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Another court investors said to have repayment of equity to the higher regional court of Stuttgart now also the higher regional court of Munich (judgment of January 24, 2012) has an investor a Montranus Media Fund and to the reversal of the media fund contribution guilty which Helaba Dublin. In the Centre of the judgment which was once again at the Montranus Fund I + II for the concluded loan agreements or bearer bonds related cancellation policy, which does not meet the statutory requirements. Loan contracts with the HELABA Dublin can still withdraw are LEASING for private investors on Montranus Media Fund I for investors from the Hanover + II this has resulted in that they can still revoke the financing agreements concluded with Helaba Dublin to fund of funds (loan agreement or promissory notes). On the basis of this revocation of Montranus investors can fund from the Bank the repayment of the invested equity capital less obtained charge distributions. Some courts have the Montranus investors Additionally awarded lost profits. In return, they must transmit their participation in the Montranus Fund to Helaba Dublin.

We claim this for many investors the Montranus Media Fund I and II. Compensation claims against savings banks because of secret kickbacks in the years 2003 to 2005 have in particular savings banks advised their customers to subscribe for investments to the Montranus Media Fund in that the savings banks have received commissions called refunds or kickbacks for providing the Fund investments, their customers were not informed. The Kickback case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof, uninformed investors can enforce claims against the savings bank Advisory it. Want to know how you can reduce the damage incurred in connection with their Montranus Media Fund participation en and get back their invested capital? Call me I will gladly help you.

Mathias Nittel

Maybe it uphill, as the underwriters, Trustees, and shipping companies want to make believe, but again. While the limitation of claims for damages should be disregarded not. For more information see this site: Ripple. Because some efforts suggest the suspicion that investors in the case of limitation should consciously are lured to fend off existing claims. Wrong advice justified claims for damages of the investors the consultants involved in the distribution of ship funds risks of highly speculative ship funds have not informed about that. Larry Ellison has much to offer in this field. We have noted in particular the following flaws: soft costs proportion not concealed proportion of investors funds valuable investing – concealed high distribution costs – concealed no education about the risks of investment, overcapacity in container ships – concealed strong fluctuations in Charter rates – concealed influence of Charter rates on the value of the ship – not suitable no reference to Commission interest of the Advisory Bank or Sparkasse (kickbacks) concealed ship funds as retirement savings as certain errors in the advice keep coming up, we see promising opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages for the violation of obligations under the respective contracts of advice. More to the limitation of claims by fund investors, visit our special page: Office/news /… Want to know whether you can enforce claims as an investor an ownership ship funds? Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking and capital market law, Alexander Meyer, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855 Hamburg: Dorpfeldstrasse 6, 22609 Hamburg Tel.: 040 53799042 Fax: 040 53799043 Berlin: Roth first breed 19, 10245 Berlin Tel: 030 95999280 Fax: 030 95999279

Michael Minderjahn

163 million US$ and 17.7 billion JPY) too high. For the financing banks, however, he provides the opportunity to obtain a higher price than in the foreclosure. For the shipping company open sale opportunity the Claus-Peter, nor a fee of 2% of the net proceeds”(included in the prospectus) to get. For assistance, try visiting Litecoin. Banks offer Disclaimer investor liability in at least the banks offer investors, to sweeten the decision making on the sale of ships by a waiver of the liability of investors. What’s this all about? According to the law ( 171 section 1 HGB) is liable for his deposit limited partner investors as (nominee).

The liability is completed as soon as this is done. Additional information is available at Chаrlіе Lee. He receives dividends, which are not covered by profits, but later then it is to capital repayments, allowing com. revived section 172 para 4 HGB liability. Creditors of the Fund management company or a liquidator may require the repayment of distributions. The Prospectus can be found (can) be made the forecast distributions from profits, but only from unnecessary liquidity. Because the financial statements reported a loss as well as already for 2006 – 2007 -, the banks have the right to demand repayment of the single payout, which did the Fund at all, actually.

