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Joan Ramon Vilamajo

This is the new American dream, a life above the real possibilities. Consumption has mediated the majority of the human relations. Suffice it to reflect on how the good habit of giving a present has become the most common way of showing affection towards another person and as always have to count on the economic impact that presupposes. Something will be the etymological coincidence leads us to think that the best present is none other than the present itself. The greatest benefits have always been the main goal of the companies but now, away from the paternalistic attitudes of Fordism, cost reduction policies are specially baited with labor. If someone is not already profitable is replaced without more punches. Cases like Joan Ramon Vilamajo, a Barcelona employee of 45 years, Lico operator of Banca-Seguros was sacked by the insurer ten days after is culled from lung cancer, are a clear example of the fragility and insecurity that face every day the workers of the company of the 21st century.

As if was a reissue of the film modern times, in which Charles Chaplin recounted the desperate conditions of employment which the working class had to endure during the era of the great depression of 1929, the gears of large multinationals, with subsidiaries scattered around the globe, have dehumanized a production process in which people are only one resource more, dispensable if the accounts of the company so require. Convulsed and changing system in which are inserted has been stripping them of their rights to convert them into simple automatons that run the same task over and over again. In the factories of today there is no time nor place for human imperfections. A possible solution would be to put the company and the worker on the same side of the scale to overcome the uncertainty. Finally, after employers, like us, also have soul.

Fifth Part

The other day listening to David Icke I checked something that had escaped to the hands in his talk and I chose to write down it. This small cluelessness was when he commented that the famous elite was composed of very few human beings who wished to Gaia control before a humanity that was immensely greater number of people. That is true. Visit website might disagree with that approach. But, anyone has raised is that only a few few cannot assemble the guirigay running against humanity?. The truth is that if we look at it from a pragmatic perspective and practice and executing, a few may not capture all a Machiavellian plan that affects all countries of the world. You need allies, armies and much unconsciousness, especially the latter. But what I wish to inform you with this momentous and important question is, you go beyond your ordinary mind and reflexioneis about who planned so fast and so coordinated and well structured covenants to be executed from all corners of the world. Think more is needed a plan regular and human to run everything that is running synchronously and appropriated.

50 human Illuminati can not invent or plan an overall implementation against human development and evolution. We need a broader global perspective and much more known than usual is needed stellar and original knowledge to manipulate someone (in this case humans) and submit it to a will that has previously made a profound and exhaustive study of the especie(osea, nosotros). In reality, strongly working from other dimensions less subtle and more dense. In this case, the reptilians are those who planned and give orders lethal and dictatorial to those wishing a more upward position and their plans are executed by the elite and their armies sleeping almost effortlessly, due to holographic manipulation and VIBRATIONAL quantum field which surrounds them or surrounds us. This idea is that truly can be scary at first.

The Muscles

Best exercise of abdominal no.2: grilled grilled seems easy when they tell us that all we have to do is to stay quiet. So until we tried it! The iron is an exercise truly effective for the abdominal muscles. Do it so: lay you on the floor face down and tries to keep up supporting you on your elbows and forearms and with the tips of the toes. Make sure that your body is straight, not arched upwards or downwards. Look at yourself in a mirror or ask someone to tell you. You contract your abdominal muscles and breathe normally. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat 3-5 times. Best exercise of abdominal no.3: pedaling the bicycle is a great exercise for the waist.

It is preferable to the lateral flexion because the risk of neck or back injury is much smaller. Goodbye wheels! Sit upright and interlace your fingers behind your head. Start bringing your knees toward your chest and slightly raising shoulders off the floor. First, he stretched his right leg and takes your left elbow toward your left knee. Full motion in reverse, returning the leg on his chest and pulling the upper part of your body. Repeat with the other leg.

You feel how you can burn calories! While you’re doing these exercises focus on keeping your belly upright and in place. Especially in women who have had children, this will prevent any cracks in the straight major abdominal is made larger. Tips for getting good results with these abdominal exercises: always keep your tucked belly while you do the exercises. To practice how to keep tucked belly stand with your back straight and lift the lower abdomen to place the navel up and inward. Maintain tight belly will help you to avoid depletion or damage in the muscles. He worked first in your overall strength, especially if you just have a baby. The iron can be a good starting point. It always performs exercises in a slow and controlled manner for best results. You focus on your position while you are doing the exercises keep your back straight, shoulders back and neck aligned with your back.


