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Project Summary

Despite the differences, in any business plan, the following main sections: 1. Summary of the project. 2. Model of the project. 3. Investment plan. 4. Operational plan.

5. Marketing plan. 6. Organizational plan. 7. Financial plan.

8. Analysis of the project. 9. Application. 1. Summary of the project. This is an overview of the business, which makes it possible to understand what the company wants to achieve, what its potential is how much money the project will require and how much profit it will bring. This section is drawn up after development of the entire plan. Summary summarizes the forecasts and plans, reasonable and calculated in the following sections. It's safe to say that the business plan is not to be read in full, if the resume will not be interested potential investors or partners. Must be very lucidly set out the mission (stated global objective of the company, proceeding from the need to meet consumer needs) and goals enterprises (projected results of its operations). 2. Model of the project. Development of the structural scheme of the project in the form of aggregated business processes. Implemented as a visual flow chart of commodity, financial, information flows, describing the conditions of supply, production and marketing. As a result, the project proponent should be as close as possible to imagine a project in visual form and to understand how the project will be organized in business environment and geographically (especially important for calculating the logistics of supply of raw materials, equipment, products).

Rent A Limousine For The Wedding: The Splendid Triumph

Wedding – is this an exciting event when you want to all that surrounds you, it was really unusual and festive. And this concerns not only the choice of a place where it will organize a celebration, but also the question of selection vehicles of which will be a tuple. Naturally, the focus here should be car-married. Many spouses want to ride to the registrar in a white limousine. Once it was for the majority of citizens is almost an unattainable dream, but now thanks to this service as limousine service, to take in the rolling car luxury is quite real. Moreover, the choice of model cars is truly impressive – a company can offer up to 20 models, so even the most demanding customer will find that car, which he would like.

The truth is here "but": Rent the latest models of limousines can cost twice as more expensive than cars with two or three years older. Wedding limousine is most often white. That is to say, the classic version. However, you can pick up the car and the red and black, and silver, and gold, and any other colors been here all depends on the preferences of the customer. The car can be decorated with ribbons, balloons, gold rings and fresh flowers.

With regard to the latter, it deals with a professional florist. He of such a composition, the flowers most successfully in harmony with the overall design of the car. But the interior is often not decorated, as here, and without interior furnishings corresponds solemnity event. By the way, inside the limo from a technical point of view, all equipped with the highest class. There is a plasma screen, a sliding bar, sound system, neon lights and other elements that allow to make the wedding even more romantic. At what time period ordered a limousine for your wedding? To answer this question, we need to know the conditions of service of any company. Because some firms specifies the minimum number of hours for which the machine is taken.

How Could Elect Not To Do Everything To Improve Its Impact ?

How many times have you heard say, "I have so many balls in the air, I do not know how I can keep track of them all." We might manage to keep the balls in motion, but how good our performance is really juggle? Are our movements controlled and rhythmic? Or are we merely gritting his teeth and hoping to catch the ball next before falling on the floor? I was recently talking with a colleague (we'll call Craig), which is a great achievement-oriented and well-regarded senior management. He was overwhelmed by the amount was on your plate. In addition to handling high-pressure career that had begun to pursue a bachelor's degree while he was enrolled in another certificate program. In addition, several projects in the home were also competing for your attention. Amid all this, Craig said he hoped to continue to stick with the graduate degree, despite the workload was more than he had expected. To do otherwise would be to persevere so out of character that was inconceivable to him. In the words of Craig, "would resign." As we talked, I asked Craig if he could have a more positive way of looking at options before him. Instead of seeing the decision not to do something like giving up? How could the decision be re-framed as choosing to meet other important goals? Such a decision can mean the election of the successful completion of a few key objectives, rather than fight to keep all the balls in motion.


It has guidelines and contribute to the integration of activities and visions, helping to accommodate the diversity inherent in any organization, but at the same time valuing and recognizing the experience, authority, capacity and expertise of each and, e) Learning is encouraged Collaborative, ie learning the skills of reasoning that allows people to understand, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and apply the information they handle, (Gairin, 2000). The implementation of these four axioms, the organization promotes the development of tangible activities: new ideas, innovations in programming, new management and supervisory methods and tools to change the way people perform their work and develop an enduring capacity exchange. Coinciding with the previous approach, says Diaz (2001) that organizational learning is strongly linked to organizational change, in this sense says that any change or modification due to the construction of new knowledge, culture, values, the members that make up an organization. In the same vein, Picon (1994) argues that organizational learning is related to: “Any changes to some extent the theory of action of the organization performing relatively persistent” (p. 55). Understanding that the theory of action has to do with thought-action relationship and in this sense, sees man as a being who designs his actions, implements and evaluates its consequences when adopting their designs meet their intentions consequences and modify or try to change them when you are adverse outcomes. Only if the theory of action of the organization is changed in any of its components, you can mention that the organization has learned.


