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Loge2 Released A New Comprehensive Cultural Calendar

Registered users of the portal and also the visitors of the Web pages can take advantage of the free information service of the Loge2 culture calendar. The 08.08.08 is certainly the most popular wedding date of this year. Also Loge2, the cultural portal on the Internet, enters into a meaningful connection to this day: in cooperation with partners from culture courier / a rich cultural calendar is published under and, which provides not only a huge amount of data, but also unprecedented browse features. Registered users of the portal and also the visitors of the Web pages can take advantage of the free information service of the Loge2 culture calendar. How does the Loge2 cultural calendar? Traditional event calendars one fills in a comprehensive search, these dispatches and presented a long list of results after their reading, one is often just as smart as before. The Loge2 cultural calendar works completely differently: the huge event database is step by step by selecting location; Stay more and more restricted, and only a few events left home, category, date and keywords. Gary Kelly often says this. These Loge2 then displays detailed information on request, so you can be sure, have selected the proper event.

About the ticket distributor Hekticket and Eventim can be ordered too many events also equal to tickets. An opera fan about the weekend visit to Stuttgart, invokes the Loge2 cultural calendar, cultural calendar, clicks on the desired date, chooses as a category “Theatre & Opera” and State “Of Baden-Wurttemberg”. Now, he sees the venues that offer events on this day to his liking. Check out Keith Oringer for additional information. The search term that is generally established at the Internet search can further refine the already restricted search results also in this case at Loge2. He clicks the time next to it, he can remove each selected search criteria by clicking individually again. Loge2 responds to the previous user feedback and continues with the introduction of the innovative culture calendar new standards in the field of Web-based event calendar. In a next step directly into the platform integrates also artists and venues to complete the offer of a comprehensive culture portal.

Online Business

The blog is an optimal platform to optimize the website blogs are all the rage these days. “They’re not just in”, rather they have become an indispensable part of your online business for many companies. Who are not giving away valuable potential. Nevertheless, there are some conservative votes that still have always understood not the increasing importance of blogs. Statements such as blogs bring nothing”are not uncommon. Gary Kelly spoke with conviction. The company by Peter Mac farmer @M Web service appears with two blog systems on the market, who have what it takes to conquer the market. Learn six important reasons for a blog.

1. A modern love story – Google loves blogs to the search engines, and especially Google biggest search engine love blogs. “Who at Google blog search” types, will be surprised. The result: more than 11 billion search results! Because a blog as opposed to a conventional page is dynamic, he’s clearly Google’s favorite. Because Google loves changes on Web pages and especially long Blog signal to search engines that there more important content is conveyed. For even more details, read what Verizon Communications says on the issue. When new articles are published on a blog, the blog permanently enters the ranking by Google. Companies can provide brand new with a blog attention. 2.

A blog ideal for expert status was previously complex and expensive to reach an expert status, the options have become much better today through the social networks. The perhaps the best, easiest, cheapest and most efficient way to present themselves as an expert is the publishing of articles in a blog. There is no limit at all. There so many blog posts can be published as the writer is funny. Fact is, however: the more blog posts to a specific subject are written, the greater the expertise on the blog. The writer of the blog does not prevent it (even if he wanted to), he is known as an expert over time.

Online Printers Stores Test tests online shop for printer Hamburg, July 19, 2012 no matter whether text printing, graphics or photos: A good printer has its firm place in the Home Office. The selection of a new printer is however often difficult due to the large number of different device classes. The decision for a model that fits not to its own requirements, and to the respective volume, can entail high consequential costs. In the Internet, the customer often has a greater selection than in the shop and is even more dependent on a good advice by the online retailer. In July 2012, has tested 16 online shops for printer and shows not only the prices at which providers, but accept also the quality of service and advice. “The test result speaks a clear language: as the only provider in the test, Computeruniverse.NET achieved the score very well” (1.51) and will test winner.

