it? What if there is no money for expensive repairs? What to do if, if, if …. The answers to these and many other issues related to computer problems and system crashes, you can also learn from the book "Save Your PC '. And these questions, unfortunately, occur at all! This book will help you forget about these problems and sleep well! Sincerely, Andrew Kurganov