In other words, a fad, something that people in organizations seem to use, but often not used. This is one of the reasons for the failure of many initiatives in enterprises. To introduce something without considering that it is feasible to generate rejection by cultural differences and, therefore, without providing the necessary actions to reduce the level of rejection. Teamwork is a management method, and if understood as such, with the difficulties and the advantages, can be a substantive tool for continuous quality improvement. The contribution of teamwork is key to improving the internal and external quality as long as properly defining the limits and scope about what we mean by quality and equipment, and how to achieve Analy Meneses reminds us, the importance of having good clear the difference between what is teamwork and teamwork., so teamwork is more related to the procedures, techniques and strategies used by a particular group of people to achieve their goals. While the task force, involving a group of people with skills and functions to be developed for the fulfillment of ultimate goals. tells us further that teamwork involves a group of people working in coordination in the implementation of a project. The team answered the final result and not every one of its members independently. Each member specializes in a particular area that affects the project. Each team member is responsible for a task and only if they all perform their function will be possible to take the project forward are also reminds us that will be remembered, that teamwork is based on the "5 c": Complementarity: each Member dominates a given parcel of the project.

Organizational Learning

Finally, the author raises, which Organizational Learning everything happens first as a learning process, and then integrated into a gestalt of the group. For its part Senge (1992), led to a theory of Organizational Learning, by relating the current humanistic management, general systems theory and information theory. He defines learning organizations as a social activity where knowledge and skills are implemented, they are criticized and are integrated as opportunities to optimize learning and effectiveness in the workplace. At the same time raises, that the learning organization people can not stop learning because learning is part of the fabric of everyday life.

In the learning organization, people enhance their ability to create what they want to create and have an ingrained philosophy for anticipating, reacting, and responding to change, complexity and uncertainty. In this way it is interpreted that the proportion to the speed at which organizations learn may become a sustainable source of competitive advantage. It raised before we can say that learning organizations are those that facilitate the learning of all its members and to continually transform to meet the demands of the environment. The key is to understand the learning as inseparable from everyday work to create spaces in which to address the problems, clarify differences, creating a sense of belonging, ownership of goals and institutional objectives. Senge (2000), focuses the study of organizational learning, in terms of its ontological dimension, at the organizational level, transcending the individual and the group. This article highlights his view of learning in organizations in a systemic perspective, considering that the key to an organization to learn, lies in the overall understanding of it and the interactions among its parts.

The Importance Of Management Skills

In the specific case of the companies we are concerned, these actors need reliable than those involving skills to operate, produce efficiently, ensuring not only survival but development, achievement and permanence of the market. What really are the skills? What is involved? Why its importance, scope, impact? It is true that states that a company decides to accept work for Powers, must work systematically to identify the competencies required by their staff, since it is almost impossible to make use of skill sets developed by other organizations. Although you can make use of the lists of generic competencies developed by different authors, the organization released no additional work to adapt and disseminate among staff, because in fact, is creating a new way of perceiving the work itself .

To determine its importance, relevance and scope, it is important to determine what is meant by responsibility in this regard is can point to some definitions that allow us to determine its scope, relevance, namely: To Boyatzis (Woodruffe, 1993) are “sets of patterns, a person must carry a charge to efficiently perform their duties and functions Ansorena Cao ( 1996): “A skill or personal attribute of the behavior of a subject, which can be defined as a characteristic of their behavior, and, under which the task-oriented behavior can be classified in a logical and reliable.” (p. 76 ) Guion (quoted in Spencer and Spencer) defined as underlying characteristics of people who suggest ways of behaving or thinking, generalize from one situation to another, and that are maintained over a reasonably long “Woodruffe (1993) are presented as “One dimension of open and gross behavior, which will allow a person to perform efficiently.” It follows as recorded by Nelson Rodriguez Trujillo: 1.


The aim of the survey was to identify the factors of motivation and demotivation of the respondents and what aspects they would find useful to learn to manage. A total of 100 surveys, of which 65% were answered by women and 35% for men aged 25-45 years. The vast majority of intermediate and management positions. This is a summary of the results: Among the factors that discourage AT WORK were identified: absence or lack of clarity of goals and workplan Bad Little recognition or co-head relations with long hours and inflexible monotony does not see results Paperwork Lack of interest or commitment to professional education of persons Mala environment Customer Dissatisfaction Chaos, disorganization among the factors that motivated at work appeared this: New Challenges Teamwork Recognition Good work environment Meeting goals and see results Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Autonomy of work well done 99% of respondents believed that gives them motivation benefits, including: Improved work performance. It helps to be more effective future perspective contributes to better face obstacles are emerging in the daily satisfaction Mayor Helps move forward and prosper is easier to go to work is reduced fatigue and better works were also asked about themes or issues that interested them learn to manage. This is the result in order of most to least important: 1) frustration 2nd) monotony 3rd) fear of failure 4) fatigue and lack of vitality 5th) anger 6th) comparisons and rivalry 7) other issues , among which are: ineffective communication, fear of public speaking, and poor time management.