The majority of the owners of small businesses simpre is running, or that are meeting with different clients or fulfilling meetings in their own company. Surely the majority has cellular a complete one, but those are very few that really take advantage of all the options. But nowadays all the platforms for cellular have storage for applications, which allows to use all the applications and not only to have it so that us actualize mails. If we took a little our time to be able to learn the new functions of the cellular ones, surely we would save time and possible frustrations. Now I am going to them to enumerate the best cellular functions of the intelligent ones for which they have pequeosnegocios. 1) To be able to create Lists To take all our ideas to a paper is one of the most important priorities. One of the things that we must consider when we go of shopping to buy applications it is that amount of information can synchronize. Some applications they sincronzan with programs in your computer when you physically connect your cellular one, but others can sincorizar of wireless form and it gives an integral access you to your information through the Web or a desktop application when these in your computer again.

For that they have Iphone one of the applications that they have is Toodledo, that synchronizes in the page Web All the Mac users who have iphone they can sincornizar the information of rationalized way with the program of application finds that them in for Things Mac. However for all the users Windows they could consider the application of Outlook for cellular. For the Android users they could watch as much Astrid as TooDo, either they are quite interesting since they include reminders and also they can synchronize with Remember the Milk, but also with Toodledo.