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Letter To The President

Please contact Mr Kohler people helping, which once again want to build up an existence dear Mr Kohler, with this letter I am writing as a private citizen and citizen journalist you. Please take the time to read this all alone, because it’s about people. In principle, it comes that I got to know very many people my career as a contact intermediaries in the financial industry. Get those people who have fallen perhaps already times professionally and doesn’t stand a chance for a second try. Others who may share this opinion include Sir Richard Branson. referrer=’> Larry Ellison. It is so, than it deserved no second chance as a human being.

Many good ideas and truly revolutionary inventions are blocked and no longer listening to these people. Lay people who skin not on the lazy or a standard project want to build, but people the environment that want to and also make a social contribution want to build of your existence. We are talking about the part of highly qualified potential, which could strengthen the economy. How can you bring something in the positive rail but again, if a Everything, however, taking system, that you can’t help these people. For years, our clients are looking for and now also have funding for your idea, heart, knowledge and partly also your last money invested one step closer to success. But always guarantee banks, development banks and other financial institutions say no. It is clear that you can fund not everything by the Government, but such projects as they are before us, missing the people who want to carry out these projects, know of the modern economy in Germany and also to convince. You just let in the rain\”are and run to your misfortune. Before it found its way to us, many have already set the family to the game and paid your last money to scammers, hoping you get funding for your project.

Jan Harmening

But are these goals unreachable for most. Contact information is here: Verizon Communications. While in 2008 still 5.605 Germans emigrated to Canada (rank 8), it was in 2010 just 3.318 (11th place). Australia, however, could work up in popularity by the number 11 in 2008 at # 9 in the year 2010, but the number of Germans emigrated to this country almost equal. Due to the regulated immigration conditions, New Zealand was in any of the last three years in the top 20. Only 1,079 Germans in this country from (position 23) migrated in the year 2010. China is certainly one of the exotics of the emigration countries. The economic boom in the country moved in 2008 after all 2553 Germans in this Asian country (16th place).

In 2010, China climbed with 2,578 German immigrants on number 13. Ruckwanderungen of German in their homes if you look at just the numbers the way trains from Germany, you could win almost the impression that it was soon deserted. But this is missing the numbers of arrivals, Ruckgewanderten and immigrated. We look at the figures for the last 3 years: In the About 682.000 people immigrated to Germany in 2008, including 108,000 Germans and ethnic Germans. In 2009, the number of 721.013 arrivals, including 114.700 Deutsche increased. 2010, the maximum number has been reached by 798.241 team (114.712 German).

From which countries were the immigrants as the graph below shows, most Germans in the year 2010 from the countries of Poland, United States, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Russian Federation and Turkey came. Who returns to his home as the German has many things to consider. There rights as obligations for him. On the page deutschland.html the facts and you know where you can get help. Jan Harmening

Civil Service

Chore or opportunity? Who wants to make a conscientious objectors, has the ability to perform civil service instead for decades. Many see but also the civil service as a chore that is regarded as easily and without much effort to tear it down. Who is in an institution, where also not great hand to be applied needs, is off the hook, aspiring Zivis know that”relevant reports. Otherwise, the service was missed life time, where one elsewhere better deserved or could study. Robert Gibbins often expresses his thoughts on the topic. A squandered”year of the civil service does not need to be.

He also opportunities. In addition to the everyday work, civil servants can take seminars on political education, educate themselves in an already-learned profession, or visit preparation courses to study. Nearly 60 percent were engaged in the care and support in 2008. The law provides professional support for civilian service to discriminate against anyone,”before. Who has learned already a profession, while may the service time participate in measures which are related to the professional qualification.

