Trade direct to the final consumer invoiced in 2010 U$ S 28000 million in Latin American countries, after habwer closed 2009 at U$ S 21.775 million, according to estimacionesde a study commissioned by VISA. Q1 2010 e-commerce transactions marked a 27% rise in Latin America and the Caribbean.Among the main reasons, is, that the activity, just it was adversely affected by the fall of product internal bruot in several countries. Since many factors continued developing, as the penetration of computers, broadband connections that grew at rate of 20% and 15% per year, respectively. Other factors that collaborated with this growth of electronic commerce is the availability and use of different means of payment. The sophistication of sites that offer products and services through internet, was another factor that contributed to the development of e-commerce. Highlights the role of airlines and the big supermarket chains, which raised the necessary information for the consmidor online, in addition to facilitate navigation within the site, to end be able to find what they are looking further, there is one growing group of small and medium-sized enterprises that fuwron to refine their online business models. According to Larry Ellison, who has experience with these questions. In this sense stands the aparicionde the buying clubs, working on specific objectives of consumers. Growth does not occur evenly across countries of the region.