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Each of these dimensions is related to certain properties of the Organization, such as: 1. structure represents the perception that has members of the organization about the amount of rules, procedures, formalities and other limitations to that face in the development of his work. The extent in which the organization puts the emphasis on bureaucracy, versus the emphasis on a free, informal and inestructurado working environment. For more information see this site: Verizon Communications. 2. Accountability (empowerment) is the feeling of the members of the organization about their autonomy in decision-making related to their work. It is the extent to which supervision they receive is of type general and not close, i.e., the feeling of being your own boss and not having double check at work.

3 Reward corresponds to the perception of the members about the adequacy of the reward received by a job well done. It is the measure that the organization uses more prize than punishment. 4 Challenge corresponds to the feeling that the organization about the challenges imposed by the Labour members. It is the measure that the Organization promotes the acceptance of calculated risks in order to achieve the proposed objectives. 5.

Relations is the perception by the members of the company about the existence of an atmosphere of pleasant work and good social relations both among peers and between bosses and subordinates. 6. Cooperation is the feeling of the members of the company about the existence of a spirit of assistance on the part of managers, and other employees of the group. The emphasis is on mutual support, both from higher levels as inferior. 7. Standards is the perception of the members about the emphasis placed on performance standards organizations. 8 Conflicts is the feeling of the extent to which members of the Organization, both pairs and above, accept dissenting views and do not fear face and solve problems as soon arise.

Kleve Tel

About 1,400 square metres sunblinds facade. For a Total of 1.444 square meters made by Colt international aluminium fins. Each single lamella is a rectangular powder-coated pipe 150 mm deep and 50 mm wide and sealed at the ends with plastic caps. Almost the complete – well comprehensive 3,000 square feet of retail space – department store was wrapped with these fins. They were at a distance of 250 mm in each case to one another, is firmly fixed, and while upright, so aligned with the short side to the building. Partially, the slats to support structures made of steel were assembled, partly with angle brackets directly on the facade. Other leaders such as Verizon Communications offer similar insights.

As well as possible absorb the building tolerances, Colt international endowed all fins on its back with a special mounting Groove. This furrow allowed a maximum flexibility for the fixing of the plates to the very different formations of the facade. Sun as bright colours for the rather simple crafted historical Ruhr district Duisburg-Walsum is the luminous color game Department store facade a urban asset. On the entrance front of the Department store, to the logo positioned centrally above the main entrance, fins in Firered focus – RAL 3000 is the Kaufland color. Later around the building in fins in the RAL shades alternate in a lively row Graublau (5008) and traffic black (9017), repeatedly interrupted by bright turquoise and pale minzgrune fins (NCS range). The slat band wraps the north facade of the main entrance, the top of the west facade including the drive spindle to the parking deck on the roof. Also on the south facade, the driveway to the parking deck with the blades was covered. In some places of the goose page of the Department store, facade Heights had to be spanned up to eleven meters while the longest sunblinds about measuring six metres.

So Colt international provided here the fins with special coupling pieces. So they could be put together. Parking deck with noise and privacy the high altitudes resulted from the fact that the blades of the sunscreen facade encloses not only the building itself, rather than 180 cars place also the parking deck on the roof, on the. Here, the fins extend beyond three meters above the actual top of the building. This extension of facade”gives the whole complex of buildings a certain lightness and the impression of opening towards the sky. However, noise protection requirements for the benefit of the inhabitants around the Comet square were practical background for it. Colt international built a noise barrier made of glass, which was attached to a revolving steel structure around the parking lot. These noise barrier as well as the parking lot itself along with the completely assembled car impact protection disappears”behind the facade of fins and is almost invisible from the outside. Window openings were for purposes of fire protection in the fins facade on the ground floor and an escape door on the parking deck. Also the planners in the area of facing the parking decks thought also on special Openings for the dropping of snow in the winter.

