The management has a good tool that lets you determine the reality of the operation, achievements of the Company, as administrative audit. Thanks to their applicability can get beneficial information that will allow efficient management. Alexis Garcia Gilbert reminds us that the administrative audit is a systematic review and evaluative of a body or part thereof, to be carried out in order to determine whether the organization is operating efficiently. Constitutes a search to locate the problems of efficiency within the organization. The administrative audit includes a review of the objectives, plans and programs of the company, its organizational structure and functions, its systems, procedures and controls, personnel and facilities of the company and the environment in which it develops, according to the operating efficiency and cost savings. The administrative audit can be conducted by the graduate in business administration and other qualified professionals, including the counter trained in public administrative disciplines or supported by other specialists. The result of the administrative audit is an opinion on the administrative efficiency of the whole company or part of it. The main problems that occur in an Administrative Audit are: Issues of Resistance: These problems occur when the Auditor meets with executives reluctant to accept the suggestions given to improve their performances, mainly by virtue of an opposition all change. This is what many scholars of the Science of Organizational Behavior called "Resistance to Change." It is very likely that in the course of an administrative audit are difficulties due to fear, distrust and reluctance to change.
The Four
Later one inclined forwards to say to me in whisper almost that was shortage the secret and terrible name of God. I inconvenienced myself before this exit and by to have allowed the old one that patraa entered house with resemblance. " It would be an impoliteness to send to the street, to undo to me of l" , I thought. They were the four and thirty of afternoon and still were much, so that the day was low-achieving listening to the deliriums of a subject owned by senility, refunfu. Was easy, said to me, we have granted him to God so many names as they have been happened to us, but we have ignored the fact that the Creator knows itself itself by which He himself has chosen. It cannot present it because it would be like dominating it, like serving to us as its essence. Now, with this knowledge, I can say that I am almost like God.
Immediately afterwards it enumerated all the nouns and names by which, memory, I have known the divinity of the universal monotheist. The list was long and in a point it got to clear certain somewhat brazen voices in unknown and secret languages. If you knew, friend mine, that the eternity can be well-known by a delicate aspiration of the air, combined with the conjunction of certain bubbling produced by the gas encounter certain, some elements and the cosmic silence turned into atonic syllable. I say that a bubble to him of saliva in its mouth, to the being burst by the air would pronounce the terrible secret. Also it can do it crepitar of an overwhelmed hepatic cell by the impiedad of liquor or the song of the most intimate and remote oquedad of the cardiac muscle when it stimulates desire, the joy or the rage to him.
The New Family
In the last few decades we are attending in the sociedadebrasileira the implantation of a new familiar standard as consequence of filhosde parents who if separate and that they are married again, the times until for more than umavez, becoming thus stepfathers and stepmothers of children and stepsons who someio-brothers and half-sisters between itself, what he results in varied degrees of parentescosadotivos. The main cause of this new familiar aspect was, indubitvelmente, the implantation of the divorce, that allows that the people tenhamnovas possibilities to search the happiness conjugal, but opens way for asfamlias formed for children of some unions. The idea of that the marriages last forever already makes passed partedo, as well as the legitimacy of the children to be subordinadainvarivelmente to the marriage Brazilian justice today privileges more the affective bows, in detriment of biological and this revolution of customs it as well as reaches not smentepais and children of diverse unions the couples homosexuals who, of ummodo general, also already they are accepted for the society, as the cabeleleirospaulistas Vasco Peter of Gamma Son, 35 years, and Jnior of oak, of 43, that they are parents of Theodora, of 5 years. They had obtained to adopt the girl have poucomais of one year. Gay in Brazil was the first case of adoption for a couple and, as it says Gamma Son, what it helped them was the change in the mentality of pessoasque, in a general way, diminuiram its preconception against the homossexualidade, what it allows them, also, that in the certificate of nascimeto of Theodora, todosos two appear as ' ' pais' ' The affection became crucial factor in the courts, it excessively quefavoreceu the couples formed for homosexuals who, now, j we teemos same rights of the couples heterosexuals, as the pension payment, aincluso in the health plans and the rights on the inheritance and the goods queeram common to the two partners, since whom she is proven the afetivaestvel union between them and in the conjugal separation, the guard of the children also changed e, instead of being always a priority of the woman, as it was old, now da part that to prove that it has better conditions, in such a way financial quantoemocionais, to create them, also being able to be established the shared guard, in which the child passes part of the week with the mother and another part with the father
