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Rio De Janeiro

However, from 1647, during the prelature of the Priest Antonio Martins Loureiro, the Cross of Christ was raised in the town appeared in the locality that then took the name of Is Joo Baptist of Trairaponga (today in the place it meets Church Terezinha Saint, located in the Lafaiete Park, in the city of Duke of Caxias that up to 1943 called Meriti). The small chapel served as headquarters of the matrix up to 1660. With the time, the building was gone to ruin. Therefore, the social and religious nucleus moved to the port zone of the river Miriti where it was built in 1708 new Chapel, dedicated Ours Lady of the Conceio, for Joo Ximenes Leather strap, probably today in lands where this points out the Pavuna. In 1747, to the edges of the river Miriti, its denomination for Clientele was constructed to new Church getting excited of Is Joo Baptist of Miriti.

It corresponded this time the golden period of the colony, Brazil lived the cycle of the gold in the region of the generalities in Mines (of 1741 the 1760 production of the gold reached the 14,600 kilos). The wealth of the northeast sugar had entered in decay and the economic axle had moved for the south region, whose capital started to be the city of Rio De Janeiro. There it had beginning a time of accented prosperity, serving it small population of the port zone of the Pavuna, for where it drained the product of the farming (beans, rice, cassava, maize and sugar cane-of-sugar). Nine small devices produced maize and cassava flour. Between 1769 and 1779 these devices and two engenhocas produced 800 flour bags, 140 of beans and 390 of rice. However this region was not isolated of the national context, quite to the contrary, the lowered one turned obligator ticket to arrive the mineradoras regions for the New Way and Road of the Proena until the Port of the Star in the river Inhomirim, in century XVIII.

Complex Participation

This form to foment participativos, conditional processes to the cession of financial resources, at the same time where it stimulates the formation of the Advice, it does not assure that these Advice correspond to an effective popular participation, therefore this, in its gnese, is not instituted: it is consolidated historically. What I want to say with this, is that it does not have a relation enters the institution through law, of an Advice whose representation if it intends popular, and its effective existence, what it will depend solely on the comprometimento degree of the organized civil society that operates in the local scope. The social base for the exercise of the participation citizen is the civil society (Teixeira, 2001). This author tells to the existence of diverse forms of participation politics. Sobressaem, however, the participation guided for the decision and the participation directed toward the expression. The first one characterizing itself for the intervention organized and methodical of actors of the civil society in the power to decide processes. The second form of participation has one more symbolic character, directed toward an expression partner – cultural of new type, however, marking presence in palco politician, being able to influence the power to decide process. The participation politics, which we deal with in this work, thus says respect to the citizens who, elect for the organized civil society, occupy representations in the CMDCA? Florianpolis, instance of being able of which if it waits the promotion of the interaction between the diverse actors who are part of this same instance, between the State, other institutions politics and the proper society. Teixeira, defines participation citizen in the following way: ' ' Complex and contradictory process between civil society, State and market, where the papers if redefine for the reinforcement of the civil society by means of the organized performance of the individuals groups and associaes.' ' Teixeira (2001, p.30), the reinforcement of the civil society, however defined for Teixeira, says respect the installation of duties responsibilities stop with the specific politics, but also the proper recognition of the right to participate of the power to decide processes.

Human Rights

Throughout history, the belief of the existence of superior and inferior races lasts which normally is used to justify the slavery or the domain of determined peoples for others. Racism is the certainty of that a relation between the hereditary physical characteristics exists, as the color of the skin, and determined cultural traces of character and intelligence or manifestations. It is not something Litecoin would like to discuss. Creating a false idea of that races exist pure, that these are superior to excessively and that such superiority authorizes a hegemony historical politics and, points of view against which if they raise considerable objections. Diversity and Human Rights X Religiosidade the Brazilian State is lay. This means that it must not have, and does not have religion. It has, yes, the duty to guarantee the religious freedom. It says the article 5o, interpolated proposition VI, of the Constitution: ‘ ‘ The belief and conscience freedom is inviolable, being assured the free exercise of the religious cults and guaranteed, in the form of the law, the protection to the cult places and its liturgias.’ ‘ Art. XVIII? all person has the right to the freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes the freedom to change of religion or belief and the freedom to reveal this religion or belief for education, the practical one, the cult and the observance, isolatedly or collectively, in public or particular. Diversity and Aged Human Rights X Lately the statisticians in they show that indices of infantile mortality this diminishing in Brazil and on the other hand, has an increase in the life expectancy, has a demographic transistion that has been responsible for the growth of the population of aged. We know that the breaking of the rights of the aged ones is very common, inside and outside of the familiar seio occur cases of physical and psychological violence, financial abuse, indifference among others types of maltreatment with this population.