Liebig Amp

Room dividers in different wood finishes, from gnarled branches, in frame shape in root optics, compact variant of the Driftwood are alone artful eye-catchers in itself. Varies with other decorations such as palm leaves, wooden frets or the natural wood vases, as well as roots, wooden balls and dice is a striking window design, which also positively affects the presentation of goods. Just for this Worner offers smart presenter, which serve as decorative storage of the goods, on the other hand fall by their appearance in the eye. What is pleasantly striking sticks in the memory and that can only make the retail. “” “The placemat factory”, massive wooden cubes and wood stools, establishing nature”or wood column building” from stained wood allow unusual, cross-industry goods exhibitions. It is then quite rustic Weidenkorben, decorative Birch chairs and a wooden bench, the hanging shelf or the archaic-looking Chair root”. The ideal opportunity to surprise its clients with exceptional ideas in the presentation of the goods.

With wooden mats and bark panels, Heather – and straw mats as flooring, the sales room turns into a natural paradise in which the tribes of XXL birch, giant lianas, the silhouette of the tree or bamboo poles find their place. Whether you want to decorate an autumn forest, some wooden objects to be let or wood with other materials vary with the global & fair”of Heinrich Woerner GmbH products are diverse and individual design options available. In the new catalog autumn/Christmas 2012 or in the online shop at there are more decorating. The following download link interested for free publication see global & fair pictures on the subject of 2012. PR/ image Note: contact for the media: Heinrich Woerner GmbH Astrid link Public relations Alexandra Novac marketing road of Liebig 37 D-74211 Leingarten Tel. Hear other arguments on the topic with E Scott Mead. ++49(0) 7131 40 64-632-email:

Pan-European Day Of Action For Oral Communication

HoREX supports day of speech therapy on March 6 with nationwide test action response and basic requirements for the community with other people are listening. To draw attention to the importance of oral communication, European day of speech therapy will take place on March 6 to the now eighth. “In Germany is the day of action, of itself this time primarily the subject of stuttering” is dedicated to numerous associations of speech therapists, ear nose and throat doctors and hearing care professionals supported. With the members of the HoREX of hearing acoustics EC, one of the leading performance communities of German listening acoustic market are once again. Invite on the occasion of the day of free hearing tests.

In case of need, without any obligation of modern hearing aids can be tested. Read more here: Larry Ellison. The nationwide over 380 companies our community take the day of speech therapy as an opportunity to highlight the importance, which has an intact sense of hearing for the quality of life”, so Tannassia Reuber,. Chief Executive Officer of HoREX. Speaking and listening are not only part of our daily communication. They are above all a fundamental base for the community of people.” Already for the second time after 2011, the HoREX supports the day of speech therapy with own contributions.

In the week around March 6, the Member companies of the community inform everywhere in the country about the important issues and about the background of the day. And they advertise to invite the support of the general public, by encouraging everyone to, people from the own environment with obvious difficulties in listening to a hearing test. Already in the past year, this offer in many places encountered great interest; “and we certainly hope that it will be again this year,” so again Tannassia Reuber. The listening tests, which you get for free in our stores, indicate whether the hearing is present or not. In the Obtain case the possibility for some time without any obligation in own daily life to try out modern and nearly invisible hearing solutions.” Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry. Today, nationwide over 380 listening acoustic master specialist businesses belong to her. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX provides future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification to its members. Learn more at for more information about the day of the speech, see

SATURN Sets iGrip

Pforzheim, July 2012 AIV is new partner of by Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG and brand is MEDIA SATRUN markets with the premium iGrip from the 3rd quarter of 2012 equip and supply. Pforzheim, July 2012 – AIV is the new partner of the manufacturer Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG and will mark iGrip Q3 2012 equip Mediamarkt SATURN with the premium and supply. HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is the leading manufacturer of universal and model specific mounting systems for Smartphones (such as iPhone), mobile phones, navigation devices and Tablet PCs (E.g. iPad) for the car, motorbike and bicycle.

