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In this article we will try to answer the following questions: what should be the translation of the text? by what criteria it should be assessed? What are the differences between quality and poor translation? At this point clear criteria for assessing the quality of translation does not exist. Quality translation is usually described in the following words: full, adequate, equivalent, accurate and professional. At the moment the translation are taken to transfer any text from almost any language in the world. Sometimes the result leaves much to be desired. How not to get in trouble and get a quality translation? Before placing an order in translation or from a private interpreter must be clearly understood for what you are doing the translation.

To read the document (‘just in case you need to know what is written there’) to your experts were provided with information on installation (Instructions for installation of equipment) or to send information in a catalog or brochure to your foreign partners. From these data depends directly on a set of steps, which will consist of work Your text, and thus the cost of the work. When the answer to this question is found, you can place the order. Do not forget to keep your eyes on the ball at a time when the translation executes your order. Of course, the problem any translation agency – is the solution of all problems that are somehow related to the translation process. But the more you yourself will actively participate in this work, the better the result will be. When will be found an answer to a question “Why translate?”, You can go to the next stage – the definition of criteria that must match the translation. With these criteria in the future it will be possible to assess the quality of translation.

For example, you need translate instructions for equipment operation, which is interested in your company. The task is as follows: – to pay attention to the proper use of terminology – especially to monitor the completeness of the translation – special attention to the section “Benefits of equipment” if the translated material to be used within the company, it makes sense to connect to translation work in-house expertise. Their assistance can be is indispensable for translation of specialized terms in addition is often what these experts are the end users of translation. Once you have identified the criteria necessary to be determine their priority. In operation, there are cases when you have to bring one criterion for a sacrifice of another, such as translation quality – speed. It is important to promptly deliver.

Training Consult

Before starting a new semester at university, you probably are busy solving problems related to the choice of subjects, buying books and finding housing. But, doing the planning, do not forget about an important aspect of preparation for the new school year: buy only what you need to learn. Students' needs may vary depending on their specialty and the subject. However, there are some necessary things that should be reserved each student before class. Start with the purchase of basic office supplies such as notebooks, pens and pencils, stapler, hole punch, marker, paper clips, a dictionary and encyclopedia, a calculator (even if the mathematics is not your main focus) and folders on the rings. You also need a reliable and comfortable backpack to carry everything you need with you from one lesson to another.

Always be organized will help you a good planner or organizer. With it you will never forget about deadlines, control or elective classes. Perhaps it also makes sense to stock up stickers for your notes that you can paste up the house, apartment or dorm room in order to remain aware of important dates. Of course, the principal of your activities for the next few years will be learning, so you need to be concerned about a comfortable workplace. For more specific information, check out Gary Kelly. You will definitely need a desk, preferably with drawers or shelves, hinged, so you can have your things in order.

In addition, it is important to choose a table lamp and a comfortable chair, ergonomically better, because just such a chair can provide a level of comfort and prevents fatigue or pain on the long seat at the table. If you have trouble getting up in the morning, buy an alarm clock. With it, you will not be late for lecture. If you frequently turn off the alarm during sleep, without realizing it, put it out of bed. And in order to quickly get up every morning, buy a coffee machine. You can drink a cup of refreshing beverage on the way to University. Many students prefer to use computers and printers are available in the university library or other institution on campus. However, if you can afford it, purchase their own computer or laptop and printer can be a very profitable investment. You do not have to worry about the time of closing of the university library, or on long lines to the printer. If you be able to buy their own computer and printer, do not forget to buy a memory card and USB printer cartridge. There is nothing worse than trying to print the work performed or coursework, and discover that you ended cartridge. Rid yourself of unnecessary problems in advance and stock up cartridges for your printer, so you do not have to look at the last moment, which would print out the text you want. Of course, you may need and much more. All depends on the subject. But the above list of basic necessities must come in handy during the study.

Pedagogical Performance

We have the beginning of the lessons, after some rest to recharge energies, as optimum moment for reflections and, mainly, so that let us move and let us grow as profissionamente. The attitudes of the professor, relatively to its pupils are basic so that it gets success or not in its performance as professional of the education. The interaction is strategical point for occurs a good development in its daily work. Ron O’Hanley spoke with conviction. The pupil who if feels distanciado of the professor, will be unsafe, with trend does not choose it with its favourite person or thing. To conquer the pupil it is necessary to know the characteristics of the etria band with which we are working, for example, the pupil of the EF feels itself badly to the being dealt with pupil of the Infantile Education.

It is necessary that let us know its reactions, the necessities, the abilities so that abilities are developed adequately. We have thus, the importance to consider multiple intelligences. The old one dictated ‘ ‘ we dance msica’ in accordance with; ‘ the relationship or judgment between professor and pupil is adjusted well how much to. The professor who prepares its lessons, takes off doubts, verifies and values tasks and works (correcting them and evaluating them), certainly, will take its pupils to the fulfilment of the obligations that them will be proposals Since the pupils of the first years of the EF to the pupils of the one IN exist a judgment of the student staff, relatively, to the professors, direction, coordination, employees and school in a general way. All pupil has, necessity to feel security in the school and, mainly, its professors. They perceive, immediately, the professor who does not plan its lessons, opening only emends it or didactic book, at the beginning of the lesson.

