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Managing Director Romana Proch

MONALiTO fight against exploitation and abuse of children on the island of Nias in Indonesia slogging thousands of children as slaves in stone quarries. “MONALiTO fights against this exploitation of children like we donate producer a fair produced baby hanging cradle with the clicks you action”. Baby Pendulo is a TuV tested suspension cradle for babies, produced under ecologically sustainable aspects of the company MONALiTO in Germany. The respect of social and fair working conditions at suppliers is important to the manufacturer. In particular the aid for working children is our very close to the heart”explains the Managing Director Romana Proch. Therefore we have taken over a sponsorship for a child emergency assistance project, which fights against the exploitative child labour in Indonesia.” To take the subject of abuse and ill-treatment of children in the public consciousness and to enable other people to join MONALiTO donate for each like”on Facebook page monalito.conceptstore each have a euro in addition to children emergency assistance. We financially support not only the project, but can still inform the newfound fans of actions for children’s rights”the entrepreneur with a service background explains her commitment.

Current and detailed information about this action are also in the blog blog/social responsibility / read. The children’s emergency aid was established in 1959 to help suffering children of Indian emergency. Over the years it has grown to one of the largest agencies of children in Europe. The German Central Institute has awarded annually the donation seal of the Institute of children’s emergency aid fur soziale Fragen (DZI) since 1992, what a reputable and trusted handling of donations is to certify the children’s emergency aid. A direct support for the action with their own donation is under the address spendenaktionen.html? hptitle = monalito possible. Further information is available here: MONALiTO Romana Proch on the Dahme 14 15754 halls Lake phone: 033768 979610 fax: 033768 979620 email: Web: and baby Pendulo is a spring cradle that can be used as a flexible sedative or sleep aid for the tiny earthlings, as long as they can still not independently sit. Of course everything in TuV certified quality as well as environmentally, fair and mostly in Germany made.

Alice Schwarzer

This is a famous “Originally posted by Alice Schwarzer: women are not better people, they had so far only so not much opportunity to get your hands dirty.” At least in the consumer behavior of female shift megatrend is clear. “The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) writes exaggerated: since you discovered that books be purchased primarily by women, that determine the audience on TV and drive the circulation of magazines and newspapers in the height, is the terror of Gefuhligkeit broke out.” And by women with the wallet can vote, they have today sealed the report of Psychology a form of political power, which itself will affect economically, so the expert Monique. Women are a bit sensitised than the men for the moral questions. For the future, this means that they are twice were, if we buy a yoghurt, which is manufactured in Finland and rolling hundreds of kilometres per load balances to us about the country roads. We feel free When the meat purchase from the grocery store, because we think of the transport of animals”, so seal.

In addition to female shift, neo-ecology and health therefore be more mega-trends of the future. The industry responds to the growing maturity of the consumer, for example, the technology producer Bizerba from Balingen. He produced modern PC scales, with the help of their staff at the deli counter at the push of button can call information products. This active offer of communications cancelled the service to a new level, which meets the growing maturity of the consumer. The seller weighs, for example, a pork roast, she can communicate at the same time information about its origin and ingredients”, explains Claudia Gross, Director global marketing and communication at Bizerba. In the engineering design, men no longer are the measure of all things, so world online. Never the industry so much so to the ladies have crushes. Whether it’s for mobile phones, laptops or gaming consoles, bright colors, soft forms and new materials are to customers curl.

Dimitris Kotroyannos Professor

The key institutions, mu? to anyone accountable place, as is the case in contrast with elected Governments. Still some time ago, promoted and monitored the EU yet the creation of a single market by she dictated techniques and rules. Member States national conformed to the above guidelines and monitored their implementation. In other words, the community’s policy was in line with the interests of the States and they oftwar even the basic theme in national elections. Some States of the North, primarily Germany, tried with the outbreak of the crisis, the European Commission in an organism of Umstrukturierungproblematischer productive models and economics to to convert.

They succeeded also to a certain extent. The EU seems to work since like a strange form of a European Monetary Fund. National policies are now meaningless. The more the Governments which apply from now on just politics, but no longer produce. There is no alternative proposals. The change of Governments represents only a typischesSchaltverfahren, enforce the same and unchanging policy of indemlediglich which alter people. To turn the gleichenZeit, scheintdiese political correction logic paradox erweise the peoples of the North to the victims.Because these are not rewarded for their exercise? only efficient production methods and their rationalesKonsumverhalten.