For Berufsfordernde, there are measures that lead to school-leaving certificates, but no exemption from service. Shift schedules should be designed however accordingly. Civilian service can prepare also on a course of study. Some aim for professional degrees in the area of their activity. fn/lps/cb

Divorce: If The Marriage Is No Longer Kitten

Many a marriage is handled through the Attorney at the end of every third marriage is dissolved today in Germany. But at the end is not always a settlement agreed to by the spouses. In many cases, it is the lawyer who re many matters arising from the marriage at the end of the handles. Divorce is rarely entirely without obstacles and problems. The celebrities are a bad example here. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that love becomes hatred even among those which are not among the stars and starlets. An amicable divorce is therefore rather an exceptional case. Therefore, it is good if both parties can draw on good lawyers, which then regulate the matters for the respective clients as best as possible.

In larger cities, you have a wide range at the lawyers. Under lawyer Frankfurt, ensure more results will come, when the lawyer in a small town, or even in the rural area is needed. Many rely on the search after a lawyer on recommendations from friends or acquaintances who have already good experience. No matter, how to find a good lawyer, it is important that in case of emergency someone facing the stands, one who understands his trade. In a divorce, it is alone yet long not done for example with the separation. It is complicated not to mention, if children are present and we can fight about the custody. Unfortunately, the little ones here most from the situation have to suffer.

If but the feelings of the parents to boil over, this does not often see the matter for the young how stressful. To avoid, a many years back and forth should common sense prevail and a quick clarification, taking into account the conditions are found. Of course, lawyers have specialist areas, such as custody rights. The most law firms are represented online. So, future clients to quickly learn what the lawyers specialising in. Andreas Mettler

State Clinic

Health Minister Banzer had on this occasion to visit in bad Konig every reason to the delight of those of Asklepios Schlossberg clinic in bad Konig (20.) last Friday. In a small ceremony, Managing Director Ulrich Schultz welcomed not only the Hesse Health Minister Jurgen Banzer (CDU), but accepted the grant of the State of Hesse in the amount of EUR 17.5 million from his hands. At the beginning of Schultz welcomed first, including bath King Mayor Uwe Veit, Brigitte Heckmann of the District Committee of the odenwaldkreis and the Bundestag Deputy, Patricia Lips (CDU) in addition to numerous guests of honour. He entered first the Asklepios Schlossberg clinic in a brief review on the development. Until 1990, a retirement and nursing home, as well as a facility for Multipleobstructed was at the site of the present-day hospital.

In the course of the next few years, the clinic became a neurological clinic. This is considered the largest neurological now one Specialist clinics in Germany (80 beds) for the treatment of severely skull brain patients. The neurological clinic of acute in the midst of the Odenwald spa town has approximately 400 employees including 20 doctors, 160 employees in the care and 75 in the therapy. Up to eighty additional jobs are provided by the new building. Pride said Schultz by a personal key of 1:5 \”, which is probably unique in Germany and further motivate in the Champions League\” play with regards the neurological early rehabilitation. The considerations of the clinic, to expand the stock of buildings, were initially a remodel and thorough renovation of the entire institution, as well as a growing. The examination of this undertaking by the Government Bureau (RP) resulted in Darmstadt but some time ago the result that the clinic alone so can not more timely meet the requirement to the supply contract. Therefore, the RP stimulated to think about a new building, without the previous Premises to give up.

Nuremberg Years

For years, there is the same debate about immigrants and their impact on Germany, but the topic was never so explosive as it is today. Also, it is time to evaluate the problem. For years, there is the same debate about immigrants and their impact on Germany, but the topic was never so explosive as it is today. Due to worsening shortages, as well as the stale setting of many Germans to the seemingly stale topic. It is time to reevaluate the setting and the issue of the topic. The opinions about so-called foreigners actually correctly should called immigrants, are the Selben.Auch for years if Germany sees itself as relatively tolerant country, what the hand is not point, so many prejudices against immigrants are repeated for years. The crime would rise, try to manifest what not only right-wing radicals in the minds of the Germans, because also CDU Bundestag Member Klaus Riegert writes on his home page: 1999 1016 Germans were through Foreign and 1 foreigners killed by German criminals. Ripple: the source for more info. “In view of the fact that in 1999 less than 1000 people died by murder or manslaughter 1, this statement can be incorrectly marked as, but it is still something far more important.