In many of them the decision has been to meet Saturday coming to continue debating and exercising democracy direct and consensual in the plazas of the neighborhoods again. In most of the neighborhoods has become a calls for solidarity with the rest of camping in the Spanish State and around the world, especially with Barcelona after the attempted eviction which was conducted by the Ministry of Interior of the Generalitat catalana. Assembly of midday the spokesmen of the 144 assemblies of the 15-M Movement held these last days in the neighborhoods and towns of Madrid were discussed at noon if they continued with the protest in the Puerta del Sol, as well as exposing the agreements reached with the neighbors who have participated in this initiative. The speaking time of each spokesperson has decided by lot and each has two minutes to inform of the agreements reached, and in case of exceeding the set time, the participants begin to rolar arms to prevent that continue talking. The first to speak was the representative of the Madrid town of Aldea del Fresno, a woman who has begun his speech very excited and said that this is a dream that is becoming reality, but at no time did mention whether supporting keep or not protest at Sun. As explained above, some seventy people, which, among other matters, have agreed to the abolition of the monarchy and the Senate, the non-participation of Spain in actions of force or NATO, and the right of the people to withdraw to the Councillors who do not properly fulfill their work have participated in the Assembly of his people. This Assembly, has announced his spokesman, will meet next June 11, while others will make day 4 and others each week. During the celebration of the Assembly in the Puerta del Sol, which started at 1220 hours, and that he was attended by two interpreters of the language of deaf, people remained seated on the floor, though he opened a few aisles to allow passing bystanders. Source of the news: consensus on Sun: the camp remain, although you need to know how to When

Ancient Greeks

History cease, nothing serious, even when matter and us men were physically. Nothing serious, the self is spiritual when it has movement, without, is only matter, because feelings are moved, the brain moves, reality is real by the movement without this everything ceases to be. Does that not move? In fact everything moves in the universe all young people this is my thinking, I do not believe, you reflect this matter.!! And they do not create everything you tell them. I advise you not to mix the metaphysics, esotericism. It has nothing to do one with the other. For my esotericism is the most ridiculous there, more science and metaphysics investigate causes.

9 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo the issue that we are dealing with in this Treaty, falls on the relationship which has theoretical physics and philosophy. In scientific philosophy we can tackle physics from several points of view. The question is is do you understand by? Physics? as well, after several reflections produce a concept of physics that I think should be taken into account. I think physics is the result of mathematics subordinate to the knowledge of the scientific causes discovered by materialist philosophy. Which represents a reality evident if the argument is scanned in its entirety. For our friend Aristotle physics represents a certain number of beings science, which deals with the substance that possesses in itself the principle of movement and rest.

In philosophy, it is necessary to clarify the concepts that have some darkness, in order to reach clear and obvious truths that are necessary foundations. Ancient Greeks made beautiful contribution to societies, which we have looked through our philosophical enquiry. Us suddenly we can hear a rebuke, which tells us eloquently that very lightly we talk advantageously Greeks of antiquity. This opinion will be received with kindness in order to not enter a the dispute too profound and eloquent. But I am not the first nor the last to express the greatness of the Greek people. I consider convenient to listen to men who tried to better these matters and not like us that we handle them in an ignorant way. Charles Louis de Secondat in the spirit of the laws tells us: 10 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo Anaximenes said that the principle is the infinite air. From things which generated Act them, passes, and future ones, the gods and divine things, and that other things occur from that.(DK 13 to 7: Hipolito ref. 1, 7) In their cosmology Anaximenes says that the Earth is flat and rides on air, similarly to the Sun. The Moon and the other igneous stars ride in the air because they are also flat. This idea is a little naive nothing similar to the brilliant idea of the astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, that researchers and historians expose us high abstraction of this great thinker, they say: original author and source of the article.

Andrew Corentt

A new year is about to begin and it is time that decides that it is what you want to make your life in the future. It is time to create what you want for you and yours. You must decide that you want to have in the future. Your life will be what you decide. If you want to enjoy abundance, wealth, happiness, of success, of good relations, then you must create a subconscious mindset that allows you to enjoy what you want.

In his book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt said that each thing that you perceive in the universe is an external manifestation of something that you have in your interior. If you have a mansion, this is sample of its wealth in that aspect value, tells us. If you have fine relations and is tenderly loved by a noble heart, it is also manifestation of something that you have in your interior. As each thing is a reflection of what you have inside, then to enjoy something in your life, you only must build up inside what you want to experience in your life. If you want to experience richness in abundance, then you must build up inside the image of what you want promptly and this will manifest itself in your life. If you want to find a job where you feel satisfied and earn enough and more, achieve financial freedom, experiencing a huge happiness and great success in your life, you must create all that by yourself. All what you want can have it, but not appear from nowhere, you should learn to create it and then use time and minimal effort to create it. If you believe it, then you’ll enjoy it, no matter what, regardless of whether it’s something big or huge.

