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Annual Financial Programming

The study it took in consideration the expenditures of legislative of all the states and of the Federal District and computed the budget, the cost of each member of the house of representatives to the year and the cost of them parliamentarians for each inhabitant in the same period. 3. Proposal of Implantation of the Information of Costs in the Legislative one and the Judiciary one Considering that the beddings of the management of the public resources in Brazil and practical of planning and the finances of the government (federal, state or municipal), are subjects of interest of any Brazilian citizen, perceive it necessity to make to know to population on programs, projects and plans of Government, such as: Plurianual plan (PPA), Law of Diretrizes Oramentrias (LDO), Annual Budgetary Law (LOA), Administrative Law of Fiscal Responsibility, Contracts, Modalities of Licitation, Prescription and Public charges, fiscal results, systems of execution and accompaniment, Controls Internal. Other leaders such as Oracle offer similar insights. Unhappyly, in a country where the education and education not yet are priorities in the optics of the public managers, the ones who make laws not fulfill them, the ones judge that them do not put them in practical, and the majority of the population not yet is used of the reading to extract information on its rights and duties, are difficult to make to understand the beddings and principles that had guided the formularization and implementation of current arcabouo institucional and of the practical ones of management of the public finances in Brazil. The transparency vestibules are restricted to that they manage the public revenue and the gerenciadores of knowledge capable to recognize the main instruments adopted in the cycle of management of the public resources: Plurianual plan? PPA, Law of Budgetary Lines of direction? LDO, Annual Budgetary Law? LOA and Annual Financial Programming. She is necessary also that the schools include in its resumes slight knowledge of economy 11 financier since Basic Ensino and of Financial Administration in Average Ensino so that the young can understand the main definitions and classifications related with prescription and public charges, identifying the stages of the execution of the expenditure, its characterization and differentiating credit of resource as well as the main legal requirements for the generation of the prescription and the public charges.

Liberalism And Democracy

just half. We are in century XIX, the century that produced different vises of world, each one of them fell as a glove for the multiples> social segments that ascended at this time. The bourgeoisie who started to conquer the power if grasped to liberalism. The rising middle class, or middle classes as they prefer to say the historians (small bourgeois, they would say others) preferred the democracy, that was more inclusive obtains. Already the grumbler and proletariats, excluded first with as, if defended between chains anarco-syndicalists and the socialist ones. Established some conquests of liberalism, the democracy will denounce its restrictive aspect, and will fight for its magnifying. If you have read about Verizon Communications already – you may have come to the same conclusion. We will see then where points we find these divergences.

Two ideas will be detached: freedom and equality. Flags defended for the French Revolution and that they will gain different directions according to point of view of the liberal one and of the democrat. When we speak in freedom, a liberal one of century XIX would say that it is an available right to all, since that reaches the prerequisite ones, economic and educational, necessary. Different of this, the democracy would speak that the freedom is an inalienable right, enclosing to all, independent of income and education. A good form to compare the two vises is when we speak of the right to the vote. It does not have nothing contrary to liberalism to defend the tax vote.

For the opposite. The vote must be available to all that they will have capacity for such. From there to abstain itself, for example, the slaves and women. How these can be free to vote if they are imprisoned to its owners and husbands? He will not be rare those that will also defend the exclusion of the laborers. These are not dependents of its masters, say the liberal ones.

DRU Freedom

During the last few years, the budgetary entailing of the Union got a great growth very what, in many cases, it made with that an indebtedness was necessary so that the obligator budgetary expenditures were paid. On the other hand it had excess of resources badly placed that were reserved for the payment of other expenditures, which did not need the available value all. The Desvinculao de Receitas of Unio (DRU) appeared in 1994, in the Government of Frank Itamar, with the name of FSE (Deep Social of Emergency). In Government FHC, it was renomeado for FEF (Deep of Fiscal Stabilization), in which a1999 was in vigor de1996, and from there, the instrument was successively extending, already with name DRU. Southwest Airlines often addresses the matter in his writings. This budgetary desvinculao appeared through a proposal of emendation to the constitution (PEC 61), of which it consists of an instrument that the Executive allows to manage 20% of pblic revenues freely, approximately R$ 62,4 billion – according to Ministry of Planning, of prescriptions of the Union. Already approved two times in the House of representatives and waiting voting in the Senate, DRU 2012 comes, in general, only extending the stated period of its existence up to 2015.