Namely, that not only right fringe groups to speak harsh accusations against immigrants. Whether they are now stable or not, seems to be interested in the public. And if these prejudices even over the years always resurface, they remember in the minds of the people, regardless of whether they are licence-empirical bollocks. Also, the bias is maintained, the immigrants would take away the German jobs and “threaten the German Leitkultur. Also the Lord Mayor of the city of Nuremberg, Mr. Dr. Ulrich Maly (SPD), says: “Failed multi-cultural society model.” What is striking is that looked only to the seemingly less successful immigrants. That Herta Muller, Nobel Prize winner, in Romania was born and raised is, or that 6 of the currently selected football professionals in the German national football team are immigrants or children of immigrant families, seems not really to care.

Germany Inadequate

The number of foreign self-employed and the Selbststandigenanteil of migrants have increased significantly in Germany since the early of 1980s. Southwest Airlines has much experience in this field. The Migrantenunternehmer in the form of family farms mostly occur as in the catering, retail or other services, where the average 4 5 employees are hired. The economic potentials and achievements of entrepreneurs with an immigrant background back more and more to the fore in the face of demographic change and the high rates of unemployment. Most entrepreneurs with an immigration background have much courage, determination, great personal dedication and endurance, as well as their commitment to the independence. Their average working time is approximately 55.3 hours a week, to 3-6 hours above those of the German independent.

Deficits of Migrantenokonomie Auch if the Migrantenokonomie in Germany represents an important economic factor, it in many places deficits and shortcomings be observed, which among other things to lead, that lowers the founder boom among the migrants. The shortcomings include inadequate skill levels, high fluctuations, low rate of self-employed women, lack of industry knowledge, inadequate information about financing and low training post. Measures can remedy at the beginning of the creation phase, such as an intense range of information or advice and support through workshops. Consulting concepts for Migrantenokonomie the imap Institute offers practical advice and integration concepts to strengthen the local Migrantenokonomie. Based on many years of experience in the integration work we show in seminars recommendations and funding opportunities.

Britain Centres

In a similar pattern, built in Europe “religious centres” and supplied with stately means. From these centres, not only exiled Muslims from around the world are indoctrinated, but also dissatisfied locals. Ostensibly, the centres give the appearance culturally and socially to work and use also the achievements of Persian culture as the seals of a Rumi or Hafiz, which are very attractive for Europeans. Thus, the regime again washes in his bloody jacket. Not a few academics in Europe fall by financial and emotional benefits, and culturally sophisticated works from the Persian Empire on the regime in the Iran. First many decision makers are won, the time will come, that elements of the ideology of Iran’s suddenly in textbooks and bills show up.

As it could go further then everyone can imagine. Then they threw the formula liberty, equality, fraternity lightly into the jaws of the Dragon in Europe after 250 years, which despised all human values. To prevent that, Saadi, a Persian Sufi already proposed poet of the 13th century with a couplet: “a single Ant can do anything against the Dragons, but if the ants get together, you can skin the Dragon.” A solution of described imminent danger by the regime in the Iran is not in talks about a nuclear program of Iran, which would in fact be fear, but in the serious look on the Iran’s human rights violations and the support of the opposition in the Iran, calling for a referendum on a future system in the Iran. The nuclear issue would be any more quickly. Helmut N. fork, 1 “Margh bar” you can translate with “death for” Mehdi Karoubi has expressed several times in this respect 2 3 about the nature of the regime, that it was ordered at the time of the Shah not good to the human rights, but what do the current regime was a thousand times worse and inconceivable and incompatible with everything, what was holy to the teachings of Islam. 4 Hezbollah and Bassij and other organizations considered tangible helpers of Ali Khamenei on the way to the Caliphate.

