If you want to start making money on the internet quickly simply create a blog. The shape more easily generate a web page if you do not know HTML programming is by creating a blog. Others including Gary Kelly, offer their opinions as well. A blog is supposed to be a website that in a prinipio it was like a daily electronic, but today a blog actually is already a recognised structure as web page, still taking as a diary, but it can carry information from one web page. There are several options generate a blog and start making money with him, through different systems of monetization, in fact this page you are reading is a Blog, even if you can’t see much. Platforms there are very affordable to implement and that you will generate income gradually if you is constant and its content is of relevance, quality and unique so that their readers back continuously and can achieve good traffic. There are two great options to create a blog and start making money with him, please take into account that this method of generating money is a little slow, but is growing little by little. The first is Google’s Blogger, which is a platform free which can begin to publish in a matter of minutes.
The second is WordPress, which is a platform free also and much more robust to Blogger, which improves every day and is very simple to implement, plus is the best choice for having a blog served its own custom. The important thing is that you develop your blog about the topic than you one you like and above which disfurte write. This article is just an introduction, soon publishes on the advantages and disadvantages of each of these two platforms.