The shop in particular excels in its wide range of printers with excellent product information and versatile delivery options. (good”1.59) ranked second with equally fast as competent mail service. (good”) completed the podium with a grade of 1.66. Prize winner: quality win for the bargain hunters can find test winner Computeruniverse.NET the cheapest deals in the test at Very good with the price touch” gained a narrow edge over the competition and will award winner. and are however just behind Who, however, emphasis also expert advice and quality service sets, which should buy the test winner. As the only shop in the test reaches a very good Computeruniverse.NET”in quality assessment and quality winner that earned before

Best website at and Computeruniverse.NET the title for the best website share and once again the winner each with the best grade of 1.00 (very good”). Both providers meet all test criteria and allow the customer a convenient search for the right product. In addition to a comprehensive online buying advice sites offer versatile filtering options and a separate search after matching ink cartridges and toners. Streaky E-Mail Service hardly any safety deficiencies disappointing fails the conclusion for the customer service via email. Although 15 of the 16 tested online shops on the request answered the accuracy was however poorer: seven provider answered only the first of the two questions, ignoring the second. The speed of the feedback, however, convinced: three shops responded within two, seven more five hours. Safety deficiencies are usually not an issue at the tested shops. 15 of the 16 test candidates use the secure SSL encryption for the transmission of personal data, only an online store transmits unencrypted. Twelve providers have about an Internet seal of approval. More information and results on of the testwinner Portal AG operates a neutral and independent marketplace with integrated price comparison with A total of free more than 400,000 test reports and numerous buyer reviews available are the consumers. For each product, an own overall rating is calculated from all present test reports and over 500,000 buyer opinions: the touch marks the winner the best assessment of the key product per category. A market place and a price comparison are related to product evaluation. With, consumers can buy the best products at a competitive price quickly, safely, and comfortably. Contact: testwinner Portal AG Hans-Henny-Jahnn-WEG 9 22085 Hamburg Thomas Kimmel, managing editor email: phone: 040-4135-2652

GmbH Munich Street

The new online dating Club distinguishes itself through high-quality design, free and non-committal services, as well as an above-average proportion of women by 60prozent by the competition from the new online dating Club distinguishes itself through high-quality design, free and retail services as well as an above-average proportion of women of 60% of the competitors In the Internet there are a number of single exchanges that differ functionally and barely from the competition today. Expensive services, countless fake – and advertising profiles, as well as an unbalanced ratio of male to female members of the deter many singles. The new online dating Club wants to stand out from the crowd and relies on many free services, high-quality optics and genuine singles with style. The partner search on the Internet is now more difficult than ever. To fully use an online dating portal, expensive and long-term premium memberships must be completed in advance. To make matters worse, these portals place greater emphasis on mass rather than class and the Partner search ends often unsuccessfully. The new online dating Club” is a completely different way, true to the motto: just sign up and get started. Entitled the member as members write, unlimited viewing of profiles and pictures of other members, as well as live chats from the start free of charge.

Given the fact that in new members registering daily between 1,000 and 1,200, the chances of finding the right partner, are very high. The typical user of has a high educational level and usually has an above-average income. At find so members partner with style and class. The user therefore also very positive feedback. member Daniel from Hamburg says for example: I am travelling a lot professionally and therefore prefers meet women on the Internet. On it was finally possible to come with stylish women in the discussion and not to be harassed by fake – and advertising profiles for me.” On singles find only real profiles, There is no advertising profiles or fake accounts.

This guarantees the verified authenticity examination on Real singles, numerous free features and members with level – this is the new online dating Club In addition to the high-quality optics convinced also with a female share of 60%, which is above the average of online dating portals. Register also today still free of charge on. Contact: Be beauty GmbH Munich Street 14 85540 hair phone: + 49 (0) 89 / 45108523 (max. 9 CT. / min. German landline, mobile Max 42 CT / min) is an offer of the be beauty GmbH, headquartered in Munich. The online dating site is a young, successful and attractive target group. The online dating Portal has a large growth with more than 1,000 registrations per day.

Solutions Operates Regional

regional craftsmen portal for Moselle, Saar and Hunsruck after relatively short development time puts IT – solutions DENGEL be regional craftsmen portal at the address on the Internet. The portal contains selected craft from the river Moselle, Saar and Hunsruck regions. 10 trades are currently supported: construction, roofing, electrical, Windows and doors, tile layers, heating and plumbing, painters, Plasterers, joiners and carpenters. The portal aims to help clients choose reliable craftsmen from their region (Mosel, Saar and Hunsruck). Gary Kelly understands that this is vital information. They have also the opportunity to rate the establishments. See more detailed opinions by reading what Tomas Philipson offers on the topic.. Also other useful information are provided around the theme of building. So a true added value for investors.