You will need it. Everything is created in the mind and you have all the power to create it. But creation is a process and you must apply this process to create what you want. When you begin to apply the secrets and tools featured in I’m happy, I’m rich, you start to create what you want, then your life is filled with beautiful and pleasurable things, but the best thing is that you yourself will feel powerful and able to create anything they want in their life. Nothing will appear from nowhere. You must create what you want. With the techniques and the knowledge suitable, you will create this easy, fast and honest.

South Atlantic

This coincided the Uruguayan President, Tabare Vasquez, who said it would be a real conquest that the Summit approve the creation of mechanisms that allow the realization of integration of both regions. Oracle usually is spot on. Excuses there can be to not try to reverse this situation that has been slow the process of integration of South America and Africa, said Vasquez. The President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, also called effective instruments that can unite the economies of the two regions and pass the unionist rhetoric to effectiveness. The President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, he advocated the establishment of a fixed, permanent workgroup which determine, to address and advance on certain topics that you enable both regions reach the next Summit with extraordinary results. The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, called for an urgent reform of the international system where emerging countries have a greater representativeness. The Libyan leader, Muammar Gadafi, even proposed the creation of a NATO of the South Atlantic, which he called they dare, and that, he explained, would have aimed at the defence of the interests of the region against the attitude of the countries of the North have all privileges and us have tried relentlessly. The Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa, stressed that progress in the integration of African and South American countries will mean an important step towards (establishing) a new international order.

Climatic problems as the international economic crisis and change should be strongly confronted by South America and Africa, whose 66 countries represent nearly 30 percent of the votes at United Nations. The two regions have to articulate common positions in international bodies to make their voice heard in vital issues as reforming a tremendously unjust global financial architecture and combating hunger in the world. The next ASA Summit III will take place in 2011 in Libya, according to the leaders meeting in Margarita Island, announced the own Chavez.otro match point among the leaders attending the meeting was the need to reform the current international order both politically and commercial. In the final Declaration of the Summit ASA countries undertook to promote South-South cooperation and expressed its full support for the reform of the Security Council of the UN, among other points collected in the extensive document, 95 points and more than 30 pages. Original author and source of the article.


If the dollar goes up, the Government is concerned. If low the dollar, also. Then what you want to the Government, a dollar high or low? No doubt, as I said in a recent article, the Government wants a dollar to $4 by the end of the year. With that level you can keep the real end of 2008 exchange rate. The competitive improvement exist, will be minimal. The Government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who is in full campaign seeking the popular vote which ratifies the power the next June 28, has to listen to the popular vote of the Argentine ahorrista that is making his discomfort with the current economic situation and economic policy is carried out. Argentine ahorrista expressed his fear about the situation of the Argentine economy by modifying the composition of your investment portfolio, fleeing towards the dollar.

Product largely of this behavior of the small ahorrista, is that the Argentina’s financial system, slowly, but surely, it is dolarizando. Fixed in dollar terms grew by 30% in the last twelve months (and 15.9% in the first three months of the year only). Fixed term deposits are currently located on US $5,500 million and 86% of them are deposits (of less than US $1 million) retail. The dollarization of deposits of the private sector is evident. To February 3, deposits private in pesos of the banking sector accumulated a rise in the year of 0.4% versus 15.9% of deposits in dollars already commented increase (increase amounting to 22.3 per cent when it valued in local currency). Earlier this year, the dollar deposits accounted for 16.6% of total private deposits. They currently represent 19.5%. This increase of deposits in dollars while increasing the currency mismatch in the system, it is low in percentage terms (total deposits in dollars from the private sector amounted to US $9.141 billion, while the private dollar loans amount to $5.997 billion).

William Holmes

This is at least what we think likely, and what is more than agree with the facts. If the Chibchas, the Talamanca, Chiriquies and Guaymies had a same source, the first did not communicate with the last three, and art took different path between these two major divisions of the family, in the long centuries which elapsed since their separation. Jewelry and figures of gold, ceramic pieces, the grinding stones and hewed stones of Chiriqui are so similar to Talamanca in its form and its decorations, which seem to be made by the same people. Not the same is true if these objects are compared with the works of art of the Chibchas, because the difference is very large in all senses. To persuade it just collate the figures in this book that brings excellent monograph written in English by William Holmes: Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui. The only similarity we have found is that the Dorasques or Chiriquies put, such as the Chibchas, ears are spiral-shaped small figures of gold and copper which poured.

How to do the burials, as well as the ideas of immortality which reveals the contents of the guacas, find great similarity between them and other States and tribes. We would like to extend the comparison to religion and customs, but unfortunately it is very little that is known of the Talamanca, Dorasques and Guaymies. It seems evident that the tribes that were part of these peoples resembled the Chibchas were not antropofagas; the chieftains had in some cases many women, and the first with whom she married was a favorite; they were celebrating the marriage without ceremonies and bought the woman; and in others they were slaughtered prisoners of war, or reduced to slavery to bury them later with their owners. CHIBCHA language SINSIGA pcua cuhua eye upcua uba ear cuhuca ear cucaja cuhuca chie cucayucara tabs upcuaga ubanaba elbow cuica chispcua corn aba eba stone hica ahaca Hat pcuapcua ocuara CHIBCHA ARUACO CHIMILA ears cuhuca kuhcua kuusaka language pcua kuca kua foot quihicha ksa Sun sua yuia House gue chia Moon hui tii tii fire gata gue head sysqui zankalla eye upcua uba mouth quyhyca kokka kookua hand yta atta-kra aattakra one ata kuti kuti two bosa moga three mica maigua muuhua four muyhica murieie murieie CHIBCHA TALAMANCA GUAYMI head sysquy dzekung thokua ear cuhuca kuku language pcua ku breasts chue tsu Noddle mue mowo foot quihicha ketscha bird sue du fish gua gua Ant ize tsa corn aba ep stone hica hak water sie di chi Sun chui sua House gue hu xu comb cuza kasch one ata et ti two bosa bu bu three mica mine mai CHIBCHA CHUMULU GUALACA CHANGUINA language pcua kuba kuba ear cuhuca kuga kuga head duku du sysquy eye upcua oko kusoko uku nose takes neko negu oakai teeth sica his his blood Jba Han Han bird sue dul crab supcua subak suara River xie, sie if ci water SAR ji, if you ji stone hica hak aga do House gue hu hu xu corn aba habu abu hau original author and source of the article.


Magnetic phrases. One of them is the double order. Increase the volume on the radio and listen to me carefully you know it or not, I just use a persuasive key that has forced you to follow my orders. But if you required: get up in an authoritarian way probably you negarias or me preguntarias why. It is natural to resist a direct order, people normally dislikes someone authoritarian. Following the same reasoning, if you asked: what is your name, you would feel uncomfortable doing so. After all, why become voluntarily in the center of attention? So, as surprising as it seems, when I combine this double order get up and tell us what your name, I am absolutely sure that I obey. Why? and how can I be so convinced of that will do it? You see, this technique is based on a simple pattern: order and order.

The word and joins the first order with the second: the listener receives lots of information suddenly, you don’t know what order to resist and then accepts the two. Just when he is about to resist the first, receives the second and generates less effort obey two orders which oppose either. Of course, the listener processes quickly this pattern of thinking unconsciously. In doing so, does not feel manipulated; to the contrary, believes that it has done well by deciding to follow orders. Additional information is available at Cloud Computing. You can now start using the dual order in various situations: in your House: opens the fridge and fill the jug with water. Go to the room and look for phone. Office: call me at three o’clock and tell me that the customer told you.

Visit Customer X. and let know me when you get start using this technique and you will realize your magnetic and persuasive power. Most important public speaking aspects: the conviction to communicate your ideas and knowledge. Listeners are impressed with a person who speaks with security, with strength and confidence. So admire truth Yes?. It is something magical, electrifying, and the best part is that you can learn. People not interested in listening to a shy orator, retracted, timorous, polyvinylpyrrolidone, a somber be mumbling nonsense. The public, poor, falls asleep with a speaker as well as 2, boring, and if by chance, yet someone is awake, although I doubt it, rises and long room to save a very gloomy day. To be convincing, first and foremost, make yourself an expert in your topic, dominating it, feel it, live it and practice it, adding belief, I mean, to be convinced of what you say, ponle passion, dramatizes with your voice, with your gestures, with your face, with your body when you talk about what you like. Make your audience feel that you’re the best in your field, that feel your power and your humility. The conviction is the overwhelming force of your words, the fire in your eyes, your voice and your body language domain, trust you project when you talk, when you walk. A compelling message, is more credible, more persuasive. When you learn it you can check it. This will transform your life. You only need lot of training and practice. For more information about the public speaking and how to speak in public with success, write to us at the e-mail visit: original author and source of the article.