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Marina Massage

The Temple of massage, network of centres specializing in therapeutic and relaxing massages and beauty treatments, begins to grant franchises in all Spain after testing the viability of the centres for a few years. This business was born from the hand of three women entrepreneurs Marina and Maribel Corpa, and Marina Assir after meeting in the Institute dedicated their lives to different academic activities until one of them began working in a massage franchise, already disappeared, and he realized the market niche that existed. They carried out a feasibility study in 2005, they presented a bank which immediately warned the profitability and gave them the initial funding to begin. The Temple of the massage was founded in 2005 as a result of several factors. On the one hand make accessible aesthetic services and especially the massage to the whole world and that people can reap the benefits of these treatments when needed. On the other hand, we saw that it was a sector careless in some respects and it didn’t have the image nor the recognition that it deserved and we wanted to create a concept where professionals were qualified, using a scientific aesthetics and provide a comprehensive service to the height, something that differentiates us from many centres there is currently, explains Marina Assir, founder and Director of expansion. Today the brand has 2 points of sale in the city of Madrid, own one and another franchisee.

Both premises were raised differently depending on surface of room, location and up to date opened to check the feasibility of the same. We started just before entering in the crisis and in 2009, which was a particularly tough year, we opened our first franchise with an overwhelming success. In what the company has year have grown by 12%. They are data along with global economic data clearly showing that the sector has been benefited from the current situation, although it is also true that the demand for services has been growing steadily in recent years, regardless of the general trend, says Marina.

Real Friendship

Have written countless articles, and even books, on the indestructible nature of a true friendship; It is indisputably true that nothing can destroy it, but it is also in absence of frequent communication this cools the absence of up-to-date knowledge of the small things of every day that give us sadness or joy. We are fortunate to have the enormous advantages of the Internet with its enormous potential as: Chat, social networks, and many others. Despite the foregoing, I believe that nothing replaces the verbal, casual and spontaneous and even unexpected communication that provides the telephone with its also huge modern possibilities of mobility and availability. Who does not feel enormous joy to receive the call from a friend or a family member to simply tell you a small success that just get, good news that just received medical, a promotion that appears will be awarded, in seemingly insignificant things so that when you want to share and enjoy together with that loved close to his heart but distant physically. How many times still far we want fervently to share with loved ones little things that we just occur, regardless of its nature, and would like to speak with them to hear their views, opinions, voice of encouragement and if solidarity. I think that all those who left our country already being adults and that we still live outside, return to take vacation or visiting family and friends has thought us something similar to what I describe below.

The first encounters are loaded with enormous emotion and the obligated subject of conversation turns to refer each other new things that have happened to us, to interesting matters that have passed and characteristics of life in each place, in general, to new things. Then we agreed to frequent meetings such as those we had before and that lasted long hours. These meetings give us account that the theme of the past dies quickly and that there is a vacuum of things in common. Much of what I they are not interested and much of what you have not interested in my friend or family member. It is clear that the friends enjoy sharing what is common to them, and little new that we have to count, could be it. We discussed before the good fortune that we have to live in the present time in which, thanks to telecommunications, supported by satellites, Internet, cell phones, etc, in addition to other thousands technological advances, facilitating our life and allow us to reduce the distances thereby increasing our ability to be close emotionally even though there are large geographical distances. Another feature of our time is the enormous mobility and ease of movement of individuals and families.

It is estimated that at the end of the 20th century, the number of families residing outside their countries of origin voluntarily exceeded the non-negligible number of 25 million and that this number will increase annually at a rate close to 4%. This value does not include forced displacement by wars or natural disasters. Therefore, the telecommunications will continue to occupy a prominent place in our lives and certainly for our benefit, reinforce the component voice to voice, generating multiple alternatives at more competitive prices and within reach of more and more people. BlogRoll MundoCine the growing IMMIGRANT movement and the Press Office Blog Archive Detectys, Uria Menendez and Metal Wall Letter Hooks attract foreign investment (FDI), associativism agriculture a movement Campesino in the Peru

Alan Gabriel Garcia Perez

When we mentioned that justice is vesanica and prevaricadora, are in the most fair and descriptive of what is happening in this power of the State. We can not remove him less, but if increasing much more, for the dimension that is it seems a Kafka tale. It is unlikely as the right is used for twisting it and accommodate the interests individuals who flaunt and lie in the handling in the Poder.Algunos pretend to believe that we are justifying actions in Andahuaylas, which is not true. What we are questioning is the use of power to torment you with who rose eventually to draw attention in as the State of things is still living in this republiqueta or narcorepubliqueta. We were not wrong to speak of narcorepubliqueta. Because all is torn garments by what happened with the former employee of Nancy Obregon, which was found with several kilos of drugs. APRA does not realize that they hide their relations with four keys more high with the main areas of drug trafficking.

