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Germans Father

The days passed quiet, our airport, I am referring to the seizure, gradually became important, day noticed the increase in flights, and was already a pastime, see how they went out or landing aircraft, uniforms that I saw, during those years they were worthy to remember, because the Germans and up to our same officers showed great glamor and to be seen in the streetsthey were as if they were paraded, point blank as to tell my mom, God have it in their Santa glory. At this time one can say that we live the growth and then the fall of the regime, thus also remembrance after the war, which in my house we gave food to hens putting food in helmets of the Germans. We spent them as plates for animals, for that and for placing them a quantity of water. Seeing this, today is like giving account of the fall of the mighty Empire that came to bass in an unimaginable way. I’ve told them some things from my parents, I now turn to my sister who was the greatest of all, Giovanna was a woman chapada old-fashioned, with a father strong in dealings and customs, although she was known a lover for more than eight years, my father did not accept, must see and understand which then in a Sicily known for strong men’s character and his style of command, no woman by daring, staying to live in the same town would dare marry without the consent of the father.

And this is what happened to my poor and selfless sister. She was seen with her boyfriend for several years, was a relationship like lovebirds, but devoid of any future. Carmelo was the man that my father did work until tiredness, in some way, and without that still can I know the why, he He had been chosen as the pawn, because all hard work was entrusted to him and believe that my father, not felt some sort of pity for him, this was a the son chosen by my father to follow his work; My sister’s the order of things in the home, helping my mother and in regard to me, should study, make mimo to Toto.

The Dog

The motivation is the same to jump to people. The dog may be trying to express the dominant State. In these cases the dogs stand on two legs and support its members front over the chest of its owner. Add to your understanding with Oracle. It is important to identify this behavior to meet your dog in the broader context of his relationship with you. First, realize that a disobedient dog is not necessarily a fool. If you do not hear, and pushed or pulled with thee, may have decided to not recognize you as his superior in the hierarchy of the herd (even while thinking about you as your partner!).

Whether male or female, a dog who always skips it is possible that it is displaying any of the behaviors of the dominant males. If you are suspecting that your dog jumping is actually an expression of domination, then it is likely you may need to work more intensively on its correction by applying tactics and techniques specific to the education of the dog. This only means that you will have to do more than simply ignore the dog to jump and to train sit and resolve to get your attention. For example, jets of water from a toy gun, tell strongly non- or even compel the dog pushing it or giving it a gentle tap with your knee on his chest until he interrupted this behavior of the dog. Don’t care them some dog owners when your dog jumps to greet them, since they greet it with a simple Hello. Although it may seem otherwise the last thing we want to do is to convince our pets that have no reason to be very happy to see us, or much less. But when the same dog jumps on others, as members of the family or friends, it can be difficult and even dangerous. A dog jumping on strangers is always a bad appearance.


The communication would have done for any average phone or instant messaging, according to sources close to the star of Disney, in latter-day Demi Lovato has been faced with many rumors over the internet. Johan Manuel Mendez with 18 years of age told the Conference pirar you Ethical, that attack made to Demi Lovato is antietico and is not based on the ethics of a hacker. According to sources close to Demi Lovato, Demi would have spoken with Johan Manuel Mendez El Hacker who said at a Conference that supports it, although it is not known yet if the communication was Telefonica. Or by some other means perhaps of video and instant messaging such as Skype. Information not confirmed by either of the two or some official media, but it is known that Demi has had to confront a series of rumors that have been generated, a few days ago said that he had a food problem, which was denied, the rumor that ran through the Twitter Social network. It also said that he had returned to studies recording, which turned out totally false, so representatives have had to leave to confront the rumors about the star of Disney. This Demi recording music, but has not yet returned to the set she began with the shooting of its programme when ready.

According to, Demi Lovato was spotted in the Hollywood Records recording studio only to find a plate of gold, award for his album. And not to resume his career, at the moment after leaving a rehabilitation centre for emotional and physical problems. Magazine Generaccion.

Argentinian Finance

Yesterday we remembered the seventh anniversary of the imposition of the financial corralito in Argentina, action taken by the then Minister of Economia Domingo Cavallo, in order to curb capital flight and the departure of deposits in the financial system. The establishment of the financial playard was the beginning of a succession of events that brought about the resignation of Fernando De la Rua as Argentine President (Cavallo was almost at the same time), and the end of convertibility. At that time, the Government’s chronic fiscal deficit and problems in the current account, coupled with the difficulties that the Government was to access to external financing, began to deteriorate the bases of the model, deterioration that was accelerating as it ran the 2001 and the financial system saw how deposits were fleeing without brake (and also the capital of the country). In the thinking of the Argentines, these facts seem they occurred long ago, but in reality not so long ago. It is that so many things have happened in the Middle, which is very It is difficult to think that the same could occur in a very short time. But in these moments, the memories of those events does not intend to stay in that single, but does reflect on the possibility of a crisis such as that experienced situation could occur in the current context.

It is that multiple factors, not less, that can generate a decisive negative impact to the Argentine economy into crisis there are. From the outside the crisis in international financial markets and the global economic recession, have impacted the Argentina through different channels. But for Argentina, the factors of greatest concern are internal in origin. The positive side of the current Argentine context are its twin surpluses: fiscal and external, although they are being seriously threatened, mainly the latter. If one wants to search for similar situations between what happened in the crisis of 2001 and the current economic scenario, we can mention the draining of deposits in the financial system observed in recent months and a trend toward dollarization of the assets by the savers.