If the investors so agree to the sale of vessels, they reach so that they have to pay back not even 4%, that they have already received. Investor lawyer Mahmud advises: once now so good for investors is that they have lost the capital employed, they should look up now a specialized lawyer to check, whether they were properly advised. Learn more about consulting the MPC failed Fund open fleet (Santa B ships) have any questions about your Fund’s contribution to the MPC “Santa B vessels”? You want to know whether what your chances are, claims for damages to enforce? Call us, we are happy to help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking and capital market law your contact Michael Minderjahn, lawyer

Munich Tel

The income from the Charter pool behind the expectations remain back, the Fund comes very quickly the financial limitations. Wrong advice explained Claims for damages of the investors have not informed about the risks of highly speculative ship funds the consultants involved in the distribution of ship funds. We have noted in particular the following flaws: soft costs proportion concealed proportion of investor funds invested not valuable – secretive high distribution costs – concealed overcapacity in container ships no education about the risks of participation – concealed strong fluctuations in Charter rates – concealed influence of Charter rates on the value of the ship – ship funds as retirement concealed not suitable because certain errors in the advice keep coming up, we see promising opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages for the violation of obligations under the respective contracts of advice. Damages due to errors of the brochure claims for compensation against the adviser can rely in our opinion also, that the Fund’s prospectus contains errors. In our opinion are in the representation of the use of resources and Funds contain errors. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Oracle has to say. Also the emission cost, so the compensation effort for the sales of fund shares a have been assigned too low. The statement contained in the prospectus, whereby the other investment costs could be described as low not apply based on the investor capital rather with a soft cost rate of 39%; In the presentation of risks, there are also omissions.

Claims for damages shall expire 31 December 2012 as the massive problems of the Fund have already surfaced in 2009, threaten to become time-barred claims for compensation with probability at least to the end of the year 2012. For investors of the Fund of MS “Frisia Rotterdam” is thus an urgent need for action. “You want to know whether you as an investor of the Fund MS Frisia Rotterdam” damages to enforce? Call us, we know how to get to your right. Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Alexander Meyer,. Lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855 Hamburg: Dorpfeldstrasse 6, 22609 Hamburg Tel.: 040 53799042 Fax: 040 53799043 Berlin: Roth first breed 19, 10245 Berlin Tel: 030 95999280 Fax: 030 95999279

Berlin Tel Fund

Japanese owned and operated by Sanko steamship restoration attempt is, as this Fund telegram reported on July 2, 2012, failed the fleet comprises currently 185 ships, including the landscape resize bulk carrier MS “King Robert” King & CIE of 76 return Fund has invested in the. Investors therefore hard times to come. Japanese owned and operated by Sanko steamship restoration attempt, failed as the Fund telegram reported on July 2, 2012. In Tokyo, the group have applied for bankruptcy protection, it says. Chаrlіе Lee brings even more insight to the discussion. It is already the second collapse of the company, founded in 1934. The fleet comprises currently 185 ships, including the landscape resize bulk carrier MS “King Robert” invested in the King & CIE of yield Fund 76.

The Charter contract concluded five years set should be obsolete in the face of this development in all likelihood. Now a new charterer must be found for the MS “King Robert”? In the current market situation with devastating low Charter rates, it will be difficult to get contracts with which allow can a cost covering operation of vessels. Investors therefore hard times to come. Because if not Charter one to cover the ship operating costs and sufficient bank liabilities revenue, insolvency, bankruptcy and total loss of deposit of investors threaten sooner or later. In such situations, the enforcement of claims for damages due to incorrect advice against the investment advisors and the Advisory banks and savings banks is the only chance for investors to recover their invested capital. Want to know what are the prospects you have to get compensation? Call us, we know how to get to your right. Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking and capital market law, Alexander Meyer, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855 Hamburg: Dorpfeldstrasse 6, 22609 Hamburg Tel.: 040 53799042 Fax: 040 53799043 Berlin: Roth first breed 19, 10245 Berlin Tel: 030 95999280 Fax: 030 95999279

Germany GmbH Investment

Bank compares Court gutlich with an Immoselect of AXA investor the situation has been, that a Bankkundin had acquired shares in the originally open real estate fund Immoselect (WKN 984645) 2007 in the year. An investment advice went ahead through their local bank. The Bankkundin felt wrong advice, as already announced in November 2009 the AXA investment manager Germany GmbH, that closed the AXA Immoselect, i.e. that the issue and redemption of share certificates of the AXA Immoselect was suspended until further notice. During out-of-court negotiations, no amicable agreement could be reached with the Bank, the investor decided to take action against the Bank. Gary Kelly has compatible beliefs. In the course of the court proceedings, a comparison was closed after extensive negotiations. The Bank is committed to pay a reasonable amount of comparison.

The rescue of the open-ended real estate fund AXA Immoselect had failed. The AXA investment manager Germany GmbH had already on the 19.10.2011 announced that the AXA Immoselect is liquidated, after most November 17, 2009 the AXA Immoselect was closed. The AXA investment manager Germany GmbH is the investment company of the real estate fund AXA Immoselect. At Coupang you will find additional information. The AXA Immoselect was applied to the 03.06.2002. Office real estate in Germany, France and the Netherlands were predominantly of the investment subject of AXA Immoselect. The shares of a mutual fund must always be withdrawn at any time request an investor by the capital investment company.