So far they have quiet inquiries to the family Sanchez Paredes, that in less than five years in 1985 grew rapidly to become the more great potentates and possess thousands of companies, only to leave if a few poor employed in farms of the arredantarios of Tulpo in Mollebamba finances in the Department’s freedom. The growth has been so dizzying to anyone in the world with as precise fate exists. There is no such probability, gives that only drug trafficking and APRA has contributed so they have that luck.The second thing in this intricately that the judiciary has contributed to her stench to reach huge dimensions was the prescription of the crimes against humanity that Alan Gabriel Garcia Perez committed in the 1980s with the death of more than 300 murdered by orders yours. It is now currently the contribution of Beatriz Merino, the defender of the people, to the cover-up of the genocide of the brothers Awajun and wampis in the curve of the devil, but what has filled the cake with cherry is the judgment of Antauro Humala by a venal Court and prevaricador that had been submitted to the slogans of the political power.

Accidents Aereos

visit a large percentage of aviation accidents occur during landing is one of the critical phases of the flight.At that time by different factors such as little-known airfield, not reliable navigational aids, communications congestion, scarce fuel, fatigue, distraction, nearby obstacles, poor visibility, the final approach can become a complicated problem and end up in accident. If we add a lost speed, the origin becomes a made safe. During the final approach, the speed of the plane should keep within tight margins, since if it is greater than required we run the risk of missing us track; If it is a minor, to loss of speed at low altitude.On the loss of speed, there are many points of view, is difficult to find two pilots who think the same of this theme, in addition it is not something that happens frequently. In times past when all instruction was given with the aircraft, the practice of what he called approximation to the loss was in flight and with high enough to recover the aircraft safely; Today almost ad the practice is done with simulators that have the same behavior of the aircraft in maneuvering. If you are unable to recover the Simulator, in a loss of speed at low altitude manoeuvre, the only thing injured is our pride, we will repeat the manoeuvre until it comes out well, let us be efficient in solving the problem and we are trained to deal with it when it arises. The practice on the plane was very good to have a good idea of wing amount of height that is lost in a recovery after the loss of speed.There is a marked difference between the loss of speed of a conventional aircraft and a reactor. An airplane propeller of slow entering lost only need to lower the nose and they stay level wings, to exit this abnormal condition, if the height is sufficient, we can return to a safe flight.

Martin Redrado

This situation not only frightened international investors, who were the first undo their positions in the country, but also to the small local savers. So that international investors have been fleeing the country, while the local savers, with very fresh memories of the last crisis, they sought refuge in the US currency very even though the combination of almost pegging with weight and a greater than 20% inflation rate is generating them a negative performance. And here comes the issue of international reserves of the BCRA and why my response to this friend of mine. While many market analysts criticized harshly the BCRA by its policy of reserve accumulation, the owner, Martin Redrado, justified this objective in the need for a phrase that he repeated until when he talked about sleeping with an anti-crisis fund, in the absence of an international lender. Logically that argument wasn’t very valid for the market in a context where the main concern of Argentines was the inflationary issue, at the time that it was almost an international crisis of this magnitude.

But since the beginning of 2007 with the turbulence in the Chinese stock market, the market has been tested to the Argentina. And the country has been able to overcome without greater difficulties each test that has had to face. The BCRA is resisting the onslaught of the market. This has had to resign part of reservations (more than US $1.5 billion in recent weeks). I have no doubt that the Monetary Authority will be able to pass this test without drawbacks. Firepower has (slightly less than $49,000 million).