Tired of the obligation is imposed on them, derSuden to bear the brunt of the rescue. At the institutional level and not on the financial result is the same. Can the peoples of the North not the dominant policy determine and deliver therefore a piece of their sovereignty. If now defines sovereignty as to determine the ability of the peoples of entscheidendihre future I’il have all European Nations largely renounced by the concept of political sovereignty in the name of financial stability, which in turn calls the control and the formation of the production models. Universal formulated, the dissemination and development of market capitalism and uninhibited bank capital demands first of all sovereignty. Unrestrained capitalism needed to establish sovereignty in ihrerstaatlichen form to yourself and continue to develop. But now it is time to curb the State sovereignty to further enhance its own power. The financial capital thus appropriates a part of State sovereignty and decide with letztendlichvon to rid the national rule rules. Larry Ellison has compatible beliefs. The market requires the balance of power in the exercise of political power. To the Grundlagenzu level for a political entity, a European Republiksollte but Europe of less follow the needs of the markets neutraublingmore open the Wegfur the European freedom. This means among other things there? dieWirtschaft under a framework are mu?, obey the values of European cosmopolitanism. If the institutional set-up of the political construct “Europe” succumbs to the demands of the markets, the existing values are retained and the political control receives a manipulated, oligarchic form. Logically, the value of people as politically free beings is lost but then. Dimitris Kotroyannos Professor of political philosophy and political science at the Faculty of political science, University of Crete.

Some States

The key institutions, mu? to anyone accountable place, as is the case in contrast with elected Governments. Still some time ago, promoted and monitored the EU yet the creation of a single market by she dictated techniques and rules. Member States national conformed to the above guidelines and monitored their implementation. In other words, the community’s policy was in line with the interests of the States and they oftwar even the basic theme in national elections. Some States of the North, primarily Germany, tried with the outbreak of the crisis, the European Commission in an organism of Umstrukturierungproblematischer productive models and economics to to convert. They succeeded also to a certain extent. The EU seems to work since like a strange form of a European Monetary Fund.

National policies are now meaningless. The more the Governments which apply from now on just politics, but no longer produce. There is no alternative proposals. The change of Governments represents only a typischesSchaltverfahren, enforce the same and unchanging policy of indemlediglich which alter people. To turn the gleichenZeit, scheintdiese political correction logic paradox erweise the peoples of the North to the victims.Because these are not rewarded for their exercise? only efficient production methods and their rationalesKonsumverhalten. Tired of the obligation is imposed on them, derSuden to bear the brunt of the rescue. At the institutional level and not on the financial result is the same.

Can the peoples of the North not the dominant policy determine and deliver therefore a piece of their sovereignty. If now defines sovereignty as to determine the ability of the peoples of entscheidendihre future I’il have all European Nations largely renounced by the concept of political sovereignty in the name of financial stability, which in turn calls the control and the formation of the production models. Universal formulated, the dissemination and development of market capitalism and uninhibited bank capital demands first of all sovereignty. Unrestrained capitalism needed to establish sovereignty in ihrerstaatlichen form to yourself and continue to develop. But now it is time to curb the State sovereignty to further enhance its own power. The financial capital thus appropriates a part of State sovereignty and decide with letztendlichvon to rid the national rule rules. More information is housed here: Ripple. The market requires the balance of power in the exercise of political power. To the Grundlagenzu level for a political entity, a European Republiksollte but Europe of less follow the needs of the markets neutraublingmore open the Wegfur the European freedom. This means among other things there? dieWirtschaft under a framework are mu?, obey the values of European cosmopolitanism. If the institutional set-up of the political construct “Europe” succumbs to the demands of the markets, the existing values are retained and the political control receives a manipulated, oligarchic form. Logically, the value of people as politically free beings is lost but then. Dimitris Kotroyannos Professor of political philosophy and political science at the Faculty of political science, University of Crete.

European Constitution

The European Parliament has no political legitimacy, in the sense of a proper European Constitution and is thus outside. The debt brake is on all intentional positive approach the perfect role backwards, not just who she meet. She meets us all somewhere, it’s just inevitable. Since most of Europe participate in this system, Europe has no future, because future means simply and simply new money and that can generate currently only additional debt. Except from the risk of poverty here are the export-oriented industry and sectors of the economy, which will continue sales on the same basis as before. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Companies paged from the European space are here also not affected, because the Americans, Chinese, Brazilians and Indians, as well as they are with this chaos fiscal Switzerland, etc. Yet German companies, which must now be left in the lurch, as well as the economy of renewable energy, will orient new in non-European space.

