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Online Commerce

Trade direct to the final consumer invoiced in 2010 U$ S 28000 million in Latin American countries, after habwer closed 2009 at U$ S 21.775 million, according to estimacionesde a study commissioned by VISA. Q1 2010 e-commerce transactions marked a 27% rise in Latin America and the Caribbean.Among the main reasons, is, that the activity, just it was adversely affected by the fall of product internal bruot in several countries. Since many factors continued developing, as the penetration of computers, broadband connections that grew at rate of 20% and 15% per year, respectively. Other factors that collaborated with this growth of electronic commerce is the availability and use of different means of payment. The sophistication of sites that offer products and services through internet, was another factor that contributed to the development of e-commerce. Highlights the role of airlines and the big supermarket chains, which raised the necessary information for the consmidor online, in addition to facilitate navigation within the site, to end be able to find what they are looking further, there is one growing group of small and medium-sized enterprises that fuwron to refine their online business models. According to Larry Ellison, who has experience with these questions. In this sense stands the aparicionde the buying clubs, working on specific objectives of consumers. Growth does not occur evenly across countries of the region.

Chair Countries

When money speaks, truth is silent. Chinese proverb the dynamics of international trade scenarios show increasingly more actors who are integrated in order to consolidate trade economic blocs that allow to participate actively in the current international scenarios and more when there is a global economic crisis that affects all those countries that do not have consistent economic foundation to deal with it. The Chair of international trade in the graduate management program mention markets, considers it very important that its participants delve into assessing what to Venezuela represents the opening of new blocks and participation in international trade, in this case discusses his participation in Alba. Remember as it is well known, the Bolivarian alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean (ALBA) is a proposal for a different integration. While the FTAA responds to the interests of transnational capital and pursues absolute liberalization of trade in goods and services and investments, the ALBA puts the emphasis on the fight against poverty and social exclusion and, therefore, expresses the interests of the Latin American peoples. Bernard Golden understands that this is vital information. As indicated in lapatriagrande. NET

The ALBA is based on the creation of mechanisms to create cooperative advantages among Nations that allow to compensate the existing asymmetries between the countries of the hemisphere. It relies on the cooperation of hedge funds to correct the disparities that placed at a disadvantage to the weak countries against the first powers. For this reason the ALBA proposal attaches priority to Latin American integration and negotiation at sub-regional blocks, opening up new spaces for consultation to deepen the knowledge of our positions and identify areas of common interest enabling form strategic alliances and present common positions in the negotiation process. The challenge is to prevent the dispersion in the negotiations, avoiding that Nations sisters are removed and be absorbed into the maelstrom that comes by pressing on the basis of a rapid agreement for the FTAA. .


So you avoid the temptation to spend it to you what I said in the first paragraph. Buy land: maybe you have to save a lot of that extra little money to do so, but a friend bought land in his native Bolivia for only 2000 USD. He was traveling to his plot, towards a barbeque under the trees and is returning. He had nothing built and expected to be able to do something with him. If didn’t it, the worst thing that could have happened to him It was having to sell the parcel, but by an amount greater than what he paid. My advice: Although many times is not, if you have an area that you want to buy and does not reach you that money, encourages another person with the same objectives as your and choose to buy it; they can divide it later in case of problems.

Tools for working on what excites you: If your hobby is gardening, why not buy some tools and offer this service to friends and colleagues? So you’d have an extra money for something that you love to do. You like taking pictures and love taking portraits of people, then buy a good camera, a few good lenses and flashes to start taking photos to your family for a modest sum. As to the best in any skill you have, you can increase the value of your work. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? This is the secret of my mother, whom I love very much: she has made birthday cakes for at least 1000 people in your life. If each cake had a gain of $10, we were speaking of 10000 USD that in 30 years It had become about 20000 USD (considering as example 50 cakes by year X 20 years X 7% interest in the Bank). Example of my German friend and photography.

What are those areas where you spend your money and that can generate value over time, or perhaps give you a slight gain? Share it with us at seguridad-financiera. Closing I would like to invite you to write me your comments about what excites them in your life, maybe you could to guide them to achieve a simple way of getting some extra income. Many times what is needed is a little imagination, because you desire and passion already exists. Or is not so?