But further than that there is a threat in the short term, this situation should call the reflection to the Government. If not for the level of reserves that owns the BCRA, the situation today would be totally different. Perhaps, before a strong increase of the exchange rate of the dollar, the financial system would have received an attack that would have taken him to the brink of collapse. We must not forget that the common people still keeps the fears of the 2001.Lo that is occurring in the system financial market and Argentine exchange rate are warning signs does the Government will be observing them?

Are Still Not Making Money Online

He was right to ask me such question some time ago. Why I’m not winning money in the network? The more I thought about it, more whites came the answers. If you’re still not winning the money you want on the network read on and you will find some useful ideas, product of my own experience. What I am about to say applies equally to small businesses, home based businesses and internet marketeros. The funny thing is that I knew I had to do to earn money on the internet. However it was not doing it! He continued sailing hypnotized around various sites looking for the magic formula that would put money in my account Bank automatically without having to do anything.

How is that it maintained the attitude of avoiding the different steps or actions that would generate money in my business online it? Is it that I wanted my business failure? Do I wanted I failing on the internet? No, no, no! But I kept so comfortably distracted with the latest and wonderful shapes make money on the net that wasted my time reviewing them over and over again instead of building my own business. I only tonteaba with the idea that having links to various products and services on my website would gain money. The first fundamental principle of making money on the net is: not there are traffic not there are profits. Having a web page does not mean that the world take a step to knock on your door. To resolve this, I sent my pages to search engines. For some time, when any of my pages could be in the top ten of search with a keyword, I did some extra traffic. Once he lost this position, traffic ceased. Then I tried to forward this page to retrieve my position among the ten more were found but it was in vain.

The 23 Beaches Of Acapulco I

The Pacific coast of the most visited by domestic and foreign tourists is Acapulco, port located 411 km south of the city of Mexico, which offers its visitors a wide variety of hotels in Acapulco, which allows its visitors to find rates that fit your budget. Throughout its large tourist areas known as: traditional Acapulco, Acapulco gold and Acapulco Diamante, are deployed 23 clowns whose names correspond to historical facts, habits, or simply natural circumstances. Here we present the first part of the list of all beaches which form part of the most famous Bay of Guerrero and how to access them. Old bar. Deviation to the right by the Blvd. of the Nations, before arriving at the airport. Fish carving and boat tours by the laguna de Tres Palos Caleta and Caletilla is highly recommended.

AV. Costera Miguel Aleman and Adolfo Lopez Mateos, opposite the island of Roqueta. The traditional meal is made from fresh seafood. Countess. AV.

Costera Miguel Aleman, located in the Center of the Bay, the heart of the Golden zone. Several restaurants and bars are located on this beach. The secret. Beach belonging to the Hotel Park Royal Acapulco Playa Guitarron, Guitarron. It belongs to the fractionation beaches Guitarron located south of the Naval Base. Honda. Coastal AV. Miguel Aleman and Manzanillo. Typical fresh seafood Hornitos posts are on this beach. In front of the Las Hamacas hotel, is the main workplace of local fishermen ovens. Located Northwest of Acapulco Bay, with a swell that ranges from mild to moderate. Icacos. At the extreme East of the Av. Costera Miguel Aleman, the Icacos Beach extends from the El Presidente hotel to the Hyatt hotel. La Roqueta island. It is located 1 km. South of the beaches Caleta and Caletilla, and reach her by traditional travel by boat from glass bottom that allow you to see the great variety of marine species and the submerged image of the Virgin of the seas. The narrow. Coastal AV. Miguel Aleman y Lopez Mateos. Is enabled with typical posts of fresh seafood and area of parking. Majahua. Blvd. of the Nations, is a beach of calm waters. Manzanillo. AV. Costera Miguel Aleman and Manzanillo original author and source of the article.

United States

In the U.S. elections it usually always be cause for debate to ensure that such power in front to its external dangers. Republicans tend to want to hunt votes by proposing more harshly to such threats. Bush pulled out before points proposing be that more could face to Osama and Saddam. For the presidential elections of November 4 McCain began to recover offering as the expert military able to rein in Russia, while Putin denouncing the Republicans of having provoked the Georgian incursion into Ossetia for electoral purposes. Today the recent expulsion of ambassadors of the United States of Venezuela and Bolivia is used by McCain to denounce Obama for having proposed dialogue with Chavez, who wanted to present as a dictator and terrorist pro. His vice Palin poses to avoid buying oil to Caracas should be drilled in the natural reserves of Alaska. Obama, for his part, proposes that a new international image is required to confront these dangers, which have grown thanks to hawks in Bush.


