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Federal Government

Savers can get a lot of the current financial crisis: high interest on their balances and a guarantee of their deposits by the Federal Government. The exchanges currently groan under the impact of the financial crisis. No Bank knows what explosives still inside its balance sheet and those of other institutions. All parties are accordingly overprotective when it comes to short-term loans of loans. Accordingly, banks around the world among the losers of the financial crisis. But where there are losers, winners also are not far. These include clearly savers who have applied their money on the day – or fixed-term deposit accounts of domestic banks or still want to create.

The credit crunch between the banks namely ensures that interest far above the ECB interest rate is paid on such accounts currently. The day money is added to the daily availability in phases like this a must-have for many savers. Even that almost disappeared believed passbook is currently experiencing true dominance, and that not of return aspects, but from psychological reasons. Customers on the Bank leave the money on a savings account. The passbook as a personalized savings certificate, however, can take you home.

In times in which banks (almost) represent failure and States shortly before the financial collapse, this perceived security is an effective marketing tool. And so it is not surprising because even savers billions to banks and savings banks make month for month. While the perceived security is not so far-fetched. Savings are subject to as well as day and date Money accounts of the statutory deposit insurance and are secured with membership of the managing financial institution in one of the liability federations or associations about the backup system. Third stage is considered to be the guarantee of our Federal Government for several weeks for balances private savers to accounts of domestic financial institutions. Safer is currently hardly, because even with federal securities ultimately only the Federal Government to be repaid can guarantee what he Yes currently offline I’m also in sight, savings and time deposits.