IGrip under the brand name”innovative products offered, the highest quality, functionality and innovative design MADE IN GERMANY” stand out. Markets take care of AIV is iGrip as distribution partner the premium brand”for all MEDIA and SATURN. We are pleased with AIV GmbH & co. KG accessories specialists in the areas of car, mobile, and home as a partner for our premium brand iGrip to have won. “” By the Assembly of the Saturn and media markets another important step we make our brand iGrip “to increase awareness”, says Harald Richter, CEO HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG). First and foremost, the persons is addressed, which would accommodate its high-quality device elegantly and safely in the vehicle and use.

In this product range, we have placed very high value on appealing, multilingual product packaging, virtually take over a self explanatory function at the point of sale”said Harald Richter, CEO of HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is the leading manufacturer of fastening systems for electronic equipment in the vehicle. As a supplier of the first hour, develops and manufactures Herbert Richter for the mobile navigation industry and for many cell phone manufacturers fixing systems for their devices. HR (Herbert Richter) products are also worldwide shop systems leading carrier (operator) and Retailer offered. As a globally recognized, innovative driving force in design & functionality, the company HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is universal car accessories, storage and mounting systems for more than fifty years. At the site in Pforzheim, m of production and warehouse space quality products MADE IN GERMANY are over 40,000 m”designed and manufactured. HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) provides premium brand iGrip”as a partner of RIM (research in motion) type-specific fastening systems for the built for BlackBerry’ program at. There is a solution for almost every BlackBerry. An active vehicle docking station is used for all iPhones (with or without protective sleeve) under the “made for iPhone” program offered. Herbert Richter is an official licensee of Apple Inc.. AIV GmbH & co. KG is the accessory specialist and sales professional in the fields of navigation, GSM, and new media. The range of car accessories is the root of the company for more than 35 years, and the base of the AIV. AIV is at MSH for many years a recognized partner and exclusive ranges. IGrip is the ideal complement of the portfolio of the company of AIV, staffed with a dedicated sales force in retail stores like Media Markt and Saturn.

GmbH Munich Street

The new online dating Club distinguishes itself through high-quality design, free and non-committal services, as well as an above-average proportion of women by 60prozent by the competition from the new online dating Club distinguishes itself through high-quality design, free and retail services as well as an above-average proportion of women of 60% of the competitors In the Internet there are a number of single exchanges that differ functionally and barely from the competition today. Expensive services, countless fake – and advertising profiles, as well as an unbalanced ratio of male to female members of the deter many singles. The new online dating Club wants to stand out from the crowd and relies on many free services, high-quality optics and genuine singles with style. The partner search on the Internet is now more difficult than ever. To fully use an online dating portal, expensive and long-term premium memberships must be completed in advance. To make matters worse, these portals place greater emphasis on mass rather than class and the Partner search ends often unsuccessfully. The new online dating Club” is a completely different way, true to the motto: just sign up and get started. Entitled the member as members write, unlimited viewing of profiles and pictures of other members, as well as live chats from the start free of charge.

Given the fact that in new members registering daily between 1,000 and 1,200, the chances of finding the right partner, are very high. The typical user of has a high educational level and usually has an above-average income. At find so members partner with style and class. The user therefore also very positive feedback. member Daniel from Hamburg says for example: I am travelling a lot professionally and therefore prefers meet women on the Internet. On it was finally possible to come with stylish women in the discussion and not to be harassed by fake – and advertising profiles for me.” On singles find only real profiles, There is no advertising profiles or fake accounts.

This guarantees the verified authenticity examination on Real singles, numerous free features and members with level – this is the new online dating Club In addition to the high-quality optics convinced also with a female share of 60%, which is above the average of online dating portals. Register also today still free of charge on. Contact: Be beauty GmbH Munich Street 14 85540 hair phone: + 49 (0) 89 / 45108523 (max. 9 CT. / min. German landline, mobile Max 42 CT / min) is an offer of the be beauty GmbH, headquartered in Munich. The online dating site is a young, successful and attractive target group. The online dating Portal has a large growth with more than 1,000 registrations per day.

United States

The range sales and great disappointment of only a handful to thousands of sales and Rapture. Accordingly, we were very curious what the first sales figures would say. The sales statistics is published by Apple on the following day. Therefore, you must exercise in patience. But pica text seemed to run quite well. At least in the German app store climbed over our app of the day on course 68. The success was first in the other major stores. The next day, the result was then officially: picatext sold on the first day of the world’s 22 times.