These signals that make, which, as I say, I’ve been able to capture, I can perceive, that we are in the presence of a being, however, possess potentially, say in the cultivation of your personal aspirations still lacking plane, runs the serious risk of becoming something somewhat unpleasant, a little futile, superficial and vain, person to whom it is best to avoid. Then, to your question, somewhat disparagingly, who is this that is thought? When you go to other people, who perhaps do not fully share your particular points of view, would be that you were previously able to make value judgements about your own person, and you respond with sincerity, who think that I am? As I have mentioned before, the value that each one can give himself, it is directly linked to the degree of development reached, in its ability to recognize the countless actions, which, every day, are made by people in our environment, without any claim, with the sole purpose of collaborating, for which our own life, much more enjoyable, than it certainly would, if they were not there to make things actually happen. Actions such as: give you affection, provide you and serve you food that you eat, wrap that blanket you, resources which demands to meet your needs, etc. etc. A huge list of goods and services which daily consume, which demands are you to provide, for the simple reason, that you consider yourself with the right to sue them, unless you’re with the elementary obligation to thank and if possible, give back. If you look carefully your environment, you will see, although there is a very wise saying which says, there is no worst blind one who doesn’t want to see that there is hardly anything of which demands every day, that they should come from your own effort, in reality is you’re so dependent on others, as a disabled person could beyour for you, you do not bring any value, you do not add anything, you only file, do you think you you deserve what daily? are you receiving? Do you think that the simple fact that are your family obliges those who coexist with you to give and give, without receiving any kind of recognition for what they do? People who really love you, there, are always willing to extend you your hands, but you must understand, that these people have a great value in themselves, they have learned that miracles, no se piden nor are they claimed, simply occur.

Autonomous University

An immigrant struggling to find an apartment for rent, two immigrants with the same difficulties, three immigrants, four immigrants, five, etc, etc, etc and can follow Addend and Addend and Addend; and when we have found a fixed number that allows to know exactly how many immigrants have difficulties to find an apartment for rent already have come to Spain as many new immigrants that he will have to continue adding. So it seems: the problem is going to be for long. Anyway, if we stop after count them today, the result would be a very high number, therefore, before you become depressed, stop a moment and think about one thing: if Spanish mimes have problems obtaining rental housing, why foreigners who live with them in their country deserve to have more easy? The answer is as logical as simple. You don’t grow you, but face things knowing the truth in advance allows you to take better advantage of opportunities and know the risks for purposes of achieving best results. To some extent, the problem of the rental in immigrants is accentuated since about 75% of immigrants live in apartments that are not yours.

This is due to that, as it is to be expected, leads to immigrants a natural cycle of settlement to be able to acquire own housing, which can occur after many years of living in Spanish soil. Taking into account these data, and adding the reality that immigrants are about 10% of the Spanish population and that around 40% of the total number of dwellings for rent in Spain are occupied by immigrants, is evidenced that there is a niche market that real estate agents have to meet (despite the reticence that owners may impose). What immigrants are seeking as a guideline for selection and types of housing that are housed, immigrants opt to lease either very small houses that close the 25 or 30 square meters or well, by contrast, larger dwellings the average, i.e., greater than 100 square meters, where they can install to your family, or sublet rooms. Nor is it easy for an immigrant to obtain exactly the home you are looking for, because they faced as much demand of flats for rent by Spanish citizens, immigrants have to go by opting for floors that they do not pick up or discarded, i.e. those found on the peripheries or which are in a worse state. It is important that when looking for a flat, immigrants will do the necessary to deny these practices and be able to pick a worthy of being inhabited floor. Where to find your apartment rental places that go in search for an apartment for rent being immigrant are not different from those who attend being Spanish. Basically: networks of friends, real estate agencies, apartment for rent Max Maxwell graduate in advertising and communications by the Autonomous University of Barcelona journalist specialized in the classifieds market.