In a strange juxtaposition of the articles, this month the UK has three parts, concerning the importance of listening to customers. Susan Rice, CEO of Lloyds TSB makes clear how important it is for great leaders to listen and hear. It uses the example of how Coca-Cola was quick to “listen” to their customers when they revolted against New Coca-Cola back in 1985 (good job too, was Yuk!). It also attacks the feasibility of exchange programs, where more than 70% do not meet the original objectives. A return sad, very consistent due to the lack of listening to the needs of staff and clients in the business. Fast forward to page 19, where a youngster is the situation of Henry Ford pellet in the 20’s, with its policy of “any color as long as it’s black” for their new revolution in car manufacturing, the Model T. This worked very well for a few years, giving Ford a huge 57% market share.
However, this historical icon manufacturing efficiency, have turned against him. Its competitors, almost behind the back, he learned, by asking and listening, that their customers wanted different colors. In 1927, General Motors had stolen a march on Ford – and have taken a big advantage – and market share. And finally, in a strange question focused on the client is a long look at the situation in the fashion market in the UK, now led by lower-priced newcomers who have become very visible in the last decade. Asda brand George, through TK Maxx, a Matalan, Primark and Peacocks. All these are mounting the sidewalk and decimating the traditional retailers. Marks & Spencer are the usual victims, but not unique.
The common thread is that the victors are listening closely and respond to the needs of its customers – who are taking the time to find and, moreover, are “sensors” mood, the trend of retail fashion. Perhaps listening to customers is as important as it seems. And while on the subject, more attention to employees would not hurt either. What to do in your business? Five tips: – Ask questions of people who are important customers – and employees. Listen to your answers and more questions. Acting quickly on the things that you can fix quickly. Build on your short, medium and long term strategies that things are being discovered. Work to ensure that its people are empowered to do this all the time, day by day and information where you are going to notice Copyright 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. a l works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and business leaders