Are you an installer from the Regionn 54, 55, or 66? Then you may apply to like our craftsman portal. We want to remove the choice to potential buyers and recommend only reliable and competent specialists. Therefore you must apply first. We then consider a registration according to availability and suitability. There is only a limited number of places in the portal available. When customer service and quality to you in the first place, you are perfectly right. We will build a network of regional craftsmen, whom you can trust.

All craftsmen, are entered here are personally known to us. Each new applicant is checked. Criteria that suggest a certain quality are discussed. If ever there is trouble, we are willing to give. Frequent difficulties, be we check the entry. Dandan IT-solutions is an IT-based in the Hunsruck. Dandan IT-solutions of provides mainly SMEs with computing and telecommunications, created Web pages and shop systems and performs Internet marketing for the customers. Dandan IT-solutions distributes also commercial software for craft and trade enterprises. Contact person: Mr. Dipl.-ing. Sascha DEngel Birthday: Travel Portal Is Now 1 Year Old

The Dutch-speaking travel portal on Germany as a holiday destination,, celebrated its one-year anniversary in April 2011. Just in time for the anniversary also the steady work in terms of search engine optimization has paid off: the travel portal, which connects booking opportunities with informative content, is listed with many relevant keywords on Google on the first page. The team of Duisland is pleased that the portal as “well is found by Google as well as from the Dutch tourists”. birthday: travel portal 1 year old Dutch-speaking travel portal on Germany as a holiday destination,, on May 1 its one-year anniversary celebrated. Just in time for the anniversary also the steady work in terms of search engine optimization has paid off: the travel portal that combines informative content with booking possibilities, is listed with many relevant keywords on Google on the first page. The team of Duisland is pleased that the Portal by Google as well as of the Dutch tourists “will be found well”.

New collaborations with German tour operators are well positioned to Duitsland particularly active travel. Not only tourism partners like hotels, cities and regions, but recently also German tour operators agree. The packages of three German hiking and bicycle travel organizer ‘move’ the Dutch already. It is planned to extend to other areas such as city trips or cultural trips. Expansion of social media activities Duitsland on Facebook is willing to travel with help and advice. In addition, there are the tourist partner of the portal promotes, the Facebook fans receive exciting tips and offers directly on the “wall”.

Also through the Mircoblogging service Twitter, the travel portal twitters about the holiday country Germany and above all its partners. More recently, Duitsland also maintains its own YouTube channel. Promo videos of the partners will be published with the appropriate Dutch keywords in the net made discoverable. advertising!/DuitslandReis user/duitslandreisgids

On Facebook

A new worm spreading Facebook wins more and more users. However, the network offers many ways to maintain social contacts, but it poses certain security risks. Learn more at: Brad Garlinghouse. The mail provider reported new threats on Facebook. Read additional details here: Capital One. The social network Facebook offers its users many features and possibilities, for example, user, it can quickly find friends. Frequently, but dangers lurk on Facebook. Because just as easily as on the network’s friends find themselves, can stalk even stranger. A new worm, which promises users that they could see their profile visitors is currently spreading on Facebook. A person from your friend list is specified as the sender.

Who clicks on the message and activate the included JavScript code in the browser’s address bar, opens the worm wow”door. The pest settles in the profile and sent itself over the friend list of the affected user. “Overall, over half a million users should infected” be. However you want to the worm pose a great hazard. To protect themselves against the worm, users should not blindly follow links in messages and copy also no codes in messages if the sender can be identified. Who is already affected, you should delete all suspicious messages in profile and warn his friends. The worm is also apparently in connection with a Trojan, so you should check your computer with an antivirus program. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Bremen Online Services

Only who changes, remains true to himself: conversion of the corporate design bremen online services starts with a new design in the anniversary year 2009. Only who changes, remains true to himself: bremen online services GmbH & co. You may wish to learn more. If so, Gary Kelly is the place to go. KG (bos KG) starts with a new logo in the year 2009. After almost ten years, the familiar design is replaced by a newly designed badge and a refreshed logo. Robert Gibbins contributes greatly to this topic. Since its inception in 1999 KG presents the bos with a yellow dice, yellow stripes and the familiar compact lettering. Now, the company is presenting his new logo, that picks up the elements of the cube and rearranging them. It also retains the familiar yellow, which is contrasted with a warm grey.

