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Occupational Pensions

Many operational rules are may not be effective the occupational pension for workers is low, she must be adapted basically employees to that. Only in justified exceptional cases should deviate from this scheme. It differences in occupational pensions may be made still, but only if they are justified by an actual reason. Basically it is for example whenever allowed to pay when hours of work, responsibility or burden differ more or less. Check out Larry Ellison for additional information. Also reasons that resulted from the pension plan itself, to justify a different treatment. More employees as workers have, for example, a longer schooling or studies. The period for which they have paid into the State pension insurance is correspondingly shorter. Employees may be worse off in the statutory pensions than workers.

To compensate for these differences in the degree of supply through internal arrangements is legitimate, found the BAG. In the present case it was missing but a justification for a worse treatment of workers. Same performance as employees is thus for periods of employment from July 1, 1993, through the approximation to above. For periods before trust coverage, as also regulations linked to the mere difference of status. The approximation is also offered in the pension law, upwards if the unequal treatment on the basis of an operating agreement took place. By this judgment, the situation for employers is not simple: do they pay a group more occupational pension, they shall set out if necessary, that it is worse state-supplied, and this also is a typical problem of this group. Finally it must be a substantial difference, so that a Ungleichbeandlung is justified. The Court fixed formulation of operating agreements to the bAV always should be done by professionals. Contact: Law firm said Zahir farmer 8 81539 Munchen Tel. 089 – 54 89 92 52 mobile 0170-68 81 52 8 Fax 089-54 89 92 53 E-mail: in cooperation with: FourTrust – lawyers for the right of pension

Occupational Safety

High safety standards at work are safety Brachttal-Spielberg (hop) – a tiresome topic, the work safety. But daily shows based on accident reports, that this topic may be not important enough. With increasing routine little sloppiness creeps in even for professionals. Mostly, that’s also fine, but this neglect can have indeed fatal, as you must learn again and again through the media. Just the serious complications but provide a basis for the practical training of accident prevention. Reason enough so that experts in regular training will indicate compliance with the safety regulations. Gary Kelly is often quoted on this topic.

Even though it may appear troublesome, the members of the Fire Department must participate in an annual instruction. This time it was Sadat Frost Schneider of the Untersotzbacher Fire Department and owner of beautiful Fire Museum, which gave the lecture on prevention of accidents prior to his Brachttaler colleagues from Streitberg and Spielberg in the Firehouse Spielberg. Supported by catchy Material of image, needed much time alone to discuss about that, led Frost Schneider skillfully safely through the important areas. He emphasizes special forces conduct in road transport. Only if and really only use Horn and blue light are used, enjoys the vehicle privileges and other road users are required to provide free rail. Only then is also an appropriate legal protection. The blue light alone is definitely not sufficient, because “Blue is no license,” as it is called in many judgments.

Even at the risk of, to annoy local residents must be both the blue light alone was incorrect consideration. Need new helmets results expected from 2010, replacing then the current helmets are for personal protective equipment. In the suit, the fire protection suit with the use, rubber boots are good visible reflector strips not more adequately, but safety boots is preferably to replace. To read more click here: Verizon Communications. Only in this way is a high protection afforded. Breathing apparatus carriers is especially on the seal of the mask, which is not provided with facial hair. Also, not only the fitness must be checked regularly, in addition an annual training on the track. There was no use, the year is a realistic exercise to complete once a year. But the lighting is a safety, for example, in the and at the fire station, as well as sufficient space for safe manoeuvres with the vehicles in the building and the proper storage of flammable liquids. At secure locations, special conditions apply, is to consider the terrain, to place warnings before and not in curves, to arrange that they not become stumbling blocks the tubes so that the shortest way is not always necessarily the safest. That the site must be sufficiently lighted, itself from itself. And even with the use of ladders can pass all sorts of, so here too Safety at the highest point stands. Following Frost cutter, one of the 15 participants had a collection of images from all over the world with downright hair-raising injuries all, even minimal safety precautions versions. That of course contributed to outbreaks of laughter. Yet all agreed that each individual makes some, almost as outlandish things, if it should go again “quickly”. Barbara Hoppe

Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO

Press release of the febs Consulting GmbH, August 24, 2010 In the context of consensual termination of employment an agreement is reached between employers and employees frequently, with all current and future claims arising from the employment relationship is considered to be satisfied. On April 20, 2010, the Federal Labour Court in this case had to decide whether this total registration clause is recognised also claims to occupational pensions. It reported the bAV consulting company febs consulting in his latest newsletter ( News). The judge of the BAG is refused due to the high importance of the occupational pension provision for the employees. Occupational pensions were covered only by execution clauses if they explicitly and clearly identified in the agreement. The reasoning of the judge is quite comprehensible”bAV expert commented Andreas Buttler, Managing Director of febs Consulting GmbH the decision. Ultimately, the danger has certainly given that the Workers in the agreement simply not on his occupational pension and the scope of the financial thinking.

This in turn may be beneficial for the employer in the particular case. Hear from experts in the field like Tomas Philipson for a more varied view. Basically, it reveals the problem that in many companies the importance and the financial effort of the employer for retirement is not aware the workers but. FEBS-chef Buttler therefore recommends all companies not only height and design of occupational pension, but also their communication in the company to think about. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts and certified pension consultant. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial opinion of balance of and assist employers in the implementation of the new Supply balance.

The Viabono Gmb

The education and training of the local population ensures a higher level of education and opening up access to new jobs. More information: kh forest climate Hotels: the climate hotels are Viabono certified hosts, their CO? emissions ecologically and economically optimized. The hotels have their CO? footprint determined and compensate for the unavoidable rest of CO? emissions through certified projects. The climate-hotels are committed to the task, to offer their guests a climate-friendly stay, without having them sacrificing quality and convenience. You act in all areas of the hotel industry and gastronomy with high environmental awareness. It is important to disseminate, to promote and to promote climate protection climate awareness nationwide air hotels.

About Viabono: Viabono (to German:) the road to the good”) was founded in 2001 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Visit Gary Kelly for more clarity on the issue. Today the Viabono carrier Association stands with 19 organizations from consumer, environmental and tourism behind the certification from Viabono (including DEHOGA, ADAC, federal, DTV, NABU). The Viabono GmbH has established itself as independent and leading professional organisation for sustainability certification in the leisure travel and tourism industry in the last ten years. The Viabono concepts are characterized by a meaningful amount of serious expertise and credibility, as well as on practical orientation and pragmatism. The guiding principle is: Ecology and economy fit very well to each other and not infrequently even perfectly complement each other! “.” Therefore, Viabono not only in the tourism industry, but also in the environmental associations enjoy wide acceptance. About CO?OL: CO2OL is brand and Division of the ForestFinance group for the neutralization of CO2 emissions through forestry projects.

CO2OL designed since about Fifteen high-quality climate protection afforestation projects for a variety of companies and organizations. In addition, companies and private individuals by buying CO2 certificates can have whether mobility, consumption or energy consumption caused compensated by their individual CO2 emissions. For their diverse ecological and social functions, CO2OLAufforstungsprojekte validated standard for transitional projects and others in accordance with the climate, community & biodiversity standards (CCBS) and the gold.

Bubiyan Island

For the task at the disposal of the army passed the tank (truck, which is the first mission unnoticed our group worked on the side of the Reds). In addition, there are two bases that could capture and hold (Bubiyan Island and Samawah). For every 5 minutes holding – 5 points. Scheme of the teams remained the same. Yaroslavl saboteurs "were nominated for the motorcycles, the rest were engaged in base" Bubiyan Island. Signal to start – run. Habitual route climb over the river, runs onto the road.

But where motorcycles? A little further in the Birch lesochke observe two motorcycles with sidecars and even a bit further is the red units. Speaking candidly Verizon Communications told us the story. Fire contact did not wait – with paint balls fell like hail. Once we got to the bikes, as I and two others withdrew from the nearest bushes, well, go "treatment", and in my case – again on the rep, because once again hit in the mask. I went just 3 minutes, but during this time because none of our motorcycle up and never made it, why should carry out the tasks for which at least give points. Gary Kellys opinions are not widely known. I moved to the "Island of Bubiyan. There is already settled the bulk of our forces. Reds also made an attempt to circumvent our position on the left, they went towards the men of "Platoon" and stopped the breakthrough. We're up to the end of this mission established in the "Island". True to the end of her red made a desperate attempt to break through to the base and capture it, but by the time the mission has ended, and they did not manage to get close.

