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Fidelity Pores

One will cut access, closing doors and leaving time to close them or at least hide them after polvosos and annexed bricks years. Suddenly on a lonely afternoon one looks well and beyond the cloudy gray of the oxide emotional and see those doors, maybe just one, maybe not, but that Yes, discover a makes the file deleted in memory to remember suddenly other doors, all the wings tied together, all opportunities momificadas, petrified behind stones of denial. One believes that you have to find tools to discover that door, shovels and peaks shall be the minimum necessary to rescue the asphyxiated wood, the corroded postigo. Not so, just stop with the sensitivity of a MIME and chest discovered against those careless debris to see how are transformed, as the colour of the wood can be seen slowly, as it corroded recalls its brightness but while this occurs your chest hurts, knees tremble, the voice comes out as scream drowned with tears of loss. I don’t remember with Fidelity the moment at which my heart began to put an expiry date to my deepest emotions. I have not clear the reason for the decision to leave of atesorara everything that felt, everything by my chest radioed and me entibiaba.

I have not clear none of this, however in the humidity in my eyes that suddenly increases, in the pores of my arms and extension of my long toes, on the surface of the palms of my hands, full of stories of past and future which I don’t see, I feel like sprouts with the violence of water breaking the damas the stalemate after minutes it is surface, which with fury of life breathes with nariz-boca – pores all air that touches him and opens his eyes in the explosion. Like this. Thus the claim comes to me. From inside out, as a requirement of artist who does not take the pen because he is afraid, full of ardor, urgency, craving, thirst for days requirement. So I want to hug you.

So I realize now how can I return to feel love for anyone and not hide the sparkle in my eyes, so also I remember well the recent, full, smile that I rediscovered leaving me to feel all this, giving me within seconds of life which is only passing time, sunrises without gratitude, sunsets without landscape without the beat of my heart. Yes, I admit today that Miss over Popocatepetl and the Iztacihuatl, I never cried them with this authenticity and despair locked up in buildings that are not mine, no longer. That Sun not just here even if the sky is closer, more quietly, more intense blue, lack the frame of the photo, the dessert of the perfect meal, the delight of strolling in the streets feeling safe. I miss you. Life of poems on paper, or poems on the skin the first life fly, the second vibrates, fearlessness, wings to fly is required to be able to record in the pores and sensitive eyes, lips ready and look to the horizon. I rediscovered people rediscovered what I want. V. original author and source of the article.

Literature Folkloric

ORALITY and folk and POPULAR literature – Both the written word and the spoken word, means that the man used for communication were, from all time, elements of which he used to convey realities themselves and everything around him. The throaty demonstration first, and ideographic writing later, before reaching the conventional signs of writing that we know today, was the demonstration that we find so much in America, Europe and Asia mostly – and talks about the need of man leave settled those realities, realities that still today allow us to continue to analyse them, to know their customs and events for those who have gone through, and how those habits were changing. Those figures were the first deed of man, as well as those guttural sounds, his first speech. They were first isolated figures and then sequential figures. When there was that transformation allowed us parent drawings, relate these experiences and have a clearer picture of its fauna, its power and its territorial defenses. Even today are still finding, in different parts of the world, caves with references to those moments.

It was a form of transmission similar to the story, since the study them with the developments that we have today – has resulted in a more understandable branchings. Also spoken transmission was undergoing changes and so we come to a more widespread understanding, from there we will discuss AEDAS of ancient Greece who, through songs or recitations, said his epic poems. These poems have its antecedent in the epic. They were stories of extraordinary facts that enhanced the people. In Western culture born with Homero IX b.c., with the Iliad and the Odyssey, where involved gods and demigods influencing worldly events. Also the MINSTRELS entertained people for gifts – and monarchs and Lords with power. As adopted also by women (the juglaresas). In the middle ages appear the MESTER (trade or art) and we have the CLERGY since they were clerics and the learned that began as a literary genre and JUGLARiA, cultivated by minstrels, which could be sung.