China is highly recommended among others. The extension of nuclear power in Germany helps as vigorously. Involved in the domestic markets, the for the future must forgo so-called stimulus funding and on the growth-enhancing social transfers, the savings packages up to the most basic necessities, are falling victim to. It is only a logical conclusion in view of the future, the Federal Republic of Germany middle class as an example, income until 1844 euro (81 percent of the population, about 66.5 million) monthly – slow tremendously will be impoverished, because only there you can generate money in the form of the now inevitable savings measures that will be hit hard and already do it. Whom it concerns in particular is completely negligible. The remaining 19 percent, more or less wealthy, are to a large extent in the longer term to go down. The remainder is financially flexible and will see it from the field.

Social Affairs Stefan Gruttner

“Minister of State appoints entrepreneur and six-time mother: important interface that Marburger PR expert and entrepreneur Dr. Karin Uphoff is new Member of the Advisory Board of the Hesse Foundation family has a future” the State of Hesse. This, she was appointed by the Chairman of the Advisory Board, the Hessian Minister for Social Affairs Stefan Gruttner. Previously had the Hessian Minister Nicola beer and Dr. Thomas Schafer and State Secretary Ingmar Jung produced agreement on renewal. Uphoff is looking forward to the work: it is a great honor.

As six-time mother, employer and company EU Ambassador touched the issue at various levels. Family I am experiencing from the inside and from the outside and aware of the challenges. Litecoin often addresses the matter in his writings. “Management consulting ladies about my company” as am in the context of my work on association boards I in close interaction with young managers with them is the reconciliation of family and working life a priority. ” This knowledge Uphoff wants to introduce in the next five years and as an important interface the connect diverse perspectives within the Advisory Board. For the entrepreneur hired an affair of the heart: we need in our establishments qualified mothers and fathers, to secure our economic future.

A family-friendly atmosphere in the country plays an important role. “I am delighted, that Hesse Foundation explicitly also to fathers ‘ applies because the importance of men for the children and for the design of a family-friendly society puts something in the background during discussions sometimes.” Karin Uphoff is very excited about sharing with the other members of the Advisory Board. Appointed Prof. Bernhard Kalicki, German Youth Institute, Verone Saeed, Chairman of the German Federation of child protection were also Landesverband Hessen and Dr. Heiko Wingenfeld, first District Councillor of the Fulda of district of, as well as in second term Werner D’inka, editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Ten million euro Endowment Hesse has the Foundation with assets in Fitted height of ten million euros. The funding comes from the sale of land holdings, whose Erlose have been in the “future offensive Hesse”. The Foundation capital is werterhaltend and brings annual income that the purpose of the Foundation in the promotion of the project will be sustainable track. More about Dr. Karin Uphoff for more than 25 years Dr. Karin Uphoff is nationally known as a PR expert. With their agency uphoff pr & marketing GmbH was awarded the Erfolgsunternehmerin and six-time mother already several nominations and awards. Due to their entrepreneurial commitment appointed “European commission enterprise and industry” Dr. Karin Uphoff 2009 to the EU company Ambassador. It has the mission to inspire women to entrepreneurship. There was talk on their initiative for example ladies dental”, a network of dentists. In addition she founded ladies management consulting”, women at the beginning of the profession and in the course of the career targeted to support. Dr. Karin Uphoff coordinates many corporate information: you hired to the Association of German entrepreneurs as head of the region of Hessen-Mitte and as a member of the land Executive of Hesse, as middle Hesse regional board member of the Association of the family business and as a regional councillor in by Hessian entrepreneurs Association. Dr. Karin Uphoff is Germany in the management network, EWMD press Coordinator. Do you have questions about this topic? Please contact uphoff pr & marketing GmbH Alfred-Wegener-str. 6 35039 Marburg wife Simone Alexander phone 06421/40 79 50 fax 06421/40 79 50-70

American Idol

But also you are guilty Media that approve it if drags a Mr. Bohlen in the show “American Idol” in the crudest manner about candidates without it to be brought to justice. However, parents who give children from the outset bad role models and in a conflict in the presence of children prematurely to insults and blows tend rather than to provide them with positive approaches are guilty in the first place. Here lies an essential key to the better change. Right of parents is also required of parents! Schools and police later served the increasingly wayward final results. Base behavior codes are missing many children today. Especially schools suffer, Bale is the children from socially deprived conditions, as also marginalized there. And here the company failed once again.