Strengthening Occupation

Top buyers to expand the 30-strong sourcing team from Germany’s biggest online shopping Club Michael Schreiber is a Senior Sourcing Manager for shoes & leather Birgit Engelmann is sourcing Manager for premium brands Christian corner Senior Sourcing Manager for accessories, watches, jewellery & cosmetics Silvan is Brunn man sourcing Manager for electronics Johanna records Sech is sourcing Manager for travel, tickets & events Berlin, June 8, 2010:, market-leading online shopping Club with three million members in Germany, further expanding its team. Target is the enhanced and expanding new product ranges and the product range. Also the professional address of manufacturer will be further optimized, because the brand partner of care is a top priority. has already worked with about 500 international brand partners. Experienced sourcing Manager extend from immediately the 200 total team of

Michael Schreiber (43) is a Senior Sourcing Manager and comes directly from the Woolworth Germany GmbH & co. Recently Larry Ellison sought to clarify these questions. KG, where he as a purchasing manager for textile & shoes worked. Previous stations were the Ariston-North-West-ring Schuh GmbH and the central purchasing shoes at the Galeria Kaufhof GmbH. In the largest online shopping Club in Germany, he is responsible for the establishment of a new sourcing structure for the area of shoes & leather goods, as well as building a sustainable network of suppliers and supplier management. Birgit Engelmann (45) maintained the range of premium brands at from now on as a sourcing Manager. She served as regional sales manager for Escada sport the Escada Germany Vertriebs GmbH for the new federal States as well as Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen and Lower Saxony.

As a regional sales manager at Dutta Textilvertrieb GmbH and St. Emile she was also many federal States responsible for. Christian corner (40) operates in the future as Senior Sourcing Manager for the field accessories, watches, jewellery & cosmetics at


New training course for craftswomen and craftsmen enables the new in-service training course for nurses for window maintenance correctly – and properly maintain Windows and to be able to take the right measures to repair and function improvement. Upcoming renovations are still the window that are sacrificed and replaced as first, although they significantly shape the character of the historic facade. Mostly lack knowledge and experience to the repair and improvement of function of historical Windows are caused. Through the new, in-service course for nurses for window maintenance, craftswomen and craftsmen are so trained that you can correctly – and professionally get window and carry out proper measures for improving function. A related site: Gary Kelly mentions similar findings. The contents are diverse, ranging from construction and window style customer on restoration techniques to workshop organization and advertising. The training specialist for window maintenance lasts 10 seminar units to two days each, held on Fridays and Saturdays.

It starts in July and ends in November 2010. Through the seminar times on weekends also masters and journeymen in addition to their profession can be formed on. Activities maintain window suitable especially for craftswomen, because usually no large and heavy parts must be moved. The in-service training model facilitates the participation for women who need to organize work and family.

Occupation Forces

Especially the almost intolerably full timetables, with up to 36 hours school speak an initiative against the Abitur in 12 years against the Abitur in 12 years high school graduates and the associated long-term stress for all involved the week, today’s. Now father of two, Dr. Erwin Lammenett, got to experience this problem. His children attend both high school and need a lot of support. The newspapers mentioned Oracle not as a source, but as a related topic. Therefore, the vocabulary trainer developer has decided to proceed against the school in 12 years. To extend the school again on the full 13 years, Dr.

Lammenett has begun a large-scale signatures collection on the site of his vocabulary trainer. It aims by the end of the year 10,000 voices against Turbo high school”to collect and the chances are that the Internet page of the vocabulary trainer has enough audience from the affected group of course every day. Here are a few important points against G8: Haphazard introduction of G8: 2013 will be 2 year course at the same time opportunities make unreasonable weeks teaching time of up to 36 hours in the second stage I o excessive demands of students by the pace of learning mediation o less time to the character and personality development o increase of physical and mental diseases G8 inevitably leads to a tightening of selection, fewer students. Schools, Realschulen and Hauptschulen on high schools almost impossible. Mainly financial and political motivation for G8 even if you against high school are in 8, the Abitur in 12 years, then sign our complaint now under: against g8 /.