National Institute
But without doubts, Alan Garci’a has a smaller social sensitivity of which I imagined. Recently he was spread by the National Institute of Statistic and Informtica (INEI), the data of poverty in Peru that reached in 2008 to 36.2% of the Peruvians. The poverty has been reduced of a too slow way for the needs that the population has. For worse, during this year, the poverty indicator will take a rest with his diet and it will be possible to be seen increasing before the strong deceleration of the economic growth product of international the financial crisis. Although, like I have mentioned previously in repeated opportunities, the lineamientos of economic policy that is taking ahead to the government of Alan Garci’a, they are right in obtaining that the Peruvian economy grows and is developed of maintained way, the lack of complementariness with actions that aim decidedly at the social thing puts in risk their sustainability. Definitively, the poverty in Peru can be a factor of social instability and conflicts.
But the lack of social sensitivity of the economic policy of the government is not limited poverty questions but it has affected the rights of the natives which untied a bloody conflict of unexpected proportions. Within the framework of the economic policy of the Peruvian government, Alan Garci’a issued the decree 1,090 that he establishes you rule for the handling of the forest resources and that, according to the natives affirm, grants licenses to private for the operation of 45 million hectares of wooded surfaces that belong to the State, with negative effects on the amazonian ethnic groups. The clear lack of political tact, did not allow the Peruvian government to previously agree the policy of operation of earth, and it can generate a hard reverse to him for the economic model. The lack of political waist in the handling of this problem the past triggered bloody protests Friday in Bagua (in the northwest of the country), where the demonstrators took like hostages to 38 police, according to The $andes.
Treasure House
To who God to touch, either institution, either people that it needs, either that master, goes and gives in House of God, its tenths and offers courts of appeals, exactly that you find that for you are not possible, therefore the more you of a God, plus you she trusts it and more blessed you are! ' ' You bring all the tenths to the house of the treasure, so that it has grocery in my house, and later you make test of me in this, says you of the Armies, if I not to open you the windows of the sky, and not to spill on you a blessing such until it does not have enough place for recolherdes.' ' Malaquias 3:10 It brings all its tenths to the House of God, also call of House of the Treasure, therefore it is the locality where God inhabits. Its tenths are so that the pregao of the Evangelho continues and to guarantee that the House of Gods continues functioning, that is, so that all the ones who search aid can get. After this, God guarantees that: – I can make test of it: he makes experience, he searchs the demonstration, the signal of God. Until other they go to perceive that you are successful in God. – God opens the windows of skies: you receive good that nor imagined that it was possible! – God spills blessings on its life: to these still leaves it blessings more supplied, most supplied, materially and also the area spiritual, therefore it still more deepens its confidence in the Creator! – God reprehends the devorador: the annihilator that makes with that you only have financial damages, that you consummate in accordance with what has, that you usufruct of the fruits of its work. God blocks all the impossibilities that the malignant one wants to place in its way! On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '
Sustainable Development
The humanity if comes across with the greater of its challenges: the sustainable, necessary development to the survival of the human being and the planet. To surpass this challenge, she is necessary to reaprender to live, to rescue universal values and spirituals (not necessarily religious) and to rethink the form as we were educated (or impolite) in our relationship with the environment, the economy and the society. According to Contemplativa Cabala, the term contemporary ' ' Sustentvel' development; ' it is, in the truth, an explained concept and defended for the old masters of this Tradition it has three a thousand years more than, called ' ' Unicidade' '. What the presencia society at this moment is the wakening of an agreement widely spread out by the cabalistas, whose basic premise is the conscience of that everything is linked, of that local actions possess global impacts. The climatic changes, for example, that they compel the humanity to rethink its behavior, are physical manifestations of what the Masters and Scholars of has a conducting wire that it establishs connection all the beings, all the plans, all the dimensions. The imminence of a world-wide collapse (ambient, social, spiritual and financier) are a pointer of the capacity of the human being to affect and to influence everything its return. Sustainable development is the capacity to rectify the disordered and mentally ill growth of the society, is the accomplishment of the Tikun Olam, used expression for the old cabalistas and masters of the Tradition that means ‘ ‘ correction of mundo’ ‘ politicians, contributors etc.