Economy Without Ethics

The economic crisis has erupted when the discourse of the Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) in annual reports and in responsible business indices is buoyant. Was it cosmetic or ethics? Make-up for having good appearance or vitamins that strengthen? A smart company does not choose to an ethic of disinterest, impossible for a modern enterprise thing, but of common interest. It does not abandon the pursuit of profit and viability, but that it seeks to achieve its profit through the shared benefit. Why try to become that company citizen that people see as his own thing, because generated material wealth, work and intangible values in your environment. Commitment to transparency that generates confidence and forging the reputation, values without which it is difficult to maintain viability. The prudent company tries to meet the aspirations of its interest groups and respond to them. Accountability, transparency and confidence are essential to achieving the good of the company.

Provided that there is an institutional framework capable of ensuring reasonably fulfilled the rules of game. The institutional framework, responsible for controlling the financial performances, put on notice to investors and consumers has not worked in too many cases. But despite the conviction Leninist that trust is good, but control is better, both are essential. Without control, banks play to excessive risk, to the loan garbage a day and does not provide the following, councils are backed by recalificaciones, consumers borrow beyond what is reasonable and there comes a time in which the train of economic activity gives a sudden stop or crash. But without trust decay transactions, reduces investment, scarce loans, closed companies, increases unemployment and grows the suffering. Is that the discourse of the CSR is disconnected from the systems of corporate governance? Is it that it has not incorporated the core of a large part of companies, when it is innate for them? Perhaps it is that there are two types of incentives, which belong to the sportsmanship of the company and the spurious.

Novia Easily

How can I recover my girlfriend sometimes, when a relationship comes to a rupture, either one or both parties may be still in doubt that this end is not really the end, and this is especially true when a relationship is new. Some men simply cannot accept the fact that his girlfriend was. Therefore, they are hoping that she will be there in the morning and that it was all a dream. You are asking: How can I forgot my girlfriend?, it is important that you create a plan on how to do it. In order to regain a love, there are many steps to follow. These are some of the tips that you should keep in mind when you work in this process. There is always a second chance for everyone, so it is not impossible that you can get back with his ex-girlfriend. But first, you must ask yourself some questions still the amas? Are you sure that you want it back? Why? You are trying to recover it, because you don’t want to be alone or you don’t believe that they should have ended with you? If you are Looking back with her ex for other reasons that are not love, you can be playing a dangerous game that it would be best to avoid.

You must not seem desperate or needy by your ex, remember your priority is to find a solution to how to return with my ex-girlfriend? Although you may feel desperate and you really want it back, it is absolutely necessary to control their emotions. If you do not do so, it is advisable to talk to your friends or family so you can talk and weep with his heart, where she can’t see. Not urge you or cry in front of your girlfriend, you have even more not harassing. Learn to control your feelings, work the positive aspects of the relationship with your ex. If it seems too needy desperate, she can finish avoiding even more. Keep the lines of communication open with your ex. She could have ended the relationship, but have to make her feel that the lines of communication are.

You don’t have to be the initiates the conversation, but you must be willing to greet and have a conversation from time to time with it, i.e., be in contact with it above all, analyze what went wrong in the relationship. There must have been a problem that gave rise to the break-up of the relationship, so you must find out what was the problem if you want to get back with your ex. Find out what caused the fights, which needs were not satisfied and work on correcting these problems. These are the basic steps to win back an ex. You can find more information in our blog: reconquering couple original author and source of the article.

Literature Folkloric

ORALITY and folk and POPULAR literature – Both the written word and the spoken word, means that the man used for communication were, from all time, elements of which he used to convey realities themselves and everything around him. The throaty demonstration first, and ideographic writing later, before reaching the conventional signs of writing that we know today, was the demonstration that we find so much in America, Europe and Asia mostly – and talks about the need of man leave settled those realities, realities that still today allow us to continue to analyse them, to know their customs and events for those who have gone through, and how those habits were changing. Those figures were the first deed of man, as well as those guttural sounds, his first speech. They were first isolated figures and then sequential figures. When there was that transformation allowed us parent drawings, relate these experiences and have a clearer picture of its fauna, its power and its territorial defenses. Even today are still finding, in different parts of the world, caves with references to those moments.

