It has gone all out to the street and receiving a brochure in hand. Cast in hand formula is a more common forms of distribution of advertising and have more difficulty. Normally when we talk about sharing in hand always associate all kinds of advertising elements, vouchers, brochures, cards plastic, gifts, printed envelopes, signs, newspapers, magazines… In times of crisis this action of cast in hand usually occur very frequently in public centres, at special events, in places where moving large masses of people. It is common to also observe as people once received the pamphlet, past a few meters introduce it in the first trash that crosses on their way. When this happens we know that it was not a potential customer.

And on the occasions that this happens the effort has not the right answer. Therefore, when performing this type of campaign, the companies make a very careful analysis by identifying their customers, and on this basis perform at a site or another the cast in hand and if it is not possible, perform a mailing, distribution of advertising, deal in hand, poming perching, junk mail door to door or a distribution of samples. We must not forget that all action direct marketing must be based in one strategy directed towards the goal. Cast in hand, campaigns depends greatly on a structuring of the marketing campaign. Importance very relevant the study of sites where you will proceed to the cast.