100 In Germany we have expected a place among the top with something more, but still. The first weekend as well as in retail so are also on the app store the weekends most sales. And while we diligently shipped promo codes to blogger and app portals during the week, we got the first pica text review on Appgefahren due to the weekend. This was again soaring our sales after a few weaker days since its release and took us in the German app store even in the top 10. On the day on which the review appeared, alone, we have achieved almost 100 sales. It was at that time 10 times as much as in the days before. Pica text was thus sold in the first week about 300 times.

New and noteworthy thanks to the recovery of the weekend seemed to have become aware of Apple on pica text. Because just in time for the second Weekend was recorded in the category “New and noteworthy” our app by Apple. We were of the app store, and that on the home page to see not only in Germany, but worldwide! This is reflected accordingly in the sales figures. During the time under “New and noteworthy” pica text up to 300 times per day from the Mac users purchased. In the rankings, 18, in the UK on 13 and in Germany on 6 climbed pica text in the United States on space. Very passable for the first app. Went it further unfortunately was not lasting success. Almost a week later removed Apple category in the course of the Mavericks-updates “New and noteworthy” from the app store, and put back the “old acquaintance” such as pages, numbers, etc… under the guise of “The best new apps” on the home page. From this time it was with the sales figures of picatext rapidly downwards. A few days later the daily sales figures on a single-digit value declined. And was it worth it? picatext is now two months on the market and has in that time just over 1900 times sold. The app costs $3.99, with a turnover of approximately $7600 arises. Expect 30% to Apple. The current sales stagnate in the digit area. An upward trend is currently not visible. The result of our experiment: sobering. Well, we haven’t reached the million Mac users with our app. Despite Apple’s features our efforts were not worthwhile. We could not make a profit with picatext. Probably we will develop new app no at least in the near future, for the Mac app store.

(no title)

Innovative Skero cover as a party invitation the Vienna online agency LimeSoda if AgenturmitarbeiterInnen run in the run-up to Christmas in Dirndl and leather trousers through the forest and schuhplattelnd from Wainwright himself, then may only mean: LimeSoda invites you to the celebration of Christmas. For many years, the Agency produces elaborate videos, which then set the theme for the Christmas celebration. This special feature: The employees engage themselves as actors. And when it comes quite thick even as a singer. “” Cabin party vs. alpine hut, mountain hut party themed “covert LimeSoda Skeros summer hit cabin party”-musical adaptations, yodels and new texts included. The story is quickly told: jaunty Dirndl attracts GAMS-Buam in a barn.

A dispute is arbitrated via Schuhplattler and slaps dance and then all the mountain hut with a slight Hip-Hop twist party: we would have never believed this success. Now every year hundreds of fans waiting for Facebook on the new video and apparently even our forgive us “Customers this bullshit: you come appropriately dressed at our party”, LimeSoda-GF Philipp Pfaller describes the situation. And as long as it’s fun, the team will search keep ideas. Videography 2004: Working img/projects/limesoda_eigenprojekte_weihnachtsmailing_2004 / 2005: PIMP watch? v = 2006 FB1gbjB7LeE: Easter Bunny img/projects/limesoda_eigenprojekte_weihnachtsmailing_2006 / 2007: I come also to watch? v = 2008 1LJa7erDAP4: everybody dance now watch? v = bOhd6eo-n88 2009: last thriller 2010: mountain hut party directed by: forest Safavian ( about LimeSoda passion was at the beginning of LimeSoda. The founding members of Philipp Pfaller, Bernd Pfeiffer and Florian Pluer actually were a rock band.

