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Personal Finance Course

Investor, forget it, is almost impossible for an investor to pay taxes. Here’s why: most of the investments that pay high yields are recorded with taxes, but the majority of investors have losses that offset those taxable income. Now, if your you invest in products of lower profitability, as the bonds of the State, it is that these are usually tax-free. Basically, regardless of how how you look it at, be an investor simply not going to be poor. It is much easier to reach poverty working 40 + hours per week in a job, than sitting on a leather sofa being the owner of a collection of investments. Being poor? Stay and defend your job and your salary. Details can be found by clicking Cyrus findshadow or emailing the administrator. # 6 Assets and liabilities looks like something that people simply cannot understand is the concept of the cash flow (Cash flow). The best way to explain it is that in the cash flow assets give you eat and liabilities you bleed every month.

If you want to be poor trafficking qualify for the largest mortgage you can. That money comes out of your Pocket every month will take you quickly to the path of poverty. Now I know what you’re thinking a House is an asset then you are producing money through capital gains. Incorrect! We are talking about CASH FLOW, assets and liabilities. The mortgage of a House will only decrease your monthly cash flow and only increase in the month you sell, if you manage to sell it Some of the poorest people we know have houses very, very large. If you manage a contract of mortgage with the greater possible time, while longer better, this undoubtedly will help in the way poverty.

# 7 MAKING THE COMMITMENT. You have to have the desire, you can do it. If you can handle the way many, many taxes, spend all your time in a job that gives you a wage insurance, avoid always start your own business, never educate yourself financially or make any type of investment, you’ll be poor. There is simply no way around it. It may be that your appearance is not poor, because to keep in the negative terrain that monthly cash flow, you may have to drive a large and elegant car and living in a giant House. But, as long as expenses are greater than the income you’re progressing towards obtaining cherished poverty. It is that simple. You spend more of what they earn, every month. Giving all your money to the rich, and do not forget to pay your taxes. Pretty simple, yes or no? Now you know how being poor. But if what you are interested in is the opposite, i.e. having enough revenue to eliminate the financial problem of your life and dedicate yourself to do what you like and are interested in, we suggest you start your financial education. The school’s wealth have online and classroom courses. Click on the following links for more information: course On Line free personal finance and management of the Presential course money CASHFLOW @ Personal Finance Course at Spanish developed by Robert Kiyosaki, in Quito and Guayaquil.


Life is a constant opportunity.Once you’ve stopped to think for that are still postponing? What these waiting to go in the direction you want to go? If somehow feel that you are burning and still living the illusion, probably is the time to make an emergency stop and rearrange your talents and plan of action. The illusion is resigned and lazy people. The vision is for leaders. The illusion comes from a very different place to that comes the vision. The distinction is that the illusion is born from an indoor place of impossibility and resignation that is when God wants have heard it before? The Vision, on the other hand, comes from a place of possibility and risk if it is going to be dependent on my. Powerful! Didn’t you? OK! Because for a moment I invite you to think for a moment: given this where these your? Do not pretend you feel inspired (a) every day of your life or feel full of joy if not even you know complete what you intend. Oouch! (breathes) look at our results and that those results continuously are not what we want to create much frustration. However, it is important that you lend your life care.

Where are you going? Where these? How this being your life experience when nobody you this looking? even if you think the answers to these questions, give yourself a moment in silence and answer them honestly and humbly. Sometimes we believe to be in a place, and the truth is that we are very far from the. And that is why we do not complete the cycle of success that we want to see manifested in our professional or personal lives. We all have something to work, and if not so, simply not you’re exposing enough to discover you each time more. Be aware of while operating on a Vision, not from an illusion.