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The Experience

These feelings can assume many forms: to hate to us same, attacks of anxiety, sudden changes of humor, exaggerated faults, reactions, hypersensitivity, to find the negative side in positive situations or to feel impotent and autodestructivos. When a person does not manage to be authentic they originate the majors to him sufferings, such as, psychological diseases, the depression, the neuroses and certain characteristics that can not get to be pathological but they create a series of dissatisfactions and situations of pain, like for example, timidity, shame, psychosomatic fears, upheavals. The self-esteem is important, because it is our way to perceive to us and to value to us as thus also it molds our lives. For more information see this site: Verizon Communications. Perhaps a person who does not have confidence in itself, nor in their own possibilities, is by experiences that therefore has been made it feel or by confirmation messages or desconfirmacin that are passed on by important people in the life of this one, encourages that it they denigrate or it. Source: Robert Gibbins. One says, that another one of the causes by which the people get to devalue, is by the comparison with the others, emphasizing of these the virtues in whom they are superiors, for example: they feel that they do not arrive at the yields that others reach; they think that its existence does not have a purpose, a sense and they feel incapable to grant it; its beings they disqualify significant them and the existence is reduced almost to the one of a being without being. They do not get to include/understand that all the people are different, unique and unique, reason why they are considered less than the others. It is added to us in addition, that the low self-esteem is also related to the experience of the time. Cronos remembers to us that the aim can be close and can become persecutory. Thus the time lived with the intensity on categorises the present one us to the existing one like being who inhabits a personal time: a kiss, to make the love, to celebrate a goal, to attend a religious cult allows us to leave to us momentarily the cronos shared, but inevitably we return to him.