Sweating in the armpits is a pretty nasty problem, especially by the bad smell that is generated to accumulate on the skin, favouring the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Fortunately there are several home remedies to combat sweat in the armpits, they are easy to get and simple to use. Here are some examples:-thoroughly wash the armpits, with vegetable sponge, SOAP and water. This way you eliminate the bacteria that have grown on the skin through sweating. -Boric acid washes are also efficient to prevent sweat. -Then dry the area well, you can apply talcum powder or baking soda, that work very well to decrease the amount of sweating in the armpits and to keep skin dry, avoiding the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. If get perfumed talc, better still.

-Another of the home remedies for sweating is to make a solution with two parts vinegar to one part of alcohol, and then apply this solution on the armpits with cotton. -It is said that the application of lemon juice directly on the armpit helps decrease the amount of sweat and also has a deodorizing effect. -Frequently wash your underarms, and reapplying talcum powder or baking soda, several times a day, to avoid the accumulation of sweat. The advantage that have these home remedies for sweating in the armpits about antiperspirants, is that they do not clog at all the pore of the gland, then allow the body excrete sweat and thus eliminate the toxins. If either is not scientifically proven, some studies have found a correlation between the use of antiperspirants and the risk of developing breast cancer. Using these home remedies you evitarias that risk. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to eliminate your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweat. Original author and source of the article.

Alan Gabriel Garcia Perez

When we mentioned that justice is vesanica and prevaricadora, are in the most fair and descriptive of what is happening in this power of the State. We can not remove him less, but if increasing much more, for the dimension that is it seems a Kafka tale. It is unlikely as the right is used for twisting it and accommodate the interests individuals who flaunt and lie in the handling in the Poder.Algunos pretend to believe that we are justifying actions in Andahuaylas, which is not true. What we are questioning is the use of power to torment you with who rose eventually to draw attention in as the State of things is still living in this republiqueta or narcorepubliqueta. We were not wrong to speak of narcorepubliqueta. Because all is torn garments by what happened with the former employee of Nancy Obregon, which was found with several kilos of drugs. APRA does not realize that they hide their relations with four keys more high with the main areas of drug trafficking.

So far they have quiet inquiries to the family Sanchez Paredes, that in less than five years in 1985 grew rapidly to become the more great potentates and possess thousands of companies, only to leave if a few poor employed in farms of the arredantarios of Tulpo in Mollebamba finances in the Department’s freedom. The growth has been so dizzying to anyone in the world with as precise fate exists. There is no such probability, gives that only drug trafficking and APRA has contributed so they have that luck.The second thing in this intricately that the judiciary has contributed to her stench to reach huge dimensions was the prescription of the crimes against humanity that Alan Gabriel Garcia Perez committed in the 1980s with the death of more than 300 murdered by orders yours. It is now currently the contribution of Beatriz Merino, the defender of the people, to the cover-up of the genocide of the brothers Awajun and wampis in the curve of the devil, but what has filled the cake with cherry is the judgment of Antauro Humala by a venal Court and prevaricador that had been submitted to the slogans of the political power.

Accidents Aereos

visit a large percentage of aviation accidents occur during landing is one of the critical phases of the flight.At that time by different factors such as little-known airfield, not reliable navigational aids, communications congestion, scarce fuel, fatigue, distraction, nearby obstacles, poor visibility, the final approach can become a complicated problem and end up in accident. If we add a lost speed, the origin becomes a made safe. During the final approach, the speed of the plane should keep within tight margins, since if it is greater than required we run the risk of missing us track; If it is a minor, to loss of speed at low altitude.On the loss of speed, there are many points of view, is difficult to find two pilots who think the same of this theme, in addition it is not something that happens frequently. In times past when all instruction was given with the aircraft, the practice of what he called approximation to the loss was in flight and with high enough to recover the aircraft safely; Today almost ad the practice is done with simulators that have the same behavior of the aircraft in maneuvering. If you are unable to recover the Simulator, in a loss of speed at low altitude manoeuvre, the only thing injured is our pride, we will repeat the manoeuvre until it comes out well, let us be efficient in solving the problem and we are trained to deal with it when it arises. The practice on the plane was very good to have a good idea of wing amount of height that is lost in a recovery after the loss of speed.There is a marked difference between the loss of speed of a conventional aircraft and a reactor. An airplane propeller of slow entering lost only need to lower the nose and they stay level wings, to exit this abnormal condition, if the height is sufficient, we can return to a safe flight.