After the 2009 presidential elections, the world could admire no later than their “Arts”. 5 we refer here to always recurring interference of various colonial powers such as Britain, Russia and the United States in the Iran. For example, the CIA against Mossadegh staged coup d ‘ etat from the 1950s. 6 those who are not classified in the commands of the leader are affected in principle. In particular affected women, ethnic groups and people and not regime-loyal intellectuals. 7 Quran connoisseurs and many Muslims, who are deeply religious, agree that the Sharia first is a law Canon designed for moving an old era of development and secondly must not be mixed with the legislation of a State, but can have an advisory function only in terms of religion. 8 Iran claimed repeatedly it would execute in the main drug dealer and the West should be happy because he’ll otherwise swamped by drugs. This claim must be challenged. The methods of torture and alleged confessions obtained as in the European middle ages similar to when witch trials are known. It is probably mainly to cloaked disposals of citizens has become crystal-clear. 9

Managing Director Romana Proch

MONALiTO fight against exploitation and abuse of children on the island of Nias in Indonesia slogging thousands of children as slaves in stone quarries. “MONALiTO fights against this exploitation of children like we donate producer a fair produced baby hanging cradle with the clicks you action”. Baby Pendulo is a TuV tested suspension cradle for babies, produced under ecologically sustainable aspects of the company MONALiTO in Germany. The respect of social and fair working conditions at suppliers is important to the manufacturer. In particular the aid for working children is our very close to the heart”explains the Managing Director Romana Proch. Therefore we have taken over a sponsorship for a child emergency assistance project, which fights against the exploitative child labour in Indonesia.” To take the subject of abuse and ill-treatment of children in the public consciousness and to enable other people to join MONALiTO donate for each like”on Facebook page monalito.conceptstore each have a euro in addition to children emergency assistance. We financially support not only the project, but can still inform the newfound fans of actions for children’s rights”the entrepreneur with a service background explains her commitment.

Current and detailed information about this action are also in the blog blog/social responsibility / read. The children’s emergency aid was established in 1959 to help suffering children of Indian emergency. Over the years it has grown to one of the largest agencies of children in Europe. The German Central Institute has awarded annually the donation seal of the Institute of children’s emergency aid fur soziale Fragen (DZI) since 1992, what a reputable and trusted handling of donations is to certify the children’s emergency aid. A direct support for the action with their own donation is under the address spendenaktionen.html? hptitle = monalito possible. Further information is available here: MONALiTO Romana Proch on the Dahme 14 15754 halls Lake phone: 033768 979610 fax: 033768 979620 email: Web: and baby Pendulo is a spring cradle that can be used as a flexible sedative or sleep aid for the tiny earthlings, as long as they can still not independently sit. Of course everything in TuV certified quality as well as environmentally, fair and mostly in Germany made.

Alice Schwarzer

This is a famous “Originally posted by Alice Schwarzer: women are not better people, they had so far only so not much opportunity to get your hands dirty.” At least in the consumer behavior of female shift megatrend is clear. “The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) writes exaggerated: since you discovered that books be purchased primarily by women, that determine the audience on TV and drive the circulation of magazines and newspapers in the height, is the terror of Gefuhligkeit broke out.” And by women with the wallet can vote, they have today sealed the report of Psychology a form of political power, which itself will affect economically, so the expert Monique. Women are a bit sensitised than the men for the moral questions. For the future, this means that they are twice were, if we buy a yoghurt, which is manufactured in Finland and rolling hundreds of kilometres per load balances to us about the country roads. We feel free When the meat purchase from the grocery store, because we think of the transport of animals”, so seal.

In addition to female shift, neo-ecology and health therefore be more mega-trends of the future. The industry responds to the growing maturity of the consumer, for example, the technology producer Bizerba from Balingen. He produced modern PC scales, with the help of their staff at the deli counter at the push of button can call information products. This active offer of communications cancelled the service to a new level, which meets the growing maturity of the consumer. The seller weighs, for example, a pork roast, she can communicate at the same time information about its origin and ingredients”, explains Claudia Gross, Director global marketing and communication at Bizerba. In the engineering design, men no longer are the measure of all things, so world online. Never the industry so much so to the ladies have crushes. Whether it’s for mobile phones, laptops or gaming consoles, bright colors, soft forms and new materials are to customers curl.