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Human Factor

The human factor in the implementation of processes and tools, or which succeed better tools? Rookie Author Alexander Where succeed better tools? What a strange question – of course, where there is similar tools and technology! Can tell the reader and will be only partly right. If a customer has a similar technology and tools, it is often the only hindrance as psychologically, each of us reject all things new. There are several factors that have a negative on the process of introduction, we mention only the most important: duration of the instrument – the most obvious factor – the longer – the more used, the more difficult to move on new. Age specialist – is the most interesting factor, which in itself is absolutely nothing said. That is, the introduction can make a minor adjustment for age, but only with the first factor can be speak of a substantial effect on the outcome. Satisfaction with current tools – a factor, "but to me, and so anything goes," You can call blocking – it affects the outcome. It was the objective criteria, consideration of which would be incomplete without such powerful subjective as reluctance to move to the new technology because it provides more in-depth oversight of the Executive elementary sabotage …

The implementation should take into account all factors and prepare measures to reduce their impact on the final result. A sample? I want to give you an example from real life on the subject. So, we have a company that experienced a series of acquisitions. Staff consists of specialists from different companies. Age – totally promiscuous, but dominates the middle peasants.

No organization has no process. True, the leadership stayed in their confidence presence. At some point in time everything inside it became clear that without processes and automation tools can not – the company itself felt on all the problems of a chaotic approach: Do not expect the assembly are given to the wrong customers; Documentation errors is manually log errors in the word; metrics are not collected, there is no Planning (or rather have a plan that no one adheres to) Tasks for the developer hang orally, and so on …

American President Manager

And if the word "personnel officer" was, for some reason considered obsolete, it's time to come up with joint efforts of more harmonious and friendly name in their native language. Before the advent of better try to use more or less acceptable title "personnel manager". For assistance, try visiting Robert Gibbins. Now, let's all have a personnel manager from the fact that he needed to effective performance of their duties? First, the HR manager is required to inform the company's goals. The requirement seems simple and obvious, but this simplicity is deceptive. Even those who say that the living human resources, must understand that whatever resources are just a means to an end. Therefore, the creation and management of resources is justified only in the sense that brings us to whether this goal. So, first one should show the HR manager that goal. Robert Gibbins may also support this cause.

No goals, no meaningful progress in achieving this goal. Who you known companies that have a clearly defined goal of their work? How many of them written in a strategy paper to achieve this goal, at least for the near future? How this document is relevant or, in other words, there is a procedure for constant adjustment of goals and strategies for environmental changes? Second, the HR manager needs a reliable feedback mechanism, especially with senior management. Life is changeable. Our goal and the path of them are constantly changing. Determine their top management. That work effectively, our MPs should be able to keep abreast of these changes. There is only one way to stay abreast of affairs of senior management – must include in its composition. Do all companies known to you HR manager is a member of senior management? Third, the personnel manager should have the authority and resources to carry out their activities? First of resources. At one time, all The Soviet Union was laughing merrily over humoresques hero, who talked to his wife that he was given the intelligence "three rubles to bribe an American President." How many of you well-known human resource managers have at their control at least such budgets for its activities? Is it always the size of the budget with the scale of tasks? Now, on the credentials.


'Go out'? It's very simple. Most likely, you're too much attention extrinsic motivation, while forgetting about the leading power – intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation – the driving force that pushes you forward and does not stand still, that's why you invest your efforts, why you act every day, creating your team and your organization. You do it for the sake of changing their lives and the lives of other people's lives. Intrinsic motivation – is the 'fuel', which supports us and does not go out and cool at the time of overcoming the difficulties and failures. Intrinsic motivation leads to act. Examples: dream, self-actualization ideas, creativity, self-affirmation of the conviction curious feeling of being needed health to someone personal growth need to communicate first secret of success in (any) – never reduces your inner motivations.

External motivation external motivation is visible signs of your achievements in your surrounding society. Examples: money career status recognition prestigious things (house, apartment, car), a decent aesthetics of everyday life the opportunity to travel outside your motivation is constantly changing. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Facebook. Even yesterday, you would earn just the fact that feed the family. Then you have taken the first steps in business and wanted to give the best education for children, new house, new car … Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish you remember? 'I do not want to be a black peasant girl, I want to be a pillar gentlewoman' – an example extrinsic motivation.