Martin Redrado

This situation not only frightened international investors, who were the first undo their positions in the country, but also to the small local savers. So that international investors have been fleeing the country, while the local savers, with very fresh memories of the last crisis, they sought refuge in the US currency very even though the combination of almost pegging with weight and a greater than 20% inflation rate is generating them a negative performance. And here comes the issue of international reserves of the BCRA and why my response to this friend of mine. While many market analysts criticized harshly the BCRA by its policy of reserve accumulation, the owner, Martin Redrado, justified this objective in the need for a phrase that he repeated until when he talked about sleeping with an anti-crisis fund, in the absence of an international lender. Logically that argument wasn’t very valid for the market in a context where the main concern of Argentines was the inflationary issue, at the time that it was almost an international crisis of this magnitude.

But since the beginning of 2007 with the turbulence in the Chinese stock market, the market has been tested to the Argentina. And the country has been able to overcome without greater difficulties each test that has had to face. The BCRA is resisting the onslaught of the market. This has had to resign part of reservations (more than US $1.5 billion in recent weeks). I have no doubt that the Monetary Authority will be able to pass this test without drawbacks. Firepower has (slightly less than $49,000 million).

But further than that there is a threat in the short term, this situation should call the reflection to the Government. If not for the level of reserves that owns the BCRA, the situation today would be totally different. Perhaps, before a strong increase of the exchange rate of the dollar, the financial system would have received an attack that would have taken him to the brink of collapse. We must not forget that the common people still keeps the fears of the 2001.Lo that is occurring in the system financial market and Argentine exchange rate are warning signs does the Government will be observing them?

Are Still Not Making Money Online

He was right to ask me such question some time ago. Why I’m not winning money in the network? The more I thought about it, more whites came the answers. If you’re still not winning the money you want on the network read on and you will find some useful ideas, product of my own experience. What I am about to say applies equally to small businesses, home based businesses and internet marketeros. The funny thing is that I knew I had to do to earn money on the internet. However it was not doing it! He continued sailing hypnotized around various sites looking for the magic formula that would put money in my account Bank automatically without having to do anything.

How is that it maintained the attitude of avoiding the different steps or actions that would generate money in my business online it? Is it that I wanted my business failure? Do I wanted I failing on the internet? No, no, no! But I kept so comfortably distracted with the latest and wonderful shapes make money on the net that wasted my time reviewing them over and over again instead of building my own business. I only tonteaba with the idea that having links to various products and services on my website would gain money. The first fundamental principle of making money on the net is: not there are traffic not there are profits. Having a web page does not mean that the world take a step to knock on your door. To resolve this, I sent my pages to search engines. For some time, when any of my pages could be in the top ten of search with a keyword, I did some extra traffic. Once he lost this position, traffic ceased. Then I tried to forward this page to retrieve my position among the ten more were found but it was in vain.

The 23 Beaches Of Acapulco I

The Pacific coast of the most visited by domestic and foreign tourists is Acapulco, port located 411 km south of the city of Mexico, which offers its visitors a wide variety of hotels in Acapulco, which allows its visitors to find rates that fit your budget. Throughout its large tourist areas known as: traditional Acapulco, Acapulco gold and Acapulco Diamante, are deployed 23 clowns whose names correspond to historical facts, habits, or simply natural circumstances. Here we present the first part of the list of all beaches which form part of the most famous Bay of Guerrero and how to access them. Old bar. Deviation to the right by the Blvd. of the Nations, before arriving at the airport. Fish carving and boat tours by the laguna de Tres Palos Caleta and Caletilla is highly recommended.

AV. Costera Miguel Aleman and Adolfo Lopez Mateos, opposite the island of Roqueta. The traditional meal is made from fresh seafood. Countess. AV.