It was a form of transmission similar to the story, since the study them with the developments that we have today – has resulted in a more understandable branchings. Also spoken transmission was undergoing changes and so we come to a more widespread understanding, from there we will discuss AEDAS of ancient Greece who, through songs or recitations, said his epic poems. These poems have its antecedent in the epic. They were stories of extraordinary facts that enhanced the people. In Western culture born with Homero IX b.c., with the Iliad and the Odyssey, where involved gods and demigods influencing worldly events. Also the MINSTRELS entertained people for gifts – and monarchs and Lords with power. As adopted also by women (the juglaresas). In the middle ages appear the MESTER (trade or art) and we have the CLERGY since they were clerics and the learned that began as a literary genre and JUGLARiA, cultivated by minstrels, which could be sung.

United States

In the U.S. elections it usually always be cause for debate to ensure that such power in front to its external dangers. Republicans tend to want to hunt votes by proposing more harshly to such threats. Bush pulled out before points proposing be that more could face to Osama and Saddam. For the presidential elections of November 4 McCain began to recover offering as the expert military able to rein in Russia, while Putin denouncing the Republicans of having provoked the Georgian incursion into Ossetia for electoral purposes. Today the recent expulsion of ambassadors of the United States of Venezuela and Bolivia is used by McCain to denounce Obama for having proposed dialogue with Chavez, who wanted to present as a dictator and terrorist pro. His vice Palin poses to avoid buying oil to Caracas should be drilled in the natural reserves of Alaska. Obama, for his part, proposes that a new international image is required to confront these dangers, which have grown thanks to hawks in Bush.


Products that rests in a good quality. It considers the Chair, which is necessary to link over to the professionals of the company through new values that guarantee satisfaction to consumers within a culture of market that prevents them to increase a consumerism which is often detrimental to keep in mind which indicates Jarrin on the fact, that industrial development has brought countless economic benefits, but has not been able to comply with the role of development and growth of the members of the companies and therefore of the society. Competitive pressures and the vision of the worker as one resource, in addition limited, have affected the motivation and identification of people, taking in the majority of cases workers rented or buy-mentidos, but not yet committed, because it has not been able to invite to the hearts of the people to the place of work. The most visible results in this sense are: high turnover of staff, internal demoralization, loss of productivity and competitiveness, little creativity and the formation of an environment that discourages or valued human development. In the social, stress, ambition and a competition for survival which does not allow nor promotes higher levels of human development, with high social costs, which spiral, then hit and back to companies and societies. Professor estimated the importance of providing professionals comprising it, identify with the ethics, morality, human talent, cohesion of teams, commitment, spirit of belonging, responsibility and needs of achievement, performance, creativity, use suitable potential that all we have, for it provides them the content and use of the main tools for personal growth that allows you to generate the necessary transformationson pro give step to values that benefit all. Management by values implies: generate greater internal cohesion where the commitment is to factor fundamental.

Generate a better external image, thanks to the relationships based on confidence in the long term facilitate the transition between generations of command since ways to act and progress are shared. Increase ethics at all levels of the company reducing losses dishonest acts, theft or fraud. To facilitate the selection of staff, thanks to previously defined profiles. Develop a chain of reliable leadership and committed to the philosophy of the conclusions Venezuela company our interest, debate at the present in a turbulent scenario thanks to political instability and many effects that has generated the current Bolivarian revolutionary Government, which is committed to instituting a new socialism according to the characteristics of modern times. All this has given rise to the Venezuelan business sector currently addresses a serious crisis in its operation, productivity, until the end, that many companies have withdrawn, closed.

All this has also brought as a consequence that is serious changes in the management of its operating capacity makers to express and manifest a new leadership who knows how to function within a management of values that allow, adopt a management philosophy, moral and business consistent with any clearly defined line of thought. Be present, seeking management, members of the business organization to commit themselves and act in a coordinated and coherent manner with respect to the business philosophy. Remember what brings us, that a management based on value, constitutes the most powerful tool that has a company to measure and identify the sources of his generation within the company, as it allows the union between financial decisions and strategies of the company long-term.