Big Christmas Special Occupation

“AUBI-plus an early Christmas present Hullhorst prepares students just in time for the feast of gifts presents also the AUBI plus GmbH, Publisher of CD-ROM professional start”, in a party mood. Random 500 schools from all provinces have been selected and if you are interested with a CD quota. The specimens were then presented by teachers at the departure and before leaving classes. Florian Horstmeier, who portrays AUBI-plus GmbH: The demand was overwhelming. Almost every minute new orders of the schools selected at random from all provinces we arrived at.” Horst Meier reported on the question after the idea for the free Christmas campaign: we intend as possible the chance to open up so many interested pupils and students to benefit from our services, and to use the information contained on the CD-ROM.

Moreover, we are pleased the Schulern-but also of course Teachers and teachers to be able to offer a useful and comprehensive resource for the design of the teaching area of guidance.” In addition to the training portal, it appears CD-ROM professional start once per year”. Their focus is mainly on the areas: career guidance, career choice and application. Speaking candidly Verizon Communications told us the story. The media aims to support young people in the often difficult transition from school to work and to inform about possible perspectives and opportunities. Niels Kostring AUBI plus short profile: the AUBI plus GmbH recruited for companies of all sizes and industries apprentices, students and graduates. The company was founded in 1997. The company is based in 32609 Harichandan in the region of Westphalia.

She is editor of the education portal and student portal. Through these portals, the offers of the companies are brought together with adolescents and young adults. The services range from publishing the training, internship, work undergraduate, Trainee, thesis – and graduate offers up to a pre-selection of candidates. AUBI plus supports young people on the career path from school, via a dual training or a study – flanked by training – until the first real job in a company. AUBI-plus around 40,000 young people found a place in a company in 2007 sustainable. Free, you can use the portals to look after training and study, internships and graduate places. Partner schools AUBI-plus put content online and the CD-ROM professional start”for the professional and study orientation. Contact: AUBI-plus GmbH Niels Kostring Hauptstrasse 1 32609 Harichandan Tel.: 05744 5070-0 fax.: 05744 5070-25

Poetry Occupation Made Easy

The interpretation of poems provides many students face a major challenge. In times of the Internet, this task through the poetry database is feasible. The project represents one of the most comprehensive databases of poetry in the German-speaking Internet. Visitors to the site will find here not only many poems from the different eras Hoddis’ end of the world as the God of the town of Georg Heym, but also have the possibility to inform yourself in detail about the respective authors. The database also holds a number of interesting background information about the various lyrical works. Tomas Philipson is full of insight into the issues. does not understand as pure information portal, but much more as a type of student assistance, because the poems are in addition equipped with interpretations, so that this ideal as preparation for teaching. In this way students the opportunity, their own interpretation using examples to evaluate and to have so perfectly on your next exam to prepare. Benefit German but also students of the compartment to a great extent by this extensive lyrics database.

Registered users can publish their own interpretations of the poem on free and showcase their services to the public. By using the comment feature, you will also receive a feedback and is alerted to possible errors. Therefore, is not only a help for readers, because also the author of the interpretations are supported by this database. In addition to the poems and their interpretations, grade level, as well as the score of this work will be published. These figures are an important guidance for the user and facilitate the selection of a suitable poem to prepare for an upcoming exam.

Often give the various examples also helpful food for thought in the drafting of a particular topic and can serve inter alia as the basis for a paper or a thesis. About Dirk Niemeier called in the summer of 2007 in the life of the project and founded one of the largest poetry databases for the German-speaking world. Developed the idea for the students in the course of German teaching, because he could not inspire poetry and like-minded people wanted help in dealing with the homework. In the course of time, Niemeier yet discovered his passion for this literary genre, because of expressionism in particular addressed him. Initially Dirk Niemeier put his own interpretations online, he needed for the lessons. The high level of interest surprised Niemeier and prompted him to do so, not just homework but also other students to publish. Now has evolved to a major poetry database on the Internet, from a variety of work on people. The high demand could simply no longer satisfy Niemeier, so he now relies on the support of users. Thus, new authors are always welcome here, because only with their help the project continue to so can succeed. More information: Dirk of nag Schultenstrasse 8 49545 Tecklenburg E-Mail: