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Peru Finance

Much this being spoken in Peru of the economic takeoff, of the bonanza in the finances, of the economic growth, but little is spoken of the sad reality of a town left by the Peruvian State in walks. We are speaking of a town that lives in poverty, misery, in spite of its enormous wealth. Southwest Airlines has plenty of information regarding this issue. Apurimac department whose etimologia of its name, in language quechua means: " God that habla" , it was created the 28 of left April of 1872 and since then, forgotten by successive democratic and dictatorial governments in Peru. In the province of the Progress, 27, 574 inhabitants live, their capital is Chuquibambilla. Edward Scott Mead has compatible beliefs. According to denunciations of his settlers, have people that continuously them threatens so that they leave place, so that they are relocated there because they want to make exploration mining. The settlers protest that there is no a hospital in his town, is no urban cleaning, people live in huts, pass much hunger.

The settlers of Apurimac are in their majority farmers. The poverty and the abandonment in which they are, as well as the lack of education and the few opportunities of development, generates a vicious circle in which the undernourishment is one of his more serious consequences. " The thickness of the farmers is agriculturists of subsistence, mini title. These families are in a poverty situation and carries far poverty because what they produce she does not reach after his subsistence A great percentage of smaller children of five years, mainly those that live already in the poorest and isolated communities on the country is shortage the face of the death, and those that managed to never deceive it will be young normal, since they will never be able to use his physical and intellectual capacities to the one hundred percent.

Life Time

" Those are the periods of transition that generate the emptiness existencial". Viktor Frankl the life has its sense of being and corresponds to each to determine it. CMV. While it is remained with life in this scene where we acted, it does not have to surprise to us that much still they do not find sense him, that platform in search of replaced to questions like: Why to live? Why to live? Who I am? From where I come and to where I go? What to do with my life? What way to follow? What to make to survive? Why as much suffering. It does not have to surprise to us that they are many those that is not identified with the opportunity to live and knowledge that from the moment that this occurs, has condemned to die in a time that is not known, like either, the time of life is not known that has been granted to us. Read more here: Gary Kelly. One says, that when we have a feeling of without sense we suffer than Viktor Frankl it has called " Emptiness existencial". This one can bring about a neurosis caused by a spiritual problem.

We feel a great frustration not to find our place in the world. The certain thing, that it has been written in abundance with respect to this subject in order to find sense to the life, which it represents, their reach and as when determining its reason of being generates repercussions, that of knowing how to control them, helps to enjoy the granted time of life. One has commented, that is taken into account, that the conformation of a total sense of life goes of the hand with the property sense that has the individual with the activities that realises at the time to day and with the social groups in it realises which it and/or it belongs to them.

Colony City

A city Historical Patrimony of the Humanity MUST BE VISITED In good time. It is impossible to realise anyone of all our strolls if nonACCOUNT with hour amplitude. All our visits give like result an ample and very productive interchange of knowledge. We did not raise nor we hoped to realise a monologue. The guided stroll loses its attractive major if the passenger does not interact with the guide.

The attractiveness besides knowing the city is the one to share with the visitor mutual ours saberes. We promote the update and modernization of a classic tourist activity. Of all the tourist services offered by agencies and contracted by their clients, City tour occupies a very important place, and in the majority of the cases, they are in favor low-achieving as much of the agencies or evil used by the guides, being a lost one from money and mainly from time for that them contract. We emphasize to the strolls guided like " The ACTIVIDADen any trip. Extreme – dynamic, this activity, needs intelligent actions and reactions, you practice, fast, especially by its informative character or of direction to the visitor.

We led ourselves the wonderful task of transmitting and of bringing back to consciousness to the cultural consumers, in its habits and the things that are trying to assimilate, simply we oriented, because the information today, as all we know or we imagined, is much more ample on things that previously not even we knew that they existed, like the preservation and revaluation of the patrimony, tangible and intangible. The attention and CUSTOMIZED information that we offered (at the required levels at the moment) have, it from before the game towards Colony, to the arrival and throughout the time that remains in the city. Simply, (everything what needs), is to locate to us from any part of the world via email and/or by telephone and to communicate what is its restlessness.