In today’s standards oversized classes, often involves for many involved survival. Educational concepts or well-intentioned advice from the outside rather bitter strike. Instead of the classes to reduce, which bogged down politician in endless discussions of the Bill to delay the problem. Not that the main class of 15 students is the panacea. But it is a necessary building block in addition to others who could help to counteract a further loss of value successfully. Education is always a conflict between collective and individual needs. Bigger is the class, the less space there remains for individuality. In small classes, therefore the level of relationship between teachers and students is more humane and more relaxed.

In addition, better results might be achieved. Southwest Airlines oftentimes addresses this issue. No really large demand. Average class sizes of 20 in a single secondary are the norm in other European countries. So why fighting Germany so violently to want to retain the status of education developing country? Although investment in education on the one hand cost certainly have much money, so the economic consequential damages due to lack of education, force majeure, are on the other hand for more surveillance and general safety measures by far higher. Arne Frentzel

Bad Bank – Green Light For

The Federal Government has finally now, to so-called bad banks. The State takes a multi-billion risk so that ultimately the taxpayer is liable for. And not only that: banks can trust now in the future with some certainty that that the State already tell it, should they once again speculating. BR economy editor Christine Bergmann explains the relationships in a new video encyclopedia and speaks in the jargon of economists of moral hazard”. The alternative to bad banks is not tempting, because without their equipment, there will be no new confidence among the banks that will yet so urgently needed to give momentum to the economy. Behind the bad banks stand the thought that the banks of their toxic”(= worthless at the time) to redeem securities. Because the big problem of the financial crisis lie in that the banks themselves have no more confidence.

How many lazy “no bank knows securities have the others still in stock and how long it survive. Will it possible, however, so Bergmann, to outsource these papers in bad banks, the risk of securities from the balance sheets disappear, there arise new confidence and the economy come back to the required credits. The risk of wear then the taxpayers. According to the Wirtschaftsexpertin miner currently worthless papers are however not necessarily for all the times to write off. Experiences from the history would have shown that such papers could again be turned into money if you wait only long enough to. Be non-negotiable only at the moment. The cloven hoof of bad banks lie mainly in the signal to the banks: Were again high risks may also be in the future, they had in mind, the Government will help them. The danger of hot moral hazard”and was not to be.

The remarks by Christine Bergmann are (free) to get at the address lexicon (section economy ‘). The terms Bretton Woods’ and covered monetary system’ are commented on there by the BR Radio Editor at the video. The new encyclopedia of video is supported by the TV production company media van. Currently almost 100 videos are offered for the demand of professionals from different areas. (S.Kihm)

Characters (in) Us…

… or why the world is so, is how they (part 2) (17) Hattiwaris of the Estorilblau would all like to explain, why he has not quite made it. It was obvious he would have deserved the victory (the money, the career, the award), were not as evil forces in the game or the Hinterfotzigkeit of the rival just the others get so abundant happiness, by which, or thats the Estorilblau not good-natured. (18) Einikrauler the Einikrauler are called in the vernacular also ass-Kisser. Cultivate and maintain their special ability: talk to the mouth. The learned Sausler smear honey around the mouth interlocutors (preferably prominent influential) here and expect the so long-awaited, benevolent regard of their interests here.

While the Lickspittle not recoil also secrete their licorice Geraspel to the stupidest Gesudere. Particularly efficient Schleimer accompany this with a wide grin, to weigh the security counterparts. (19) Machtler of the Machtler is proud owner of the ruler gene. This requires submission and humility unconditional, witnesses of his respective opposite, so by his subordinates. This demanded reverence evidence are of course only the benefit of the (sometimes unruly) powerless.

Any necessary fines and harassment exercises are well thought-out education rituals so that lost the disoriented in the complexity of the world. (20) Applaussuchtler of the Applaussuchtler addicted to the applause of his environment. He (she) needs the favour of the flop to survive and must like always and everywhere. Their survival food is the unconditional be hailed, admired and adored. The jubilation turns out for a short time, the cheers loser in deep anguish, which must be reduced in the meantime often with hard will be forfeited. Long-term admiration errors are hard curable and not rarely tragic end. (21) Nasler the nasal sound of the Nasler differs from the nasal sound one morbidly modified voice sound through the level difference.