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Bloody Mary

From the vegetable basket to the eye candy of “1st European vegetable carving contest” held individually and team in the categories. On Sunday, September 4th, the nominated participants initially bring a finished composition. Without hesitation Brad Garlinghouse explained all about the problem. “This showpiece can be made from any fruit and vegetables and must have 3D, say from all sides equally handsome”, explains Constance Topel. On Sunday afternoon, the Gemuseschnitzer fashion then creative accessories for two cocktails – “Bloody Mary” and “sex on the beach”-as well as for an approximately 30 centimeters large dish. The individual competition continues on the second day (September 5) with a showpiece that is carved live in up to four hours before the eyes of the jury and the audience. Each participant receives a shopping cart with melon, papaya, Kohlrabis, cucumber, radish, Chinese cabbage and carrots, for which he designed a freely selectable working for it.

Those who wish may process in addition a pumpkin. The third and final day of the guests is reserved for the team competition. Each participating team, consisting of two to three members, carving creative composition again in four hours. Here, too, there is a shopping cart and the possibility to use a pumpkin of any type and size. The art works will be assessed by a panel of judges include well-known members from several European countries, as well as the Chinese world champion Xiang Wang. “The jury assessed creativity and uniqueness as well as the professional execution of the carved objects,” says Constance Topel. Who would like to take part in the vegetable carving competition, can be until June 30, 2011 at Constance Topel by food artistic e.V. (E-Mail:) to apply for a place in the German team. The registration documents are under carve vegetables available.

Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

Because of the surprise effect the motto of the party is kept of course as long as possible secret,”says Mr of Oliver Sanchez, General Manager of the Radisson Blu Hotel in Hamburg, and smiles: A second big thank you to all of our guests, partners, and suppliers. Radisson Blu Hotel in Hamburg is proud to serve so many loyal customers and to be able to work with great people. To maintain these relationships and our birthday and to celebrate, a customer party organized the House end of April 2013. The invitation list includes both people from public offices, companies and service businesses in Hamburg also regulars as the owner of the hotel. The party’s success is guaranteed! This is ensured by the five working groups, which were compiled by the team of the Radisson Blu hotels, and an external creative agency from Hamburg.

Throughout the year, our customers will also benefit from many advantageous offers. We start in the month of February with a first-class range of massages, in March birthday Filini restaurant at their expense come and enjoy our Sunday brunch in April to the Exclusive price. Hold set your eyes on us continue, to learn which highlights are still waiting for you.” About Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg has been end of 2009, according to a comprehensive, ten-month renovation in new splendour. The highest and largest of the Hanseatic City offers its guests 556 rooms and suites in three different designs and a 2.422 m2 large event space with Ballroom and two additional event locations – one of which is on the top two floors of the hotel with spectacular views over Hamburg. Two restaurants, two bars, the completely modernized lobby area with two lounges and a fitness and wellbeing zone round the high quality offer the distinctive first class House at Dammtor from.

The owner azure property Ltd., with headquarters in Luxembourg invested around 48 million euros to modernize the operation. The Swedish architect Christian Lundwall was hired for the interior design. More information is available under hotel hamburg. House tours are available by appointment. About the Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group the beginning of 2012-based Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group is one of the world’s largest and most dynamic hotel groups. The portfolio of Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group includes more than 1,300 hotels, a global presence in 80 countries, and a number of strong brands (Radisson Blu, Radisson, country inns & Suites by CarlsonSM and Park Inn by Radisson, hotel Missoni, Park Plaza ). In most of the hotels of the group, guests can benefit from the Carlson Club loyalty program, one of the most attractive bonus programs in the world. The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group and its brands deal with more than 80,000 employees. The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group has its head office in Minneapolis, United States, and Brussels, Belgium. Press contact Radisson Blu Hotel Tamara Burgisser Manager of marketing & PR Marseillais Strasse 2 D-20355 Hamburg T: + 49 40 35020 D: + 49 4035023616 F: + 49 4035023636 hotel hamburg company contact: the Rezidor Hotel Group Avenue you Bourget 44 B-1130 Brussels Tel.: + 32 2 702 92 00 fax: + 32 2 702 93 00

POS Eagle

The ships of owned and operated by Eagle ships are a POS system for restaurants, shops, and tickets on Sylt, the Kiel Canal, in Wismar, on North Beach and Usedom after Poland on the road. So that the guests experience a good ride, the excursion boats offer comfortable surroundings and friendly in-flight service with restaurant and shopping options. Since March, 2011 it is full speed Eagle ships ahead for the POS software The solution is used in the catering industry as well as in the onboard shops and ticket sales. The POS terminal is with peripherals such as customer display, receipt printer, bar code scanner and partial waiter lock. As some ships go to Poland, Polish fiscal printers are also used. All funds are online connected to a central server via UMTS. So, the ships at the pier, as well as at sea can transfer their data in the network of Eagle ships.

The Central Server passes the data to the merchandise management and ensuring that goods at the right time be refilled if the ship at the pier. For a connection failure, continue the coffers in the offline mode and are thus readily available. The table is operated with handhelds running the TCPOS functionalities. Orders are sent quickly from the table in the kitchen and speed up the settlement. The handhelds are connected to the POS terminal via Wi-Fi. They have easy to use surfaces that have been preconfigured in the headquarters.

The ticket sale is on the same wavelength. So the passengers can buy their tickets from an employee with handheld. Via a Bluetooth printer that is attached to the belt of the employee, is printed the ticket immediately. On board our ships are planned down to the last detail”the processes, explains Tobias Lagmoller, sales manager at Eagle ships. A central system that is reliable and is working properly in heavy seas and large guest attendance is very important for us”, so Lagmoller next. The functionality of TCPOS in implementation of the requirements of our various applications supports our processes shop, catering and ticketing in an ideal way.”