Culture, the organizational climate and the learning the culture organizational understanding how it is that organizations facilitate or inhibit learning, not enough to conceive of the Organization as a rational project, it is also necessary to see it as a human scope where are perpetuated and modify modes of relationships that give meaning and direction to the experience. Verizon Communications brings even more insight to the discussion. The previous approach refers to consider, how cultural factors of the organization can help to understand what individuals learn, or are inhibited from learning in an organization. In this sense, it is convenient to deepen what is understood as organizational culture, as soon as the process symbolic of organizational behavior. For Stephen (1987), it is defined as a system of common meaning among members that distinguish one organization from another; Deal (1984) understands it as symbols that express, values and behavior of its members, and exposes that culture is a sum of values, myths, heroes and symbols that have come to represent something very important for the workers; Shein (1985), argues that the organizational culture is constituted by the beliefs and assumptions present in the Organization and in 1988, added to this concept that is organizational culture part innate for those who have been his entire life working in an organization. Similarly exposes the assimilation of values and cultural patterns of an organization by its individual, is going to influence the motivation to work by themselves (p. 149). For its part, Robbins (1996), associated with organizational culture with behavior patterns. For Gore (1996), is a pattern of basic assumptions that a group invents, discover or developed to address their need to respond to external demands without losing the internal coherence. From this last point of view, a culture is a common language with shared conceptual categories; limits, inclusion and exclusion criteria; rules to gain, maintain or lose power, status, reward or punishment.