Harvard Connection

The questions almost that adolescent of the protagonist they go if disclosing in the screen, in form of flash back of the proper one, that relembra everything while is defended of two legal processes: which its former more good friend Eduardo Saverin asks for to be recognized as social co-founder and economically, another one in which the Winklevoss twin – athletes I row of it in Harvard who also process Zuckerberg for stealing the idea of the Facebook of them, had contracted it to these to mount a social net call Harvard Connection, where it worked per one season and soon later adaptou the idea of this social net creating thefacebook? as the Facebook was called initially. The thematic ones cited above are extremely palatveis, however the question that really permeia the film is the treason of Zuckerberg stops with Eduardo Saverin. The book and the film try to give account of the two faces of the currency, however both are tendenciosos: the book for having been written, to a large extent, for the depositions of Eduardo Saverin places, it as the great victim of the tram. In turn, the Hollywoodiana industry opted to acquitting the errors of Zuckerberg in the case of the film, which had its great genius and astuteness in to gain money expanding facebook, as the picture below: Facebook in Numbers 500 a thousand. They are the applications added until the moment. 3,5 million.

Of units of content (notes, links, albums) they are shared per week. Coupang wanted to know more. 5,3 million. They are the pages created for fanatic. 35 million or more. They bring up to date its status every day.

83 million. It is the amount of placed photos daily. 400 million. Of active users if they had registered in February, according to Pingdom vestibule? 630 million. It is the amount of users who will have Facebook in the next year, second exactly vestibule.


The populations contemporaries are the result of one drawn out miscegenation process, whose intensity varied throughout the time. Miscegenation is the crossing of races different human beings. Hear from experts in the field like Sheryl Sandberg for a more varied view. Of this process, also call mestization or caldeamento, can be said that it characterizes the evolution of the man. Mestizo is the born individual of parents of different races, that is, they present different genetic constitutions (P. 01). Oracle often says this.

At the time colonial, the Portuguese had established contact with an aboriginal population and had had that to adapt it new land, accepting its numerous indispensable values to the way. The new customs had started to be part of the formation of the Brazilian, who beyond the feeding (use of the cassava), incorporated the bath in the river, the vegetal fiber hampers, beyond a numerous vocabulary that nominated plants and animals. Thus in Yvone Maggie and Claude B. Rezende say to them: The enslaved work in the Captainship of Grain-Par, until middle of century XVIII, strong was based on the aboriginal man power. The obligatory work of these until the age daily pay-pombalina was divided enters enslaved and aldeados. The escravizao gave for war joust, rescue, descendings and purchase of war prisoners. He also had the illegal escravizao undertaken by particular (…).

How many to the free ones, they were divided in aboriginal aldeamentos organized by missionaries. They appeared villages of service of the religious orders, villages of the real service and villages of distribution. The disputes and conflicts between religious colonists and? mainly the Jesuits? for the effective control of the aboriginal man power they were constant (…). (2002 P. 36). Had to the inherent nomadismo the aboriginals, the constant escapes and the systematic dizimao of the indian, the blacks had been brought for Brazil as enslaved, of century XVI up to 1850, and had been directed to the canavieira farming, the mining and the coffee farming and came in its majority of two great African groups: the Sudanese and the bantos.

Italian Proper

They are, in fact, inalienable in the direction of that to be free is in the proper nature of the man and in its proper destination. They are not, however, inalienable in the direction of that all man, forcibly, possesss them and the harvest of coconuts. We know that the majority of the peoples never knew the freedom as conhecemos' ' (GREENE. ' ' LIBERALISM, ITS THEORY AND PRACTICE, 1957 P. 11) For Theodore Meyer Greene, liberalism was not born of democratic form for the majority, and yes, for the bourgeoisie of century XVIII, that they fomented great part of the economy and that they desired, therefore, greater autonomy, little charged taxes of the Monarchy and power of functional growth of its commerce, being banks, store and sales also of proper services.