the task ours to improve the reality. The Contemplativa Cabala foca in the importance of the Education, as essential tool for a conscience change. For the cabalistas, ‘ ‘ educao’ ‘ future! Part of the premise of that human being is to be creative, gentleman of the destination and not its slave. as such, must rethink the mental models that had structuralized all the organization of a world-wide population throughout the last centuries and they had brought in them to economic, ambient and social the scene that we live deeply today. Valley the penalty to remain with same ' ' old and viciados' ' paradigms? Or it will be that we must dare to reaprender to live, in them to approach to universal values and spirituals and to recriarmos this history – our history and of our children, grandsons, greats-grandson? The answers, I leave for vocs, expensive readers
Brazilian Government
21 of April of 2007. Luciano Rodrigues Fields. As in other cases, to involve questions of limits with respect the diverse parts of the Brazilian territory, the case I specify of the current State of the Amap, also it was permeado of some events that throughout its to uncurl, had contributed to enaltecer and to consolidate then the young Brazilian Republic in its territorial aspect, but that, the conquest of this territory for Brazil, effectively starts well before initiate the republican period. However, it exists at this moment of opening of this text, an introductory contribution that would like to detach, this author is D' AMARAL, 2003, p.118, that in the opening of it I capitulate XIII, of this cited book, says the following one: Rio Branco, already then after the brightness with that if it leaves in Washington (Question of the Missions), the Ministry decided to offer a permanent legation to it. But Paranhos had escrpulos. It considered that the career demanded an independent financial position, that it was far from having. following ahead, it says: the long abandonment the one that relegates its historical studies (in the Rio Branco case), started to weigh to it.
While it thought, Rio Branco, in accepting the legation permanent, asked for authorization to the Brazilian Government to study the case of the Amap, territory partially disputed by the France, that at the moment created a situation of impasse between the two States (Brazil and France). With effect, the Ministry could not deny the authorization granted, it of good grado. in this direction, Rio Branco already has chance to study the question of the Amap throughout its historical research. The definition of the conflict was simple. After some fights, the Treated one to Utrecht makes to run the border between what later it would be the Amap and the French Guyana in the River Oiapoque, or Vicente Pinzn.
Surveys Online
By where beginning? It tries to do its investigation in line and would find companies that pay to complete a series of surveys online. It is suggested to be united to companies so that it provides a list to him of companies of survey of this type. Nevertheless, if it does, it does will have result far better. Obtn and nete to the greater amount Web sites of surveys online that can. The trick with surveys online is to put to a variety of companies that offer paid surveys online so that in truth it receives a material one constantly and a good reasonable amount of the supplies of the survey online. It finds out if there are Web sites that has signed with having directories of special interest it is very important.
It finds out if its profile can fit there. Also it looks for if there are local groups in his area to be united and to participate. It could be very exciting and a remunerated good opportunity. Asegrese of to have filled to all the offered profiles and the calls " reinforcements perfil" (if exists) in the Web site. It fills those profiles will increase his possibilities of to be selected for additional studies.
Asegrese to mark to all the Web sites that you have found and has been registered. Many Web sites of the survey have some type of accounts for their members, if it in particular has some survey completed with the company, asegrese of that knows the way and the rules of how to verify and to manage the account of their member. It is enough with reading the norms of the Web and maintaining his passwords safe. Asegrese abrir a PayPal account gratuitous since some Web sites can use PayPal to send payments. If you discover that a compensation for which it has made the presentation of the survey and will base on the drawing, it is not discouraged.
The Theory
In the center of Juazeiro he is well-known that the infrastructure is well better of what in the peripheral areas of the city. The fact of this area to receive great flow from people daily demands that its infrastructure is adjusted to support and to satisfy its visitors. Already in the peripheral areas of the city little investments had been noticed. The Theory of the Central Place, developed for CHRISTLLER (1933), is based on the beginning of the centralidade, being the space organized around main an urban nucleus, called central place. The complementary region, or entorno, possesss a relation of co-dependence with the main nucleus, for this being the place that offers urban goods and services by its very nature. The base of the theory defines that the rhythm of growth of an urban nucleus depends on the level of demand for urban services specialized on the area taken care of for the places central offices. A time that in the center (central place) of Juazeiro is disponibilizado great number of services of more varied, that is the function of an urban nucleus: to act as center of services, thus supplying to goods and services central offices, that if characterize for being of differentiated orders, generating a hierarchy of urban centers.
The visible contrast enters the cities of Juazeiro and Petrolina results of the fact of that existed there, this at the necessary moment, a decisive governmental intervention, and the municipal action in Petrolina if made more of organized and rationalized form. Juazeiro is a much more old city that Petrolina, where the urban life if made of a more spontaneous form, the configuration of the proper urban center of Juazeiro of the evidences of that the process was more natural. Then if they find sufficiently narrow streets in the center, differently of what it is perceived in Petrolina. a great differential of Petrolina, was this urban planning, inside of a project of modern city, that in the case of Juazeiro was not thus. From what it was studied for the accomplishment of this work perceives that the city of Juazeiro disclosed one varied RIO DE JANEIRO: Record, 2006; CORRA, R.L.
Constitutionalist Movement
Nevertheless, in 1906 the greatest strike of Mexico exploded in Cananea, precursor of the Mexican Revolution. A year later, the ferrocarrilero Jesus Garci’a Crown offered its life to save the town of Nacozari of a dynamite explosion. By then Francisco I. Log was against to general Porfirio Diaz and aspired to the presidency in 1910. When failing he triggered the Mexican Revolution, whose followers in Sonant were Jose Maria Maytorena, Salvador Alvarado, Youngest child G. Hill, Alvaro Obregn, Plutarco Elas Streets, Adolph of the Kitchen garden, among others. After the murder of president Madero in February of 1913, the governor of Coahuila, Venustiano Carranza, took refuge in Sonant and headed the Constitutionalist Movement, thus Hermosillo was the revolutionary capital of the country until March of the following year. Supported in the sonorenses and sinaloenses arms, he took the City of Mexico in August of 1914, with Alvaro Obregn to the front like unconquered general.
The sonorense group rebelled itself against president Carranza by means of the Dark Water Plan in April of 1920. This group took the control from the country and took to the presidency to Adolph of the Kitchen garden (1920), Alvaro Obregn (1920-1924) and Plutarco Elas Streets (1924-1928), that took firm steps for the national reconstruction. In 1929 the Renovadora, headed by the followers of assassinated elect president Alvaro Obregn comes the called revolt. The later governments established the bases for remodeling of Sonant, that became grain of Mexico in the middle of the last century, with means million irrigated hectares. Similar relevance had the cattle ranch. Already in years 60, the important industry arose in Walnuts assembly plant. In the 80, the investment of Planta Ford in Hermosillo, let grow the economy of the State, while the tourist industry expanded to our mountain range and the coast. Regional products Sonorenses original Author and source of the article.