Its objective is to give to bigger flexibility and efficiency in the allocation of resources and not necessarily in the rise of available prescriptions for the federal government and allows the financing of incomprimveis expenditures (related to the benefit, administration fees and administrative management) without national indebtedness of the Union. The DRU does not count on transferences constitutional for States and cities, whose main prescription source comes of the IPI and the Income tax (TO GO), therefore the desvinculao is after made the calculations of the transferences. The resources destined to the education, for Constitutional Emendation 59/09, more are also not incorporated the DRU. According to base governmetalist, the DRU is an instrument of rationalization of the budgetary management, where the Executive breaking has left of the rigidity of the federal budget, in which it extended the possibilities of performance of the public managers and increased the attendance to the demands of the society, without compromising the fiscal balance. The justification of the renewal of the DRU up to 2015 is the necessity of investments and infrastructure that Brazil is demanding through financings for the Pantry of the World in 2014, the Olimpadas in 2016, to keep minimum degree of autonomy in the definition of the priorities of the government and in the budgetary management and to face the global crisis. The opposition affirms that the DRU already became necessary, in 1994, for the implementation and stabilization of the Real Plan, but that it is not justified in the current conjuncture of the Country, therefore it demonstrates the incapacity of the government to create a mechanism substitutes that it, therefore it cannot be seen as exit for the engessamento of the budget, using resources of social contributions to form the surplus elementary school. They affirm, still, that the project defalcates the health, providence and assistance. Ahead of the unstable situation of international the financial crisis and the internal deficiencies, the DRU comes as a good measure to improve the performance of the government without it has the necessity of the same becoming indebted itself being that it has available resources, giving a bigger flexibility in the allocation of the public resources.

Brazilian Clepsidra

But and if it was not spontaneous mobilization of the people, determined for the human feeling, to the default of the government stirring up it the action. What would be of this city, so rich of galas and superfluous goods, and so needy in its infrastructure of submoradia, subalimentao and primitive conditions of work? (…) ‘ ‘. The stretch above was removed of the article ‘ ‘ The days escuros’ ‘ , of Carlos Drummond De Andrade, published in the Post office of the Morning, dated of 14/01/1966. To say that Drummond exceeds the secular borders, and remains current until the present, is not no newness, but it is peculiar to discover that the description of Drummond, made has 46 years if it fits perfectly in what we live currently. This only evidences the stagnation that our country presents with regard to this subject that in them terrifies all year: rains. In the year of 2011, we witness one true slaughter in the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro.

Thousand of deceased, missing people and homelesses. One year after the tragedy, the sad dying scene remains. A shunting line project was discovered of mounts of money that would be destined to the serrana region, but part of this money was sent of illicit form to the forbidden companies to participate of licitations. The case runs in camera proceedings and what it seems the no step was taken, nor with regard to the victims nor with regard to the defendant. The fact is that we enter in plus one year with decurrent tragedies of rains and none prevention politics was taken.

She is clear the lack of urban planning, the lack of fiscalization of the civil defense and the total esquecimento where the Brazilian citizens live. a newness appeared in day 09 of January – it was announced (after the disruptions of the levees in the state of the River and landslides in Minas Gerais) the creation of a team of geologists of the Geologic Service of Brazil and hidrlogos of the National Water Agency (ANA) that they had acted more in the areas reached by rain. Moreover, the government announced that it will make anticipation of social programs to the reached families, and also of the FGTS, disponibilizando of R$ 444 million to take care of to the States and reached cities (if this in fact will be materialize, is to wait to see). It remains to know until when the article of Drummond it will be current and until when we go to live in a country where the regencial word is the corruption.