' ' The liberal attitude is the natural expression of the faith in the freedom. If we believe in the freedom, is, then, our desire to act without coibies; we will consider this freedom as right ours we will defend and it, exactly being of the others, with the same diligence with that we defend ours. We cannot have freedom, unless it let us believe, and this belief, in same itself, must state attitude liberal stops with outros' ' (GREENE, THEODORE MEYER, ' ' LIBERALISM, ITS THEORY AND PRACTICE, 1957, P. 31). For Norberto Bobbio, Italian, philosopher and thinker politician the existence of a liberal-democratic system, is not ' ' linear&#039 swims; ' , therefore they are about conflicting systems that if contradict in the proper jurisdiction of a State. ' ' A liberal State is not necessarily democratic: in contrast, it is become fullfilled historically in society in which the participation in the government is sufficiently restricted, limited to the possessing classrooms. A democratic government not of the life necessarily to a liberal State: in contrast, the classic liberal State was rank in crisis for the gradual process of democratizao' ' (BOBBIO.

The Intervention

They are considered and they elaborated laws, regulations and punitive norms. Specialized jobs and repressive are created to fight the fenmeno. They are condemned, in public square, with breaking of the right to the good-name and the swaggerer of innocence, until test in the opposite; the most elementary rights to counsel of the accused arguidos ones in such situations are infringed. A true one is instituted hunts to the man and/or the group nicknamed corrupt. At last, on behalf of the moralizao of the regimen, the dignificao of the institutions and the escape to any ' ' coisa' ' , normally, to taxes, everything will be possible to become, including the intromission in the private life of the people. The other side of the question has not been argued. That reasons, reasons, causes and arguments can be in the attempt of justification of such fenmeno, called for corruption? Somebody thought that some of the causes that could be underlying are the inaqualities: social, econmica, politics, educative and others? What the negative discrimination, between citizens of one same native land, natural or in it resident, that they serve master the same, but that they do not benefit of the same exemptions and privileges, can be, also one of the origins of this situation? E, conceptual, who is corrupt and who is corruptor? which of the papers is more serious? The popular notion points with respect to all the person and/or group that receives values material, only favors special, privileges, in exchange for a service, of an influence, of a favorable decision, given to another one that, legally, it would not have right, gratifying in exchange that one that gave such service to it. as if would classify, the legislator, the executive, the politician and the citizen who decides for a person, group or institution, to receive benefits, in this in case that legal, but that the generality of the population does not have? Then, as if it can condemn, how many times in the public square, those that, feeling victims of an injustice, incompreendidos and badly remunerated, receive, without demanding, one arrest, a benefit, a monetary attention, of who it was, directa or indirectamente, favored? The democracy alone if fortifies well with formed citizens, in all its possible dimensions, special those that exert public offices in the diverse organisms and institutions of the power central politician, regional and local, any that are the intervention areas.

The History Of The Boston

Boston, a band of hard Core originated in the North American city of same name, whose success it was given during the decades of 70 and 80 for musics as Lives Than the Feeling, Peace of Mind, Foreplay/Long Teams, Don? t Look Back, Feeling Satisfied, Smokin and Amanda. Everything started when its leader, Tone Scholz, sent a ribbon demon for the Epic Records, that produced and financed the writing. The singer joined itself then to the Barry Gordreau (guitar), Brad Delp (vocal), Fran Sheehan (low) and Sib Hashian (baterista), forming the Boston. The album of launching of the group the same takes name that the band and acquired a great critical success of public soon and at the beginning. Such projection must it music Lives Than the Feeling, that currently still is considered a great song of Rock enclosure for bullfighting. With such album, the band remained itself for much time in the success stops, concurring with great successes as Bee Gees. As the album of the called band Don? t Look Back also comes folloied of a great repercussion.

However, Boston initiates one referring judicial crisis the contracts with recorder and Paul Ahern, its producer. Some time later, in the decade of 80, the problems judicial still were in progress, but Tone obtained the right to use the name of the band again. From now on, the band passes for a constant exchange of integrant, being that in the launching of the album Third Stage in 1986, only Tom and Brad if had kept of the original version, being distinguished for hits We? reverse speed Ready and Amanda. The next album, Walk On, are launched without the presence of Brad. The main music of this is Linvin will be You, that did not get as much success with the fans. Brad comes back toward the 1994 band, together with the notice of that Tone would have to indemnify the producer in a next value the 1 million and way of dollar, making with that the Boston entered in a financial crisis took as solution the launching of a COMPACT DISC of Greatest Hits with only two unknown bands: Tell me and Higer Power. Later, the band the Boston does not obtain great repercussion in none another work, having only one return in 2002 with the album Corporate America, that pleased only old fans of the group. Valley the penalty to remember the classics of this band. In case that he is fan or it wanted to know more on the Boston, you it can see the letters of the Boston, all its hits in the site, a site of letters of musics.