Costera Miguel Aleman, located in the Center of the Bay, the heart of the Golden zone. Several restaurants and bars are located on this beach. The secret. Beach belonging to the Hotel Park Royal Acapulco Playa Guitarron, Guitarron. It belongs to the fractionation beaches Guitarron located south of the Naval Base. Honda. Coastal AV. Miguel Aleman and Manzanillo. Typical fresh seafood Hornitos posts are on this beach. In front of the Las Hamacas hotel, is the main workplace of local fishermen ovens. Located Northwest of Acapulco Bay, with a swell that ranges from mild to moderate. Icacos. At the extreme East of the Av. Costera Miguel Aleman, the Icacos Beach extends from the El Presidente hotel to the Hyatt hotel. La Roqueta island. It is located 1 km. South of the beaches Caleta and Caletilla, and reach her by traditional travel by boat from glass bottom that allow you to see the great variety of marine species and the submerged image of the Virgin of the seas. The narrow. Coastal AV. Miguel Aleman y Lopez Mateos. Is enabled with typical posts of fresh seafood and area of parking. Majahua. Blvd. of the Nations, is a beach of calm waters. Manzanillo. AV. Costera Miguel Aleman and Manzanillo original author and source of the article.

United States

In the U.S. elections it usually always be cause for debate to ensure that such power in front to its external dangers. Republicans tend to want to hunt votes by proposing more harshly to such threats. Bush pulled out before points proposing be that more could face to Osama and Saddam. For the presidential elections of November 4 McCain began to recover offering as the expert military able to rein in Russia, while Putin denouncing the Republicans of having provoked the Georgian incursion into Ossetia for electoral purposes. Today the recent expulsion of ambassadors of the United States of Venezuela and Bolivia is used by McCain to denounce Obama for having proposed dialogue with Chavez, who wanted to present as a dictator and terrorist pro. His vice Palin poses to avoid buying oil to Caracas should be drilled in the natural reserves of Alaska. Obama, for his part, proposes that a new international image is required to confront these dangers, which have grown thanks to hawks in Bush.


Products that rests in a good quality. It considers the Chair, which is necessary to link over to the professionals of the company through new values that guarantee satisfaction to consumers within a culture of market that prevents them to increase a consumerism which is often detrimental to keep in mind which indicates Jarrin on the fact, that industrial development has brought countless economic benefits, but has not been able to comply with the role of development and growth of the members of the companies and therefore of the society. Competitive pressures and the vision of the worker as one resource, in addition limited, have affected the motivation and identification of people, taking in the majority of cases workers rented or buy-mentidos, but not yet committed, because it has not been able to invite to the hearts of the people to the place of work. The most visible results in this sense are: high turnover of staff, internal demoralization, loss of productivity and competitiveness, little creativity and the formation of an environment that discourages or valued human development. In the social, stress, ambition and a competition for survival which does not allow nor promotes higher levels of human development, with high social costs, which spiral, then hit and back to companies and societies. Professor estimated the importance of providing professionals comprising it, identify with the ethics, morality, human talent, cohesion of teams, commitment, spirit of belonging, responsibility and needs of achievement, performance, creativity, use suitable potential that all we have, for it provides them the content and use of the main tools for personal growth that allows you to generate the necessary transformationson pro give step to values that benefit all. Management by values implies: generate greater internal cohesion where the commitment is to factor fundamental.

Generate a better external image, thanks to the relationships based on confidence in the long term facilitate the transition between generations of command since ways to act and progress are shared. Increase ethics at all levels of the company reducing losses dishonest acts, theft or fraud. To facilitate the selection of staff, thanks to previously defined profiles. Develop a chain of reliable leadership and committed to the philosophy of the conclusions Venezuela company our interest, debate at the present in a turbulent scenario thanks to political instability and many effects that has generated the current Bolivarian revolutionary Government, which is committed to instituting a new socialism according to the characteristics of modern times. All this has given rise to the Venezuelan business sector currently addresses a serious crisis in its operation, productivity, until the end, that many companies have withdrawn, closed.

All this has also brought as a consequence that is serious changes in the management of its operating capacity makers to express and manifest a new leadership who knows how to function within a management of values that allow, adopt a management philosophy, moral and business consistent with any clearly defined line of thought. Be present, seeking management, members of the business organization to commit themselves and act in a coordinated and coherent manner with respect to the business philosophy. Remember what brings us, that a management based on value, constitutes the most powerful tool that has a company to measure and identify the sources of his generation within the company, as it allows the union between financial decisions and strategies of the company long-term.