Educandos Market

It is in this picture that if reconceitualiza the citizenship notion, through a revalorizao of the action of the individual while proprietor, while individual that fights for conquering (to buy) property-merchandises of diverse nature, being education one of them. Without hesitation Gary Kelly explained all about the problem. The model of neoliberal man is the privatized citizen, enterpreneur, the consumer. (GENTILI, 1996, p.20-21). In this manner, the education, in a neoliberal vision, is come back as instrument of improvement of the rationality, capable to unmask the secrets of the nature as much how much material human being, instead of improving the human being, developing its critical sense and its autonomy. The pertaining to school system if transforms into one ' ' market educacional' ' , where the product must be generated of instantaneous form, in accordance with the quality norms: the efficiency and the productivity. In Arroyo, notebook elaborated for the Ministry of the Education in the axle ' ' Educandos and Educadores: its Rights and the Currculo' ' , with the purpose to fix minimum contents for the Basic Education in Brazil in way to assure the common basic formation and respect to cultural values artistic, national and regional it tells that the curricular reorientaes still are motivated by the market of work in its imposed requirements the young that in it will enter.

The demands of the market, the society, science, the technologies and abilities, or the society of computer science still is referenciais for what teaching and learning. (ARROYO, 2008? p.24) Finally, the school can metaforicamente be compared with a system ' ' fast food' ' the social spaces, that is, have as objective to supply to the necessities of the capitalism, of the market, where the educational institutions tend to be thought and to be reorganized under the model of certain produtivistas and enterprise standards. FINAL CONSIDERAES When analyzing the two perspectives regarding the State and Education, can be concluded that the permanent state of the education is to be in crisis.

Socialization Process

In this process of socialization, distinct of the pertaining to school form, in which the writing if becomes indispensable, it takes advantage the practical orality and examples as form of transmission and cultural reproduction. This process of socialization, that if it generally initiates in the family, is continuous and encloses all the life, being able in some instances to be more or less harmonic or contradictory. The contact with other socializadoras agents and/or agencies makes with that the children incorporate other cultural elements that will extend its experience and new forms of perception of the social world will make possible it. In the boarding of Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985), this incorporation of other cultural elements, that occurs for intermediary of the experience of educative experiences deeds of division, imply a process of descontextualizao and recontextualizao of the socialization of the child in the family, and attributing with other sources and transversal subjects. Therefore, when entering the school, the child will be able to live deeply one ' ' double conflict cultural' ' , Lahire (1997, P. 171), therefore, in the same way that the set of disposals constructed in the familiar socialization can create a resistance with regard to the formal education, the new apprehended cultural elements in the pertaining to school context, carried to the familiar universe, also will be able to distanciar it of its origin. In this direction, the feeling (positive/negative) that the family possesss relatively to the school and the way (importance) as treats the experiences lived deeply for the child, in this context, will aggravate or brighten up these conflicts. Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985) describes the primary socialization, different the way and use of the language and its implications in the learning. For this author, the communication carried through in the interior of the family and the group of friends, guided for the social classroom, creates basic procedures and accomplishments that determine the predispositions and the resistance to the school/formal education.

Russian Federation

Participation in the conference – good chance to get to their asset scientific publication, which for the exit to the protection must be at least five or six (in some more dissertation councils). Classified research conference as a whole can be on three grounds. 1. Tertiary education or not 2. Full-time / distance 3. International / All-Russian general, universities hold the conference on the basis of an educational institution, followed by the publication of materials conference in the collection of articles or journal at university. Organization of the conference involved more often than laboratory under the supervision of the chairman.

Conferences can also be conducted in the departments. In this case, subjects reports and abstracts will be likely limited to a single specialty (economics, philosophy, sociology …) Participation in any conference is likely to be fraught with financial costs. State in currently funded by several annual scientific conferences, the costs of the other falls on the shoulders of the participants. Organizing fee is expended by the organizers to print collections and / or location participants in the hotels. Although the selection and accommodation fee is stipulated as a separate item, ask the charming person responsible, which hotel is better to stop, so you can quickly get to a place conduct. What you should pay attention. If your goal is to obtain the publication, the trip is optional and costs will be significantly reduced. In this case, be sure to ask the organizers a few points.

1) The approximate release date for the collection of print. It must be remembered that sending registered mail to Russia within two to three weeks. Plus the actual preparation of packages for shipment may take organizers a few days. 2) The price of printing and mailing of the collection of the Russian Federation. Maybe have to pay shipping separately, so it's best to find out the price immediately. 3) Does the book ISBN. This point is important because when you exit to the protection of may require this number. If the items on the issues do not arise, then we can move on to the preparation of this article. There must be familiar with the rules of registration. Correct design and literature titles for you no one will and we can just get a waiver from the publication of your article. So in advance to find out the form for submissions to the newsletter or on the conference website. This is perhaps the main points that need to be taken into account.