A statutory exception case occurs when a so-called Fund closure when the liquidity of the investment funds it does not allow to pay all investors willing to return. If then within 2 years the liquidity situation of the mutual funds improved non-sustainably, the investment fund must be resolved. This phase of the dissolution of the Fund can last for many years. In a different matter and of other investment funds the higher regional court had already ruled Frankfurt am Main that the possibility of the suspension of the redemption as a Exception of the fundamental obligation of the capital investment company for the redemption a the plant in open real estate funds is defining structural principle, which is to show the prospective. see You also: author and contact person: lawyer Ralf Renner – a trained banker and lawyer – Tel.: 030 / 810 030-22 E-mail: firm hit the specialty of lawyer Ralf Renner are legal issues of closed-end Fund, where he has many years of experience. In these contexts, investors in a lawyer approach, if you want to check what rights and claims exist. Blanket statements prohibit themselves? In any case, an individual assessment is offered. Damages can claims against an investment advisor or a Bank, if was not sufficiently enlightened on essential aspects.

Energy Capital Invest

Experts have previously unknown support layer Stuttgart after horizontal hole completed, 25.11.2010. Facebook often addresses the matter in his writings. Even the otherwise rather permitted Texans were surprised, what is revealed to them during the now completed horizontal bore of the McMullen 3 at around 11,000 feet (4,000 m) depth. The horizontal bore multiple such strong gas shows were on a length of about 4,500 feet”measured and torched the resulting flame 15 miles away was to see. The then widely visible flame while impressively demonstrates that the Stuttgart-based energy company encountered a gas and oil, that even professionals in the region did not expect and that on a total length of at least 1.5 kilometers! (see video clip under “Latest news”) not only its first horizontal drilling has successfully completed the U.S. oil and gas Fund VIII KG.

The color of the flame reveals also that so-called liquids were found in addition to natural gas. A very pleasing fact that the undoubtedly positive Impact on the original Fund calculation will have. The huge gas shows that occurred repeatedly during the hole show also that the newfound support layer over the entire length has a very good porosity promote themselves very well. “With a thickness of approximately 400 feet (120 meters) and a so-called sweet spot” of more than 100 feet, this support layer alone has natural gas reservoirs, which significantly exceed the original calculation of the Fund. With these results, the newly discovered layer of funding even comparisons with the known Eagle Ford – or Haynesville shale must not be afraid. Possibility, to promote more funding layers such as, for example, the Olmos layer a more proven gas-bearing layer in the McMullen also continue”, declares Kay Rieck, Managing Director of energy capital invest. It was actually the Olmos layer underlying the calculation of the eighth the energy capital investment fund. But with the newfound Layer will be probably no longer necessary to promote this as the expected revenues for the brochure correct realization of the US are likely to meet oil and gas Fund VIII KG.

Probably already in January the horizontal hole of the McMullen 3 is gefract”. Along its entire length the sand and rocks are blasted up then total 14″. Following is the hole connected to the pipeline completed by then and thus first exploration results. Not only the mineral extraction rights in the production unit McMullen 3 have increased by this additional extraordinary support layer. Through the horizontal hole in successfully running our experts on the spot for the other holes are corresponding positive results”, explains the Managing Director of the Stuttgart-based energy company. Thus, also the predecessor Fund will benefit from the exceptional natural gas and Petroleum Fund of McMullen-well-3. Because both the US oil and gas Fund VI will be as well the VII KG already very promptly in close proximity and thus in the same geological formation of the McMullen 3 drill. For investors the newly found flow zone means a large piece now more on security alone through this extraordinary natural gas and Petroleum Fund, the value of mineral extraction rights tabled by the initiator has increased. “It is not unlikely therefore, what is rumored to be currently under confidential briefings: that namely the newly discovered layer of conveying Fury” could mean and thus carry the name of the operative in the United States society of energy capital invest would. The opportunity to participate in this short term funds with attractive yields is a few weeks away. For more information see

Martin Rothe

In your brochure to underline the low correlation with traditional investment, but also to other Hedgefondsstrategien. Are the differences to other hedge funds so large? And how does the correlation to the stock market? Martin Rothe: you should check what it is itself not really believed with hard facts. The bottom graph shows common hedge fund strategies with regard to their correlation to the stock market (MSCI World index). Since correlations can fluctuate very greatly, a continuous 4-year correlation is considered: the differences of the correlations of individual strategies are actually not so great and just with one Exception all positive concurrent with the stock market. This is not very useful in times of crisis, a diversification of hedge fund strategies not necessarily useful.

