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Supervisory Board

INFINUS AG financial services institution presents successful annual Dresden, March 2013:’s annual main meeting held early February in Dresden the INFINUS AG financial services institution could draw a positive balance. The INFINUS AG financial services institution can look back on an another successful business year 2011/2012. Both the revenue and business partners numbers have continued to rise. Also the expansion of the INFINUS continues Academy. The INFINUS group reported the results of the annual general meeting, where also a new Member of the Supervisory Board was elected. The official adoption of the annual financial statements showed that last business year 2011/2012 in comparison to the previous year’s figures have improved once again. As of the date on June 30, 2012, revenues amounted to 21,79 million euros and could increase therefore compared to the previous year once again by 20 percent. Also, the INFNUS could win more business partners with contractual connection group.

Their number increased in the past year by 751 on 807 and put recently again too, so there are now 850. Last but not least also the assets took under control”with 47% they rose by almost half (of 558 million euros in the previous year to 820 million euros). The presented figures forgotten 2012 half the 10-year anniversary of the company. The business was officially on July 1, 2003. The INFINUS AG financial services institution on the official press site provides detailed information on the results of the annual general meeting. INFINUS AG financial services institution one of the top MiFID tied agent regimes in Germany thanks to the continually rising growth rates can continue is the INFINUS AG continue to secure its place among the most nationally expanding liability roofs. Confirmed this position also through the award of INFINUS AG financial services institution with the grade of A in December 2012″for an excellent credit rating and financial strength by the Creditreform rating AG.

Euro Finance Ministers

The discussion sustained for several weeks goes to the rescue of Cyprus in the next round. The discussion sustained for several weeks goes to the rescue of Cyprus in the next round. It was decided in Dublin last week, how to proceed with the small island in the Eastern Mediterranean. Recently, it has become known that that Cyprus needed but a larger bailout than originally assumed. The agreed figure of 17.5 billion according to new calculations have become 23 billion euros. These new values might bring the barrel to overflowing and move the Bundestag to a negative vote.

In any case the amount provided by 10 billion euros will not change, rather the Cypriots must first prove that they the missing billions itself can muster. At this important meeting of course a variety of interpreters will attend alongside politicians from many countries, which are responsible, to inform in advance about following topics of the Conference or already specialized in these subject areas are then to be able to interpret in various foreign languages: the recovery of confidence of the population in their banks the long-term stabilisation of the economy of Cyprus the viability of Cyprus for Europe on time the risk that the financial and economic situation of Cyprus for the remaining European countries represents the precise determination of the financial needs of Cyprus as experienced interpreters you know, how hard it is to find their way in this jungle of languages and professionally translate, even if the discussion is nervous at once. In Dublin will be simultaneous translations for various language combinations on the spot to ensure foreign-language communication: Conference interpreter Spanish German on the topic of finances specialized technical translation Greek English English French interpreter banking simultaneous interpreter German is Dutch on euro crisis even interpreters not equal to interpreters, at this part-session is in many ways translated. Whisper interpreter translate with the help of a modern plant of whisper or interpreting softly in the ear, consecutive interpreters interpreting in the Exchange with the speaker and conference interpreters simultaneously translate to the speaker. To ensure that everything has its order, there are translation agencies, which in advance prepare weeks for events like this, then on the part of oral interpreting, as well as in terms of written translations to the in-depth expertise for a wide range of interpretation and translation projects available to stand on. Translation Finanztext German English Dutch translation Portuguese to the topic of funding scientific translation macroeconomics Italian German monetary policy text translation French Polish it only qualified specialist translators are provided, which are must well versed on the issues to be treated. This ensures that all languages at a high level are translated. Another You can read here: legal translation

Financial Expectations

The Munich-based broker pool Announces net profit Munich, 08.08.2013 – 2012 Fund financial Broker service GmbH exceeded expectations in the financial year. Has the overall performance with EUR 103.3 million (py EUR 109.3 million) exceeded the attached self mark of 100 million euros for the second time in a row. The result from ordinary activities lies with 7.2 million euro (VJ. 10.1 million euro) as well as the profit for the year (EAT) with 4.7 million euro (VJ. 6.5 million euro) significantly higher than planned. Equity of Fund financial rises to EUR 13.7 million (previous year EUR 11.5 million). Financial the Fund has achieved a disproportionately good business result 2012 despite the difficult market environment in the fiscal year. We have added sick especially in the Division through the capping of commissions and the extension of the period of cancellation liability with a considerable impact on the turnover and profit”, explained Tim Broning, Member of the Executive Board and responsible for corporate development and finance.

Million euro can generate (previous year: EUR 107.4 million). Equity again increases: financial broker pool with solid foundation the profit flows to a large extent in the equity capital of the company, which now includes 13.7 million euro. Financial achieved the Fund an equity ratio of 26.8%. We now have one of the largest capital reserves in the swimming pool market. That provides enormous additional collateral our sales partners,”explains Tim Broning.

Very pleased the two managing directors of the Fund financial broker GmbH, Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener looking back, 2012 fiscal year. We have beaten us extremely well in a very difficult market environment”, says Norbert Porazik. The year was marked by extensive regulations and unsettled market participants. Declining revenues resulting primarily from these external influences and the ongoing financial and currency crisis. We have factored the sales decline in the Division of health at an early stage and the Oriented companies affiliated so that other sectors can compensate for this.