Let's start with the fact that entrance examinations in the usual sense of the word, no. The biggest misconception with whom I have met the following. Our people are firmly convinced that at any point of light the system of education are exactly the same: the student finishes school, puts it in his pocket matriculation, is scheduled to university exams and, under favorable circumstances arrive. Do not dwell on the sad outcome this situation. In the U.S., a completely different system to the universities and colleges. First, in most cases, the applicants have no idea of the "I'll only come to MSU" (quote thought expressed in the Russian mentality).

Except, perhaps, can make only institutions such as conservatories and other similar institutions. In the case of the average American high school student decides, for example: "I want to work in banking system. " Then he makes a list of universities and training colleges, specialty "Finances". After that, he or she is familiar with the conditions of admission to various universities in the chosen specialty. Each University has its own list of documents, but everywhere he is headed GPA student evaluation of the school and a passing score on the Test SAT (Es-ay-ti) or ACT (hey-si-ty). About 80% of school 4 years of education use the results of these tests is to make a decision about enrolling a student. Dwell on the fact that this is a test in more detail.

First of all we should say that every college or university in advance to announce the passing score on this test. Accordingly, a high school student, having a desire to enroll in certain universities, for a couple of years before postuplaniya knows what about points he needed to call. He starts to pull out of school if this necessary, and prepare for the SAT or ACT. Most students take the test during their penultimate or early in their last years in high school.

The Image

A classic example – the professor, who scattered in those matters which concern domestic life, and focused on his theory. The theory for the most important thing! Therefore, escape from distractions in the conventional sense does not. Must simply discard unnecessary for us Affairs. From those cases that imposed on us by other people. Stop forcing yourself to do what we want. Or, honestly want to do it.

Then remove distractions like a hand! In the second case, I had to remember a phone number as a whole. Try to connect the numbers together and the way the person whose phone number is. Just when you think of all the whole number required for you in time. Imagine that you have done this: tied to each other (here fits any rule of mnemonics, is full of them) all the numbers and the image of a friend. Now you can safely forget the phone number. At any time you can easily his remember.

So, the main thing – it is right to forget! Forget so that the necessary time to remember. Proper forgetting and remembering right – it's the same thing. All required information must be binding done on level images – mental images, movies with sensations, sounds. Why? Because the images – the language of the subconscious, and to communicate with them effectively at the level of images. Details on this will not be mentioned, that a lot of books. That also on the volume of information it is best to remember? Something that'll play. Mentally play the moments when you need to reproduce the information. Then it becomes clear how and what to remember. And how long. Think of the first class. Mental calculation. Remember when you learned to multiply in a column? Were there calculators? What was with those who began early to use the calculator? Those who are in school did not use a calculator, and to this day orally considered good. Those who use it – without him and the two numbers add up difficult. Most of all, do not use a calculator and a good memory. Why? Because they used to do everything in my mind. For example, multiply the number of column in your mind vividly imagining them. A very good exercise. Develops thinking. If you want to have a good memory – stop to take notes. While you are recording, you will not remember. The memory will not develop. Start small – cut their own records. Keep them in mind. Repetition of material. How do you do? If you re-read it – it is not effective. It must be repeated in the mind. The fact that you forgot – you can spy. Start small, get a lot more than you expected! See also training Speed reading and memory development of creativity in Kharkov

Internet Education

Almost all teenagers, ending with the eleventh grade, with the unrest think that they will not be able to enroll in college. Most of them are worried about and what it would be difficult to study at university and have time to memorize the complete program. To date, the two mentioned problems are solved without the hassle, since now all the young people can receive distance education. At a large distance education number of advantages. Chief – you can get knowledge, even in a city where there is no university, and not leaving this town. After all, with distance learning you will not need to interview employees of the university, visit classrooms.

Clearly, students communicate with teachers can not be excluded – no such communication to get the full knowledge it will be impossible, just now, any questions you can not ask for personal meeting, and by the World Wide Web – that is, through the Internet. So it is very convenient, you now have the opportunity to feel free to university staff and do not be afraid of it, you'll be able to ask any questions you need. All materials for learning go through e-mail. You will be able to live in the beloved city, you do not have to spend money on travel, life in another city, but there is something that the student must be at hand – a computer having access to the Internet. Still to come only once in the locality, where the university, you have to, you do not mind to get the finished high school diploma honored. By the way, engaging in such a way You can start working on their own and pay for their studies. If a student has the usual high school is not able to get second jobs, for the reason that most of the time it should be in the classroom, all students receiving education on the "Remote Control", can easily combine study and work. All the advantages of distance education, whether it be training or a college education, has noticed a significant number of students.

As they say professionals in the the next couple of years, much of the students already prefer not familiar to all learning, and distance learning. This kind of knowledge helps to earn without any problems and hassle to get full knowledge. Exams easy – complete the process of putting the session is fully automated and performed well through the Internet. After completing the exam, your score will appear in the Gradebook. Students before they hand over the session, you can refine their knowledge through self-tests.