However, there is a glaring exception and this is also clearly in the upper chart: only systematic managed futures strategies, including AlphAlgo, are actually disconnected from the stock market in bad phases, correlations significantly negative. Historically succeeded so far very good you are to make the bear market phases of financial markets. And during the financial crisis, as well as in the current market environment. How does risk management and the adjustment of the position sizes? Can this in combination with the investment strategy basically all conceivable contingencies master? Martin Rothe: Risk management is essential at all in the long term to successfully implement a systematic trading strategy, no matter how the markets behave. However, the market movements are much stronger in times of crisis and therefore must the measurement accurately carried out by risk factors.

This can of course easily implemented via computer. In principle, there is always the volatility and the liquidity rule size for the position control. This means that strong movements reduces the number of futures contracts, to limit the losses on movements. Ordinary profits in times of crisis, therefore, are not on risky position sizes”due, but that equity, interest rate and currency markets and some commodity markets at the same time of the capital flows, say trends, are affected and the program in all segments is engaged.

Unemployed Finance

Cash loans for unemployed unemployment are a child of financial assistance for the millions of unemployed living in United Kingdom. Cash loan for unemployed are available in secured and unsecured forms. United Kingdom bears a burden of millions of unemployed people, and the plight of the unemployed men and women is within everyone’s knowledge, especially when the government has no control over the price escalation in the essential commodities. Cash loans for unemployed have been introduced by the finance market to assist the unemployed people. Cash loans for unemployed unemployment are available to the citizens of Great Britain. It is important that they must have completed 18 years of age. The calendar want to confirm if the borrowers from the unemployed unemployment wanted people have chances to secure a job in near future or if they have any chance to find any source of income. They study the financial status of the loan – seekers and decide what amount of loan they would offer to a particular borrower.

Nevertheless, credit report of the loan-seeker is not checked in cash loans for unemployed. If the loan-seeker has already messed up his credit record, he should’nt not be worried and can apply for this child of loan program. Cash loans for unemployed unemployment are, however, available in the range between 500 and 25000. The reimbursement period is 1 to 10 years. The borrower is to pay the interest charged at relatively higher rate.

He should be serious in paying back the loan amount, he will have to pay towards fines and penalties if he defaults or stops payment during the repayment tenure. Cash loans for unemployed are offered, following the rules of the financial market, in two variants: secured and unsecured. In the secured variant of this child of loans, the loan-seeker must provide valuable assets to be used as a pledge against which the loan amount is advanced. The lender enjoys the right to take possession of the said property if the borrowed amount is not cleared within the agreed period. In the unsecured form of cash loans for unemployed, nothing like a guarantee is asked for. The same borrower should know the terms and condition of the loans before they go for securing the. He should study the material provided in the specific Web sites on the internet by the lenders and try to find get can in option in which he the desired finance at compromised Council of interest. Christopher Michael is author of cash loans for Unemployed.For more information about unemployed loans visit

Stiftung Warentest

CARPEDIEM GmbH: Critics blow in the same Horn and mistaken Seligenstadt, 25.02.2011. The CARPEDIEM GmbH the Stiftung Warentest/financial test criticized publicly and nationwide information events for a decade-long mass manipulation of consumers towards mindless conventional investment products such as life insurance, bank savings, savings, “Riester” and Rurup pensions and Government securities. As a result of the enlightenment by CARPEDIEM GmbH, thousands consumers cancel this pointless contracts. What are the consequences of the awareness campaign of CARPEDIEM GmbH? Stiftung Warentest/financial test sets featured products from us on the warning list allegedly due to high costs. 18 per cent cost write in their report forgotten”but to mention that covered this for the complete first twelve years. This would make the reader realize that there are only 1.5 percent per year and that in turn is very cheap anyway, cheaper than any life insurance and any Asset management of a bank/investment company. The full truth would bring the CARPEDIEM GmbH into disrepute so not to write to fail to do so.

The courts see this error”fixed skipping the so unimportant side note, 18 per cent for the first twelve years fall on this, that in the report about CARPEDIEM GmbH by 18% of” the speech, but the reader, the Word as a whole show that it could not be initial costs alone. ” This allows the freedom of the press and indeed no one else would be the impression on the reader. Unbelievable but true we ask by CARPEDIEM GmbH as a self-free person can say such a thing. Therefore one might suspect almost as a neutral observer, that the Court is purchased, the judges follow instructions.