Internal and external motivation are most effective in equilibrium. The second secret of success in business – maintain equilibrium (balance) between the internal and external motivations. Positive and negative All possible factors motivating motivational factors, in fact, be reduced to only the two intuitive ideas: to get rid of the pain than to have fun when both factors are both internal and external. And if in your step there are two factors, we get a very powerful engine. A sort of a push-pull.

The Desired

Law reinforcement as a tool for external motivation Now I'm pretty cynical thing I will say from the standpoint of some people (romance, close your eyes and ears and do not read the next paragraph). Notice relation: if there are at least positive external factors – the progress is real, if only the negative – about any positive result and can be no question. Real-world experience we got when we kept Persian cats cattery. Cats (and all other animals) share their experience in pleasant and unpleasant. On this principle, simple enough, all systems are built training and education (young children, by the way, too). The most remarkable theory ever proposed for the management of behavior, called 'reinforcement of the law. " He formulated many years ago, a psychologist and educator EL Thorndike. This theory is fine, because it works.

The original method was improved Thorndike and BF Skinner, who described the condition in which it operates most efficiently. Simply put, the 'law of reinforcement' reads: "Conduct that has the desired effect, repeated '. In other words, if you like what's happening as a result of your actions, you repeat them. If you are uttered by compliments, when you were in 'white', you will try to wear white more often, and conversely, if you rasprashivayut sympathetically about his health, when you say, in purple, do not be a rocket scientist to draw the appropriate conclusions. But even here there is a kind of noble work of the mind (probably me not lilac-to-face …) and that you say, when the tennis racket takes that with which he won the last game, rejecting the one which lost the year before. Superstition? No, the 'law of reinforcement', or, in other words, extrinsic motivation! There are several principles of foreign motivation that must be followed strictly in order to secure the desired behavior. Their life experience and people and animals are divided into pleasant and unpleasant.

Key Skills Trainer

Example: shop assistant of one of the shops selling home appliances on a daily basis offers several different brands of appliances. What brand of this series in his personal view is number one? – Space for a coach-providing company. 2. Language Client. Education products are not lessons in higher mathematics for the initiated. To ensure that your participants can successfully apply their knowledge, it is important to inform them on the customer's language, ie accessible and understandable for everyone. To be able to simple analogy of a complex device with familiar objects, to bring powerful metaphor, to make a short summary and "on the fingers" to show the main differences and advantages.

As you know, "student copies Master", which means that the coach product important to have a professional and everyday language, focus on customers. 3. Information processing, structure. Whatever the product or service your company, you will always encounter a problem: how provide participants with information on occupation, which, to the development was successful, how to structure and how to present knowledge in a variety of instructional aids. Important question is discussed, usually with the guidance.

But it is Coach decides it all the time with each group. What is the structure of the classes can effectively work out informational material? As we already mentioned, the well-known coaches, "J. Kolb Cycle" in most cases not suitable to conduct information sessions. To obtain a stable result, training for the product must contain 4 main parts: – Introduction: establishing contact with the audience, the inclusion of the topic, task and Planning work – information part: the requisite information – enshrining part: questions, tasks, exercises to consolidate the knowledge received by participants, responses to questions from the participants – estimated part: Test results – important feedback for both coaches and participants for training. 4. Key Skills Trainer for the product – those who need more attention and in the process of training of trainers and on stage recruiting specialist for the job. Outset that perfect knowledge of the subject learning, ie products / services companies, we mean both the first and indispensable condition in detail not dwell on it, with an emphasis namely to "coach" skills. First, of course, presentation skills – a bright, affordable, structured to deliver information to each participant. Skills of public speaking and working with different audiences in numbers: management attention, interaction with the audience, answer questions and manage discussion, verbal and nonverbal components of speech and the structure of speech. Methodological skills: analysis and systematization information on the topic, preparation of reference materials, development of slides, test assignments, tests for the participants. The training program that focuses on the development of precisely these coaching skills, much shorter in duration, while the efficiency of conventional training of trainers on the tasks trainers on the product. Finally. We have touched upon only some of the most pressing issues trainers on the product. It seems important task of developing and promoting special programs entirely focused on the key skills, professional goals and specifics of the coach / instructor for the product. This increases the possibility of customer training, product training improves the efficiency of companies and contributes to professional development and promotion of a coaching profession as a coach for the product. The material was first published by author: Galina Eliseev – business coach, PhD, Director, Center for training of business trainers "TrenerPROFI", author and host of "Coach of the product"