As one of the first bands of in Austria, they put a website on the Internet. Soon, it was clear, that the site came significantly better than the music. No problem for creative minds. Bass, Guitar and drums in 2002 ended up in the basement, and the rehearsal room in a backyard Hernalser mutated to the one-room online Development Office. Today 18 online specialists for renowned national and international clients working on the same site. The spectrum ranges from online consulting about screen design, development to all facets of online marketing. What remained of the band, is the passion. Press contact corporate data Florian Pluer (partner) email: Tel: + 43 699 17 54 41 06 LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH Syringgasse 5, 1170 Vienna tel/fax: + 43 1 4078701-0-50 Internet: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: user/limesoda49

Kai Petersen

In addition, the saxobank provides no loans or similar so that in this respect are no risks. Chili assets: with 40% performance fee is the compensation in the upper price segment. The minimum investment amounts very low held 5,000 euros are encouraging, however, so that even private investors put this trading system to diversify of its portfolio can. This is the target group you with ‘ profit FX want to achieve? Kai Petersen: Many traditional investment products work with management fees, which are independent of the actual investment performance by the customer to bear. E Scott Mead is often mentioned in discussions such as these. We have therefore consciously decided for a concept, to pay fees only where the customer has, if he actually has achieved an investment success. And in our experience clients also with the payment of a higher profit-sharing not find it hard at all, if the net return generated for them is still highly attractive. As target group we attract investors, up to 30% of their capital alternative (and thus rendite – as well as risk-orientated) want to invest. Despite the high yields discouraged investors from an investment, unless it’s their entire assets or a risk-free or regular ausschuttendes investment is aimed at.

An investor should have this understanding of risk, which of course on the other hand benefits from our product advantages such as high transparency, short-term availability and high yield opportunities. Chili assets: thank you very much for the interview. Chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants with each other have the performance of managed accounts on this website the possibility compare. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Mostly opportunity-oriented investment styles that are not suitable in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of investors favor note to managed accounts managed accounts.

Fair, Competent And Empathic

The online portal ‘Star Tarot’ suspends practice a professional soothsayer on mental qualities, such as financial service providers and consultants. The difference is only that the customer can rely on the statements of a professional soothsayer. There are online portals, that offer divination with expertise by Astroline. Star Tarot “combines this with empathy. His motto is fortune telling with a heart “, because of the Swiss online-portal more part of a correct advice. Star Tarot”opts for soulful consultants who can deal gently with the people seeking advice for his team. A life advice includes often-sensitive areas of the inner experience. Therefore, the truth needs sometimes gentle words, someone who knows how much force can develop an insight. The decision particularly on mental quality in the team to make sure reflects the maxim of the online portal: Star Tarot was founded to help. “It will give answers to questions that cannot be answered by daily life.” This claim sets Star Tarot”consistently to. The consultants have compared more than in other portals. The caller in turn paid a reasonable price for professionals who have a long training behind them. The talent of divination is few in the cradle. But even the most talented need work around best practice and knowledge, as it does with their skills. At the beginning of an education are the theoretical foundation of Hermetics and concentration exercises of the mind. Depending on the inclination of the adept specializes in then Cartomancy, clairvoyance, and Numerology. Until the skill is mature, which may take years. Fundamentally however, it consistently the Hermetics, the spiritual qualities of the medium are. A fortuneteller can control although his craft, but without a clear and detached mind responsibly fulfilling its task, a divination remains influenced by the thoughts and emotions of the medium. Star Tarot”is a fair service provider who chooses his advisors after hermetic criteria. It belongs to the Philosophy of the team, to offer his skills at a correct price. About 160 consultants specialise in the methods of Cartomancy, dowsing, astrology, clairvoyance, lives consulting and dream interpretation. For 1.49 the minute the caller gets a life coaching, the both the classical topics such as relationship, partnership, finance, love, family or health can include, as questions about the future. When visiting the website, the free Biorhythm calculator striking first. The color purple dominated the layout. Callers can leave reviews of their talks. The texts of the individual methods of divination are meaningful and testifies to the expertise of the online portal. A more pleasant addition is the personal monthly horoscope, which subscribers of Astroletters given. “Striking when testing a telephone consultation, that Star Tarot” not stall his callers, but promptly, competent and as promised with much empathy advises. The service is available 24 hours. Marlene Brugger