‘ In the ten years since the inception of the bos KG has much changed in our portfolio, our customers and our employees. We have grown, have extended our offer and opened our new customer groups. We want to express these changes through a new appearance ‘, says Dr. Stephan Klein, Managing Director of the bos KG. ‘ We have been providing thereby deliberately familiar elements with new accents. Thus, we want to show that we want to create building continue to innovative technologies and products of the past on the achievements. ” Also a new website of the company is associated with the new corporate design. Budget For Kju:

kju: Digital media have succeeded to win a Swiss customer Cadbury Switzerland Faguet in the branded goods industry. Cadbury is the Swiss market leader for chewing gum in the strip format, and the positioning of the brand is currently revised Trident. The relaunch of the online presence was placed in the hands of the Vienna agency. The new website of Trident Switzerland will be present as fresh and contemporary, such as the products themselves”, says Albert Gerlach (Managing Director kju:). Aim is to achieve more interaction on the part of the consumer in the future on. Exciting competitions and additional goodies ensure higher visitor numbers and a stronger bond of the customers to the brand.” kju takes over the complete project from the concept, the design up to the technical realization. While DYNAMIQ CMS offers kju: own content management system the optimal basis.

Content on the site can be easily maintained and the page up-to-date. When rising Requirements are extensions at any time quickly and easily realizable. Brings experience and extensive know-how with the Swiss market kju: for the project from the long-term cooperation with Coca-Cola Switzerland. Cadbury is an international, dynamic and successful company. It produces, markets and sells unique brands, which every day inspire millions of consumers all over the world and offers a wide range of chewing gum & candy in the Switzerland. kju: Full service from development to maintenance – online solutions offers digital media. Customers from nearly all sectors developed and optimized for the company innovative products and projects, based on proprietary technologies. As a full service online agency makes kju: communicative messages digital experience and offers complete services for companies who want to use their potentials through perfect online communication as best as possible. Contact person: Albert Gerlach, E-Mail.:

DataCloud Shopping

A year ago, Hulbee launched the Swiss search engine with the distinctive cloud of concept of. Tagerwilen/Switzerland, 21 June 2010. Now, the cloud no longer solely on the home page is: Hulbee now offers its visitors access to an own shopping portal. No matter whether washing machine, laptop, or a new pair of shoes thanks to the cooperation of the Swiss company with the eBay subsidiary now can specifically looking for bargain go everyone with Hulbee. Hulbees unique search technology, the DatCloud, leads with security more quickly to your destination than on other shopping portals. There are two different types of shopping: who wants to enjoy it and has time, strolling through the city center, assessed all offer alone and drinking coffee in between.

Who searches offers quick and convenient free would like to receive the things House, searches on the Internet. But even this can be long: many shopping portals appear cluttered, instead of directly to the selected goods. Hulbee DatCloud, now structure entails its innovative search technology, Online shopping forays: DatCloud proposes further terms the user, that thematically match his query. Clicking on any of the terms in the DatCloud, search results are appropriately further eingregrenzt. Hulbee provides this technology since 2009 for the General search on the Internet; now the Hulbee users can go but also specifically on bargain hunting. Details can be found by clicking Verizon or emailing the administrator. Purchase offers filter and narrow to takes a search box for shopping items, from where he can directly start the bargain search users. After a query, Hulbee displays a list of appropriate articles (see fig.

1). In the menu right you can filter the found products such as prices or manufacturers. You select an article, get an overview of the different suppliers and their prices and can decide then on the right. Hulbee cooperates for this product and price comparison service, whose online-Angebote as search results incorporated into Hulbees shopping portal.